-”. It is a spiritual state of oneness. “The words we choose to use when we communicate with each other, carry vibrations. I always say, 'Man, the Creator is preparing me for something. You rest it against your gut, against your heart, and when you strum it the vibrations go outwards for all to hear, but the vibration also hits you on your body. “Vibration is something that I love studying.” “When you’re in a restaurant or in a store or any place where the energy is really good, you feel very comfortable, it’s the vibration in the place.” “You’ve gone into a restaurant and sat down and before you ordered anything and all of a sudden you don’t want to eat there. The difference is in your vibrations! Music is always a creative process that comes from the heart. ... 60+ Heart Touching Friendship Quotes & Sayings with Images. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. You cannot be improved. I've had moments when I've thought about somebody, picked up the phone to call them and they are on the line already, and I think that maybe there's some vibration, some connection. Because I genuinely love people, I love hip-hop, and I love using it as a tool to communicate and to create a better vibration. When we keep our vibration high, we are happier, more loving and more in the flow of goodness. See more ideas about spirituality, rumi love, rumi quotes. And the pitch of a string's vibration determines the nature of its effect. And if you don't like the result, change the vibration, that's all! Bass tones vibrate at a lower frequency than treble tones, yet both tones are essential to the total effect of the music.”, “When one tunes in into nature's frequency, life becomes change, change becomes hope!”, “There are no limits in the growing and there are no limits in the shrinking. Music is the major form of communication. “Everything That Is, is the result of vibration. Songwriting is such a sensitive energy. It's just a vibration of frequencies. 88 Touching Father Daughter Quotes And Sayings. 76 "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." When all this universe shall have resolved back into its primal state, what becomes of this infinite force? Living Peace: Essential Teachings for Enriching Life, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny. “You can sit and focus out of the Vortex and your life won't change at all. I took some lessons and struggled. The Definitive Guide To Raise Your Vibration +Positive Vibration Quotes [2020] ... " Opening my heart in gratitude tunes me to a higher vibration of love." royal priče, astrologija,kineska astrologija, asteroidi, film, magazin Everyone loves good-vibe quotes and inspirational quotes that feed your soul - so I decided to go to the source! When you are a man on the street, you get to know every vibration. Let hate harbor in your mind and hate is what you'll regretfully find.”. Rise to the top and negative people will slip away. “We all have the ability to heal ourselves; I know, I have done so... “Your judgments about another person say more about your own character than the character of the person you are pointing a finger at. It's the commonest vibration, the people's news broadcast, especially for kids. 34.) Being thankful and expressing gratitude raises your vibration to the same level as love and joy. “I know now that music is not about fingers or bows or strings, but rather a connective vibration flowing through all human beings, like a heartbeat.”, “Keep living in your higher vibrational realm.”, “Hermetics teaches us that all the universe is in vibration, from the lowest planes to the highest planes. “Here is the true secret of the Law of Attraction: “If you do pratikraman of a tiger, then even the tiger will do as you ask it to. He's keeping the sun on me for some reason. If you don't have a certain amount of stage fright, then it's not going to be that interesting. Vibrations from objects in our surroundings are constantly impinging upon us and carry to our senses a cognition of the external world. Each new app, website, tweet and message adds another layer of intrusion - each intrusion is cynically designed to get a response, and each response creates an appetite for another intrusion. The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is Love; Accessing the subconscious is the most direct and powerful way to create real lasting change in your life; Hello world! Just like a piano, being played by a concert pianist, vibrates from its lowest notes, to its highest. I'm a Sufi Muslim, I would say. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― … It puts us in tune with the positive constructive energy and raises our vibration. See more ideas about me quotes, inspirational quotes, love quotes. Doug E. Fresh It's the gradual vibration for about ten seconds, and then the chimes of my blue light. Some energies don't need ears or vision to see or hear, they can feel what is in your heart and tap into all your sins and fears.”. This is why you can't scale the equipment down too far. 70 Quotes To Raise Your Vibration Instantly. He's keeping me aligned with that generation.' And when someone is walking away from you; it's because their vibration and your vibration are not synced. Billie Holiday does it. Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Therefore we should not cry about something that was taken from us, but, yes, love what we have been given. Some projects I don't do because I feel that it's going to create a bad vibe. in Family Love, Love. – Nikola Tesla. