Horse chestnuts are slightly poisonous and should be kept away from children and pets. The trees are typically medium in shape to broad-spreading, and they can vary in height from as short as 12 to 25 feet for the Red Buckeye, up to 80 feet for the Ohio Buckeye. Lovely golden autumn colour. White flowers with pink stamens. 90. “We are not going to dwell on those things that divide us.We are going to rejoice in those things that keep us togetherto make this a better country--to reach down totouch every young person in need.”. Grown in Root Pouch®. Unbranded Jumbo gallon Potted George Washington planted thirteen horse chestnut trees on Fauquier Street in downtown Fredericksburg -- one … These are prized ornamental trees and not always associated with woodworking. $39.00 each, DOUBLE RED KNOCK OUT® ROSE Fruits are not edible. Jumbo gallon Potted We use and recommend for our irrigation needs, from simple to install micro and drip systems, to commercial grade irrigation parts and supplies. Horse chestnut trees are a deciduous broadleaf tree native to the Balkan peninsula.Scientific name: Aesculus hippocastanum Family: Hippocastanaceae The leaf stalks of horse chestnut trees leave a scar on the twig when they fall, which resembles an inverted horse shoe with nail holes. GMO Chestnuts Several universities are investing in probably the best solution to the problem – a genetically modified American chestnut tree that successfully resists the fungus. The flowers are borne on " spikes " and also vary according to the species, typically white to yellow, but the Red Buckeye has pink to red flowers. Aesculus x neglecta erythroblastos, Interesting tree with pink 'shrimp' colored new foliage turning to pale green. Go to list of cultivars. Very drought tolerant. Aesculus x carnea 'Fort McNair' Red Horse Chestnut is a beautiful red flowering buckeye. The dense, rounded crown of disease resistant, dark green foliage turns a golden yellow in the fall. Aesculus x carnea 'Briotii' with deep red flowers. Briotii Red Horse Chestnut is a hybrid of A. hippocastanum and A. pavia with intermediate characteristics of each. Blooms are followed by insignificant seed capsules. Common Horse Chestnut trees can reach a height of about 30-35 metres and spread up to 25 metres across. Common name: Red Flowering Horse Chestnut tree Height and spread in 20 years: 6 x 4 metres Seasons of interest: Spring, Summer, Autumn Flowers: Deep pink to red summer flowers Foliage: Dark green glossy leaves turn orange and brown in autumn Soil: Best suited to … America's Historic Horse Chestnut Tree. Subscribe to our Newsletter / Blog.   ::  View All Aesculus Flowers creamy-white with a yellow spot that turns red with age. The Native Horse Chestnut tree, Aesculus hippocastanum, is large and spreading, suitable only for parks and big gardens.It will grow in any reasonably fertile soil and it is quite shade tolerant. Pink flushed flowers and good yellow to orange fall tones. Aesculus x carnea Briotii, also known as the Red Horse Chestnut, is a cross between Aesculus pavia (Red Buckeye) and Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut) which produces a Horse Chestnut with a very red/pink flower. Whitman Farms began in 1980 as an informal nut tree and small fruit adjunct to a large bareroot nursery next door in Salem Oregon. Saturday and Sunday Thank you so much for your support! 1-16 of 105 results for New: "horse chestnut trees for sale" Ebros Gift Chestnut Horse Mare & Foal by Ranch Fence Desktop Table Lamp with Shade Home Decor 19"Tall. CAMELLIA FOREST NURSERY - phone: 919-968-0504 fax: 919-960-7690 Once beautiful and abundant, the American Chestnut Tree covered vast tracts of land across the eastern United States for thousands of years until a fungus (blight) from Asia decimated virtually every tree standing on North American soil. Aesculus is easy to grow and adapts to most conditions. It was a one-woman show and mostly for fun. Trees from this strain get the blight, they all do, but the severity of the infection does not greatly disfigure the tree and generally does not kill the tree. Red horsechestnut info recommends caution when using this plant in the landscape … Root Pouch 2 gallon (4.22 gallons / 16 liters) Eco gallon Potted Pink flushed flowers and good yellow to orange fall tones. Horse chestnut trees are common in the U.S. but are also found in Europe and Japan. Buy Aesculus x carnea 'Fort McNair' Red Horse Chestnut tree online mail-order. This is a deciduous tree, that has a good natural growth habit and tolerated a range of climates from cool to warm temperate. In spring it will show off its yellow-throated pink blooms, followed by golden foliage in the fall. Leave us a voice message The mighty Chestnut tree grows from 50 to 100 feet tall and can average up to 5 feet in diameter when fully mature. Includes aesculus parviflora and aesculus x splendens. (0 units available now) More compact in growth than other Horsechestnuts. The last of 13 Horse Chestnut Trees planted by George Washington at Fauquier Street in Fredericksburg, Virginia . Dunstan Chestnut Trees for Sale Online. The wood of a chestnut tree makes for an attractive and durable timber. Avg. This small Horse Chestnut tree will reach just 2.5 x 2.5 metres in 20 years. Jumbo gallon Potted For more information, please contact the office on 03 9796 8308. Get it as soon as Thu, Sep 24. A substantial, long-lived deciduous tree, it produces an edible seed, the chestnut, which has been used in cooking since ancient times. 