Any form of explosive damage (from Barrel Bombs to Gunlance shells/Wyvern's Fire) will heat up Agnaktor's hardened parts, making them soft again. ... Also watching a youtube of a LBG clowning a HR Agnaktor solo with dragon shots in 4 minutes is pretty dang funny. 100 ? Size Monster Hunter Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Leg armor made from Agnaktor parts. It does not stray from magma- and lava-filled areas. Encrusted with hardened lava that can soften from the heat when they spit magma or burrow. Also known as fire-pike wyverns, Agnaktor use their tough beaks and great strength to burrow through rock. If a flash bomb is thrown in Agnaktor's face during its 360 fire beam, it will become stunned and will crawl out of the ground. If a Flash Bomb is thrown in Agnaktor's face during its 360 fire beam, it will become stunned and will crawl out of the ground. Also known as fire-pike wyverns, Agnaktor use their tough beaks and great strength to burrow through rock, and sometimes even cave ceilings. An artificially modified Agnaktor first appearing in Monster Hunter Stories. Its vermilion plate can snuff out any fire. Agnaktor Greaves. Gemming out Short Sprinter is recommended, though. Sonic Bombs will trap Agnaktor, much like Monoblos and Diablos. FHQ Education FHQ Education. This armor can be upgraded into Upper Rank. Having a great fire sword is 100% necessary though because of Ice Agnaktor and his annoyingly persistant armor that hardens when he burrows rather than softens. Waist armor made from Agnaktor parts. When low on stamina, Agnaktor will fail to produce its Heat Beam. Effective enough to resist even magma. Monster Class Some of Agnaktor's physical attacks resemble those of fellow Leviathan. Blog Keep up to date with the latest news. Its body is covered in a lava-like armor which hardens when cooled and softens when heated. Their scarlet glimmer stirs hidden powers to wake. For the damage formula (how it's calculated), hitzone charts, Agnaktor info and more click the following links: Monster Hunter 3 Damage Formula or Monster Hunter 3 Hitzone Charts. It has a drill-like beak which is lined with rows of needle-like teeth. So recently i've gotten back into p3rd and I seem to be taking a long time to kill monsters, zinogre takes 32 mins and thats with the Secta Nula W. I've been looking everywhere i can, even using Athena's Armor Set Search but I can't find any sets that help me at 5* village HR1, and everything i do find needs HR6 in guild. A good way to gem this armor is hard as it is limited to four slots., Short Sprinter, Flaming Aura, Guard Boost, and Guard+2. Unique amongst the Leviathan family in that it lives in the Volcanic area. Thinking about buying MHP3rd since it doesn't look like even an HD update is coming to the Vita, but it'll at least run the PSP version. A great Lightning sword is also seemingly required to fight Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian. qwerty557 (Expert) - 9 years ago 1 0. This softens his armor while trapped. Waist:Agnaktor tasset U (debilitate jewel x1, iron wall jewel [2] x1) ... sekarang saya akan membagikan mix armor mhp3rd , karena bagi hunter mix armor penting untuk mendapatkan skill yang hebat langsung saja in... mix armor Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. Works only when Agnaktor is burrowing through rock. Gemming out Short Sprinter is recommended, though. Create at least 3 rarity 1-3 armor pieces. Agnaktor is in many ways similar to Lagiacrus; both are quadrupedal Leviathans of similar size and body shape. At G-rank Agnaktor gains a new move in which it will do a singular thrust into the ground and then do two more singular thrusts while moving slowly to the right or left. While Agnaktor is underground and a large monster roars, it will affect the Agnaktor the same as a Sonic Bomb. This is a great set for Lancers, as the guarding skills make the shield impenetrable and reduce knockback. Dobo Hammer (MAX'd) O Damascus Helm ØØ - +1 Fast Charge Jewel x2 Damascus Mail ØØ - +1 Fast Charge Jewel x2 Damascus Vambraces Ø - +1 Fast Charge Jewel x1 Damascus Coil ØØØ - +3 Fast Charge Jewel x1 Damascus Greaves Charm - +4 Sharpness, +1 Fast Charge I