Running a dispatch-based operation of any size requires an effective computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system; nothing less will do. The Rhodium™ Incident Management Suite provides a complete command and control solution allowing you to quickly consolidate information,... © 2020 Omnigo | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. (16 reviews) Visit Website. By Fieldcode. I.P. The Online Reporting module helps empower community members to take an active role in security. We connect … Field Service Lightning. Each... Fluid communication is crucial to success, especially in the security industry. For this reason, DataTech911 emergency medical dispatch software was developed to seamlessly coordinate communications, improve response times and ultimately, save lives. ezMap Builder⢠is one of the industry's most advanced authoring environments for creating location-centric data to assist counties with their 911 response. ezEnterprise Mapping offers public safety entities an innovative 911 dispatch mapping solution. Omnigo CAD module offers interfaces to link agency CAD systems to the most frequently used Federal, State, regional and third party systems: including E911, Dispatch Map, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Mobile Computing (Silent Dispatch), NCIC, Medical Alert and law enforcement and fire Records Management. Dispatchers can quickly ascertain priorities and status of officers using our advanced Graphical User Interface (GUI) features. The Command Line Interface delivers familiarity, while next generation products feature touch-based experiences. Trucking dispatch software for independent dispatchers and large dispatch firms. The Next Generation of Configuration. MARIETTA, Ohio (WTAP) - The Washington County Sheriff’s Office has implemented a new 911 dispatcher software. The next generation dispatch software is here! Best for overall features: ServiceTitan. 911 software, 911 dispatch software, CAD, 911 CAD, 911 Computer Aided Dispatch Software Vendor, e911, The module also offers quick reference lists of units, DSNs, status codes, telephone numbers, street directions and so on. The Solution reallocates invaluable seconds typically spent managing hard- and software inefficiency issues to making life-saving decisions and intelligently deploying emergency resources. Omnigo Dispatch Monitoring module provides real-time access to CAD information, allowing users to search CAD information, view live and historical CAD Event data, Activity Logs, the Contact/Business Directory, Phone List and related information. (1 review) Visit Website. Fire Rescue Systems fire and rescue software is the complete solution for all fire rescue and emergency dispatch situations. ezEnterprise Mapping⢠is a Next Generation 911 Dispatch system powered by Esri technology that is tried and tested, intuitive, economical, and easy to implement and is designed to meet the demanding requirements of critical emergency response GIS. ** Can be used with your own dataset. In addition, the feature offers recommended routing plans, and the optimal units for dispatch on pending calls. Service Dispatch Software Dispatch scheduling systems perform the crucial functions that are associated with sending technicians into the field to solve customer support issues that can’t be … Not a member? Fieldcode. Fully control zoom and pan functions on the map display, Simultaneously display multiple maps with customizable layers of information. Digital Dispatcher is the newest generation of multi-function mobile field management solutions designed to increase efficiency, cut costs, improve customer service and grow profits. Service dispatch software is a platform that helps field service businesses assign field staff to jobs, provide them with navigation assistance, and share task lists to be carried out while on site. Computer Aided Dispatch Software. Intelligent, Next Generation CADezCAD⢠is an innovative multi-agency, Next Generation 911 Dispatch CAD records system built on Microsoftâs® .NET and SQL Server technology. Dr Dispatch helps you keep your dispatchers, equipment, and loads all on the same page. By the time the dispatcher accepts the call, they know the complete history of the person, the address, and the previous calls from each entity. ez911 offers multiple different products such as, The Next … Omnigo CAD module offers easy and quick onboarding using online help, while reducing errors by prompting dispatchers to enter the required information at every step. HxGN OnCall Dispatch … The E911 Interfaces to existing E911 systems to provide real-time ANI/ALI information from the E911 system to dispatch stations. The module also features call priority, unit recommendation, and address history. … This web service can eliminate the phone calls and reduce radio traffic to obtain response and arrival times and other pertinent data related to an event. EMS Dispatch Software is the first powerful step in AIM’s integrated Dispatch, ePCR, & Billing Software solution. This is our legacy program. … Mpls. This interface allows dispatch centers to automatically send the CAD event data to one or multiple Omnigo Records Management systems, obtaining the next sequential report number from the responsible agency’s Records Management software and send the entire event to the agency and create the beginning of the report for the agency. With the next generation 911 Dispatch products we offer, we offer you the ezway! This software brings mapping, editing, and geographic data together to provide your agency, a more accurate and faster emergency response. Dr Dispatch is a trucking and brokerage dispatch software solution for small to medium-sized businesses. EZDispatch is a dispatch program specifically designed for Auto Transport Companies/Brokers.We understand that you are not your average freight company, and therefore average dispatch software … In fact, they often occur in near-simultaneous fashion — a… Explore 911, CAD features and more. Designed with intelligence in mind, ezCAD automatically … The configurability tools within Mark43 CAD are designed to meet today’s workflows and easily adapt … It’s also why a growing number of PSAPs utilize DataTech911 to help improve their performance without exceeding their budgets. Valdosta, GA, 31605, US. Dispatcher performance tracking. See our … TMS software features specifically for dispatchers. The software is called ProQA and prompts the dispatchers with questions to … With intuitive features that allow the user to move points and edit the address database, ezMap Editor gives you peace of mind -- no matter what changes