You are going to need something to tilt the acidity to split the milk and something else to get the curds to form. And why does local American cheese often cost more than cheese from Europe? In brief, there are about 100 donkeys that are milked three times a day for the donkey milk needed to make the product, which is made all the worse by the fact that 6.6 gallons of donkey milk result in no more than 2.2 pounds of Pule cheese. 8 Answers. Why Is Parmesan Cheese So Expensive? Why is pule – a Serbian donkey-goat cheese – the most expensive cheese in the world? By selling the donkey cheese at $1700 per kilogram, the Zasavica reserve aims to sponsor the conservation of this species to prevent it from getting extinct. Zasavica donkey reserve, a donkey farm inside Zasavica, about 80 kilometres from Belgrade produces the donkey cheese by hand-milking a herd of about 100 endangered Balkan donkeys. Bitto. A characteristic feature of Serbian cuisine, Pule is not only extremely rare but also the most expensive cheese in the world. Pule cheese is made from the Balkan donkeys’ milk and is made in Serbia. We all know that dairy offers the best sources of several essential vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, healthy fats, proteins, and calcium. There's a reason why making the perfect cheese board has become so expensive during quarantine. This means prices were up by nearly 160% from April's price of $1, which was a 20-year record low. Donkey’s milk is known for its low-fat levels, thus being effective at controlling cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Favorite Answer. Epoisses by Germain // $45 per pound. It's made in Brie, as one would expect, of raw milk, and it's a delicate product to handle and keep. Because… Old Ford: $50/pound. Why Blue Cheese Is So Expensive. The recipe for blue cheese is thought to have been discovered in the 7th century in the village of Roquefort in France. The cheese in cause is named Pule, it’s made out of donkey milk and is a Serbian specialty which costs £800 per kilogram… You are probably wondering why this cheese costs so much… Well, this special cheese … My idea was to share the story about pule cheese with people who are curious about the lesser-known fermented foods, but also with those looking for a unique food experience when they travel to different places. The short supply and low demand for goat cheese is what makes it so expensive. But really It's Not that expensive, depends on the cheese and where you get. The owner of this farm, Slobodan Simić, is the only person in the world producing this type of cheese (or as they say in Serbian: “sir”). Donkey milk possesses a higher amount of vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and might prevent damage to body organs and tissues. Your email address will not be published. Price: Up to $500 per pound. A formaggio italiano, Bitto is made from a blend of Swedish Brown cow and orbic goat milk at … This is just one of the reasons why this Serbian cheese is the most expensive cheese in the world. Because real Brie is rare. BY Michele Debczak. Also Read: Love Cheese? Pule cheese is made in Serbia and made of the Balkan donkey milk. Donkey’s milk contains anti-allergens that can shield you from the repeated attacks of allergic diseases such as asthma, dermatitis, and bronchitis. Pule cheese is an interesting and healthy product that has a lot of benefits. Also Read: Shameful: Donkeys Painted With Stripes To Look Like Zebras In Spain For The Most Pathetic Reason, Also Read: Must Know: The Many Reasons Why Serbia's Donkey Cheese Is Among The Costliest In The World, PM Modi to chair 6th NITI Aayog meet; Capt Amarinder Singh, Mamata Banerjee likely to skip, 'Desperate for power': TN CM Palaniswami calls out Stalin for spreading 'false propaganda', 'Electric vehicles mandatory for govt officials': Gadkari at 'Go Electric' campaign launch, Piyush Goyal condemns bomb attack on TMC minister; says 'atmosphere of violence must end'. Photo: Handout. It's made in Brie, as one would expect, of raw milk, and it's a delicate product to handle and keep. That is why milk is considered wholesome food. Since there are no donkey-matching milking machines, all the milking is done by hand. What the heck even is caviar and why in the world is it so expensive? Pule, the world’s most expensive cheese, costs a whopping $1700 a pound. Love Cheese? Once I rediscovered the world of fermenting, I started reading about and making the food myself. The world’s supply of pule comes from a single herd of Balkan donkeys that live on a farm in the Zasavica Special Nature Preserve, Serbia. On the favorites list of turophiles everywhere, Beaufort is a cheese beloved for its … Grated over pasta, mixed into sauces, melted on breads and so much more, food benefits from a little bit of this cheese… especially if it’s the real thing. I posed this question before, but because I mentioned Store X, it got moved to Chains. It's … The processing of one kilogram of white