There are a total of 45 heart pieces scattered across Hyrule, offering 9 Heart Containers to Link's total health, for a maximum of 20 hearts. There are few characters in the "Legend of Zelda" series as beloved as Epona. I instead downloaded the NaMiiO program which allows you to search for .bin files anywhere in your system and install them. However, 20 heart Wolf Link isn't included and isn't even recognized by name in the program. Just gotta make sure your wolf amiibo has game data for TP, my file is only 2 hours into the game and I got 20 hearts in BotW. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Nobody told me that home menu didn't mean where there were items, but it meant the menu where it's showing 3 save files. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While he may have only featured in Twilight Princess until now, Wolf Link can actually make an appearance in Zelda Breath of the Wild, too. I followed the instructions from this guy on Reddit (Google how to get wolf link 20 hearts without playing) It works! Edit: Confirmed this works. 1 Access Cannon Room Early 1.1 Instructions: 2 Baba Serpent goes through the ground 3 Boss Room Glitch: Blocking Pots 4 Camera Glitch 5 Cannon Room Glitch 6 Can't Touch This 7 Cave of Ordeals Glitch 8 Climb Death Mountain Without Iron Boots 9 Cucco Laying an Egg 10 Dancing Goron 11 Dancing Moldorm 12 Dash Forward … That's the master version of the save editor. I have no idea if this is known or not, but I haven't seen anyone mentioning it. I was raised around heterosexuals, as all heterosexuals are, that's where us gay people come from... You heterosexuals - Ellen DeGeneres. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Right after I pressed A on the file is when I scanned the amiibo. Wolf Link starts with three hearts, but players can carry over their save data from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD to increase his health. This was the first thing I could find about it no longer working. I was surprised yet happy because Wolf Link made fighting against normal enemies much more fun (and also easier). As you guys know, you are able to spawn Wolf Link from Twilight Princess in BotW via the corresponding amiibo. In Twilight Princess, Wolf Link is the divine beast that Midna explains the Twili have long believed would free them. Do overworld chests such as the ones from Misko The Great Bandit despawn? When players tap the Wolf Link amiibo figure to the Wii U GamePad controller, Wolf Link joins Link in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Summons wolf Link in BOTW just like it should. The wolf-Link card does spawn a Wolf-Link with 20 hearts that will help you fight in your travels. He helps Link by attacking enemies and hunting. ~Aplex Had a 20 heart wolf link get destroyed by a guardian, and I'm not sure when the timer … Press J to jump to the feed. - Sheik, you dont even need to use cave of shadows jut a new save file on TP and scan it in on home menu once you saved the file, you only ned start file and save right awy nothing else. Tried it tonight about 8 times and got no where. Like the river's flow, it never ends." He first appeared in the Legend of Zelda™: Twilight Princess game, where he worked with the mysterious and mischievous imp Midna™ to take down a usurper to the throne, and to save Hyrule and the Twilight Realm from darkness. I believe that Wolf-Link amiibo spawns with only 3 hearts. Even with only three hearts, having Wolf Link in … (While I've heard you can automatically get Wolf Link up to twenty hearts just by connecting it to the Twilight Princess game, I'm not sure if that was a single-instance glitch, since I haven't heard it often enough for it to seem like the norm.) "Time passes, people move. Below is a listing of all available Pieces of Heart found in Twilight Princess. So you're stuck with as many hearts you get from TP. That's what I did the third time, it didn't work. | | | |, Press J to jump to the feed. I can also confirm this works. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It worked, 20 hearts! Here's how to find her in "Breath of the Wild's" massive open world. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Wolf Link is the legendary twilit beast form of the hero Link™. Link's interactions with ragdolling enemies are not properly converted to be slowed down; however, the game will still attempt to reconvert these physics when returning to normal speed, causing said interaction to be up to 20 times more potent intended. I was surprised yet happy because Wolf Link made fighting against normal enemies much more fun (and also easier). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Breath_of_the_Wild community, Continue browsing in r/Breath_of_the_Wild, All things The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild series! Wolf Link now has 20 hearts. (Here is a link to the NaMiiO software) That's what sucks. 5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent condition, works great By Joseph on May 2, 2017 Came on time and it works great. I assume there's no other way than via playing Twilight Princess HD, but I could be wrong. I deleted my amiibo data, Started a new save file, registered the wolf amiibo for quick start, and then scanned it into BotW. Does GTA IV really deserve a higher Metacritic than Zelda BOTW? Thanks for posting this. It also had a card that has spawned Epona (the horse) twice for me. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Only by gaining hearts in Twilight Princess will wolf Link gain hearts for use in BOTW Read more. I have no idea if this is known or not, but I haven't seen anyone mentioning it. graphicnovel10 - 3 years ago 2 0. Wolf Link in BOTW is not bad at all, since it can look for food by himself, attack enemies and he can teleport near you if he’s too far away from your position (Wolf Link 1 - Horse 0). I didn't play through Twilight Princess HD on the WiiU since I had just replayed it on the Gamecube a couple of months before its release, meaning I had never even attempted the Cave of Shadows. How to Get Wolf Link – Zelda Breath of the Wild. All of the other cards drop chests with weapons, armor, shields, gems, along with food items and rupees. Not my proudest moment. Link is transformed into this form due to the influence of the Twilight covering Hyrule. Here's a guide for a spot to farm the Hearty Durian fruit on Satori Mountain. Is that glitch about wolf Link in BoTW having 20 hearts without even setting foot in the Cave of Trials in TP true? Does home menu means while I'm playing, I press down on the digital pad then I see my items? Not even sure this is a glitch, to be honest! How do I get epona out of the forgotten temple? This fruit, when cooked, gives us up to 20 BONUS HEART CONTAINERS! Twilight Princess HD save file, it will have 20 hearts by default. How do I do the 20 hearts wolf Link amiibo in BoTW glitch. Damn I just check my wolf amiibo to see 20 hearts on it, though it was gonna be 3. User Info: graphicnovel10. As for the other question, you cannot edit/change Wolf Link's hearts at all in Breath of the Wild itself. His whole body changes and reforms, leaving only his earrings, his distinctive blue eyes, and the Triforce m… Thank you folks for your help though. Can someone provide further clarification on this? But unfortunately for me, this glitch seems to have been fixed in Update 1.1.2 and now Wolf-Link only has three hearts (as he's supposed to be). This page is a list of glitches from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. When do I scan and register the amiibo for this to work? They may have intended for the amiibo to be used this way. When I first scanned the Wolf-Link amiibo in BotW, which had no save data on it, he still had 20 hearts for some reason. By default, Wolf Link will be summoned with three hearts, but there is a way to increase his life. This glitch is caused by an oversight in the physics of slow-down. Also if he runs out of heart, just wait until the next day and he’ll be back with full health. Therefore my Wolf-Link should have only three hearts in BotW, right? Here are screenshots from yesterday (pre update) and today (post update):,, Good thing i didn't drop $50 on buying twilight princess to try and get it easy peasy.. (no way in hell i'd play it enough to get the 20 hearts). The amount of hearts Wolf Link has is depending on how many remaining hearts you had after completing the Cave of Shadows in Twilight Princess. Yeah, Link has all the hearts/stamina from his future save, except it hasn’t really happened yet. Most of it isn't worth messing with, but if you get wolf link with any amount of hearts, then open your save with it, then search the page for "WolfLink_CurrentLife" and "WolfLink_LastRecordedHearts", modifying one of those values to 20 … But unfortunately for me, this glitch seems to have been fixed in Update 1.1.2 and now Wolf-Link only has three hearts (as he's supposed to be).