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Had we really succeeded therefore in altering the period of vibration, which Maxwell, as I have just noted, held to be impossible? See more ideas about Me quotes, Words, Inspirational quotes. You have to come with that vibration, and it is not something you can act. “God speaks to you all the time ~ Have you tuned in to the cosmic vibrations of love, harmony, peace, and truth? “If life throws you a few bad notes or vibrations, don't let them interrupt or alter your song.” ― Suzy … It heightens our consciousness and frees us from the ego attachment that causes our suffering and diminishes our sense of self. One way to follow our daily bliss is to let our inner guidance system to imagine and acknowledge, all our blessings. I believe in using the medium to create a good vibration because art is so important to society. We feel the vibration, the power of something, and it inspires us to create, whether it is music or design. Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. There's no feeling like it. All things are in a state of vibration. The careful selection of words, helps to elevate our consciousness and resonate in higher frequencies.”, “We are our own greatest teachers. High quality Raise Vibration gifts and merchandise. It is the same process. 77 Unless you quieten that blabbering little mind of yours, you won’t be able to listen to the Divine music that plays on and on... “I have learnt that it is not fear that governs us, but the feedback of its projection.”, “Prana is Spandana or vibration. There is no difference between a tiger and a human being. I love the vibration and frequencies and the resonance. The love vibration lifts us to a higher state of consciousness and frees us of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that minimize and victimize us. To live in the love vibration is to live without fear, negativity, guilt, jealousy, and the ego’s absolute need to defend itself at all costs. But that guitar is the perfect companion to the human voice. As within, so without. For too long spiritual writers and thinkers have portrayed a universe that is hierarchical, the bottom being bad/evil/materialistic, and the top being exalted/good/spiritual. It's just a way to wake gently. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.”. But its highest vibration for me is that point of taking us to a real understanding of something in our nature which we can very rarely get at. Kanye West is a brilliant poet and artist. I think that's a result of just a general increase in speed of the vibration of life itself. That is why he gets affected.”. I guess I'm lined up for a reason. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”, “Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of love.”, “If we only live through the eyes of the others and don’t try to capture the vibration of our own individual experience, we may miss out the beam and brilliance of authenticity that is essential to move forward in life”, “When we are fairly observant and overly patient, a vibration of happiness might crop up unwittingly, as we capture the “timelessness” of a lucky moment and a sparkle of a stray instant, unexpectedly, enraptures our life in a blaze of color and splendor. 130 Frida Kahlo Quotes for Strength and Inspiration. Born on July 10, 1856, Nikola Tesla has long been an enigmatic figure. Royal Astro Studio. And it'll cut out a lot of music if people ever expected to make money. With bass, especially bottom end, the vibration has to happen on stage otherwise the feel is wrong. It's a cry and a celebration. Tires were so bald on the truck that the air was showin' through, and I had to drive fifty miles an hour all the way out there, because the vibration was so bad. I found golf late in life, in 1990. It's a living thing, a weed, really, and it does contain spirit of a sort. It makes you experience other emotions. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. I don't do propaganda films that are anti another religion, anti-Muslim or anti-Hindu. It changes my heart. ― Osho. Of course, not. Most Americans don't even understand what I'm saying in my records, but they pick up on the vibe, the vibration. 'The Rachmaninoff Concerto 3 in D-minor', 1st movement. There is no limit in the speed. It makes you feel more beautiful or more alone or more angry. I play music off of my Sonos playlist. One cannot win with the same tactics of the opponent, spend the time running toward your soul on an internal seek, an inner peace that accepts there is pain, there is tragedy, there is misfortune in this world but there is also power to turn these great adversities into the kind of light that ripples a postive effect amongst millions.”. No matter the genre, music is a universal language and vibration that people can feel all over. 504 shares. Just because one plane vibrates at a lower frequency than another plane, the former is not inferior to the latter. Love is the highest vibration. So if you will tune your thoughts and actions to that consistent Vibration of Well-Being flowing forth from your Inner Being—you will thrive under any and all conditions.” ... 215 Love Quotes For Your Husband To Make Him Feel Appreciated. In 2012, we did collaboration together. I myself eschew all stimulants. There is simply no smallest unit, no smallest anything, by Hadien.”, “let the wild ones tame you, they know a thing two about freedom. Or was there some disturbing circumstances from one or more factors which distorted the result? The words we use are showing how we think and how we feel. There is only vibration and spinning. Spinning into shrinking can go well beyond the quantum unit. Share 216 Tweet 135. Like this page if you're looking for daily inspiring quotes to add more comfort to your day! There was a lot of light and a lot of rumbling and vibration, especially the first minute or minute-and-a-half. It is paradoxical, … “Relax and look to nature. … I think in metaphysical terms, I would call that increasing the speed of the vibration of