When are they from, what are they? Amare first year there he was on fire. But I do see they got my boy Keith Van Horn! This is a multi-functional trainer for NBA 2K18 PC version that allows you to modify certain values in the game including game settings, attributes, badges, hotzones, tendencies, accessories, skills, animations etc. In this video I basically discuss my opinion of the final healthy roster of NBA 2K18.Thanks for all the support on this series. God...I REALLY hope that they let PNO players be able to customize their "team" and take them online. Cassell.. By choice I guess. Then injuries took over. I cant believe "Sonics" (Thunder) Ray Allen is a 95 while Bucks Ray Allen is only a 90. This is why I am praying 2k will donate a million to the retired players association. I agree... at least with the big name guys. Close enough? Overall, this is excellent though. Wish that Bobby Jones, Moses Malone and Andrew Toney were available for the Sixers (Part of one of the greatest Sixers teams ever 83) but I understand the business side of licensing and video games. Because in NBA2K18, you don't just play the Downloadable official roster updates for NBA 2K18. I was wrong, playing a season with the all-time rosters (if possible) can actually be a lot of fun. But some players will need swapped, ratings changed, shots fixed, etc.. but at least with this roster most of the work is already there. A totally math based ranking system if each team. I don't care what the haters and complainers say about these teams. Alright, I know I said OVRs aren't that serious for these all time teams.. Mutombo not on the All-Time Nuggets team? He is not an 85 even in his prime. 2K is a really s***ty developer. I guess this means they didn't get the rights to antawn Jamison either? Check out the standings and... Enthusiast Gaming, Inc. | All Rights Reserved | Terms of Service, a little bummed i didn't see Rashad Wallace but other than that very dope. NBA 2K18 Xbox 360 'Summer Ultimate' Roster Download A hub for everything related to NBA 2K18 modding. Ratings updated. Funny seeing people on FB completely oblivious. Hahaha my bad, it didn't come up in my search on the Visual Concepts site aside from the Hawks. Like Kevin Johnson is a 90 on the 2k facebook link, and not an 88. Plus, Buck Williams! He's the "original Sun" for god's sake. Steve Kerr in his peak is lower than an 81 and BJ Armstrong is not an 85 at his peak lol. Aside from Reggie and Rasheed not being in I'm very satisfied. Deron Williams is on the All time Nets Roster? will all time teams be playable in team up? your opinion, My Edits to Make Quarterbacks Very Mobile in Madden 21, DIRT 5 Energy Content Pack Video & Patch Notes For Update 3.00, Golden Tee PGA TOUR Edition Arcade Game Releases This Spring, Monster Truck Championship Coming to Next-Gen on March 16, Blizzard reveals more details on Overwatch 2 story mode, co-op content, BlizzConline announces Hearthstone Mercenaries, Forged in the Barrens expansion and more, SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium gets faithful port on Nintendo Switch, Blizzard reveals two new Overwatch 2 maps, redesign tank and support role, Cloud9 Jack gets into it on Reddit with fans over import rule, Envy Gaming signs Warzone streamer and tournament winner BobbyPoff, Shopify forms Rebellion and signs StarCraft II pro Scarlett, NBA 2K18 All-Time rosters for all 30 NBA teams, http://www.gameinformer.com/games/nb...ampaign=buffer, http://www.operationsports.com/nba-2k18-mygm-myleague-details-screenshots/, http://uproxx.com/dimemag/nba-2k18-all-time-teams-rankings-lakers-celtics-warriors-bulls-thunder-knicks/amp/, http://uproxx.com/dimemag/nba-2k18-all-time-teams-rankings-lakers-celtics-warriors-bulls-thunder-knicks/, NBA 2K21 Roster Update Available Today - Full Details Here (2-18), 2021 NBA 2K League Draft is Set For March 13, NBA 2K21 Patches Arrive on Current and Next Gen Today - Patch Notes, NBA 2K21 Roster Update Available Today - Full Details Here (2-4), A Look at All of the NBA 2K18 Classic Teams Available This Year.