The main reason for this side quest is that if you satisfy all 8 friendly monsters and find the friendly yan and give him what he wants, you'll have the ability to use physical attacks on Ozma(Remarked by some as the hardest enemy in the game). I'm sure I haven't encounted him before, because I went straight to Oeilvert after getting mah chocobo. Sometimes, you will enter battles where the music is different from normal, and the enemies look slightly different. 100% sure I did Garuda. The Friendly Monsters sidequest in FF9 is broken and I don't know how to fix it. Final Fantasy IX Trophies. See the video on this page for an example. This will give you a nice amount of AP when the battle ends but also has a deeper agenda. She finds the nonsense verse as puzzling as the odd land she has passed into, later revealed as a dreamscape. Select this jewel from the items menu and cast it on the monster. Friendly Monster Guide. Requests an Emerald. Finding them all and donating their desires will allow the party to hit Ozma, the game's optional boss, with regular attacks (normally, only ranged attacks can reach it); additionally, Ozma becomes weak to Shadow instead of being able to absorb it. They are land spirits and each of them will make a request from you. 01 - Brown Mu: The Brown Mu is located on the plains between the Ice Cavern and Dali. Final Fantasy 9 (FF9) Guide & Walkthrough Wiki The last friendly monster we've got access to is Feather Circle, on the Lost Continent. The Friendly Monsters sidequest can be frustrating, but the rewards far outstrip the annoyance. These monsters appear on the world map and will not attack you, so make sure you don't cut them down either. Friendly Feather Circle: Located in the Mitmakis … You'll need to use your mountain chocobo to get there. Aside from the items and AP there's an extra incentive to finding all the friendly monsters. It will ask for 1 Ore and it will reward you with 10 AP and a Potion. Jabberwock. Travelling through forests in the world map not only causes random battles and friendly monsters to appear, but also a completely unique creature: the Ragtime Mouse. Complete FINAL FANTASY IX. FFIX - Sidequests - Friendly Monsters. The Friendly Monsters sidequest can be frustrating, but the rewards far outstrip the annoyance. Friendly Monsters. This achievement is worth 15 Gamerscore. This is Jabberwock. Jabberwock will ask for an Emerald and the reward is a Moonstone and 40 AP. Select this jewel from the items menu and cast it on the monster. It can be found on the Blairsupass Plains on the Forgotten Continent. Located in the Seaways Canyon, in the forests near Oeilvert on the Forgotten Continent. Friendly Nymph: Located in the Pualei Plains outside of the Iifa Tree. Also, sometimes the monsters will give you hints or even the item needed for the other friendly monsters. Monsters give AP after receiving the items they request. However, the Friendly Monsters will run away if you attack them (with the exception of the final one), although they can be encountered again. For Final Fantasy IX on the PlayStation, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where's the Jabberwock??? Friendly (or at least not hostile) Monsters At random times during your fighting while traveling, you'll hear different music start to play. That's why this guide will cover the Chocobo, Mognet Central, and Friendly Monsters quests. In Final Fantasy IX, all across the world in certain locations are "friendly monsters" who will ask you to feed them, rather than fight with you.Each monster will ask for a different kind of jewel. This is a good reason to consider doing the quest later in the game, so that your party is better prepared. Popos Heights (Climb the vine from Gizmaluke's Grotto), Zaghnol hunt steals + A general guide question, Impressing the nobles in Final Fantasy IX. In Final Fantasy IX, all across the world in certain locations are "friendly monsters" who will ask you to feed them, rather than fight with you.Each monster will ask for a different kind of jewel. The whole point of me doing the friendly monsters quest is in preparation for Ozma and I'm not starting the whole game over just for some stupid monsters. A few notes: While there is no particular order, it's recommended to do them in the order below because as you go further in the chain, subsequent monsters will want the gem you claimed from the previous monster, starting with Jabberwock (Friendly). This creature is called a Jabberwock and it asks for an Emerald. Here's some info that you might find useful while looking for the Friendly Monsters. Friendly Monsters - The ninja known as Jabberwock THIS GUY WON'T SHOW UP. It will also cast Float on its prey with Light and … To participate, have Vivi approach the little girls jumping rope to the left of the ticket booth. Other than the items and AP, completing this side quest will aid you in taking on the superboss of the game, Ozma, bringing it within reach for melee attackers and weakening it to Shadow attacks. MISSABLE There is a total of nine friendly enemies in the game. If you find them all you can use physical attacks against Ozma, a particularly nasty optional boss. Syempre Final Fantasy IX naman. Friendly battles play a special theme. In certain spots of the world map you'll stumble across a couple of friendly monsters. Mister Nice Guy: Gain the favor of all friendly enemies. Upon giving the Yan a Diamond, the battle will conclude with a message indicating the change to Ozma. If some guy shows up with an 'X' on one side and an 'O' on the other, see the Ragtime Section. Friendly Yeti - The largest forest near Madain Sari, or between Gizamaluke's Grotto and Burmecia - 2 Ore; Friendly Nymph - The forests and green plains outside of Iifa Tree - 3 Ore; Friendly Jabberwock - East from Oeilvert there's an area called Seaways Canyon, he's found in the forest here - …