Shimusha Rabba - Kadesh / Ve-haya ki yeviakha / Shema / Ve-haya im shamo’a Sephardic Tefillin. Tefillin Types. Therefore, I strongly advise you to get a personal ruling from a competent rabbi who knows you well before putting them on at all. [4][citation needed], Then the head-tefillin is placed on the middle of the head just above the forehead, so that no part rests below the hairline. [8] Menahem ben Saruq explains that the word is derived from the Hebrew Ve'hateif and Tatifoo, both expressions meaning "speech", "for when one sees the tefillin it causes him to remember and speak about the Exodus from Egypt". They are worn instead at the afternoon Mincha service. [2] Although there are … The three legged Shin is on the right and the four legged one is on the left. [70] In fact, the arm strap is looped for counter-clockwise wrapping with Ashkenazi tefillin while it is knotted for clockwise wrapping with Sephardic and Hasidic tefillin. On Chol HaMoed (intermediate days) of Pesach and Sukkot, there is a great debate among the early halachic authorities as to whether tefillin should be worn or not. or Best Offer. Together, the arm tefillin and head tefillin are thought to signify our head … Keep in mind that … [4] "Tefillin" may have derived from the Aramaic palal, "to plead, pray", a word closely related to the Hebrew tefillah, "prayer". Gartel. In addition to the Tefillin of Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam (which was discussed here: link), there are in fact two additional types of Tefillin that are somewhat rare. There are various customs regarding winding the strap on the arm and hand. The passages are written by a scribe with special ink on parchment scrolls (klaf). The order of the parshiot in each type is as follows:- Rashi and Rabbeinu Tam had a basic debate as to the order in which the sections are written on the parchment. 6:4-9, and Deut. Another aspect of Mehudar/Halachik preference in the Tefillin Batim is if no glue is found between the four compartments of the Shel Rosh. $85.00 $74.00. This however, is not required of the marbata, the platform beneath it, through which the straps are threaded. FOUR PAIRS OF VINTAGE TEFILLIN AND A TALLIS. Each verse is handwritten by a scribe with special ink that is used only for parchment scrolls. Sipah) who allows putting Tefillin on top of an interposition. Tefillin peshutim are the lowest quality and least expensive. Even to put on Rabbenu Tam tefillin is recommended only for those who are known for their great piety (See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Haim, 34, 3-4). Yes, the meticulousness of 1cm makes a big difference. The tefillin are worn during morning services except on Shabbat or festivals. The Exodus passages which include the above-mentioned verses are discussing rituals meant to evoke the exodus from Egypt, including the eating of matzah / refraining from chametz(leavened bread, vv. [9], The first texts to use "tefillin" are the Targumim and Peshitta[4] and it is also used in subsequent Talmudic literature, although the word "ṭoṭafah" was still current, being used with the meaning of "frontlet". [71] The knot of the head-tefillin sits at the back of the head, upon the part of the occipital bone that protrudes just above the nape. [70] Sephardim and many members of the Chabad Orthodox movement only recite the blessing on the head-tefillah if they spoke about something not related to tefillin since reciting the blessing on the arm-tefillah. There the Rebbe zt"l relates that "In order to put on four pairs of tefillin, one's body has to be exceptionally pure. [4] The Talmud[6] explains that the word ṭoṭafot is combination of two foreign words: Tot means "two" in the "Caspi" language and Fot means "two" in the "Afriki" language,[7] hence, tot and fot means "two and two", corresponding to the four compartments of the head-tefillin. Parents or grandparents have customarily gifted the young man with tefillin ahead of … [54], Historically, the mitzvah of tefillin was not performed by women, but the ritual was apparently kept by some women in medieval France and Germany. However, Karaite Judaism understands the verses to be metaphorical. They vary in quality, in the way they are made, and in their halachic desirability. [33] Nowadays the boxes should be fashioned from a single piece of animal hide and form a base with an upper compartment to contain the parchment scrolls. Yair Emanuel … [11][12] The word "phylactery" occurs once (in ACC PL) in the Greek New Testament,[13] whence it has passed into the languages of Europe. These words describe the batim (leather boxes) of the tefillin. The type of tefillin you refer to are quite rare indeed. They are rolled up and placed in the Tefillin. Tefillin bestehen aus einem Kopfteil (hebräisch תפילין של ראש tefillin schel rosch) und einem Armteil (תפילין של יד tefillin schel jad). The biblical verses often cited as referring to tefillin are obscure. In one plane is the spectrum of peshutim, dakot, gasot. It may have arisen from the fear of persecution, similar to what had occurred to the Jews living in the Land of Israel under Roman rule in the second century.[16]. 