Animal testing is not necessarily helpful to humans. Thank you! [Accessed February 2021], Zamawe C, et. I tend to get nauseous if I drink it in the morning. She completed her Master’s degree in Nutrition and Public Health at Teachers College, Columbia University. Did you take capsules? I don’t have any research to give you but I can’t image it wouldn’t help. What is Raspberry Leaf Tea? delivery was traumatic and baby had seizures and I had a very long recovery. Teas like this don’t contain raspberry leaf at all and thus won’t offer any of the potential benefits of RRLT outlined in this article. Just make sure the RRLT you are buying is of good quality. Evaluating Traditional Chinese Medicine and Herbal Products for the Treatment of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. I know this isn’t going to help you now but in the future it may. My dr is planning on inducing me at week 39 because last delivery I was two weeks late and delivered a beautiful 10 pound baby. Like how many mg per day? I wish I knew about it with my 1st one!! You do need to eat healthy and just eat when you are hungry as you are not eating for 2 (u only need 200-300 more calories which can be done by just having an extra glass.of milk) and using RRLT definately does help…. My testimonial is up there somewhere (July 19). Since I had a C-Section 11 years ago, I am a little scared of suffering an uterine rupture. I am 38 weeks and 5days. I would do double brew ð Congrats mama! My wild raspberries are black (not blackberries, but true black raspberries) and their leaves are just as effective in the tea. American Pregnancy Association. I absolutely and completely believe the strength the tea gave my body in preparation for my little girl’s arrival was incredibly amazing and praise rrl for my beautiful labor and delivery. It's possible raspberry leaf tea may also be problematic for women with gestational diabetes. I might not take so much with this pregnancy ð. I never overbled. I’m going to be ordering the recommended tea today in hopes that starting so early will help. I’ve read that’s because of a bacteria that can cause infants problems (reasoning for no honey to children under 1 year.) After reading about miscarriage in your book, Genevieve’s doula, Maura Winkler said it was good during a miscarriage to help aid in Contractions and delivery if the placenta. I was amazed and as happy as ever! This stuff works but don’t go stream with it. Will the baby and I be safe if I start at now? Maura Winkler, CNM, CD, IBCLC is a Certified Nurse Midwife, Registered Nurse, Certified Doula, Board Certified Lactation Consultant, wife and mother of two. Good luck! But later that evening i started feeling somewhat of a cramp. How many teabags would you recommend for the labor day tea? Raspberry Leaf Tea For Labor . Definitely something to think about. God has used you to help rid me of my fears and doubts! I’m pregnant again 2 years later. When the new date passed they scheduled me to be induced. The doses in the study that were used are higher than what humans typically consume but the authors, never the less, express some concern that red raspberry leaf during pregnancy ⦠Where can i get the tea in South Africa? Still I think the tea probably helped get and keep things going. Im already 36 weeks pregnant.. im drinking 1 mug of rrtl everyday. Wonderful leaf The creator made for us especially women ??? I add hibiscus to mine which has a fruity somewhat tart flavor. The heart palpitations I get just aren’t worth it. Raspberry leaf tea is an herbal tea made from the leaves of the raspberry plant and has been used throughout history for uterine and pregnancy health. I’ve had both in significant doses and it only provided relief. I am saying this to say it probably had nothing to do with the tea. I drank red raspberry leaf tea during my first pregnancy! I am also 39.2 weeks, except i’m trying to get her out before the weekend ð I will be doing acupuncture for labor induction tomorrow, followed by a long walk while sipping on labor tea. I don’t see the red raspberry tea on mountain rose’s site. The last month of my pregnancy I tried to drink 2 to 3 cups every day here and there, but never skipped my daily 1 cup of tea routine. I’m 28 weeks pregnant and I want to start drinking it but I’m worried I’ll go into labor too soon. If that helps ð. My first birth was pretty easy, in my opinion. I am about to start drinking raspberry leaf tea today. I am looking for the Labor Day tea. The pregnancy I did drink it, I had the longest, most