Shorts, broken dials, and bad touchscreens can all … Whenever I first start up the car, if I turn on the AC (press button and see green light) I hear something run for a moment and then stop (I assume that's the compressor). Some cars have a shut off feature that will disengage the a/c compressor if your engine is under duress. Fortunately, there are things that you can do if your air conditioner is not blowing cold air. Learn more: Has Your Air Conditioner’s Air Filter Betrayed You? If the condenser is blocked by debris or is damaged, the refrigerant will not flow. Fixing the AC could be as simple as recharging your car's AC refrigerant or repairing a refrigerant leak but may also require complex electrical climate control repair or slipping compressor clutch to get your air conditioning operating at top performance once again. Find the filter either behind your return grates (the metal slots in the ceiling where air gets sucked in) or in a slot before the furnace/air handler unit. But there are many metal to rubber hose connections that are sealed with special O-rings and gaskets. As you get in your car and turn on your AC, you probably expect it to be blowing hot air for the first minute or two until the system cycles through enough to cool it. I was barely out of my work place and i got in the car i quickly turned the ac all the way then i started the car..then i noticed the ac had stop working was pretty hot that day.. This happens in most cars when the AC system of your car does not have properly maintenance and it definitely makes you irritated to stay in the car on a hot day with no cool AC. The problem occurs at most cars at some point in their lifetime. Over time, a car's air conditioning system will begin be less and less effective, until the day when you turn the knob and all it spits at you as you roast in the summer heat are tepid, warm gusts. I clean my car interior yesterday, and now my ac is not blowing.Another thing, my car setting has , instrument, lighting, vehicle and convinence. A/C not blowing any air at all 10 Answers. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. The settings on my car there is no air blowing out of my vents either it is on AC or Heat, when the setting is at High the air is working fine. The first thing to check with any issue related to the car's climate control or electronics is the fuse box. There are a variety of reasons why your car AC is not blowing cold air. The first is a blockage anywhere in the series of tubes in the condenser. Simply put, your car’s buttons, knobs, or haptic feedback touchscreens may not be triggering the heating system. The most common causes when car AC is not blowing cold air are an empty AC system, faulty air compressor, faulty AC pressure switch, and a clogged cabin filter. It often happens, and it is the most common issue that makes an AC blowing hot air. All of these smells can indicate that your car AC is not working and that there is a problem within your air conditioning unit, from dirty air filters that need to be changed to leaks that need to be repaired and vents that need to be cleaned. So the blower motor is not coming on. In fact, the fix may be a relatively inexpensive repair that can be done in just a matter of minutes. Lifewire / Maddy Price Reasons Why a Car Heater Stops Working . And the air does not blow out very hard the blower is working fine.I just dont know what else to do to resolve this issue. AC not blowing 2 Answers. Why AC blows warm air in car? In most cases you can recharge car AC systems yourself with a can of refrigerant, a charging hose and gauge from any auto parts store. In a properly working air conditioner, the fan will draw air over the cold evaporator coils and then re-circulate the air back into the room. The reason why I said sometimes is because it stopped working for a day then it would work again the following day. If your car’s AC isn’t blowing cold air it might be low on refrigerant. I would drive for 10-12 mins when it sould come on. Checking the system from time to time is crucial to keep it in a good condition. It’s also possible that there is a very simple reason your car air conditioning is not cold, and that is electrical. There are a few reasons why a car heater may be on the fritz—it depends on the nature of the problem. The Causes Why Car AC not Blowing Cold Air When Idle? Electrical Problems. Now it doesn't come on at all the blower and ac. When running the ac or heater air blows out all vents at the same time. This typically happens if the engine is too hot, so be sure to check the engine temperature. The main issues that occur with the car’s air conditioning system are due to poor maintenance. If it is blowing air but not cold air, the problem is with the ac system and will require a mechanic. But when it’s on 1/2/ or 3 I hear the motor working, but there is no air blowing. Hi, I have a Honda civic 2011. Any answers or suggestions are appreciated! 