9701 Carrie Road Chapel Hill NC 27516 (4-5 ft tall) Aesculus x carnea 'Fort McNair' Red Horse Chestnut is the red flowering buckeye for you. However with a number of varieties and cultivars available for sale they are well worth a look as a group of garden worthy plants. All Aesculus are small spreading shrubs or trees that will vary in height. Smaller and less common than its parent A. hippocastanum. Large red flower from spring to summer along with large deep green textured foliage. The horse chestnut has a rich, mellow, warm-brown shell highlighted by a beige eye. Slow growing with a nice rounded shape. This plant has some cultivated varieties. Pink Flowering Horse Chestnut. Very impressed with my order and condition of the plants. $61.90 $ 61. Aesculus x neglecta erythroblastos, Interesting tree with pink 'shrimp' colored new foliage turning to pale green. $39.00 each, View All Flowering Trees $55.00 each, SCARLET BRANDYWINE CRABAPPLE We introduced many plants from Asia that give a distinguished look to the garden.   ::  View All x carnea. Standard Package Aesculus indica is the Indian Horse Chestnut, smaller growing than A.hippocastanum but still a large tree. Excellent purchase. It is best used in a broad, open landscape so it doesn't become crowded, which in turn makes it a fantastic specimen tree. Jumbo gallon Potted It is the cultvars that have the showy flowers . Aesculus indica is the Indian Horse Chestnut, smaller growing than A.hippocastanum but still a large tree. As nearly all species develop drooping branches that can reach to the ground, they are sometimes pruned to ‘lift’ the tree of the ground. Strikingly beautiful horse-chestnut covered in early summer with large heads of flesh pink flowers with darker spots. $39.00 each, RUBY FROST TICKSEED Chestnut Trees are majestic and produce large quantities of delicious nuts every year. In May, this Horse Chestnut tree features pretty apricot and yellow coloured flowers that stand in upright panicles. This tree is a hybrid between the bold, stately, white-flowering Common Horsechestnut of Southern Europe and the perky little Red Buckeye of the Southeastern U.S. All species grow reasonably quickly when first planted, however growth rate slows as they get older. $39.00 each, DOUBLE PINK KNOCK OUT® ROSE Chestnut trees and their nuts are also attractive to a wide range of wildlife, from insects to mammals, as a food source. Aesculus glabra is ‘Ohio Buckeye’ also known as the Sinking Buckeye. Unbranded This association with horses could explain why conkers used to be ground up and fed to horses … ... Speciality Trees acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work, and acknowledge and respect all who have contributed to it, past, present and future. This old and prestigious tree, which provides both visual beauty and hands-on fun, is swamped with … On top of that, we only collect seed from trees that crop mid to late season so your trees will have a better chance of dropping mast during hunting season. (3-4 ft tall) Popular around the world, chestnuts have a wonderful flavor when roasted. A must tree for the collector. (0 reviews). Very easy care once established. $135.00 each, BLOOM-A-THON® WHITE REBLOOMING AZALEA Cold Stream Farm can provide you with wholesale Chestnut trees for sale if … Choose our own method. Flowers are an attractive pink, splashed with yellow inside. (2.11 gallons / 8 liters) A purchase of Aesculus x carnea 'Ft. Aesculus californica is the ‘Californian buckeye', this is a small multi trunked tree to a small shrub, the more moisture the larger and more upright it becomes. Aesculus x carnea also has a number of varieties including : Aesculus parvifolia is the ‘Bottlebrush Buckeye', white flowers followed by red berries. Unbranded Product Description A magnificent oval headed tree with large leaves and deep pink flowers with yellow throats in upright clusters 10" or more in length. A beautiful specimen tree perfectly suited for use in smaller landscapes. Standard Package Red horsechestnut (Aesculus x carnea) is a medium sized tree.It has an attractive, naturally pyramid shaped form when young and glorious, large palmate leaves.