Income Protection

You Never Know What's Around The Corner

How would you continue to pay your bills if your income ceased tomorrow?

Most people have considerable financial commitments such as a mortgage or a substantial loan. Have you ever considered the need to protect these commitments financially?

For most people if their income was to cease it would be a serious problem. Whilst your employer may cover you for a period of time, after that time you will be faced with living on state benefits.

Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for an employed person is just £94.25 per week (tax year 2019/20) for the first 28 weeks but is taxable. The prospect of providing for yourself, let alone a family, on this level of income could be quite daunting and in most circumstances serious sacrifices would need to be made.

Income Protection is designed to provide peace of mind so that after a specified period the cover is payable, tax-free, until you are able to return to work or reach your selected retirement, agreed at the outset of the contract.

There are various types of cover that can be tailored to match your own needs and can even be linked to protect your pension contributions so any retirement goals are kept on track. Contact us to find out more about Income Protection.


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