was lucky with the charm, as it got rid of Blunt Edge, and made it so I don't need that weapon … Monster Hunter armour generator to help hunters find their perfect armors Agnaktor Leggings. The only threat that it encounters is if a monster challenges it for territory or food. Fire Weapons carved from an Agnaktor's fiery shell. Uroktor, Agnaktor EX, Glacial Agnaktor, Uroktor EX, Purgatory Agnaktor I personally grind for good weapon elements and plan ahead for what I'm fighting. Armguards made of Agnaktor parts. Agnaktor's roar requires Earplugs to block. Agnaktor receives no damage from the Dragon element when armored, but it becomes its main weakness when its armor has been destroyed. MHGU MHXX Switch Monster Hunts. By Using a pitfall trap will cause Agnaktor to be half submerged in lava. 3421.64 cm 2416.1 cm Imbued with flames that scorch the heavens. But not every single one is necessary to progress the main story. Agnaktor is found exclusively in the Volcanoes of the New World and Volcanic Hollow of the Old World. Monster Hunter armour generator to help hunters find their perfect armors Fire Pike Wyvern [MHP3rd]Solo sns build? One step, and nothing but scorched earth remains. (13/20) Hunt Royal Ludroth Subspecies: Create at least 10 rarity 4-7 armor pieces. Their hardened-lava armor becomes even harder when cooled forming an almost impenetrable armor. Images created by Inkoseh. Nargacuga equipment are usually on the opposite side of Tigrex by having a lower Raw Damage paired with Maxed White Sharpness and Highest Affinity of all weapons. Home Uncategorized rathian weakness mhp3rd. Agnaktor's name comes from the Hindu fire god, Agni, and the Aztec god, Kotor or Quetzalcoatl. This is a great set for Lancers, as the guarding skills make the shield impenetrable and reduce knockback. if you have a set you want to contribute, just PM it to myself or venge, and we'll put it in the list. Do not have a cow, mortal. One step, and nothing but scorched earth remains. Calendar; Education Chiefs; News and Announcements. Slater on Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:51 pm Hey guys, i wanna use this thread to leave a listing of Custom armor sets for portable 3rd made in the guide or contributed by members. Also known as fire-pike wyverns, Agnaktor use their tough beaks and great strength to burrow through rock. It can charge at a hunter and "swim" straight through solid rock in order to smash into them and produce a powerful orange beam, highly reminiscent of the one produced by Gravios. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. User Info: qwerty557. Doesn't work when he's in Rage. However with a two slotted talisman and the slots in the armor you can gem out Short Sprinter and gem in the skill Sharpener. Agnaktor use their tough beaks and powerful muscles to burrow into rock, moving freely through the earth. uragaan armor mhp3rd. 1 Appearances 1.1 Monster Hunter 3 1.1.1 Slots & Description 1.1.2 Creation 1.1.3 Rarity Upgrade 1.1.4 Defense 1.1.5 Skills 1.1.6 Notes 1.2 Image Armor Pieces This armor can be upgraded into Upper Rank. Fireblight Waist armor made from Agnaktor parts, incorporating designs from an ancient age. Water Ice Dragon (without magma) Leviathan Monster Hunter Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Even the ability to fire blasts of fire are present on both, though the Agnaktor is capable of unleashing a coherent beam. If it does decide to thermal beam you can generally sheath and dive consistently and well, and if it does it from the ground, then you can Charge Finisher it and force it out. Agnaktor are quite aggressive, challenging all others that encroach on its habitat, due to the fact that it has no natural predators at an adult age. The latter skill requires the remaining five slots. Its body is covered in Details. Japanese Title A great build if you can provide an armor that will further enhance its affinity and damage (Silver Rathalos Armor Set). Agnaktor Shell x16, Agnaktor Fin x3, Agnaktor Beak x2, Firestone x3, Agnaktor Hide x11, Agnaktor Claw x4, Agnaktor Scale x8, Uroktor Scale x15. Related Monsters English Title In areas with physical ceilings, it may tunnel through the roof as well as the ground. 