excruciating, difficult labor. I would recommend making 2 or 3 thermoses just in case. You should be fine to continue drinking it until baby arrives. Red Raspberry leaf is high in vitamins C, E, B complex, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, niacin, magnesium, and manganese. Has anyone ever heard of this situation? Start drinking it right away! This is a herbal tea that is used, especially in the western countries, for relieving health problems and minor complications during pregnancy. Do what makes sense for you and your body. The only thing that comes close are those who claim the tea didn’t work for them, but went on to have a normal, more average-lengthed, labor. I recommend starting the tea in your second trimester so you should be good to go! I would love to have your experience! Can someone explain? Red raspberry leaf has many other benefits to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum too. I had horrible Braxton hix cramping awful my Dr. Was the one who recommended red raspberry. I will be 31 weeks Friday and have been drinking one cup of nettle leaf tea every once in awhile before going to bed. A fast labor and smooth delivery/recovery – not necessarily ALL because of the tea, but I do believe it played an important role in getting my uterus ready for the big day. Most of the stuff from regular stores are no good and cut with rice Syrup and not labeled as such. I started to drink RLT during my first pregnancy around 32 weeks, and the same day I got my first Braxton Hicks! I had 78 hours of labor (yep, you read that right) but thankfully only pushed for 22 minutes. Unfortunately it took 33. Thank you for your site/sight – it is much appreciated. -thank you for all of your posts, they have encouraged me to go all natural into my labor where as before I was still struggling with deciding. Give it a try and see if you might like it ð I like it iced better than hot. Every Thursday I send an email with three quick tips to brighten your day and help you and your family lead a more natural life. We have been TTC since 2012, had a miscarriage in 2014 and just completed IVF implantation 2 weeks ago. Two days before scheduled C-section, I plan to do Labor day tea. Hi Vanessa, I’ve been taking the herb free Megafood Baby & Me 2 my entire pregnancy, I’m due October 20th. has all of the same ingredients as the recipe for the tea blend shown at the end of this article. I don’t really think anything can prepare you for the reality of birth. And avoid the ones with tea bags (as most tea bags contains pesticides and bleach) and just buy the lose leaf form. I have the same concerns. No tearing. 20 minutes later to be exact! I can’t say if it helps with labor, I had a c-section because my baby was breech. No epidural and fairly easy recovery. What time of the day should I drink it? 2020. It seems super diluted? I wish I could have said it was effective but my contractions lacked the strength, something I had hoped RRL tea would help my utuers to build during the months I drank it. Bless you and your family! Thank you so much! Would you recommend taking a Break after a certain amount of days? I am very in tune with my body and the “contraction” is not in my uterus, but in my stomach area. I didn’t drink RRLT last time. I’m gagging it down. but hopefully it will help to stimulate my overdue baby ð wish me luck…. Or should I start it almost at the end? I personally prefer to drink it either at lunch or before bed. Undated. I took the tea at 28 weeks and drank it once a day every morning and upped the tea by 2 cups after two weeks. Thanks Thanks! Also did you get any tear from this birth? One tea pack work fine for me and keeping me fresh. The capsules did wonders for me. When should I start drinking it? If you have fresh you may want to pack it. It happened during my very next cycle which shocked me at how fast it worked!!! Genevieve, my question is about red raspberry leaf tea and fertility. It is use for so many other good reasons like strengthening uterine muscles, keeping endo system in great shape, keepijg hormones in check and giving your body and baby loads of antioxidants and nutrients. This is my first pregnancy and I am drinking RRLT as recommended by my Mother. You had a previous labor that lasted three hours or less. Great learning about all the health benefits of red raspberry tea. When is the best time to start taking Raspberry Leaf? when do i increase? This was the result I was banking on with my next pregnancy. Increase to 2 cups in second tri. There