Yeah not having Juhani would be a bit of a bummer. Are there any mods that allow me to spare them or keep them on my side? Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Il est apparu pour la première fois dans Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #134 (novembre 1970). The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. 3. share. est il possible de faire basculer juhani du coté obscur? As a side note, how long do I have to wait to get a second lightsaber? A non-canon character who is from the popular Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic game, Juhani was introduced to SWGoH in November/December 2018 along with Carth Onasi. Can she return the favour? Original Poster 1 year ago. Based on the Dark Side ending of KOTOR. Thought i'd make a video of me killing Juhani and showing what happens :) I recommend having stasis over fear FYI. You do not get awarded any dark side points for removing the taint from the grove. Juhani. Also you can only unlock Juhani in KOTOR if you are light side, so you can unlock the second star map, then unlock and complete all personal dialogs avalible at that point ( dark side charecters can not do that), then become a dark side and unlock Juhani. Unique Jedi Tank who dispels debuffs from Old Republic allies and becomes more dangerous below full Health. Juhani was training with her master for her final trials, one of them was to duel her master. Star Wars, its characters and affiliates all belong to Lucasarts and Disney. If you want to ask a question … When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. This Dark Jedi's name is Juhani, and she instantly paralyzes your two party members and wants a one-on-one lightsaber duel with you. She is a Jedi tank on the Light Side with the Old Republic faction tag. TRACK | REPORT SEE ANSWERS. Report Save. But she struck her master down and she fell to the Dark side. Unit Strategy <<<>> Information on any specifics that may be important to know such as ability order or when not to do an ability. The feline Cathar are know throughout the galaxy for their courage in battle, their fierce loyalty and their quick tempers; such intense passions can make it difficult for one of this proud species to follow the way of the light. Juhani was rescued from the Dark Side. Juhani trained from the Taris academy and the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. Juhani was determined to become the ideal Jedi, and her fierce devotion to her goal didn't allow her to accept failure in herself or her peers, yet she always found herself struggling against her Cathar instincts and fierce temper. Blind Channel osallistuu Uuden Musiikin Kilpailuun 2021 biisillä Dark Side. You can't get her in a … Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Carth O., Bastila S., Exile/Meetra Surik, Darth Revan - Chapters: 8 - Words: 32,070 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 111 - Updated: 9/22/2018 - Published: … This conversation has no special triggers required to make it … But what if Revan had turned to the Dark Side again? Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic characters, Team Strategy. Le titre mélange d'imposantes phases de combats à des séquences d'exploration. When Juhani drops below 100% Health, she recovers 5% Protection for each active Jedi or Old Republic ally, then gains Offense Up, Health Steal Up and Stealth for 2 turns. All rights reserved. If the player does kill Juhani on Dantooine, later in the game, on Korriban, you will encounter Juhani's friend, Belaya, who, stricken by the grief of her friends death, has turned to the Dark Side and joined the Sith. Or, in dark side, you can only get Juhani after the Star Forge, which is during the post-game. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Darksiders est un jeu vidéo d'action/aventure, développé par Vigil Games, édité par THQ et disponible sur Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 et PC en 2010. Bastila Shan. A dark-side alternative has Revan kill Freyyr, allowing Czerka's slave trade on Kashyyyk to continue: a dark-sided Revan can also order Zaalbar to kill Mission in order to fulfill his life-debt - this may cause Zaalbar to turn against Revan as well. User Info: dronemc. It's more worth the force points. As we transit back, Xor ambushes us. jai lu tres loin ds le forum q quelq1 avait essayé jai tt tenté pas moyen de réussir alors c possible ? Juhani was training with her master for her final trials, one of them was to duel her master. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, This mod contains adult content. Equip your lightsaber and … Light Side - Low Synergy Paragraph Any Faction - Very Low Synergy Paragraph. He found Juhani there and … She initially appears as an enemy, but joins the protagonist Revan if she is spared and offered a chance to redeem herself. Juhani is a fictional character appearing in BioWare 's 2003 action role-playing video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. As the title suggests, this mod improves the Juhani romance in K1. He keeps trying to provoke Juhani, believing we Jedi don't have the guts to finish him - he was wrong. To do so, it does two things: First of all, the final conversation is now triggered automatically if available in order not to get lost. Installation: Simply let TSL Patcher do its … Juhani, like most Cathar who choose to join the Jedi Order, is locked in a never ending struggle to find a balance between her instincts and her training. I’ve always found Insanity to be very … After this conversation, the global value of