To update the BIOS, check Asus’ website for any possible system BIOS upgrades for your laptop model. So, check for other symptoms such as physical damage. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; Here’s why this could be the case: There is a problem with the connection to the battery. Have a look at my guide for “how to take apart a laptop” to get an idea of how to do this. Also, this may be irrelevant, but totally forgot to mention that my a/c charger (one of those universal ones you can get at Best Buy) was also killed when the case officially broke, because after the case was fixed I couldn't get it to work. If your notebook computer battery does not power the notebook or will not hold a charge, troubleshoot the battery to see if it needs to be replaced. Check to see if you’re plugged in. Power sockets are easy to replace (follow my guides) and pretty cheap. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "laptop battery"; If the voltmeter reads between 12.65 volts and 12.77 volts, then the battery is fully charged. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "tekmoz-laptopbattery-20"; I have a surface pro 3 i5 256 (model 1631). The next morning I tried to turn it on and I couldn't. ... Start up your laptop without a battery. FWIW I just found out that my phone can get charged by doing that. Using the laptop when it's not plugged into AC just depletes the battery further. With the summary shown at the bottom: .mobile-leaderboard-2-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',137,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',137,'0','1']));My laptop is 1 year old you can see from my table that the batter is already started to wain slightly and I fully expect this to degrade further as time progresses. Like most things with Microsoft Windows there are lots of ways of finding out system information and there are a plethora of third party software solutions that can tell you all sorts of weird and wonderful information about your computer, but the following information is how I would do it. A lower-wattage charger might keep the battery from draining while you use it, but it won't be enough to charge it any higher. Had to tape in the power charger because the magnetic cord will come out if you turn the laptop to show someone. My laptop shuts down within minutes of being unplugged. You can see on the image below the design capacity versus the current capacity and how it drops over time. Managed IT Services (London) – Premier IT Solution. Looked in the logs and there was a firmware update that dealt with battery issues. Recommended for UK customers looking for IT support services. Unfortunately, two days later, the battery won't hold a charge at all. Charging a surface with car charger !!! Is there any work amzn_assoc_linkid = "00982136dbda2e081bf0ac99e591010c"; eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'tekmoz_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_13',150,'0','0']));The software installed on your laptop requires power to run. So with this in mind, the last point I will make on software apps affecting the health of your laptop battery is that malware could also be to blame. This information is also found within the battery report. I have already tried all the troubleshooting steps here:, I also tried using the Surface Diagnostic Toolkit, but it didn't help (only told me there is an issue with power/battery, but no fix): You’re now ready to use a voltmeter to gauge how much “juice” your battery has. Just out of the blue, my battery won’t hold a charge for very long. I built a home pc a while ago. Battery is stuck at 62% and doesn't move. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; After a few years, some batteries will last only a fraction of the rated runtime. I didn't but by using the first command it’s a little easier to retrieve. I plugged the charger and when I turned it on, it said on the screen "your battery life is very low" and it shut off. Here’s why this could be the case: As ever in Tekmoz though I’d like to show you how I would approach this particular fault as an IT technician so you can follow along. If you have a spare one then try it and see what happens. I tried everything (button presses etcc) but nothing worked. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',131,'0','0']));The key to fault finding is replacing suspect parts with known good parts. I didn't have battery issues, my surface was working fine and was the main laptop used by a community center's robotics team. More Less. These steps can be taken to solve your problem of Asus laptop battery … I have tried three different chargers with the same results. But it is always recommended to use the system on battery power at least once in a week. I’ve bought from many suppliers over the years but you can’t beat Amazon (literally). Over their lifespans, lithium-ion batteries can lose the ability to hold a charge. The idea here is that the original battery may have discharged after the laptop sat for a while, and your laptop power brick may have died at the same time. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; battery is stuck at 60% and it is not charging : Available (Plugged : Not charging). Now it is pretty much a paperweight. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'tekmoz_com-leader-2','ezslot_2',155,'0','0']));Either uninstall it or choose how and when it is allowed to use your battery. And when it is on with the charger, if the charger is unplugged, the tablet shuts down. After completing the BIOS upgrade, it is advised to recharge your laptop battery for 12 hours and then continue to use as normal. However, in my experience, there are sometimes other causes for circuitry not charging correctly and they usually have some symptoms. Press and release the power button to turn your Surface back on. Measuring tools are also helpful but sometimes just slow down the break/fix process but they do have their uses. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. . I expected a fix since my friend with the same model has the same issue. How To Fix An Overheating Laptop Without Taking It Apart, Canon EOS Rebel T7i / EOS 80D / 800D Review, The Best Digital SLR Cameras For Beginners. It may sound ridiculous, but it pays to check if your laptop and … Replace the charger. