Struggling with distance learning? Dual Degree: M.B.A. and M.H.S.M. I like genderqueer.” What held him back? The 57 Bus tells the true story of two California teens, Sasha and Richard, who meet by chance on an Oakland bus. “But if I were to radically shift my appearance in a way that more androgynous, I don’t know how comfortable that would be for me. Gender, race and justice. A major theme in The 57 Bus is that of binaries, both in the context of identity and criminal justice. Driver License offices are located throughout the state and offer services by appointment only. PDF files require Adobe Reader or compatible.Adobe Reader or compatible. ― Dashka Slater, The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives. Discovering the existence of genderqueer identity felt like discovering a secret room. The more time Sasha spent in the room, the more comfortable it felt. Fire Station 2 – Denton Connect Route 3. Sasha, who prefers the gender-neutral pronoun they instead of he … In 2013, while riding home from school on the 57 bus in Oakland, a Black teenage boy lit the skirt of a gender-nonconforming white teenager on fire. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth. Perhaps, you faintly recall the headlines about the incident on the 57 bus. The Pre-Vocational and Vocational Training program is designed based on goals established for the individual with special needs to develop and improve their vocational abilities, introduce new areas of work related training and ultimately to assist in … The Oakland teen who set a gender non-conforming high school student's skirt on fire on an AC Bus last year pleaded no contest Thursday ... on fire while riding AC Transit bus No. Sasha, however, is not gay, and this frequent misunderstanding is just one of many LGBTQ misconceptions dispelled within Slater’s book. Breasts burst from her chest like twin cannonballs, but they didn’t feel sexy and good, they just felt heavy. I felt like one person hates me—maybe.”, “We do not understand your actions,” Debbie went on. -Graham S. Below you will find the important quotes in, “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. If it weren’t for the 57 bus, Sasha and Richard never would … Now it turned out there was another room—one that could be furnished however you wanted. It was close to 5 o’clock on the afternoon of Nov. 4, 2013, and Sasha Fleischman was riding the 57 bus home from school. And there was a whole array of distinctions within each category as well. Since they don’t, they do not fit neatly into these categories either. Biologically speaking, Andrew was assigned female anatomy at birth, but his gender identity as a man means that he is also homosexual. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, Part 3: Under the Influence of Adolescence, Part 3: Let’s All Take Care of Each Other, Part 4: Some Gender-Neutrality Milestones. The carrier may not be opened on the bus, must be leak-proof and well ventilated, and be small enough to fit on the owner's lap or on the floor space in the immediate area of the owner without blocking the aisle. When Richard, an African American junior from nearby Oakland High School, boards the bus and sees Sasha, a genderqueer kid in a skirt, Sasha quickly becomes the object of Richard’s misguided prank. Andrew, who keeps his trans status “on the down low” for fear of discrimination, sexually identifies as a gay man. I’m just done with that.”, Instant downloads of all 1411 LitChart PDFs One fateful day, Sasha was asleep in a “gauzy white skirt” on the 57 bus when a rowdy friend handed Richard a lighter. The 57 Bus deals with many sensitive and important issues without sensationalizing or editorializing. It was like a gigantic menu, with columns and columns of choices. The 57 Bus tells the true story of two California teens, Sasha and Richard, who meet by chance on an Oakland bus. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. If it weren’t for the 57 bus, Sasha and Richard never would have met. In these online conversations, the word sex referred purely to biology—the chromosomes, organs, and anatomy that define male and female from the outside. Sasha, who prefers the gender-neutral pronoun they instead of he or she, and does not identify as either male or female, wears their skirt alongside a masculine shirt and vest, which draws the negative attention of Richard and his friends. Part 1: How Do You Know What Gender You Are? On the contrary, Sasha and Nemo are exceedingly close and mutually fulfilled by a nontraditional coupling. Slater’s new book, “The 57 Bus: A True Story of Two Teenagers and the Crime That Changed Their Lives,” is a nonfiction narrative about the … One teenager with a lighter. Sasha’s close friend, Andrew, was biologically born a girl but now lives his life as a transgender man. Furthermore, this language dispenses with the assumption that gender and sexuality are linked.