Many people prefer to bury their heads in the sand or believe that it will never happen to them. However the facts of the matter show us a somewhat different picture:
- There are around 367,000 new cases of cancer in the UK every year
- 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
- 50% of all of those diagnosed with cancer will now live for at least 10 years
(Source: Cancer Research UK March 2020)
- Everday 460 people will die from hear or circulatory disease - Everday 180 people die of coronary heart disease - 7.4 million people in the UK are living with a cardiovascular disease (Source British Heart Foundaiton March 2020)
- There are an estimated 100,000 people living with Multiple Sclerosis in the United Kingdom and it is three times as common in women than men.
- 130 people are diagnosed with MS every week
(Source: MS UK Limited March 2020)
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