4) writes that a berachah should be pronounced over the tefillin of Rabbenu Tam when they are being used alone, and the author of Matzas Shimurim holds that the same applies to the tefillin of Shimusha Rabba. It is important to be aware of the two style of Tefillin – either Ashkenazi and Sephardi Tefillin. [15], The tefillin are to serve as a reminder of God's intervention at the time of the Exodus from Egypt. The ultimate origin of Hebrew "tefillin" is uncertain. 34) writes at length, most people do not put them on. And sometimes it takes a sunset or suffering to arouse us to think and change -- like the third son. [36] A stringent opinion requires them to be black on the inner side too,[37] but more commonly the inner side is left the color of leather. Free shipping. Whether you are purchasing Tefillin for yourself, a dear one or a bar mitzvah, it is important to have in front of you all the relevant information so that you can make an informed intelligent choice based on knowledge, budget and commitment. The obligation of tefillin is mentioned four times in the Torah: twice when recalling The Exodus from Egypt: And it shall be for a sign for you upon your hand, and for a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand did the LORD bring you out of Egypt. Ending Jan 10 at 3:18PM PST 2d 22h. What this really means is: I shall glorify Him in the way I perform mitzvot. Tefillin (phylacteries in English) play a hugely significant role in the life of a young Jew. The basic requirement of batei tefillin is that they be constructed of ohr echad, one complete piece of leather. At the back of the titura is a passageway (ma'avarta, מעברתא) through which the tefillin strap is threaded, to tie the tefillin in place. The difference has to do with the order of the Torah portions written on the parchments inside the tefillin. ↑ Bet Yosef 27:4 quotes a dispute between the Rosh (Hilchot Tefillin 18, Sh"t HaRosh 3:4) who says that that there may not be any interposition between the Tefillin shel rosh and one's head and the Tefillin shel yad and one's arm and the Rashba (Megillah 24b s.v. Europe and Israel, 20th century. Tefillin crafted from two separate pieces of leather are known as tefillin peshutim, the simplest tefillin. $85.00 $74.00. There are four types of batei tefillin to choose from, with pros and cons to each. [4] These are: "Sanctify to me ..." (Exodus 13:1–10); "When YHWH brings you ..." (Exodus 13:11–16); "Hear, O Israel ..." (Deuteronomy 6:4–9); and "If you observe My Commandments ..." (Deuteronomy 11:13-21). large, the tefillin boxes are 3.0 cm square. Women affiliated with the Conservative movement wrap tefillin. There are three main styles of writing and four styles of tying the retzuous. Those who forbid it consider the "sign" of intermediate days as having the same status as the festival itself, making the ritual of tefillin redundant. Nowadays the prevailing custom is to wear them only during the weekday morning service,[65] although some individuals wear them at other times during the day as well. You can also see the Shulchan Aruch ibid, who writes that one does not say a blessing on Rabbenu Tam tefillin. Make sure that the “Yod” knot is pressed tightly, upright, against the Tefillin. The four biblical passages written on a parchment scroll (or in the case of the head tefillin, on four different scrolls) and inserted into the tefillin boxes are: 1. " 4) Shin Meshoocha all by hand. The tefillin boxes contain verses from the Torah. The other Greek words for "amulet" are periapton or periamma,[14] which literally signifies "things tied around", analogously to the Hebrew qame‘a derived from the root קמע meaning "to bind". [3] Jacob ben Asher (14th century) suggests that "tefillin" is derived from the Hebrew pelilah, "justice, evidence", for tefillin act as a sign and proof of God's presence among the Jewish people. them. There are four types of batim. [expandsub1 title="Iggerot Moshe, OC 4:49 " tag="h4" expanded="true"] Indeed, every woman is permitted to fulfill even mitzvot in which the Torah did not obligate them, and they have performed a mitzva and receive reward when fulfilling these mitzvot…Only regarding laying tefillin did Tosafot write that one needs to protest them because tefillin require extra zealousness with a … These are the standard tefillin we put on every weekday, and over which we recite the blessing. 68: “There is no one who can put on those tefillin, which relate to [the transcendent level of Divinity known as] Arich, and which are arranged according to the teachings of the author of Shimusha Rabba… no man can put them on.” [57] However, the female Hasidic Rebbe known as Maiden of Ludmir did wear tefillin. The scribe is required to purify himself in the mikvah (ritual bath) before he starts work. Peshutim: Peshutim means simple. I shall prepare before Him a beautiful lulav, beautiful sukkah, beautiful fringes (Tsitsit), and beautiful phylacteries (Tefilin). Below it is a wider base known as the titura (תיתורא). [4][5] Some believe it refers to a charm, similar to the Hebrew neṭifot, "round jewel". The two straps of the head-tefillin are brought in front of the shoulders, with their blackened side facing outwards. The texts are Exodus 13:1-10, 13:11-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:12-21. Black