G_JUHANIP_STATE will be set to 2. Reskins Juhani during your initial encounter with her on Dantooine to give her a more Dark Side-appropriate outfit Juhani's messenger, Xor is unique in that you need to trigger the messenger twice. Let’s take a look at the best mods for Juhani to make her more effective on your roster. Power 31624; Speed 132; Health 39,271 Yet Juhani … dronemc 11 years ago #2. Juhani trained from the Taris academy and the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. ???? But seriously tho, Dark side is great. Answered: How do I Heal companions with med packs? Il a été créé par Jack Kirby, originellement comme élément de la série de comics du Quatrième Monde (The Fourth World) au début des années 1970. Language: English Words: 2,817 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 8 Kudos: 21 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 244; Twisted Morality - Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow" by Sofronia Fandoms: Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, … Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. Answered: Can you use juhani for the star forge level if you go for the Dark side ending? - Topic juhani … She was redeemed by the former Dark Lord of the Sith, Revan and was persuaded to join along with Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, Mission Vao, Zaalbar, Jolee Bindo, HK-47, and the future Mandalore the Preserver to search for the Star Forge to defeat Darth Malak. Within the series, Juhani is a Jedi Knight who is a member of the feline Cathar species. Juhani recovers 20% of her Max Health at the beginning of each of her turns. You can immediately recruit Juhani after you defeat her. Please be as detailed as you can when making an answer. But she struck her master down and she fell to the Dark side. After talking to Juhani about how her mother died and how she was sold into slavery earlier in life, Xor will approach you if you have Juhani in your party (not on Dantooine). Darkseid est un super-vilain appartenant à l'univers de DC Comics. Answers that are too short or not descriptive are usually rejected. Details of how to use and mod Juhani within specific teams can be found on the following pages: Answered: is there something in the rancor? How can you get Juhani to turn back to the dark side? You do not get awarded any dark side points for removing the taint from the grove. JoyfulUniter killing Juhani is not a dark side decision. When you felt the power of the dark side you fled to a cave like some cowering animal! I killed Juhani, do i get another Gaurdian? Add your answer. The teachings of the Jedi can lead you from the dark side back into the light and a true understanding of the Force." Juhani was rescued from the Dark Side. If you look to turn into a sith, here is one thing to remember; when you leave the planet, if still alive, Juhanni will come with you as part of your party. Answered: Killing Juhani - Good thing or bad? Juhani and the dark side. Either way will allow you to complete your quest and report back to the Jedi Counsel. Juhani: "Bastila, it is not too late for you to be saved. You can turn adult content on in your preference, if you wish. [YouTube video] Personal #3: Available after completing Personal #2 and getting 2 Star Maps (including the Dantooine one). Don't use the persuade options in the conversation, as I seem to recall those always failing. For more information see Kashyyyk's side-quests. Answered Juhani was a Jedi Knight that lived during the Jedi Civil War.During training, she turned to the Dark Side and attacked her master, then retreated to a grove on Dantooine, where she corrupted the kath hounds of the region.. Revan turned her from the Dark Side when he was tasked by the Jedi Council on Dantooine to cleanse the taint from the grove. Le jeu s'inspire de l'Apocalypse, le joueur incarnant l'un des quatre cavaliers de l'Apocalypse, resté coincé sur une Terre ravagée par la fin du monde. You lose out on Juhani tho if you're a purist dark side. Darksiders est un jeu d'action avec l'utilisation d'armes telles que de grandes épées, une faux, u… Why do you like Stasis Field better than Insanity? Can she return the favour? Juhani was a female Cathar Jedi Knight during the Jedi Civil War. Dark side: decide to kill juhani. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She will attack the player character, and try to kill you in vengeance. Bastila: "You are beneath my contempt, Juhani. Juhani. level 2. Secondly, it now includes a kiss, similar to the one in the Bastila Romance Enhancement (actually, I used the same animations). Juhani's Master, Quatra, feared that her unchecked perfectionist views would eventually end in frustration and lead Juhani to the dark side. Bastila Shan, voiced by Jennifer Hale, is a Jedi who defeated Revan prior to the beginning of Knights of the Old … Juhani talks about her thinking about Quatra and her fall to the dark side. I know about the mod for Mission but I couldn't find anything for Jolee or Juhani. While Taunting, Juhani has +35% Counter Chance. Language: English Words: 2,817 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Comments: 8 Kudos: 21 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 244; Twisted Morality - Part III of "Only Light Can Cast Shadow" by Sofronia Fandoms: Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, … I want to play for the Dark Side but I don't want to have to kill companions like Mission, Jolee, or Juhani. Quatra's final test forced Juhani to re-examine herself and how her pride had nearly made her fall to the d…