is a major flaw with the study: the researchers are attempting to draw conclusions from a sample size of 40 rats! do you recommend the traditional medicinal’s pregnancy tea or is it better to just drink the RRL tea straight. There is no simple answer to this question. I started drinking it as they say somewhere like 32-34 weeks and after 4 days of just one cup per day I swear I nearly went into labor – I had near constant contractions that lasted all night and morning, had to take an epsom bath and do my meditations to make them go away. Thanks for the great article and recipes. And my prodromal started at 34 weeks, so I’m glad it was just prodromal and not preterm labor. The few studies that do exist aren't large enough to prove that the tea is helpful during pregnancy or labor, or to discount possible negative side effects. I haven’t used rapberry leaf tea much but was advised to start taking it by a midwife even though I was 38 weeks along with my 8th child. Her Dr. is wanting to induce if she has not gone prior to 40 weeks. It’s such a cost savings. thanks. It has all of the best information you could possibly have gathered. Thanks for sharing such an interesting and informative piece. I have been noticing some contractions since Sunday when I started my 3cups a day. (I didn’t do the dates last time either, ugh!) What red raspberry leaf teas do I recommend? I have a question: I have a mixture of elderberry, hibiscus, red currant and cranberries ( all 100% organic). Seems like the benefit outweighs any potential harm and baby ya full grown. I’m 29 weeks… also drinking the tea for the sugar reduction benefit… This is my 2nd child… How much should I be drinking? Can you post a link for it please? With my first pregnancy, I remember my midwife recommending red raspberry leaf tea. Do you continue to drink the tea while breastfeeding? That’s a bummer. I will definitely see about talking to my healthcare provider about possibly trying out this tea. Thank you! [Accessed February 2021], Ferlemi, A. and Lamari, F. 2016. Can someone please let me know how to use RRLT (and any other thing in existence) to boost supply?? I drink a cup of red raspberry leaf tea every night throughout my pregnancy. This stuff worked too well. At 9 p.m I took a chance and went to the hospital, I really thought that they would sent me back home. This was my first experience with meditation and I highly recommend it. Does it really work? I’m 32 weeks and this is my first baby. Raspberry leaf and its effect on labour: safety and efficacy. So far so good, I planned to start on a cup a day for a while but I didn’t feel any effects or cramps so I drank 2 cups yesterday, 2 cups today. Hello! Iâll update! The taste is great with just the herbs. Hi! I did have a miscarriage last year before this baby was conceived but at 7 weeks gestation was when we lost our baby. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor or midwife before taking any herbal supplement during pregnancy, including red raspberry tea. Hello. Thanks! I only started drinking this tea two weeks ago and had a cup yesterday morning. I just wanted to comment that 250 mg is a low dose. Hi! Hello Sofia! After that I heard of Red Rasp. They said because it was good for menstruation (relaxing the uterus) doesn’t mean it’s good for labor and to avoid it like the plague… Needless to say, my sis in law is terrified of it now even with all the research suggesting it helps. How much did you drink? It’s amazing stuff! I listened and tried a cup a few days later. If you’re facing an induction, a few days leading up to the induction as well as your induction date can help. With my second child and first pregnancy I drank the tea, I did have a placenta that was attached to the cord on the outside and the cord broke. I’m a 33 week mother from Asia and I’m always told by my doctors that to follow your body’s signals, no matter it’s pelvis exercise, daily diet or any other code of conducts, always believe your body and uterus can tell what’s best for you and your baby, I’m so sorry about your first baby loss ð I have a very similar story. You might check with them. Did it naturally, was only at the hospital for 2 hours, pushed 20 minutes. What a difference! Some doctors and midwives advise against taking anything that could interfere with labor, especially if, like raspberry leaf tea, it hasn't been well studied. I drank red raspberry leaf tea 2nd and 3rd trimesters of my first pregnancy. My doctor was surprised at how easy it was for my first baby. I literally just