I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. 11 ABR 2018 a las 2:44 I did the same, but eventually I decided to give up. what a small world! It is just too hard to drop them, not worth the effort nor the time in my opinion User account menu. The largest Final Fantasy XV subreddit in the world. Most importantly, a Behemoth's Tear for the Penetrator … Posted by 2 years ago. VoltaicScarab. ), Wins against another LV50 Magician. The first table down below describes the locations of all treasure items needed for buying items in Cauthess Depot. Miasmal Particle. Final Fantasy XV Comrades has a lot of treasure items, which drop from different quests and give stats and abilities. Keep up with game news, find Comrades teammates, and chat … Press J to jump to the feed. Flan Ooze. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. nice tips! the drop is from breaking the boss behemoth's horns but it's an incredibly low drop it's like 98% for the Behemoth Insisor and 2% drop rate for the Behemoth Tear. While it borrows a lot of systems from Final Fantasy XV proper, the Comrades multiplayer DLC expansion for FF15 also has many all-new systems of its own. Those triumphs, however, have come at the cost of an eye and a horn. Fight or flee, either way you'll die.. I honestly don’t even think that you can break the horns more than once. It's possible you need to target the face I would think, or alternately the rear. Can anyone explain where else to get it? It is completely random. Archived. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. Welcome, This guide's primary interest is in helping you complete the FFXV Comrades storyline and earn 100% of the trophies inside of both the Main Game FFXV and Standalone Trophy Lists. Please help me. ~4 minutes if mission … And Thanks for reading and using my guides, if any help please rate them up ^-^ Dubbed "King of the Beasts," this ferocious creature possesses power nigh unparalleled throughout the animal kingdom. Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. Super surprised. Skeleton Fragment. VoltaicScarab. I used Golden Axe (any hammer weapon would do I'd say) and used the advise one of you have given here - jump and attack the behemoth's face. Most of the area will be ablaze, except for the Throne area, so just stay there and keep doing what you were doing in Phase 2. 1. This outpost is located just south from Lestallum. A few of these crafts have already been featured in this guide in Crafting Goal #5. They are both level 18, quite a bit higher than your current possible level of 11. End result should be AI with Mystery meat and you with the high quality meat. So come, wage war against a tyrant. Please help me. If you have already obtained the trophies you need to do a few things such as checking your sigils or chocobos and they will pop normally. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Trophäen-Leitfaden - Final Fantasy XV Multiplayer Comrades 0x 1x 2x 10x = 13 Vierfach 100% möglich durch Versionen PS4 (EU, JP, AS und NA). Introduction. It is just an extremely rare drop from breaking the horns. w/ another MAG Honebami. Close. Killing FFXV Comrades Behemoth Takes All You Got. Best Breaking Weapon for comrades? Ancient Cloth. Use light weapons (katana, daggers) to warp around faster. Select him as the outpost leader, and you’ll get his trading post store. I finally got the Behemoth Tear, it is from the quest "Double Deadeyes" and yes I have been farming it since I last posted. The main playable character is a player-created avatar that can be customized with various clothing items and equipment. Reaper Funnybone. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. It's my first time posting here. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. All of this should help you in comrades, any errors or mistakes please let me know of in the comments. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. Grinding in Comrades help (Behemoth Tears) M.E. The key to winning is in the preparation for the fight. HELP. Please help me. VoltaicScarab I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. There are no changes to the requirements of already existing trophies assuming they are part of the new Comrades trophy list. Please help me. never lose hope. It bounds in to an area without warning, upending the entire local ecosystem in so doing. Enemy Break (Psychomancer): Besmirched Blade (Black Level 99 Honebami Version)-----Urgent - Level 39: Ghost In The Machine Rewards: Possible Drops: Mat. FFXV Comrades - Behemoth Tears and Penetrator X / 50% Defense down! Majestic Mane -----Defense - Level 36: Havoc Befalls the Hut Again Rewards: Possible Drops: Mat. Accursed Coin. Its tendency to strike suddenly and violently has drawn comparisons to the unfo… Be sure to free Devon Elkton. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. I've now made 4 comrades guides, altogether they cover the best materials, materials in general, missions, weapons, remodelling and mission drops. HELP. These treasures in FFXV Comrades serve as remodeling and crafting materials for weapons. Please help me. I'm the other LV50 magician in the link under 'Bonus' :O Guess I need to do a little more optimising lol, (made an account just to reply to this XD), I love this game haha, glad comrades is still going strong. FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. ;) < > Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3 komentarzy . FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 2018-04-23: FFXV Comrades - Laser Sensor Farming / Best item for STR + VIT Builds: 2018-04-21: FFXV Comrades - Boss Break Weapons / Kitchen Knives, Thor's Hammer: 2018-04-20: FFXV Comrades - Save Time Farming / Cut the fat on farming items: 2018-04-19 ;) < > Mostrando 1-3 de 3 comentarios . Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. FF15 Comrades Weapon Remodeling Guide. Grinding in Comrades help (Behemoth Tears) M.E. When he unleashes Ultima S… can we have a link on SSD conversion? INFORMATION. Please help me. Please help me. While it borrows a lot of systems from Final Fantasy XV proper, the Comrades multiplayer DLC expansion for FF15 also has many all-new systems of its own. Close. As you complete the first few missions and objectives in the world of FF15 Comrades, your Kingslgiave will gain access to various new resources. are welcome! Cool tips! 322. Close Application (FFXV) before exiting the Crafting Screen as the game doesn't auto-save until exiting it. I tried 4 times last night and as soon as I read this post, I had another go at the quest and the tears dropped. ;) < > Mostrando 1-3 de 3 comentarios . Apr 11, 2018 @ … Archived. Behemoth Tears. Here’s some intel for everyone going for the Behemoth Tears. Also, go solo, dont bother with other people, as it actually slows the spawning of enemies down. Treasure Item Locations in FFXV Comrades Cauthess Depot. The largest Final Fantasy XV subreddit in the world. Log In Sign Up. Keep up with game news, find Comrades teammates, and chat … FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. 82.2k members in the FFXV community. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. Posted by 2 years ago. 11 apr, 2018 @ 2:44 I did the same, but eventually I decided to give up. TL;DR. Time consuming - 15 Behemoth Tears per 99 Behemoth Incisors, What:~15% Chance to drop Behemoth Tears~85% Chance to drop Behemoth Incisors, Where:Cauthess Depot - Double Deadeyes Mission. 82.2k members in the FFXV community. FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. The Yoshimitsu katana becomes available once you’ve freed enough refugees at Meldacio Hunter HQ (northern outpost), and they band together. I know it sounds obvious, but 2 other tips would be to get a SSD to take it from 4-5 min round trip to 1-2 min round trip. It said it was possible to get the Tear through "barter" also. Close . Keep up with game news, find Comrades teammates, and chat about all things FFXV/FF15! You DON'T need to break both horns. FFXV Comrades Guide Resources; Conclusion; Dismantling. Keep up with game news, find Comrades teammates, and chat about all things FFXV/FF15! When King Behemoth spawns break his horn before going for the kill (recommend dodging his aerial attack for warp strike chain links) Pick up the meat ingredient he drops. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. You will notice you can clear a wave, and then sit there for 30-45 seconds waiting some times. TL;DR. Time consuming - 15 Behemoth Tears per 99 Behemoth Incisors Who: Level 45 Behemoth What: ~15% Chance to drop Behemoth Tears ~85% Chance to drop Behemoth Incisors Where: Cauthess Depot - Double Deadeyes Mission When: ~5 minutes full run starting from Monica, mission proper, until return to Lestallum. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. To unlock all vendors, you’ll need to free people in the vicinity, more specifically, a person named Kurt. Even the most psychotic of daemons dares not approach the king, whose blood-chilling roar is infused with the power of ice. Break both horns if you break only one it gives you something else, how are you guys breaking both horns? I only managed to kill him once and only broke his face once... no tear tho. The behemoth Deadeye lurks under the mists of the Nebulawood, notorious for laying waste to habitat and hunter alike. Grinding in Comrades help (Behemoth Tears) M.E. Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. It's recommended that you start by playing Comrades Version 1.0 (FFXV 1.18) in order to use some major time-saving bugs, then update to Comrades 1.2 (FFXV 1.26) … keep it up! I've got to just have bad luck, I've been trying for days and haven't gotten a single tear. Note: This Level 99 quest should have unlocked after you completed the 1.2 storyline and defeated Ifrit in Insomnia. You can find him just west of a 3.000kW camp located west from Meldacio Hunter HQ. Have you had any luck? Please help me. VoltaicScarab. When:~5 minutes full run starting from Monica, mission proper, until return to Lestallum.~4 minutes if mission is aborted. HELP. Please help me. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. The player can customize their avatar's birthplace to either Galahd, Insomnia, Lestallum and Altissia, eventually you can have the options of Tenebrae and Gralea, after defeating Ifrit and Bahamut in Lvl 99 for the second time. Kingsglaives. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. Once with drop rate food buff, you can abort mission after horn break for faster turn-around time. 76561198134921874. ;) < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . I took a peek at the FF15 excel spreadsheat to took at how to get the Behemoth Tears, after spending 5 hours getting nothing but Incisors. Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. For Final Fantasy XV on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best Breaking Weapon for comrades? Size: 92.42 ft. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. i keep breaking the first one then they die before i could break the second, 1000+ Hour Player Here; Lets Talk "Party Builds", I feel bad for anyone who doesn't like this game. the drop is from breaking the boss behemoth's horns but it's an incredibly low drop it's like 98% for the Behemoth Insisor and 2% drop rate for the Behemoth Tear. Breaking the horns 2 Times is not a thing. It goes without saying that the 30% Cid Buff (Crafting Boost Level 3) is required for all of these. Weight: 451.68 t A king among kings, this subspecies of behemoth kneels before no beast. heh, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Mission may respawn: Cactuar (for cactuar needle/blossom), Nidus + Liches (for occult charms), & Magic Pot (for Kilowatts? I just put in whatever items/ingredients I have to change it to a Dragon Whisker and only cared about Cid's buff, meteorites to get the Dragon whisker to Lv120 and my best strength items/ingredients after that. Havocfang Hide. ;) < > Visar 1-3 av 3 kommentarer . Please help me. Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. Lord of all beasts, made mightier and more menacing by a sudden mutation that caused it to sprout great wings. bunlilbun! Behemoth Tears drop from the final boss. The largest Final Fantasy XV subreddit in the world. INFORMATION. What have I gotten myself into? 12 [Comrades] Behemoth Tears dropped using Kain's Lance "Warp Strike+Thundaga" combo. You can help yourself a lot by choosing the right Royal Sigil and going with a weapon that suits it. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. Kazerok: 5: 2/13 6:24PM: Sealed door quests. FFXV Comrades - Behemoth Tears and Penetrator X / 50% Defense down! Thx Sorry for my english, I'm french. Dismantling lets you "dismantle" (or reset) older Weapons you crafted back to their starting level, allowing you to earn special parts you can use to improve your newer Weapons. Final Fantasy XV Comrades Weapon Effects - Spell Changing Effects. Where is the dungeon key to Costlemark Tower. Keep doing this until Cid hopefully spawns. FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. FFXV Comrades Behemoth tears Hi, I need help to drop Behemoth tears. I try to farm since 2 days and I break behemoth's face but nothing. The Pious's Sigil: Multicast-For +70% MAG, Honebami-Blizzaga to clear double deadeyes & trash mobs-For quicker warp movement, Clarity Shield-Anti-confusion against Havoc Fang's confusion-HP & VIT dump, For the love of our lord & savior behemoth, On a serious note, trying Priest Build pumping SPI as high as possible (x1 Vitanova for Curaga, x3 Kitchen Knives III for SPI), Try to maintain food buff with drop rate increase. MA-X Angelus-0: How to trivialize all of its attacks. 83.0k. Neskou: 2: 2/14 8:06AM: MA-X Angelus-0: How to trivialize all of its attacks. He has a dragon's tail and the wings of his armor are made of swords, 15 on each side, himself also brandishing one. Behemoth tears". [FFXV Comrades] Behemoth Tears Farming. Comments, violent reactions, frustrations, etc. Press J to jump to the feed. On my 87 attempt, I broke the horns and I got them. You can sell them for … In FFXV Comrades Behemoth Slayer, you’ll fight two monsters at once. M.E. I finally got the Behemoth Tear, it is from the quest "Double Deadeyes" and yes I have been farming it since I last posted. VoltaicScarab. The largest Final Fantasy XV subreddit in the world. 2018-04-23: FFXV Comrades - Laser Sensor Farming / Best item for STR + VIT Builds: 2018-04-21: FFXV Comrades - Boss Break Weapons / Kitchen Knives, Thor's Hammer: 2018-04-20: FFXV Comrades - Save Time Farming / Cut the fat on farming items: 2018-04-19 : FFXV Comrades - Better Character Build Tips / Newbie friendly … I feel bad for anyone who doesn't like this game: carljenk: 16: 2/15 8:55AM: How to approach the game? Where to find Best Katana in FFXV Comrades. I need that tear to get that weapon from the trading post. ;) < > Показване на 1-3 от 3 коментара . It could be the behemoth king though.. 11 kwietnia 2018 o 2:44 I did the same, but eventually I decided to give up. keep going redgrave! He is just west from Cauthess Depot. Bahamut dons a metallic suit of armor similar to that of the traditional Dragoon armor, and is more humanoid in appearance, having the title of "Bladekeeper". Comrades also has it's own unique trophy list and needs to be downloaded separately. 1. This is a curated list of "Ultimate" Weapons in FFXV Comrades, mostly designed around a meta Dragon Whisker build.