leather straps (retsu'ot) pass through the rear of the base and are used to secure the tefillin onto the body. Yair Emanuel Tallit With Tefillin Bag – Jewish Pomegranates . And it shall be for a sign upon your hand, and as totafot between your eyes; for with a mighty hand did the LORD bring us forth out of Egypt. The other three types – Tefillin Peshutim, Tefillin Peshutim Mehudarim and Tefillin Dakkot – are made of thinner leather. [4] Now the remainder of the arm-tefillin straps are wound three times around the middle finger and around the hand to form the shape of the Hebrew letter of either a shin (ש‎) according to Ashkenazim, or a dalet (ד‎) according to Sephardim. Types of tefillin. The … [60] Since 2013, SAR High School in Riverdale, New York, has allowed girls to wrap tefillin during morning prayer; it is probably the first Modern Orthodox high school in the U.S. to do so. [32], In earlier Talmudic times, tefillin were either cylindrical or cubical, but later the cylindrical form became obsolete. Tefillin (/ ˈ t f ɪ l ɪ n /; Israeli Hebrew: תְּפִלִּין / תְּפִילִּין; Askhenazic pronunciation:) or phylacteries, is a set of small black leather boxes containing scrolls of parchment inscribed with verses from the Torah.Tefillin is worn by observant adult Jews during weekday morning prayers. [4] The knot of the head-tefillin strap forms the letter dalet (ד‎) or double dalet (known as the square-knot) while the strap that is passed through the arm-tefillin is formed into a knot in the shape of the letter yud (י‎). wind three times?) [70] The Sephardic custom is that no blessing is said for the head-tefillin, the first blessing sufficing for both. Blessings. Together with the shin on the head-tefillin box, these three letters spell Shaddai (שדי‎), one of the names of God.[4]. For instance, Yehudah B. Cohn argues that the tefillin should be perceived as an invented tradition aimed at counteracting the popularity of the Greek amulets with an "original" Jewish one. Rabbenu Tam - Shema / Ve-haya im shamo’a / Ve-haya ki yeviakha / Kadesh [67] Others argue and hold that Chol HaMoed does not constitute a "sign" in which case tefillin must be laid. The four headed ש: In memory of the four mothers; Sarah, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. 1) Teffilin houses made from Behema gasa (cow’s leather) 2) Goes on the left hand (meant for right handed) 3) Rov Peroodot. Most men wear tefillin in Orthodox and Conservative congregations, as do some women in Conservative congregations. [18] Joseph Caro (16th century) explains that tefillin are placed on the arm adjacent to the heart and on the head above the brain to demonstrate that these two major organs are willing to perform the service of God. In addition to the windings around the finger, the Shulchan Aruch states that the custom is to wind six or seven times around the forearm.[41]. [57], In modern times, people of all genders choose to wear tefillin, and are encouraged to do so by some. [62], A mourner during the first day of his mourning period is exempt from wrapping tefillin as is a bridegroom on his wedding-day. [23] Joshua Trachtenberg considered every ornament worn on the body (whatever its declared function) as initially serving the purpose of an amulet. The "Secrets" in the Tefillin. [4] A sufferer from stomach-trouble or one who is otherwise in pain and cannot concentrate his mind is also exempt. The upper box section must be perfectly square, inside and out. What’s the Truth About…Rashi’s Daughters? [citation needed], Some Western Sephardic families such as the Rodrigues-Pereira family have developed a personalized family wrapping method. 5) Parshiot mehoodarot. Tefillin (phylacteries in English) play a hugely significant role in the life of a young Jew. The type of tefillin you refer to are quite rare indeed. The former are what can be called the mirror image of the Rashi Tefillin, while the latter mirror the Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin. Combining and interpreting the Talmud's statements, Maimonides, Tur, and Shulchan Aruch ruled that the strap of hand-tefillin must reach from where the tefillin is placed on the arm, as far as the middle finger, where it must be wound three times around the middle finger. [59] Within the Orthodox movement, it remains a male-only obligation, but in egalitarian movements, others may observe this practice. [4] The arm-tefillin has one large compartment, which contains all four biblical passages written upon a single strip of parchment; the head-tefillin has four separate compartments in each of which one scroll of parchment is placed. This is the size we carry; Deluxe - the tefillin boxes are 3.0 cm square, construction is of higher quality (see below and check out the picture of deluxe in our store). Learn how to buy tefillin. 6) Miksha beit. Based on that premises the Peshutim Mehudaros, are Kosher, but on the same note if there is glue between the four compartments they will lose … 5: “The Tefillin of Shimusha Rabba… require an untainted body, and pure and clean thoughts.” R. Menachem Azariah of Fano writes in his Responsa that “these tefillin plumb such deep mysteries that permission was barely granted to use them.” Accordingly, as Ot Chaim (sec.