occur, your addressing database is always up-to-date and accurate. Based Phone System For Seamless Call HandlingAt the interface level, our Call handling solution has been designed and rigorously tested to simplify the emergency dispatcherâs workspace while simultaneously augmenting the tools that aid their critical decision-making. Our advanced computer-aided dispatch software for 911 centers is ready and easier than ever! to stop using controversial 911 dispatch software "It was a danger. CentralSquare's Public Safety Suite Enterprise shares information across jurisdictions and provides custom response plans. By Salesforce. This enables any agent to quickly process the call without retyping the caller's ANI / ALI information. This module provides a quick and easy way for... Omnigo’s Court Administration module is designed for municipal courts and integrates seamlessly with our Records Management and electronic... Omnigo Evidence Management is a paperless physical evidence management system, designed to simplify evidence tracking, and save time for officers... Omnigo Field Interview module is designed for cases that require documentation but not the extensive reporting information found in the Case... Omnigo Jail Management module (JMS) provides full detention management capabilities for municipal and county jails of all sizes. Omnigo's software solution suite helps strengthen security measures to protect the people, assets, and the bottom line of businesses by managing the documentation of evidence, providing a complete audit … Multiple precincts allow dispatchers to work within an assigned precinct, while still having access to the shared resources of the entire agency. Feel free to contact us at 619-889-1589 for more information. As with other... Quartermaster is the most advanced comprehensive inventory management system for managing uniforms, vests, gear, weapons, radios, fleet vehicles... At the core of all Law Enforcement modules is the Records Management (RMS), an advanced reporting system designed to deliver multiple solutions to... Omnigo’s technology platform has been a leader in data sharing well before the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Historical information is automatically saved in the CAD system without requiring manual data entry by dispatchers. When every second counts, so does every click, button, and field. The Omnigo Mobile Patrol provides dispatch and related information to mobile computer-equipped patrol units. Our software is efficient and easy to use, making it ideal for emergency situations. Anyone with experience in emergency response knows that accidents, disasters and other life-threatening events don’t happen in a vacuum. Each event contains all of the information required to track, including multiple persons, vehicles, locations and notes, as well as geographic information and a chronological log. It was a danger to people that were responding to the calls." Overview Related Modules Speak with an Expert Omnigo Computer Aided Dispatch delivers the speed, functionality and ease-of-use required for dispatch centers to … Dispatchers can point to any call on the map to retrieve real-time dispatch information. Using ezMap Builder, personnel can design and author fully interactive content, rich with occupant details, location descriptions, with the most up-to-date information for current and specific content. Dispatching and Scheduling Software for Heavy Civil Construction Efficiently manage all resources across your company in one easy-to-use construction scheduling and dispatching software system … Fieldcode is the #1 FSM software without fixed … Get a Demo. Designed with intelligence in mind, ezCAD automatically accomplishes many tasks that require additional dispatcher interaction when using other software. Utilizing commercial wireless... Omnigo Arrest and Booking module reduces the time and effort required to process arrests. This displays all calls for service, E911 calls from the telephone company’s ANI/ALI, and agency GPS vehicle locations with configurable icons. The streamlined reporting interface allows for detailed... Omnigo’s Asset Management provides complete asset visibility and tracking, and the unique reporting required to manage vehicle fleets. Easily Create Location-Centric Data It's an add on program to make the products more enhanced and easy for all your needs. Dr Dispatch TMS helps manage and track those deliveries for Carriers, Brokers, 3rd Party Logistics (3PLs), … Our dataset is not required. Download 911 Dispatch Software Advertisement Employee Scheduling Software by EDP v.1.4 SchedulePro Express is a revolutionary new piece of employee scheduling software that allows you to … Computer Aided Dispatch to empower your dispatch centers. This system assists with dispatching, cash flow management, equipment … Call 1-800-726-4690 or email today to talk to an AIM representative. When an E911 call is received, the E911 Interface automatically captures the information and places it into the CAD system as a pending call. Omnigo CAD Module has a Dispatch Map to provide geographic mapping capabilities. Today, more than ever,... Omnigo Investigation module is a critical tool for investigation departments to accelerate their processes and inferences. ServiceTitan has a Dispatch Board with a color-coded broad … Save. Dispatcher Pre-Employment Testing Innovative software to test dispatcher and calltaker job applicants in job-related skills such as data entry, multi-tasking, decision making, position locating, and more. Dispatch is the only software platform to help enterprises successfully unlock the potential of flexible service provider networks to provide world-class customer experiences. Best independent truck dispatch software. Affordable, Easy-to-Use NEMT Software That Does Everything You Need Schedule, Dispatch, Track, Invoice, and Report with the Industry’s Best NEMT Dispatching Software 1:11 “We have much more … SchedulePro Express is a revolutionary new piece of employee scheduling software that allows you to easily and effectively manage all of your employee schedules. Computer-Aided Dispatch Software The HxGN OnCall Dispatch suite provides police, fire, EMS, and communication agencies with quality incident management and call-taking capabilities to deliver better service during emergencies and major events. Dispatcher Console lets you … ezCAD™ is an innovative multi-agency, Next Generation 911 Dispatch CAD records system built on Microsoft’s®.NET and SQL Server technology. 3338 L1 Country Club Rd Digital Dispatcher … ezMap Editor⢠is designed to make post-data-gathering updates a breeze.