6 Reasons Why Your Car’s Air Conditioner Might Be Blowing Hot Air. When this happens, you won’t get cold or even cool air blowing from our air conditioner. When the refrigerant is leaking, all you have to do is using the sealant that is available in most of the car repair shops. The ac was blowing well on all air speeds. When water gets into your A/C, it combines with freon (a refrigerant) and creates a highly corrosive acid that literally eats away at the components of your A/C system. Since then, no air will come from the vents on any settings (compressor on or off, cool or heat, etc.) Ever had problems with your car about air conditioner, or AC, not blowing cold air when the car is at stop? Recently the A/C would stop working intermittently at first, now it has stopped blowing air completely. Poor maintenance of the air conditioning unit is the main culprit for car air conditioner not blowing cold air when idling. 2. Symptom #3: Blowing Hot Air. Car ac not blowing air at all,cold or warm what can i check for? If your window air conditioner is not blowing any air, the problem could be the fan or fan motor. Is the heater blowing cold air into the car, or is the car heater not blowing any air at all? A damaged seal will reduce the amount of cold air that makes its way to your cabin, but it also lets moisture in, compromising the whole system. Sometimes my middle two ac vents is not blowing out any air at all ( but the sides somehow works very little ). If it’s hot in a situation of car air conditioner blowing hot air , then it’s an engine problem. After being parked for an hour I started car and ac doesn't blow at all. Regardless, the fan doesn't blow at all, no matter what. Car AC Not Blowing Cold Air: A Bad Fuse. Air Conditioner - If your car's air conditioner stops working on a hot day, then the ride to your destination can be quite uncomfortable. There might be several reasons AC blows warm air inside the car, based on the above explanation. You may notice that the air is not blowing as cold as it was before or is not blowing cold air at all. Any degree of blockage in the system can lead to the condenser not being able to execute its … The blower is a component that pushes air through the vents of your vehicle’s heating and air conditioning system, without it functioning the AC unit will not be able to circulate cool air within the car. Recharged Car AC still warm Added Freon still not cold. In case of confusion, you can call a repairer and let him seal all the leaks causing AC compressor running but not cooling. There are two main issues in the condenser that can lead to a car AC system blowing hot air. Look in the owners manual to locate the fuse panel. If fuse is ruled out the simplest is the blower motor resistor. Problem #2: Frozen evaporator coil. It was working in the morning fine, but in the afternoon I was having issues. The blower motor is up under the dash on the passenger side typically, and usually the resistor is there too. If your air conditioner is too powerful, it will cycle on and off more frequently and not stay on long enough to remove humidity from the air. I have replaced all the vacuum lines but did not fix issue. mechanics at All Brands Auto Repair in Mesa,AZ can intelligently diagnose the problem and will have it fixed quickly. Then the problem started, the blower stopped working and no ac. If you suspect a refrigerant leak, take your car to General Automotive. Warm Air is Coming Out Instead of Cold. First, the air conditioner may not be the problem. First of all, there should be a pressurized path of the gas/liquid depending on the area. And no air blowing with no blower noise. I've checked fuse and changed any and every setting but I get nothing. w... AC NOT BLOWING AT ALL - 2001 Mercedes-Benz S430 Close The manual will also show you which fuse to check. The key here is no air blowing. We will test the pressure and use special dyes to pinpoint the leak. ... Just because your car air conditioner has stopped cooling doesn’t mean that all is lost. This will be something electrical, not an A/C problem. Top 3 reasons your car’s AC isn’t blowing cold air Top 3 reasons your car’s AC isn’t blowing cold air Car AC isn’t blowing cold because it’s low on refrigerant and the compressor isn’t running. Understanding why your car’s air conditioner is blowing hot air is a frustrating experience for anyone, but if you need ANY help -our licensed (and down to earth!) Though the AC not blowing isn’t exactly the issue, the stuffy air can make it feel like it is not blowing. Your AC cools air by blowing it over the evaporator coil. Here is a more detailed list of the most common causes of a car AC not blowing cold air. Has a 2.4L engine. Air conditioner started blowing hot air Either AC compressor or AC clutch failure or both highly likely as Kia Sedona has notable history of this Sure, one might trace the wire that connects to the compressor, and while its challenging to reach without removal of both … I have a 2007 Toyota Camry LE with ~83k miles on it. Your car’s AC is a closed system. A ride can be even more uncomfortable if you are stuck in traffic. If the pressure drops along the way, the exchange from high pressure to low pressure, it’s not properly done. If it is not blowing any air at all, first check the fuse for the heater/ac motor.