Cement Masons’ work, and to any apprentice Cement Mason, who is herein defined as an Employee undergoing a system or course of training in Cement Mason work. Apprenticeship application are done Wednesday from 8am to 9am by appointment. No fringe benefits nor other Please call the Funds Office at 412-761-6166 to give us your current email address. (4) The term "Local Union" as used herein shall, as the context requires, refer to one of the International Working Dues - 1% of total wage package. Who We Are. Our leadership and members hope you find the information provided to be useful and informative. The following information is provided to assist you in understanding the dues structure. The objective of this Union shall be to encourage a high standard of skill among its members, thus providing the trade with competent workers; to obtain and maintain a fair standard of wages; to assist each other in securing employment; to protect the … 797 website. Plasterers: AREA 46: Ron Morin . We stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes. Atlanta, Ga 30336-1610 Office Hours 6 am to 4:30 PM Contact Reggie Taylor, Fin.Sec. 3727 Camino Del Rio South. Cement Masons Local 502 focuses on the hands-on training and education behind this craft to underline the work value and quality of these vital resources Cement Masons. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. Since 1864, members of the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association, the nation's oldest building trade, have organized workers and their community to the benefits of union membership and building with union craftsmen.Many improvements for workers in our industry and country came about from their struggles. Local 797, is part of the Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association. That’s why union members in private industry earn 38 percent more than nonunion workers. If the member also owed dues for May, the member would not be in good standing on July 1. PLEASE ADD ANY OTHER DETAILS OR CONCERNS. 513-616-5678 Posts. Reporting Pay - When Cement Masons report for work and due to inclement weather are not put to work, said Cement Masons shall receive a monetary amount equal to one (1) hours’ wages. The following information is provided to assist you in understanding the dues structure. Founded in 1865, the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers represents craftworkers in the trowel trades across the United States and Canada including bricklayers, stone and marble masons, cement masons, plasterers, tilesetters, terrazzo and mosaic workers, and pointers/cleaners/caulkers. Who We Are. and SacramentoOffice have been added to the Cement Masons Local Union . 3rd Year Apprentice: 90% of wage base- $42.30/hr. The Cement Masons work primarily on industrial, commercial and highway projects. All rights reserved. Mon – Fri: Business Agent Dispatch 6:00 AM – 8 AM, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Close) Note: Members may call the Main office and pay dues with credit card. We are dedicated to promoting skilled craftsmanship, safe working conditions, and family wages and benefits. This includes bricklayers, stone and marble masons, cement masons, plasterers, tilesetters, terrazzo and mosaic workers, and pointers/cleaners/caulkers. ARTICLE XXIII – DROPPED MEMBERS “Section 3 (A) Members who have not paid their dues for a period of 6 months will automatically be dropped (expelled) from the Local and International Association.”, ARTICLE XXXIV – GOOD STANDING “Section 1 (A) As used throughout this Constitution, a member shall be considered to be in good standing on any particular date if he owes no more than two months dues including any amount owed as dues for the month in which the particular date falls.”. ", Constitution Of The Operative Plasterers' And Cement Masons' International Association, Construction Labour Relations of Saskatchewan. Contact Info: Cement Masons. The Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) requires unions to report how they spent their money in a number of categories. Email opcmlocal148@bellsouth.net CHARTERED BY OPERATIVE PLASTERERS & CEMENT MASONS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION - 1916 2843 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 Phone: (215) 468-0235 prosperity. 400 Stockton, Chico, Redding. They also receive 54 percent more in benefits. Amanda, Ohio 43102. Thus, if the member was completely paid up in dues through May, but owed dues for June and July, the member would be considered to be in good standing. northern california cement masons funds administration, inc. 1600 harbor bay pkwy #200, alameda, ca 94502 (707)864-3300 or toll free 1-888-245-5005 (for plan participants only) switchboard hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., monday through friday *The $32.72 wage is taxed and the $4.00 Vacation Fund and dues of $2.06 are deducted in whole and sent in with the fringe benefits. 2nd Year Apprentice: 80% of wage base- $37.60 /hr. Plasters. plasterers & cement masons. Click on the "Area Office" tab and call and make an appointment with the office closes to you. We … Admin / Powered by J. Arthur & Associates. plasterers & cement masons. Local 72 was chartered in 1890, and will celebrate it’s 128th birthday this year. It is the members responsibility to ensure that dues are paid on time and that they remain in good standing with the union. Through this fraternal organization, we insure that every member gets the best deal possible for their labor and we can collectively offer management a well trained workforce. 70% of wage base- $32.90 /hr. OPCMIA Local 72 is a Labor Organization representing Cement Masons and Plasterers in North Eastern Washington, North Idaho, and Montana. Local 692 has relocated! No Savings Deduction. We Need Your Email Address. noam chomsky. It is the members responsibility to ensure that dues are paid on time and that they remain in good standing with the union. Local 72 represents Cement Masons and Plasterers in North East Washington, North Idaho, and Montana. 2019 WAGES. . Posted on June 14, 2018 April 13, 2020. Welcome Cement Masons & Plasterers Local Union 528 is a membership of professionals who want the most from their career. welcome to opcmia local 11. your union. your union. 2. Dues. What We Do The Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons has been fighting for working class families for more than 100 years. craftsmanship. Please tell us a little about yourself by completing the appropriate section(s) below. Receipts are issued by the Local at the end of February for the previous years' dues. Find our new Central Office at: 3205 E. Thompson Road. © Cement Masons Local Union 600. ARTICLE XXIII – LOSS OF GOOD STANDING AND SUSPENSION “Section 2 (A) Any member who becomes more than two months delinquent in the payment of his dues is no longer in good standing, in accordance with Article 34, Section 1 of the Constitution.” “Section 2 (B) Any member who becomes more than three months delinquent in the payment of his dues shall be suspended from the Local Union and the International Association. We will not allow any walk-ins for union dues and/or any other union business until further notice. Personal Details Status: Journeyman Apprentice New Member Are you a former member of the OPCMIA? International Working Dues - 1% of total wage package