They have the highest mental strength / TP potential of any class. There are several kinds of Techs. This page was last edited on 21 November 2020, at 21:22. Unleashes a vortex of wind. The maximum number of "passes" is 14 times. A character can craft custom discs using PA fragments (T-ATK) and meseta. With no valid target, Sazan's max range is 11M. PSO-World is the world's largest Phantasy Star community website offering discussion forums, guides, and news for online Phantasy Star games. Ice, as its name implies, causes the freezing status effect. Each projectile can do one hit per mob per "pass". The EM starts with … Only Techer, Force, Bouncer, Summoner, and Hero can use Techs. The listed power assumes all 3 charged projectiles hitting one target. 1 hit uncharged 2. Lifts enemies up into the air (those that can be lifted). With no valid target, its maximum cast range is about 30M. Both Force's Bolt Mastery and Techter's Wind Mastery skills apply to this tech - Bolt Mastery applies to the lightning portion, and Wind Mastery applies to the rushing portion. Intermediate wind technique. 1 General Info 2 Apostles 2.1 Strategy 3 Dark Falz Loser 3.1 Loser's Attacks 3.2 Strategy The EM lasts for one hour and consists of two parts: Black Winged Apostles and Dark Falz Loser. Can also hit locked-on enemies behind a wall. Assails a target with razor-sharp boomerangs of wind. Techniques are offensive magic-like abilities in the form of equippable chips in Phantasy Star Online 2 es. Techniques are the use of photons in the atmosphere to create "magic". Both Force's Bolt Mastery and Techter's Wind Mastery skills apply to this tech - Bolt Mastery applies to the lightning portion, and Wind Mastery applies to the rushing portion. You can also increase the mirage rate to make it more effective against Loser, if you wish. In general though, Techs usually 1) shoot out from you or where a talis is thrown, 2) affect an area around you … Manipulates the surrounding air pressure to launch a tornado which draws enemies into its center. The wind speed is estimated using neural networks, and further, using the estimated wind speed and knowledge of optima l TSR, the optimal rotor speed command is computed. The sphere's range is quite wide in comparison to what the animation displays. Lifts enemies up into the air (those that can be lifted). Custom Type 1: Power +0 ~ +173 Uncharged is half that. Places a whirlwind in front of you that draws enemies in, while cutting them with blades of wind. Only Techer, Force, Bouncer, Summoner, and Hero can use Techs. Cast a ball of wind that hits multiple times. Range is effectively melee range, similar to what you would get out of a Gunblade slash. 集中のナ・ザンレシピ1 Concentrated Nazan Recipe 1 Charge Time -0.20 sec. So Burn Draal can drop a Lv.16 Safoie disc if you're lucky, but a Vol Dragon can only drop a Lv.10 Safoie disc at max no matter what. The field stays for about 1.5s if uncharged, 5.5s if charged. This wiki is for the Japanese servers only. As Techer you want to make your wand whacks as strong as you can. Fires one blade when uncharged, three when charged. Specifically Shifta, Deband, Zanverse, Resta, Anti, and Megiverse share this behavior. When cast, Zanverse summons a circle of wind energy. Has unlimited range if free-aimed. The listed power assumes all 3 charged projectiles hitting one target. 26-43. 1.1. Uncharged is half that. By the time my Ranger was about level 22, I finally decided to venture … For example, the 4x damage multiplier on. Collect Your Titles! When released, simply add 20 to the chip's level to determine the new max level. wind-thermal power random multi-objective scheduling, obtains each time more close to the actual situation of the power generation plan, to access a fairly large wind power system scheduling plan has practical reference significance. Wind techniques generally rely on sharpening the chakra, so the series takes this trope and runs with it. Note that even if enemies are knocked back, they may not end up where the sphere stops at. In PSO2 , characters can freely switch in between classes. A Technique. If cast while using a weapon with the Thunder Crystal/Zephyr's Blessing potential unlocked, it will also boost the corresponding lightning strike/wind rush damage. A Wind-aspected support Technique. Greetings! The max range of the projectile itself is about 50M, about the same as Foie. PSO2: NGS will be 100% free-to-play just like PSO2 and will launch on Windows 10, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X in 2021, the same year that marks the 20th anniversary of the original PSO. 1. The sphere can travel through enemies. Produces a photonically-generated change in atmospheric pressure generating a slicing whirlwind around the user. Using a custom disc will overwrite the technique in question. A similar species to this pair exists in Naverius' tundra, although the fur color differs between them. In general though, Techs usually 1) shoot out from you or where a talis is thrown, 2) affect an area around you … If cast while using a weapon with the Thunder Crystal/Zephyr's Blessing potential unlocked, it will also boost the corresponding lightning strike/wind rush damage. Has a minor suction effect in a small radius. Each direction change of the projectile enables it to do one more hit per mob. Realistically, the center of the projectile seems to fall just short of that at about 14.75M. PSO2 has a balanced and diverse class system. Technique customization is a form of crafting in Phantasy Star Online 2 that modifies the characteristics of techniques used by a character. Has unlimited range if free aimed. If you aim it at a slightly heightened non-terrain structure, such as a turret/ais spawn pad in the various "defense" EQs, nazan type 0 may not do any damage to things surrounding it.