Fill out the Application Information and Release section, and mail form to the Division of Quality Assurance. What Is a Certified Medication Technician? A certified medication technician, also known as a certified medication aide, helps nurses distribute and administer medication to patients. You may also have to fax the phar., do a lot of charting, and fax things to the doctor. Depending on your training, you may have additional responsibilities. The minimum requirement to become a medication technician is a high school diploma, although some employers may require an accredited certification, such as a certified medical technician designation, or a postsecondary degree in pharmacy technology. In most nursing facilities, the medication is given when the nursing staff member completes what is known as a “med pass”. Unlike the CNAs your resdients should be able to do a little more for themselves though. Medication Administration in Nursing Homes Medication administration in nursing homes is often consid-ered a simple task of “passing medications.” However, in real-ity medication administration is a complex process requiring many interactions of specific decisions and actions (Kaushal et al., 2001). The Job Description of a Certified Medication Aide. Many states require prospective medication technicians to be registered and employed as nurse aides or certified nursing assistants (CNAs). A “medication technician” must be a current nurse’s aide and have maintained good standing for at least 2 years, must be recommended by the director of nursing at the facility at which the nurse’s aide is employed, must Aides typically assist patients in properly taking oral, topical or intravenous medications in … Med Tech training classes are Nationally Approved and meets new 2019 requirements to become a Certified by choosing our 6 Hr Med Tech Training Class. The Administration of Medication in the Nursing Home. As the baby boom generation ages, nursing homes and other long-term care facilities will be tested in their ability to provide care. The same things as CNA plus passing meds. Our Online Med Tech Training is designed for unlicensed students to assist patients in Home Care and Assisted Living settings with self-administration of medications. You may work in a nursing home, a long-term care facility or a residential care home. A medication aide, also referred to as a medical technician, distributes patient medications in nursing homes, schools, correctional facilities or non-hospital assisted-living facilities.Medication aides usually are directly supervised by doctors or other licensed caretakers. Medication Technician Education and Training. Medical technicians, also called med techs, nursing aides and nursing assistants, work closely with nurses to provide quality care for patients. Step 1: Become a Certified Nursing Assistant. The med tech job description includes bathing and dressing patients, serving their meals and assisting them with toileting. This is the term used when describing the process of dispensing medication to nursing facility residents according to order. Individuals who wish to be a medication aide for nursing homes and may meet a training exemption should review and complete the Challenge Exam Application. Nurse aides who have been medication aides in nursing homes in other states.