炎戈竜 Details. It is noted for its remarkable ability to swim through lava and tunnel through solid volcanic rock (though the rock becomes far more liquid if you go a short distance down). 2 Armor Sphere 2000z Materials For Create: 2 Light crystals 10 Pelagicite Ores 5 Monster Fluids 9999z Upgrade Paths: ... 2 Agnaktor Fin 3 Agnaktor Claw 1 Agnaktor Tail 20000z Upgrade Paths: ... MHP3rd Long Sword Weapon Tree (Main Directory) Agnaktor is in many ways similar to Lagiacrus; both are quadrupedal Leviathans of similar size and body shape.It is noted for its remarkable ability to swim through lava and tunnel through solid volcanic rock (though the rock becomes far more liquid if you go a short distance down). rathian weakness mhp3rd. Ailments Agnaktor is a creature first featured in Monster Hunter 3. Agnaktor also has a new attack where it will do a singular break thrust into the ground. Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon; Agnaktor Cap: 30 - 61 +6-4: 0-1: 0: Agnaktor Vest: 30 - 61 +6-4: 0-1: 0: Agnaktor Guards: Its skin is coated in lava armor that is usually orange-red, indicating that it is heated and vulnerable, but if it goes too long without using its fire beam or being physically exposed to heat, the armor will cool, and become black and hard. Home; About Us. Chest armor made of Agnaktor parts. Armor Defense Fire Water Thunder Ice Dragon; Agnaktor Helm: 60 - 122 +4-4: 0-1: 0: Agnaktor Mail: 60 - … High-rank Agnaktor gains a sweeping heat beam while on land, but Agnaktor only sweeps it to right, making its left flank a relatively safe area. Tossing a Sonic Bomb instantly after it has successfully burrowed into the ground will trap it. Covid-19 Bulletin The second entry in a series of five posts listing all of the armor sets I've crafted during my time with Monster Hunter.The order of these posts reflects the release dates of the games so up next is Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (MHP3rd).This was the third Monster Hunter game I played and the first game I got to endgame in.. My total playtime in MHP3rd was 692:09. I Agree that the … ... rank armor, and every end-form weapon. Elements Head armor made of Agnaktor parts. Habitat Boss fight against the Akantor in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate on the Nintendo Switch in 1080p. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I use Damascus gemmed for Focus. Third. When a certain part of the Agnaktor is wounded, and the lava broken off, that part will not cause weapons to bounce as much, even if the Agnaktor's other body parts have hardened. Custom armor set list. Also, like the Monoblos and Diablos, it is immune to this effect during Rage Mode. Not really specific towards LS but still a great village set, Full jhen armor and switch out the chest for an Agnaktor one, can't remamber all the skills, but it gives Sharpness +1 and thats always good. However, their hardened-lava armor becomes soft when they burrow underground or are attacked with fire or explosives. The Agnaktor closely resembles the Uroktor in essentially every way; the only real differences are the size of the Agnaktor and its ability to get magma to stick to its body. Agnaktor is a Leviathan introduced in Monster Hunter 3. 100 : item.percentage-0 + (add-0)) | percentage%> Veggie Elder. Leg armor made of Agnaktor parts. Its vermillion plate can snuff out any fire. 別名“炎戈竜”。硬い嘴と強靭な筋力を使って岩盤を突き破り、地中から地上、さらには天井までをも縦横無尽に行き交う。全身にまとう硬化した溶岩は非常に硬いが、地中に潜った際の熱や、火属性、爆発による攻撃などで赤く変化し、柔らかくなるようだ。. General Information The crimson knight's spirit resides within them. VideosEcology ← Agnaktor Tail; Scalding Pleura+ → Weakest to Waist armor made of Agnaktor parts. Agnaktor. Hitting Agnaktor with a fire-elemental weapon or projectile will make its hardened armor soften up. Its fighting style is similar to that of other Leviathans. Volcano, Volcano (3rd), Volcanic Hollow, Dovan Volcano It is highly adapted to life there, and is at home among the lava pits and rocky slopes. Generation Also known as fire-pike wyverns, Agnaktor use their tough beaks and great strength to burrow effortlessy through rock, and can even burrow into ceilings. Leg armor made from Agnaktor parts.