life. Making dance music is a spiritual thing. ( "Happy days are back again" )”. “You'll spend a long portion of your life fighting off evil, if you are consumed by its toxins. Don’t run away from the grief, O Soul, look for the remedy inside the pain. The word ‘war’ carries a whole different vibration than the word ‘peace’. That's what music, sound, vibration should do. If that were the case, elevators would be holy objects, and we'd all have achieved illumination by now.”, “Like steps of a staircase, and notes on a piano, each part MUST be present for the whole to function properly. That’s why you don’t need to ‘push harder’ to make it ‘go faster’, you just need to line up with it (in terms of thoughts and feelings being in line with it) and He's keeping me aligned with that generation.' It's not going to have the inner vibration. “Vexations of the spirit” lose their power over us. “Wealth flows from energy and ideas.” – William Feather The more you allow your soul to shine through you, the higher your personal vibration will be.” – Penney Peirce. The other thing I’d add is realise the universal stream is infinite. Jul 24, 2019 - Explore Dushanna Boose's board "Love Vibration", followed by 116 people on Pinterest. It's a feeling, a vibration, that we ride on. He and I work in a very similar way. It's very hot. Music can also be a sensual pleasure, like eating food or sex. 40 of the Greatest Nikola Tesla Quotes to Unleash Your Passion. They are fond of talking about 'raising one's vibrations,' as if being on the twelfth floor of a building was superior to being on the first floor! Aug 28, 2018 - Explore Cheryl Hansen's board "Love Vibration" on Pinterest. But once you attain this status, more than you, people become self-conscious by your presence. Think, say and act love and it's love that will flow. Here are 15 Buddha quotes on life that I think your soul will love. It all gently puts me into awake-mode. The devices that our kids use are shipped from the factory with every possible audio, visual or vibration alert switched on. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness. Unfortunately, the echoes of that body/soul dichotomy are still found in the writings of some modern metaphysical thinkers. Positive energy to help you raise your vibration, attract more positive energy and manifest faster - from Inspire Good Vibes. The love force is all around you, let it in, and you’ll attract all of the love that you want in your life. I also practically abstain from meat. However, it is the birds' eyes and the two invisible angels by your side that record everything. I think screen work needs inner vibration. mindset/vibration towards it such that it’s the joy that thrills you, that is your reward. Short Inspirational Quotes . I think we're returning to more of the original vibration of music and creativity through the removal of this distortion called the music industry. Making a conscious decision to creating our day and enjoy feeling good takes some good practice but the end result is worthwhile”, “The sun's rays have vision and give us vision. The Beatles summed it up when they said, “Love is all you need.” And to help spread the love vibration, James channeled his master guides and they brought through these activation cards to bring love into all areas of your life. They love hard, but never own, for they also need their own room to grow. " If words don't have vibration behind them, and a real feeling behind them, then they're just words. To me, there is spirit in a reed. Working with Kanye is a joy and great privilege. Tag: love vibration quotes. “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – … Lovely days don’t come to you, you should walk to them. Love Vibration – 14th Feb 2016, Takaka, Golden Bay, New Zealand The winds that sometimes take something we love, are the same that bring us something we learn to love. Vibration of Love by: Lynn Roaten Terrell, , Source Unknown. BrainyQuote has been providing inspirational quotes since 2001 to our worldwide community. “There are two kinds of sparks, the one that goes off with a hitch like a match, but it burns quickly. As above, so below. He is perpetually included in the list of the world’s most influential inventors ever. Peggy Lee does it. 544 shares. Once you attain stardom, you lose that finer touch with society. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.” Abraham Hicks “What you think about … Keeping Our Ego in Check Gone are any neurotic fear, guilt, judgment, greed, envy, arrogance, and the ego's stubborn need to be right. There is always a delightful sense of movement, vibration and life. Surrender. Then one day, I hit a drive that was so crisp and clean, with no vibration. it's law!”, “It's your thoughts, words, and deeds; a farmer sowing his seeds, it's a mind thing described in those creeds. Feb 23, 2019 - inspirational quotes life motivational self love protect your energy vibration #bestlifequotes There is spinning into bigger and spinning into smaller. It's really an ancient vibration. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. If it became extinct, what would be the cause of the next wave, because the motion is going in wave forms, rising, falling, rising again, falling again?”, “When you provide value to others and when you are not full of negativity but instead irradiate amazing positive energy; people will always come to you because they feel good around you. String Theory describes energy and matter as being composed of tiny, wiggling strands of energy that look like strings. The south coast of Australia and New Zealand have a similar vibration, and a lot of the music comes from this kind of space. It's about being completely absorbed by rhythm and vibration, so much so that the petty stuff of life stops mattering.