heard about this for the first time 2 days ago, but I’m hoping I’m not too late! Another woman took the strong brew in the hospital parking lot because she thought the staff would take it away from her. Some experts worry the stimulating effects of the tea on the uterus could cause a miscarriage early in pregnancy. Since I have been doing cod liver oil that covered A and D. I also took a zinc pill on occasion (I usually took the Bs, cod liver and zinc at the same time of day (morning)). Can you provide the labor day recipe please. Iâm am 34 weeks and 5 days I had been drinking the tea since 31 weeks pregnant I went to the doctor and they check me I am 1 cm dilated is ok for me to continue to drink the tea, I drank the tea and took the capsules with my first baby. My midwife was able to deliver the placenta anyway but with more effort. for me as RT does help with the pushing out part, bleeding and general well being of baby and the mum. Especially thank you for the coconut milk and honey recipe. You can use it at your own discretion. If the tea is already stimulating your uterus, it is probably a good idea to wait till youâre further along before starting the tea again. There is no simple answer to this question. Its really amazing of these nature plants and its usefulness. DO YOU JUST TAKE IT IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER Has less effect on your blood sugar levels. I highly recommend this tea. It seems like a shame if this was the cause….a tea that I could have lived without. My daughter is 39.5 weeks. It should be the same thing! I let it simmer for 10 minutes and add just a bit of honey to my tea. Baby girl was born after only a 4.5 hour labor which is pretty crazy for a first baby! Thank you and I thoroughly enjoy all of your information! How soon after drinking the Labor Day tea did you go into labor? Sorry just curious. I’ve taken it from 36 weeks ( recommended time to begin here in Australia) for my last 2 pregnancies and highly recommend. or Wild Tea #20? Rats would probably never eat raspberry leaves if not forced. Given your struggles getting pregnant I would follow your gynae’s instructions on this one and not be sold on these ‘herbal’ miracle medicines. The “red” part is not the most important with raspberry leaf tea. Drank 3-4 more quarts while I waited for labor to begin and in early labor. It’s 240 mg (4 tablets): Nurturing Prenatal Blend > RRL, Ginger Root, Chamomile, Dandelion Leaf and Root, Spinach. My first born is now 26 and is 34 weeks pregnant and about to start drinking it! I cannot promote this tea enough for.women in general!! As i found it quite easy to drink as it has a freshness to it like earthy and herbal taste which is perfectly easy to drink(i use my leaves atleast 2 times b4 throwing them out by pouring more hot water in) Avoid stretching? There’s a difference between raspberry flavored tea and red raspberry leaf tea. I calmly explained to my grandmother that it was time to have a baby and I’ll send along some photos soon. Baby was overdue and I had to be induced with a half dose of cytotec, but labor lasted less than 8 hours and went by very quickly. I feel mild contracting about 20 mins afterwards, but sit still until it passes. I’ve been drinking plain RRLT with no issue but that Labour Day tea is tough for me to get down. Hi, Iâm 37 weeks. I basically was given the option of being admitted or going home but I opted to stay so they can monitor the baby. I’ll continue drinking it now that there are no adverse side effects. I just tried to do the labour day tea… I must say by far its the most disgusting thing I have ever had in my mouth LOL! Drank it while I was TTC ( conceived super fast) and I am now 5w pregnant and don’t know whether I can still drink it or not. Can i get that. Or drink just the two strong cups I have left? I will b getting induced on 19th Nov. Can I start with the labor tea? I would love to add that to the tea (as I’m not a huge fan of the taste and think honey could do a lot to improve it) BUT my OBGYN said NO HONEY! My doctor was amazed and began to recommend the tea to all her patients. If red raspberry leaf does stimulate the uterine muscles, it could ⦠I don’t know what else to do except w it and keep contracting. I have a box of 20 raspberry tea hot tea bag. And Im hoping it will give me this supernatural birth you speak of! My prenatal (MegaFood Baby & Me) has Red Raspberry leaf in it. I’m 34 weeks and my doula just recommended drinking RRL tea. Not sure about other hospitals but I was able to get those