Rumor's vocal cords had been destroyed, the White Violin was left paralyzed and amnesiac. White Violin remains paralyzed and powerless. She remembers none of what happened to her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Utilized to awake her inner powers and explained to her that he had read Hargreeves's notes and he discovered that she was in fact the most dangerous of her siblings. Both superheroes coming after one another with balls of energy is exactly the kind of entertainment people need. Number Seven / The White Violin (Vanya Hargreeves) The most estranged … Female In some comics, she has been regarded as a celestial being and that's why her potential face-off with Vanya Hargreeves would be over the top action. Physical description Gender The child that would become Vanya Hargreeves was born at the same time as forty-two other extraordinary children. Able to channel intense destruction through playing music. Elliot Page (Inception, X-Men: Days of Future Past) will remain the star of the third season of Netflix's The Umbrella Academy, according to Variety.His character, Vanya Vanya Hargreeves is one of the main characters in The Umbrella Academy, and she among other characters with special powers which were born mysteriously and in a very short period of time. The music she plays is dangerous, highly destructive. [1] The following day, Vanya attended the theatre. But since she left them, he felt that she abandoned him, and wants nothing to do with her anymore. Still, Kraken continued as a member of the Academy. Vanya always felt out of place among the group because she never demonstrated any of the special skills they had. Umbrella Academy Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. During their confrontation she cut Rumor's neck before the Séance appeared pretending to be possessed by Hargreeves to stop her. Vanya Hargreeves ist Mitglied der Umbrella Academy und Adoptivtochter von Sir Reginald Hargreeves.Als enzige der Geschwister hat sie keine besonderen Fähigkeiten. Vanya Hargreeves During a performance to show her abilities she killed the Conductor and went to the Academy. Telling Vanya that he had written a piece of music that could destroy the world known as The Apocalypse Suite, The Conductor needed Vanya to join him, believing that her father had been wrong about her and she had always had power inside her. In her teenage years, she went through a rebellious phase. [1], Ten years after their adoption, the Umbrella Academy made their public debut to counter the threat posed by the Zombie-Robot Gustave Eiffel and the rampaging Eiffel Tower in Paris. Five responds to that by saying he never really liked her, but before they all perish, Séance proceeded to use his telekinesis to stop the meteorites. Vanya Hargreeves, aka The White Violin, played by X-Men veteran Ellen Page, starts out as the ordinary sister in a super-powered family only to become an apocalypse maiden by the end of the first season of the show. She is the main antagonist of the first season, before redeeming herself and becoming a protagonist in the second season. Fight at Hogwarts 50 feet apart. Real Name © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. She dislikes oatmeal and refuses to eat it. Major Story The City (original timeline) Hargreeves ran extensive experiments on his children as they slept, and that according to Hargreeves' notes, she was "the most dangerous of all." He told her to be at the Icarus Theatre at noon the following day. Biographical information Duck and cover! Thanos with whatever stone he used to throw the moon vs Vanya Hargreeves from season 2 of TUA. White Violin, The Umbrella Academy: Apocalypse Suite #1 - The Day the Eiffel Tower Went Berserk. All the top news about comics, Sci-Fi, and fantasy. Date of death La Viole Blanche The Umbrella Academy: Elliot Page Still Plays Vanya in Season 3 Vanya was created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. After some experimentation, her true powers were unlocked. Affiliation With mere notes she destroyed the memorial statue of the Horror, and killed Pogo. She stopped playing and started arguing with him, saying that she was going to end the world and he called that a tantrum, which after she started crying. They argued and fought, sending her away again. The Rumor forced her to watch the news, see the destruction she had created. She asked about the whereabouts of Number Five and was told by Sir Reginald that he was probably in the future. Leaving in tears, she returned to the Orchestra Verdammten and was prepared to end the world, believing she now had no one else left to turn to.[3]. Oct 22, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Joanna reisi. Dark gray Ben Hargreeves; mix of comic & tv canon; vanya centric; Vanya Hargreeves Needs A Hug; Reginald Hargreeves' A+ Parenting; Diego Hargreeves Needs A Hug; fear of needles; Angst; Teen Angst; The Prime 8's; vanya just wants to belong; tfw u traumatize yr children by giving them tattoos at the age of 13; teenage vanya & diego! The Conductor revealed that he had read Hargreeves's notes and discovered that she was the most dangerous Academy member of all, and that all this time her pills had really been killing her powers. The next target was the headquarters of the Umbrella Academy. Here are some Five/Vanya moments: Vanya asking Pogo about Five and how she missed him after he went missing (leaving the … All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Trae a casa Pop! The Umbrella Academy star Elliot Page announced on Tuesday that he is a gender non-binary transgender person, but that will not impact his role on the popular Netflix series. You can search for Unlike her brothers and sister, Vanya apparently has no power and is a common girl that, according to her father, can barely play the violin. Vanya was created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. She is considered among her siblings to be the youngest one. Contrairement à ses frères et soeurs, Vanya ne possède a priori aucun superpouvoir. Date of birth Vanya walked out of the theatre and told The Conductor not to follow her. After he left the band due to a mission with the Academy, Vanya realized it just wasn't her place, leaving home without telling anyone. Vanya is pissed and at her strongest (white violin) Who wins? He needed someone to be the lead violin in his Apocalypse Sonata. send you an email once approved. 00.07Number SevenThe White ViolinVanny She refused, giving her family one more chance. Discover (and save!) Before she passed out, White Violin said that the symphony could not be stopped. Vanya Hargreeves, originally known as Number Seven, is one of the children that Sir Reginald Hargreeves adopted in order to "save the world". Vanya did not react to the news, and the caller offered her the chance at revenge by offering her an audition for his Orchestra Verdammten. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Place of death Returning to the orchestra, the Apocalypse Suite began, with the Umbrella Academy appearing to stop her. The rest of her 'family' had no interest in her music, and would not attend her recitals. 1950 Her only real skill, however, was music; she could play the Violin extremely well. your own Pins on Pinterest Unlike the rest of the children, she was not allowed to go into the field or do much of anything. Hargreeves had experimented with her so that she could not use her powers to destroy the world. Vanya Hargreeves aka Le Violon Blanc ou encore 00.07 est l'une des membres de la Umbrella Academy.C'est l'un des enfants adoptés par Sir Reginald Hargreeves dans le but de « sauver le monde ». Despite not playing the violin for twelve years, Vanya played until a string broke on her instrument. She is considered among her siblings to be the youngest one. At one point Rumor shows her all that she did. The White Violin, delights us tonight with an apocalyptic suite. Vanya is shown to be taken care of by her family. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Then the Conductor of 'The Orchestra Verdammten,' changed her forever. Designated as Number Seven by Hargreeves, Vanya seemingly displayed no special abilities, leading Sir Reginald to label her as "utterly useless."