Find Prices, track Item History and create Price Alerts. Anywhere, anytime. Or is there a setting I am missing in either of these profiles? Higher Purity will give you a better chance of obtaining more precious aethersands. - Landborne Aethersand & Leafborne Aethersand can only be obtained from 8/8 Purity items. For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dawnborn Aethersand". You can re-spawn them in that 4 hours, if you touch a node from each of 2 different node "pairs" surrounding them. Login via Discord. A handful of duskborne aethersand is obtained. You can also view old Heavensward and Stormblood nodes here. Market. Collectible Value: 287 From this particular result, i came to this assumption that the time of the day effects the variety of Aethersand acquired via Aetherial Reduction. I've had triple gathers of 1000 on enough occasions that I've stopped using other skills. To get Dawnborne Aethersand.. well you get the idea. 150 Dawnborne Aethersand Materials - Reagent - Stack: 999 The elementally aspected remnants of aetherially reduced matter. Updated for FFXIV patch 5.4 Shadowbringers: Futures Rewritten. Final Fantasy XIV Online: Market Boards. * Notifications for PvP team formations are shared for all languages. Anywhere, anytime. While 500 can get you a Levinstrike, it's not guaranteed like 1000. Final Fantasy XIV Online: Market Board aggregator. ** Filter which items are to be displayed below. For Aethersand farming: I have just been using triple Meticulous. Sometimes I get around half dozen to a dozen Dawnborne Aethersand per 24 hours of ET but most of time I will get just a couple plus some landbornes, leafbornes and duskbornes. Dawnborne Aethersand Server: Brynhildr DataCenter Prices Last Updated: 2/1/21 11:59:01 AM Search Category: Reagents, Item Category: Reagent Sell price to vendor: 2 8PM-12AM Coerthas Western Highlands: X:21 Y:28 Falcon's Nest: Lightning Cluster Lightning Moraine (Lvl 56) Bright Lightning Rock (Lvl 58) Radiant Lightning Moraine (Lvl 60) Radiant Astral Moraine (Lvl 60*) Lightning Crystal Lightning Cluster Duskborne Aethersand Dawnborne Aethersand Use Collector's Gloves! (based on my assumption, feel free to correct it) Item Name: Lightning Moraine. I boost two of them, and if I'm still less than 1000, I Meticulous again for a chance at 1000 + no lost gather. You can just start the gather process and back out for it to count! This fine sand emits a brilliant light discernible even at midday. Find Prices, track Item History and create Price Alerts. Ephemeral nodes spawn every 4 hours and are up for 4 hours (Eorzea Time). Dawnborne Aethersand can be obtained by both gatherers as well, but requires about 5/8 to 8/8 Purity. **You don't have to gather the adjacent nodes. They are used for Aetherial Reduction which converts items into crystals, clusters & various types of aethersand. Ephemeral Nodes spawn for 4 hours. * Notifications for standings updates are shared across all Worlds. As the relics require a bunch of dawnborne aethersand, I was looking for 2 things: 1) Is there a profile out there that will use the 550 rotation on the level 58 collectible items? I just store those for now unless I need ffxiv gil or wish to sell them to buy additional Dawnborne Aethersand ones. These are for the new Shadowbringers expansion only. Dawnborne Aethersand Landborne Aethersand Light-kissed Aethersand.