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "tekmoz-laptopbattery-20"; Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. ... Unplug all USB devices from the notebook. No battery lasts forever, and at some point, all batteries will stop working. Press and hold the volume-up button and the power button at the same time for at least 15 seconds and then release both. Attach a Voltmeter. Now it is a week later and nothing. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "laptop ac dc power jack plug in charging port socket connector"; You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. There are a variety of factors why your laptop’s battery might suddenly stop charging or won’t charge to full capacity. The ones I’ve listed above are the most common I’ve seen as an IT technician and I’ve listed them in the order that I would personally consider them before deciding upon the solution. The main problem is that my Surface dies when it gets unplugged. By leaving it plugged in all the time won’t actually charge it beyond its rated capacity. The balloon over the battery icon is reading '93% available (plugged in, not It is also worth noticing that my batter is stuck at 60% and it is not charging : Available (Plugged : Not charging). I have a 15v 4a charger, tried that and doesn't work. Restart the computer, removing the battery in between. My laptop battery won’t hold a charge. I can confirm installing September firmware update on my Surface Pro 6 enrolled to Release Preview Ring resolves all battery woes! Tips Do you have a phone (or something else) that would be charged by the tablet's battery? amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Examine the cord. Instead, use the power supply that shipped with the device. Hold the power button for at least five seconds to turn off the computer. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; Sparks may emit from the battery during this process. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Is It Safe To Pack Your Laptop Into Your Suitcase? Same thing... SP3 i5 and it ran updates, next day I came in and found it with this issue. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tekmoz_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_6',148,'0','0']));You can use the box below to check availability, the results will show for your own country: eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-netboard-1','ezslot_15',149,'0','0'])); amzn_assoc_linkid = "00982136dbda2e081bf0ac99e591010c"; There could be a number of reasons why your laptop won’t hold its battery charge, some more sever than others. The main problem is that my Surface dies when it gets unplugged. Dell Inspiron 15 power adapter. Will be returning, and finding a different battery, hopefully with better quality control. The battery icon showed it was on battery power, like the laptop didn't even realize it was plugged in. My laptop itself will not charge (no charging light or on the screen) but it works when plugged in, the charging icon just shows it to be plugged in but says "not charging" at 2%. BIOS Version/Date: 3.11.2550 2018/06/12) with exactly the same symptoms. Uninstalling firmware updates does not seem to be possible. I also noticed that the power jack would not insert all of the way into it’s charging socket. This must-have affected the charging circuitry because after I repaired the socket everything worked again. If Reset Won't Fix your Issue Check your Battery Health by Running Apple Self diagnosis test by Requesting from Apple. Unplug for a few minutes, then try a different outlet. Once the report opens (it should open in your internet browser). Having the same issues only even when I plug it in to the charger I still only see a blank screen. I have exactly the same problem on my Surface Pro 3 (Core i5, 128 GB, Windows 10 build 17763.104, the guide for replacing the charging port here. I read online that you can “jump start” a battery with a USB cable with the positive and negative wires stripped. recently, it won't start properly any more. With this said, laptops are mobile and are susceptible to damage when moved and a very common fault I see is the power socket taking a hammering. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Your battery is too old and needs replacing. So Robert, your idea for a fix won't work, because I can't run down the battery when my Surface doesn't even run on battery. If you are fixing a laptop for yourself or for a client it’s worth replacing this. Question: Q: My iPhone 6 won't hold a charge. I Charge my iPhone 6 at night to 100%. After you release the buttons, wait 10 seconds. Once the charge level of the battery … If you've purchased a new battery and the laptop still doesn't turn on, the next step is to purchase a new power brick. I doubt there is any physical issue with the battery as the laptop is relatively new & the issue has only just started after the upgrade to 17.04. Honestly I don't know. Symptom: Your notebook runs only a few minutes when unplugged. However, after this update, my tablet won't power on when unplugged. The process is simple and just requires (in most cases) some screws to be removed from the base of the laptop to gain access, after which the battery just unplugs. This thread is locked. The more power hungry the software the more it will drain your battery. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Additionally, you can dive deeper into the Power & sleep settings to adjust your power plan, but this is a little beyond the point of this article which is, of course, to find out why your battery isn’t charging. From either of these windows copy and paste the following link (use ctrl+c and ctrl+v to copy and paste to make the process simple). If the battery is not fully charged, repeat steps 4 through 7. Otherwise you will just have to wait for it to go to zero while it is off the charger. amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; Your email address will not be published. Is Microsoft aware of the issue? Hold the red clamp on the positive end and black on the negative end of the rechargeable battery for no longer than three seconds. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; When the menu appears, press the F2 key. Release the clamps and check the charge level on the battery using the battery tester. The battery cannot be drained (the device never uses it). Then right-click and run as administrator. Search the community and support articles,, Right-click on the windows icon in the taskbar and choose Windows Powershell (Admin). Emptythought - When powering on the laptop, I don't get any messages about the charger or battery or anything. My laptop battery won’t hold a charge. These can include, age, health, and possible firmware or hardware issues. When I unplug the charger, the device immediately turn off (screen turns completely black). amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; The laptop does turn on with AC Adapter plugged in, but if I unplug the charger, the laptop shuts down, as if the the battery has been removed. I tried both USB-C ports also, but neither helped my laptop charge. Even after charging overnight, the laptop dies as soon as it's unplugged, despite the laptop claiming its 100% charged. Here are the most common causes when the battery won’t charge, even when using an external battery charger: 1. Any help appreciated. My recommendation is to buy your battery from Amazon, the reason being is because you can check out the feedback from sellers and compare prices. Compare seller feedback and delivery time. Software is a factor and is affecting your battery health. The battery is old or has gone bad. There are lots of ways to access both but here are 2 simple ones. So depending upon what you see it may be time to replace your battery. powercfg /batteryreport /output “C:\battery-report.html”. This can be done from either CMD or PowerShell. Solution: Battery replacement. What do we do? You could probably expect about a 2 year life span out of a battery but if your laptop is no longer charging you will need to find out whether your battery simply needs replacing or not. Plug the laptop in and wait until the battery charge meter shows it is at 100%. ... Let the computer cool down. The battery won’t charge when using an external battery charger. If these are ok then replace your adapter. I figured we'd get a fix in a day or two. Just a couple of days ago I noticed that when I unplugged my AC adapter from my Inspiron 1501 laptop it would just shut off. Required fields are marked *. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'tekmoz_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_1',154,'0','0']));Once you have identified which software apps are causing your battery to drain you can decide to do something about it. This will show you where your CPU is being used most. It wasn't used at all. You can keep the AC adapter plugged into the notebook even though if it is not connected to the power outlet & hence not charging. If you know the chargers are working correctly and the charge ports look clean inside(no dust/lint/debri) and charge ports look good no damaged pins/loose, the issue may be quite simply faulty batteries. One case recently I came across was the laptop would boot up and then instantly turn itself off, the battery would not charge. I always recommend Amazon for these (see below), type in your laptop make and model and see if you can find your charging port and then follow the guide for replacing the charging port here. by morning it's down to 30%. But one day, the charger stopped working. another thread. If your battery is completely drained, a Surface Dock may not be able to fully charge your device. From here you can decide to change the various settings such as your screen brightness and which apps will be allowed to run in the background (scroll down and click the apps). .leader-3-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:400px;min-width:580px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-leader-3','ezslot_3',144,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tekmoz_com-leader-3','ezslot_4',144,'0','1']));To retrieve the report press your windows button + letter R together to open a run command and then type in c:\battery-report.html (or if you chose the latter option, type in the location C:\Users\\battery-report.html or whatever location you set it to. However, after about a month, a full charge became 67%. After your device has charged with the power supply for five minutes, again use the Surface Dock to continue charging. When this happens, it's likely the battery needs replacement. When I unplug it, the laptop immediately turns off without me being able to turn it back on. To me, the main problem is not that the battery won't fully charge. It was plugged in but not charging the laptop at all. So, with a smart charge indicator on the phone it might even be able to tell you when there was nothing left to drain from. You should see something like this: The Battery life estimates will show you the difference between how long the battery should last for according to the design capacity (this is shown on the right hand column under “At Design Capacity” versus the current likely amount of time that the battery will last during the period it was active for, this is found in the left hand column under “At Full Charge”. For cleaning services in and around the Liverpool area please see: Step 2 – Check the connectivity from the battery to the motherboard, Your battery is too old and needs replacing, There is a problem with your charging circuitry on the motherboard. I noticed when it was booting up that the fan was not running. Have you tried running the battery down completely? Inspect the connection. See my guide on how to tackle malware and viruses here. All I know is that my Surface went from a useful laptop/tablet to a kind of poor desktop. This doesn't make any sense to me; also my laptop is brand new! amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'tekmoz_com-netboard-2','ezslot_16',160,'0','0']));Tekmoz is a website that is the culmination of over 15 years experience and counting in the computer repair and technology industry where you can learn from our experience and apply it to your own life. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'tekmoz_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',132,'0','0']));The issue could actually be to do with your adapter. Right-click on your taskbar and open up Task Manager. The device finally lives up to the expectations”, a … This is also described in It just wouldn't charge any higher and that gradually decreased to 50% and by now less than 10%. In the first instance check the fuse in the plug, also check that the cable has not become damaged. My Surface does not power on when it's unplugged, and the battery is stuck at somewhere around 60%. I bought this laptop around June of last year and just now saw this problem. There was recently a firmware update. amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; I have checked almost daily Obviously there is a battery life problem here, and after reading some "not-to-do's" with your laptop I know understand why the laptop is behaving this way. The chances of this being the cause are small but I’ve seen it too many times on customers laptops where they have left the battery removed and the connectors have had fizzy drinks spilt on them and all sorts to think that this could be ignored, it’s worth doing. by that, i mean, after i press the start button, i will hear the cpu fan running really abnormally loud. for windows updates or anything. So head over the Amazon and type in your model of laptop followed by the words ‘power adapter’, e.g. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; Expert corporate, animation, training video’s and more. For this reason, if your laptop is still under warranty you should use this. After dis-assembling the laptop to a point where you can get to the CMOS battery (ensure that the main battery is also disconnected), disconnect the CMOS battery from the motherboard and then press and hold the Power button for 30 seconds to ensure that all residual power is drained from the motherboard and that the BIOS will be reset to its’ default settings. Zut Media are our recommendation for video production services in the UK. Any attempt to turn the system back on failed unless the AC adapter was plugged in. When lithium-ion batteries and lithium polymer batteries reach 100% charge, the laptop will stop charging and run directly off the power cable. This will not drain the battery if the computer is completely shut down. I also think this problem may have been caused by the recent firmware update. The screen may flash the Surface logo, but continue holding the buttons down for at least 15 seconds. If you have followed along with the Tekmoz laptop repair training and are feeling confident then have a go to see if you can repair the obvious faults but be warned that even if you get the laptop disassembled you may not necessarily be able to find out why the battery isn’t charging. Replacing the power brick may fix the issue. know that I have had more possibilities of keeping my phone charged until this discovery. Attach the red lead to the positive terminal and the black lead to the negative terminal. I plugged the laptop to charge and it showed that it was charging, when it said 100% completed I unplugged it and shut it down. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'tekmoz_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',146,'0','0']));Laptop batteries have a part number on them. Charging does indeed fail but the fix is beyond the average technician and will need to be repaired by an electronics person. .. around for this issue (a firmware update to apply?) You can check the health of your battery by using the command line. If your laptop has a removable battery then take it out and with a spare clean toothbrush dipped into some cleaning alcohol scrub the connectors. Infopackets Reader Susan M. writes: " Dear Dennis, I recently bought a new laptop that came with Windows 10 pre-installed. Tried all the normal "fixes" to no avail. A lot of laptops have a removable battery but later models have the battery hidden inside the case making it more difficult to remove. This is not to say that you won’t get a good service from another sellers website but Amazon are very difficult to compete with so most of these other sellers actually sell their batteries directly on Amazon too, sometimes under a different name. To me, the main problem is not that the battery won't fully charge. Last week, I received a Windows 10 update and now my battery keeps draining - even with the power plugged in! This is also described in another thread. Very disappointing. Please is there some way to fix this? I bought my new one and it worked fine for a few weeks but now, I would get at least a good 3-4 hours from the battery on a full charge. If the battery indicator LED, located near the power icon, does not glow or always blinks, there is a battery problem. May 15, 2016 7:24 AM amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tekmoz_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_18',128,'0','0']));Laptop batteries are not made to last forever and they do lose their ability to hold a charge over time. Optionally you can choose Options>Show history for all processes. So Robert, your idea for a fix won't work, because I can't run down the battery when my Surface doesn't even run on battery. Your email address will not be published. Sort the column by CPU Time to get 30 days of history. How can I tell if getting a new battery will fix this issue? amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; My laptop won't hold a charge, it only works plugged in. First of all, shutdown the notebook, unplug the AC Adapter unplugged, remove the battery, and then hold down the Power button for a full minute. Press the Windows button on your taskbar and type in cmd. I took the laptop apart and noticed that the charging block had become dislodged and was preventing the fan from running which was causing the laptop to overheat and turn off. There is a problem … Turn on the computer and immediately press Esc repeatedly, about once every second.