The risk status for oak wilt is updated as weather conditions change, but in a normal year high risk of oak wilt infection occurs in April, May, and June. Pruning during the dormant season is ideal because: The wounds heal faster, keeping the plant strong. Trees affected by oak wilt can be pruned in the heat of summer, but should never be pruned in the spring. Just to be safe. For some trees, the practice of thinning branches is a necessity because canopy growth becomes too dense for tree health. In spring, stop pruning when daytime temperatures reach 50 degrees. So, if you must prune now I would immediately paint the pruned area with pruning paint. We have many different types of oaks on our property, including a pin oak about 60 feet high and about three feet in diameter. As the tree branches grow more dense with leaves, less and less sunshine falls on the grass below. The speciesâ tendency to lose sap from wounds makes gardeners question the wisdom of pruning maple trees. Some tree trimming companies still do trim oak trees during this timeframe, which unnecessarily puts your trees and wallet in danger. As a general rule, a light summer pruning can be performed on most deciduous trees and shrubs. Aside from making your job messier, pruning your maple during the winter is perfectly healthy and safe for your tree. This will help to prevent the dreaded oak wilt disease, a systemic problem that is very difficult to stop once it has taken hold. Trimming the trees in your yard creates a safe environment for your family and friends. Wonder why you've had to wait all spring for us to prune oaks? Youâll need pruning shears to cut branches less than 1 inch (2.5 cm) in diameter and a hand saw to remove branches up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. It can be spread from infected trees to healthy trees by sap-feeding beetles (âpicnic bugsâ). If you donât want to deal with sticky sap while youâre trying to work, you should wait to prune until the end of summer. This allows pine trees to recover from pruning wounds as warm spring weather hits. Homeowners can reduce the risk of oak wilt infections by not pruning or otherwise injuring oaks after April 15. When is the best time to prune oak trees? Oak ⦠When pruning branches in order to maintain a specific tree shape or thin out the canopy, cuts may be made any time but early spring. There is less risk of disease or pest infestation. The timing of oak pruning should be carefully considered as you want to avoid a time when beetles are active. 10 years ago and most of the dead limbs have surfaced in the past 5-8 years. Pruning and cutting oaks in spring and early summer leaves them vulnerable to oak wilt, which rapidly kills trees in the red oak group and weakens those in the white oak group. Prune shade trees, such as oak, sweetgum, maple, katsura and hornbeam in late winter or early spring. Your oak tree could become infected with the deadly fungus known as oak wilt if you prune it during the wrong time of year. Oak trees suffering from diseases like oak wilt, however, may require a different pruning schedule along with very careful treatment. Oak Wilt is spread by pests that are attracted to fresh cuts in the wood. Cutting â When cutting off branches during the trimming process you want to cut flush with the tree trunk or flush with the tree branch the trimmed one has grown off of. If you have oak trees with dead or damaged limbs that you would like to have removed or trimmed, please call Pioneer Tree Service at (763) 238-5254 to setup an appointment. The sap-feeding beetles are very active in spring and early summer. When is the best time of year to trim tree limbs and cut back shrubs?-Ann. For example, oak trees (Quercus spp.) Pruning a tree can improve its appearance, prevent pests and disease, and help the tree grow strong and healthy. Second, you should always paint pruning cuts on oak trees (if pruning is absolutely necessary during the spring, painting of the pruning cuts will decrease the chance of infection of oak ⦠The great English oak is possibly the best known tree in Britain, as well as the most prevalent. Remove debris, then assess the damage The first step is to make ⦠Oak wilt infections occur most commonly in spring and early summer. All thatâs missing now is fresh wounds in oak trees. The riskiest time of year to prune your oak tree, according to some experts, is between February 1 and June 1. For thicker branches, you ⦠Pruning Storm Damaged Trees. Make sure you wait until the end of summer! Recommended Timing To keep trees' health intact, the safest time to trim is during the late dormant season in winter, typically between the months of February and early April. Are there guidelines regarding the trimming of dead and live limbs and branches? How to Trim the Tree. should only be pruned in the winter months when the trees are dormant to prevent the spread of a common fungal disease called oak wilt. Learn how to safely, quickly and easily prune the trees in your yard. To avoid the Nitidulid beetle and tree wilt in general, it is best to trim live oak trees during the late fall or winter months when the cold makes the insect least active during the year. Return to Trees and Shrubs Agent Articles. As the grass thins, the tree is able to accumulate more of the water and nutrients it needs. DIY Tree Trimming & Removal: Is It Safe To Care For Trees Around My Home Myself? The areas around Anoka, Blaine, Coon Rapids, Zimmerman and Princeton have a large amount of oak tress and now is the time to setup an appointment for your oak tree to be pruned to ⦠Whether it's damage from ice storms or sudden thunderstorms in the summer, trees require special care and should make a full recovery with little long-term injury. The explosive cracking sounds of trees crashing to the ground are sickening to the stomach. Pruning trees doesn't have to be a daunting process. If storm damage or other emergencies necessitate that an oak tree be pruned during the growing season, promptly repair the damage and immediately seal the wound with latex paint or wound dressing. June 12, 2013 Now is the time to schedule us for oak tree pruning!! Because of this, oak trees should be pruned in the winter months when the trees are dormant and to prevent the spread of oak wilt. Oak wilt is a fungal disease that is lethal to many oaks. Wait to prune spring-flowering trees, such as dogwood, redbud, cherry, pear, and magnolia, until after they flower. Oak trees have a disease that makes it so important not to make cuts on them from April through October. The best period to prune oaks is between the months of October and March. The Worst Case Scenario â What Happens Next. Other experts say a tree shouldnât be pruned from April to October. Here at Preservation Tree, we take great care to make sure we do not prune oak trees during peak transmission season. Dead branches, diseased trees and weak limbs are all a danger to people and property. Prune Oak Trees in the Fall. It was trimmed professionally approx. Try To Avoid Pruning Oaks In The Summer: Best Time to Trim Oak Trees. I have been unable to attach a current photo below. 10 Best Outdoor Storage Sheds You Can Buy on ⦠Maple trees are known for their brilliant fall color as well as the ease with which they âbleedâ sap. Oak wilt occurs when the tree is most vulnerable in its growth season. Expert insight into the best time to prune an oak tree; the advantages of oak tree pruning, and how to avoid the risk of spreading disease and harming the tree. On the surface, removing a dead, diseased, or unwanted tree from your yard may look simple: get out the chainsaw and safety glasses, cut it down, and haul it off.removing a dead, diseased, or unwanted tree from your yard may look simple: get out the chainsaw and safety There is less sap flowing. The mild winter is not the major concern, the concern is having the tree heal over the wound before the insects that feed on the fungus become active. We have seen some on line info that says do not trim an oak tree between April and October. The physical act of properly pruning an Oak tree in the spring has no negative effect, physiologically or otherwise, on the overall health and vigor of an Oak tree. A tree, Oak or otherwise, is more susceptible to invasion by pests and diseases during the spring flush or reproductive cycle. It is spread by insects that carry the fungal disease and enter wound sites in the bark. Oak wilt is a fatal disease of oak trees that can be found in some counties of Minnesota. Safe Timing. For that reason, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) suggests to not start any pruning until at least the first frost. Thatâs because sap beetles, insects that spread oak wilt, are active from April to August. The best way to prevent the spread of oak wilt is to not prune any oak tree during the growing season. That means we can bring in heavy equipment without damaging your landscape, letting us ⦠It also spreads via beetles, who are attracted to freshly cut oak trees, that carry the fungal spores from tree to tree.