and crumbly smoked pule cheese takes nearly 25 liters of donkey’s milk. The Zasavica donkey sanctuary seeks to support the preservation of this animal by selling the pule cheese at $1700 a kilogram. That's a huge chunk of change for a small chunk of cheese. And as if all this wasn’t enough, it also has anti-allergenic properties. Cheese prices have soared to a record high. Why Parmesan Cheese Is So Expensive Everywhere - видео с английскими и французскими субтитрами There's a lot of weird cheese floating around out there on the Internet. What makes it so expensive is that it can only be made in Serbia as the milk used to make this cheese does not come from cows, nor does it come from goats, but instead, to make this cheese, the milk comes from the rare Balkan Donkey. Pule cheese is for those curious about lesser-known fermented foods and those who enjoy exploring and finding unique experiences. Table of Contents #1 Pule #2 Moose Cheese #3 White Stilton Gold #4 Wyke Farms Cheddar #5 Extra Old Bitto #6 Old Ford #7 Caciocavallo Podolico #8 Jersey Blue #9 Beaufort D’Ete #10 Caciobufala #11 Epoisses de Bourgogne #12 Rogue River Blue #13 Gorau Glas #14 Winnimere … Yes, this Serbian cheese is worth more than the gold-flecked Stilton, Britain’s “blingiest” cheese. I’m here to spread that message, bring back the benefits of ancient nutrition to modern life, and show you all the latest cool ways to ferment and preserve food at home. Pule cheese is an interesting product and has a lot of health benefits. That's a huge chunk of change for a small chunk of cheese. Cheese Made in my Home town of Monroe, WI is sold around the country, when I lived in LA and it was $9 for a quarter pound of certain cheeses, I buy it back home Same cheese would be $3. Pule cheese or magareći sir is a Serbian cheese made from the milk of Balkan donkey. These toxins are present in the air we breathe in the form of pollutants, and the food we eat in the form of additives and preservatives. Zasavica donkey reserve, a donkey farm inside Zasavica, about 80 kilometres from Belgrade produces the donkey cheese … It's all the shipping costs! Plus it won't last long. It has to do with the aging process, the actual work that is done to process it ( how much the processing actually costs ), where the cheese comes from ( is it imported, etc ), and the kind of animal the cheese is made from. Parmesan cheese, or specifically Parmigiano-Reggiano, costs anywhere between $12 and $24 a pound. To start with, donkeys produce only about a liter … Being made of donkey milk makes this the rarest type of cheese in the world. There's a reason why making the perfect cheese board has become so expensive during quarantine. This is just one of the reasons why pule cheese is so expensive. Why is Brie cheese so expensive? Healthy fats and proteins in cheese are known to support health and enhance the healing and repair functions of the body. Our body is exposed to various toxins at every step. The Most Expensive Pule, Serbia . is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Beaufort d’Ete. Moose Cheese. Pule cheese has a very interesting story that most people have never heard of before. Pule cheese is produced at a donkey farm in Zasavica, called Zasavica donkey reserve, located around 80 kilometers from Belgrade. I believe that our wellbeing and beauty starts in our gut and that each of us has a responsibility to get informed, take action, and look after their body. The most expensive cheese in the world is rightfully recognized as French cheese from sheep's milk Roquefort. becoz goats have a small gestation period of about 150 days or approx.5 months which is almost half that of a cow. The polyunsaturated fatty acids come in the forms of α-linolenic acid and linoleic acid. It’s expensive because Velveeta is not cheese. Pule cheese contains only 1% of milk fat and donkey’s dairy has 60 times more vitamin C than cow milk! 1 decade ago. It takes almost 25 liters of donkey milk to produce one kilogram of white and crumbly smoked Pule cheese. As for why it's so expensive, it takes 3 gallons of donkey milk to produce a pound of cheese, and female donkeys (who must be milked manually three times a day) don't produce much milk. Read on to find out what you're buying, why it costs so … Part of the reason this cheese is so expensive is that donkeys don’t yield too much milk, and they all have to be milked by hand, three times a day. > Why is velveeta cheese so expensive? Apparently, 15 donkeys yield about a gallon of milk, and it takes 3.5 gallons to make a pound of pule cheese. The usual types of cheese use cow, goat, sheep and buffalo milk. Source: Cheese is one commodity that is needlessly expensive in our supermarkets, even though prices elsewhere have fallen dramatically in recent years. Part of the reason this cheese is so expensive is that donkeys don’t yield too much milk, and they all have to be milked by hand, three times a day. Parmigiano Reggiano is the original parmesan. Have you NOT payed