On the surface, it will seem like she is taking the lead in the relationship. A Man with Venus in Scorpio is looking for love, but also wants to be a cautious observer can seem like a bit of a paradox. Here is a look at the Venus in Scorpio woman and Venus in Scorpio man. The Venus Scorpio man is one of the most sexual of the zodiac signs. These two are likely to share a dark sense of humor. November 14, 2017. Venus in Scorpio is truth and honesty and loyalty and intense compulsion. Those nagging thoughts that we’ve been pushing aside to make peace? Venus in Scorpio will find this containment calming. In synastry, if a man's Venus is conjunct a woman's Mars, there will almost always be a role reversal between them on some level. Its emphasis on tradition and structure, however, can contain the excesses of Venus in Scorpio. The attraction between the two of you is magnetic, deeply felt, and has the potential to withstand the test of time if other factors in synastry support it. A Venus In Scorpio Man Is Super Intense, But Here's How You Can Keep Up. Venus in Libra was all about partnership, appearances, beauty and charm. This is not purposeful deception on his part, rather just an attribute of his many-faceted Zodiac chart. Venus in Capricorn also believes in hard work. They may like to partake in sex with many different people regardless of being in a relationship. On the other hand, she will want to please him and will often go to great efforts to do so. To get Leo, ascendant, Venus might make the native glow and earn well from it. Venus in this sign for the ascendant of Scorpio will be especially bad. The native will probably be rich and placed if the ascendant is Virgo. The Venus we saw in Libra was a milk chocolate girl- sweet and pretty with a lovely texture and melt in the mouth soft centre. In fact, the love you give is rather similar, and your Venus in Scorpio lover doesn’t fear closeness and intimacy—they live for it! Venus in Scorpio Woman The real aspect of your astrology chart that determines your "love sign" is the placement of Venus. Venus in this sign for Cancer ascendant might be troublesome to the mother of the indigenous. This line from Lady Gagas’ Bad Romance sum up Venus in Scorpio perfectly. Venus in Scorpio is a time when we’ll want to shine a light on the shadows of our relationships. If Venus was in Scorpio when you were born, this is, essentially, your love style. Well, they become impossible to ignore when Venus and Scorpio get together. You might feel that he is hard to read, and you would be correct. When it comes to compatibility astrology, the best partners for Venus in Scorpio people are those with strong, stable Venus in earth positions, or sometimes fellow Venus in water sign people. It will be affected by other things in your chart, but be assured you will definitely have that powerful Scorpio energy available to you. These people prefer a small number of deep relationships, in which they tend to give their all, rather than a large number of superficial and relatively meaningless ones. It’s a time to go beneath the surface, find the truth, and hold it up to the light of day. Unlike the Venus in Scorpio woman, who sees sex as something you do with your partner, the Venus in Scorpio male sees sex as something you do for fun. Man's Venus Conjunct Woman's Mars Relationship. VENUS IN SCORPIO RELATING STYLE: The relating style of Venus in Scorpio is emotionally intense, strongly committed, and often rather obsessive. Meanwhile, Venus in Scorpio will provide Venus in Capricorn with just enough excitement and color. Romantic passions may run high and possibly manifest in the form of obsession and a desire to control and possess. By Rosey Baker. Venus fosters cooperation and reconciliation and a willingness to let go of some negative and vindictive emotion.