wireless heartbeat monitors placed on my belly so I wasnât hooked up into a machine or anything so i can roam around freely. The doctors and nurses were all shocked as to how quick I went into delivery from the moment I walked in. My recoop has always been quick. The leaves from the red raspberry plant (which is known for its sweet berries) are used to make this tea. And, in fact, quality research on red raspberry leaf tea is limited. My water broke when I was on the exam table doing an initial monitoring, and up until then the 2 hours of light contractions were no big deal at all. Or you can order online by following this post’s link. Thank you! Hello all, I have a question, I am pretty sure that many other mommas have asked this before, but I was just wondering, since this is my 2nd pregnancy and the first one was a C-section and I am planning to go for a VBAC. Midwives, ob-gyns and plenty of plenty of women have all sorts of opinions on whether drinking red raspberry leaf tea benefits the pregnancy. You can also add 1 part peppermint leaf for help with nausea during early pregnancy. Do you think it’s as effective when eaten as a powder supplement? [Accessed February 2021], Parsons M., et. Anyway, going into labor at 35 weeks was scary, but oh my goodness was that labor AMAZING! Hi Sophia! I can’t find it anywhere on here. Is this something you recommend keeping up until active labor begins? I am currently 39 weeks and 3 days, waiting patiently :-). Whereas, the conventional wisdom in the crunchy community says to wait until your second trimester to drink red raspberry leaf tea, and do so at a dosage recommended on the package. Congrats dear.. But after 3rd baby, what I wasn’t prepared for was the afterbirth pain (I later learned that it increases with each baby). Im not finding the Labor Day recipe. Will it be okay to drink such high concentration of the tea since shes not drinked the RRLT before? I was 11 weeks pregnant, but today 5-8-2017, I had a miscarriage. Red raspberry leaf tea can also help ease a pet’s stomach upset when he is eating something he shouldn’t have. I think there are a few caveats to using it effectively – start early and drink it often. Im 39 weeks pregnant and if i don’t progress by next tuesday they will induce and this is the only thing i haven’t tried. This was my First baby and I went 2 week over due. Any how, after reading this article I am tempted to try sipping some raspberry leaf tea to strengthen. If the contractions aren’t in your uterus could it be a muscle spasm? For the ice cubes, I just made the Labor Day Tea recipe that is outlined above in the post. You should be fine but check with your midwife if you’re concerned. Would RRLT be safe with this risk? I used a quality capsule. Most honey is cut and coming from China, there are documentaries on this, check Netflix, real raw local honey from your local beekeeper. My suggestion is if you plan on getting the epidural to get to the hospital quickly after labor starts and ask for it right away. I eat pineapple to start labor, inserted evening primrose oil and did deep squats while pushing like in labour, and i think that helped the most for starting labour. Are you sure you sniffed the RLT ? Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: Uses during pregnancy - How much to consume for Labour induction/support during your third trimester. When did you start the labor tea? I had a wonderful natural birth but struggled seriously with breastmilk supply and after 3 lactation consultants, 2 different breast pumps, fenugreek, fennel essential oil, go-lacta powder, mother’s milk tea, and even the controversial domperidone, (and everything else you could possibly imagine) STILL had to supplement because i wasn’t producing nearly enough for my little lady. I was extremely thankful that I was at a hospital and my baby was in good hands. Now that I’m 32 weeks with my 4th (and final) child, I’ll be starting my rrl regimen next week just to be safe. Side note: I started drinking red raspberry leaf tea at 14 weeks. I can not say it was a pain free labor and delivery, as my labor progressed very fast and my contractions were close together and very intense. When do I start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea during pregnancy? I continued drinking the strong tea after birth and I think it helped my uterus contract back to where it was – I had a lot of relatively strong contractions for a week or so after birth and my tummy got back down so I didn’t look pregnant anymore very quickly. I