attention to the extravegant lifestyles cattle are living these days? Answer Save. Here Is Why You Should Not Consume Too Much Of It. The price depends on basic economics. Because real Brie is rare. Information for comparison: on average, good cheese costs from 60 to 80 euros per 1 kg. 2. So is it worth it? Pule cheese or magareći sir is a Serbian cheese made from the milk of Balkan donkey. The higher the percentage of goat’s milk used in production, the longer the cheese can age. Donkey cheese, you say? Lv 5. What’s more, donkeys produce a lot less milk than cows … The donkeys milked for the cheese live on a farm in the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve in Serbia, and … It takes almost 25 liters of donkey milk to produce one kilogram of white and crumbly smoked Pule cheese. The cheese comes specifically from the Beaufort cows and has existed since the time of the Romans. That's a huge chunk of change for a small chunk of cheese. If it were produced by more companies, the price would go down. It might be one of the stinkiest cheeses on the planet, but it’s … This commission comes at no charge to you. The reason why pule is so pricey is because it is made from the milk of Balkan Donkeys found only in Serbia and Montenegro. World’s most expensive cheese made from donkeys' milk costs £800 a wedge The cheese, known as pule, is produced on a donkey farm in Serbia and costs around £800 per kilogram Hi! Why is cheese so expensive in Hong Kong? Why, people ask me, is cheese so expensive? Let’s discuss some rare and expensive cheese that has managed to create a unique impression and premium name for itself. It is made from donkey milk. Parmesan cheese, or specifically Parmigiano-Reggiano, costs anywhere between $12 and $24 a pound. The higher the percentage of goat’s milk used in production, the longer the cheese can age. I developed an interest in fermented foods a couple of years ago when I recalled that my mum used to make it when I was a kid. I hope that the efforts of increasing the number of Balkan donkeys in Serbia work. It is originally from Siberia but will soon be making its away around the world. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, we may receive a commission. Now that's rich food! Jenny (female donkey) can give only 0.2 liters of milk. For all the cheesaholics out there, does Serbia have a treat for you! Beaufort D’ete. Cows milk cheese is very common and usually less expensive than goat's milk cheese because of that. The most expensive cheese in the world is here and it’s made from donkey milk. 1 decade ago. This delicate, firm cheese is aged and then pressed to perfection by hand. The cheese that is got is pressed to cubes. What makes it so expensive is that it can only be made in Serbia as the milk used to make this cheese does not come from cows, nor does it come from goats, but instead, to make this cheese, the milk … Donkey’s milk contains anti-allergens, which can protect you against the recurring attacks of allergic diseases like asthma, dermatitis, and bronchitis. It's not just the most expensive cheese, but also one of the rarest of them all. The source of the dairy used to make this cheese is extremely rare and donkeys need to be milked three times per day, as they only give 0.2l of milk per milking, while the amount of dairy necessary to prepare a pound of Pule cheese is much bigger. This cheese is produced by hand-milking a herd of just 100 Balkan donkeys. From Hong Kong’s earliest urban beginnings, local … All these reasons make it very … The process is repeated three times a day. If you every hit destination Balkan, particularly the country of Serbia, consider visiting Zavasica nature reserve and tasting the Balkan donkey cheese, the rarest type of cheese in the world! I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase using my link. Both these forms of fatty acids possess medicinal properties that can help to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent plaque formation in the blood vessels. paneer, Indian cottage cheese is made by curdling milk and then draining off the whey using a muslin cloth. Why Is Parmesan Cheese So Expensive? Monday, December 30 th, 2019. It’s not labeled as cheese. 0 0. tamanna k. 1 decade ago. Links to products may contain affiliate links. The cheese industry appears to have been hit by a perfect storm. Pule is characterized by a relatively soft, crumbly texture, and a slightly sweet and nutty taste that some compare to Spanish Manchego or Gruyere, but with a rich, more complex flavor. Similarly, if fewer produced goat cheese, the price would increase. Also Read: Deeply In Love, Donkey Jack And Emu Diane Are Seeking A Home Together, Also Read: Pakistan To Export Donkeys To China. The donkeys milked for Pule cheese live on the Zasavica Special Nature Reserve farm whose owner, Slobodan Simić, is the world's only producer of this type of cheese. Relevance. As stated by its name, Beaufort D’ete is made in Beaufort, which can be found in the …