Profile Picture When you block someone, they won’t be able to see your profile picture, instead, they will see the default WhatsApp profile picture for your contact. WhatsApp has been updating its features from time to time to keep its users engaged right from bringing Gifs to the emoji features and many more They are part of the delivery and receipt system which has become popular among other messaging apps. If your WhatsApp display picture still disappearing irrespective of this please comment with every detail we will try to fix your WhatsApp profile pic not showing the issue. WhatsApp states that once someone has blocked you, you won’t see any updates to the person’s profile picture. No change to a WhatsApp profile: If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, the user’s profile will not be updated on your phone. Furthermore, when someone has blocked you on whatsapp, when you go to their profile, you will not be able to see any information such as their picture, status and time last seen or online/offline status.Instead their will just be a very blank and basic "profile" which will look like the one below. So now you know what are the different indications that someone has blocked you on Whatsapp. This security update seems to be legitimate & I suggest you reproduce the above steps to update your contact list on the WhatsApp database. On each of the social platforms, a profile picture carries a different meaning and attempts to convey a different message. Having said that, sometimes we just want to hide our profile picture or status from only one contact or a number of people without completely blocking them. I see many people changing their picture to a solid black, I don't understand, no one is talking about it. From sending texts to voice notes, WhatsApp comes with a plethora of features. Source(s): black box profile picture facebook: 0 0 You can also change your profile picture and upload status on WhatsApp to help people know about your whereabouts. These refers to symbols incorporated in WhatsApp and are used to provide information to users when it comes to sending, receiving and reading chats.. This means any update to a profile picture will not be visible. Types of WhatsApp ticks You can then click on the chat you want to read and WhatsApp … It turns out the old cliche "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true, at least when it comes to your Facebook profile picture. Facebook-owned instant messaging platform WhatsApp is one of the most used instant messaging apps. The widget shows the circular profile picture icon with a number of how many unread chats you have from that particular contact. The ticks usually appear below the chat text after the time indicating when the chat was sent. The "Big 5" personality traits and your profile picture What astrology is to women's magazines and Myers-Briggs is to corporate recruiting, " the Big 5 " is to scientific discussions of personality. The app allow users to put a profile picture which makes it easier to communicate.