think it’s healthy, I drink it until now, taste is very good, but it doesn’t help everyone. Thank you! I just ordered a pound of loose leaves .. I’m planning on trying to stay home as long as possible before going to the hospital lol I am absolutely terrified of giving birth so I’m hoping this could still help! Is it effective? I’ve started having Braxton Hicks contractions already (happened the same with my last pregnancy) but I was wondering if it would still be okay to try drinking the tea now. And at 39 weeks my OB sent me home that morning at a whopping 7 cm!! Hi. We researched natural ways to induce and come across this site. Second pregnancy I ate at least three whole pineapples to get things started. I have been looking all over please assist. I did somebody research on RRL while I was pregnant with my first baby and I decided to drink it. In 25 years of natural birthing, I’ve never heard any medical professional worry about honey. I’m also 34 weeks now and hopefully I manage forcing myself to drink it at least 2 times a day, because right now I only do it in the evening ð I’m assuming since I really don’t have anything, testing wise, that I need to worry about, the tea should be fine for me to drink at this point, right? Some experts advise against drinking it. Iâm a first time mom and gave birth to my son naturally on 8/29/18 – 7 lb, 6 oz and 19 in long. I read somewhere to drink the entire liter of Labor Day tea all at once when contractions get strong or as soon as water breaks. While a couple of small studies found no safety concerns among pregnant women who consumed raspberry leaf in tea or tablet form during pregnancy, a recent analysis of 74 published studies on herbal medicine use in pregnancy found that raspberry leaf consumption was associated with higher risk of cesarean delivery. In humans, there are some encouraging studies…, In rats, the evidence isn’t as favorable…. We are so similar! Will I get the same benefits from the reD raspberry leaf capsules? WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO. Again all I felt was mild cramps. It also strengthens the uterine wall, which increases the likelihood of an embryo ⦠Leaf tea, which I got wild-picked from a homestead and drank religiously during my next pregnancy. Do you know anything about this? Watch for any uterine cramping or other reactions. The tea recommended on this page has 1500 mg per tea bag, so I think it would be fine to take the prenatal and then when 2nd or 3rd trimester roles around start using the tea too. There is not much research on the benefits of red raspberry leaf tea. The RRLT was my afternoon ritual… 16 ounces of warm tea mixed with coconut milk. This concoction is very healthy as it contains not only the health benefits of the raspberry plant, but also some more nutrients that come from mixing its leaves with warm water that is already well known as a soothing agent for the belly. You're having a c-section, or you've had a caesarean section before. I would continue drinking after birth for good milk production and to help with after birth. I lost 2 babies from a weak cervix. Pregnant with number two, and going to do that again. Iâve already been getting a ton of Braxton Hicks, and am kind of paranoid this will jump start something that Iâm not ready to have jumpstarted. I did have complications and hemorrhaging after, but my doctor only sees a case like mine once every couple of years and believes that I will be just fine for my next baby. Once I started drinking the tea during and after birth (or after miscarriage), the amount of bleeding and time of bleeding was dramatically reduced (from about 8 weeks to about 2 weeks). Thank you! I don’t think it will hurt either so why not? I have lost less blood than before and I healed quicker than before. 37 weeks i was dilated at 4 close to 5 cm – 38 weeks a 6 cm. Then the pain when nursing the baby for weeks afterwards was like labor all over again. I started drinking RLT from menstruation to ovulation while TTC! Good luck! But well it happened it was suppose to be this way. For the labour tea using teabags , how do i do it? Is there somewhere I can find the old version of this article? I am about 25 weeks along and started drinking 1cup/day 4 days ago. I’m thinking I’ll go overdue with this one, but we’ll see! Forgot to mention that I would drink it with meals and I would still get nauseous ð. I had an allergic reaction to the gel induction at 42 weeks last pregnancy & had a horrific labour that ended in a ruptured placenta & manual removal.