Designed for patching precast and other concrete materials. The Patcher sets in 20 minutes and is ideal for applications of 1/4 in. One way to do this is to avoid … Find the right Building Supplies on sale to help complete your home improvement project. The final product does have the coarser texture since there is sand in the mix. Step 5 - … 0000002328 00000 n ProSpec® Vinyl Concrete Patch a polymer-modified, Portland cement-based patching compound used to repair minor surface imperfections in concrete. 0000107346 00000 n Fast Setting Cement Patcher – High strength, rapid-setting material used for filling cracks in concrete slabs, driveways, sidewalks, steps and curbs. 0000160244 00000 n The SAKRETE 20 lb. $9.95. 0000021551 00000 n 0000006643 00000 n 0000064809 00000 n High strength 5,000 psi. Step 4 - Mix Vinyl Patch. Use a small bucket and mix just enough of the vinyl concrete patch that you can use within 30 minutes. C� In making any concrete repair, it is best to allow the patch to cure properly by making sure it dries slowly. This concrete effect vinyl also offers more options when it comes to colours, for example you can choose from a classic grey tone, or a beige or brown for something a little different. This video provides product features for QUIKRETE® Vinyl Concrete Patcher, a multi-purpose concrete repair material with strong adhesive properties. startxref 0000002903 00000 n 0000052488 00000 n 0000020789 00000 n to feather edge. **New and Better Underlayment for Vinyl, laminate and engineered hardwood floors** **Patent Pending** Why DMX Airflow LVT 2.0? … Covers approximately 4.5-SQ FT at 1/4-in thickness. 383 45 Large concrete patches such as a step, corner of a driveway, sidewalk, or patio must be attached to the old concrete with a mechanical pin. 427 0 obj <>stream This Product Data Sheet has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information available at the time of publication. 0000052158 00000 n 0000235508 00000 n Do not mix a large amount of it or it will dry before you use it all. Vinyl Concrete Patch CAUTIONS Read complete cautionary information printed on product container prior to use. 0000001219 00000 n They're inexpensive, easily obtainable, and the new concrete readily grabs onto the bumps and knobs on the … When considering the thickness of your flooring, think about the layers in the sheet itself, not the wear layer or top coat. to 2 in. Press firmly into patch area, smooth and feather edge. Step 1 Let the Quikrete Vinyl Concrete Patcher dry for seven days if you are planning on applying latex paint to the surface and the patching … The reason behind it is very simple: At such an aggressive price point, it is very hard to get your hands on some quality concrete patch, especially if you’re hunting for the best concrete patch for the … ��Z��3� �?.|��w�\�ѥ��u�����콊7�2�T���?����;#�' QUIKRETE® Vinyl Concrete Patcher (No. Link to Lowe's Home Improvement Home Page. Prices and availability of products and services are subject to change without notice. trailer Errors will be corrected where discovered, and Lowe's reserves the right to revoke any stated offer and to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions including after an order has been submitted. Mapei- High Performance Concrete Patch 25 lbs. It has a good strength at minimal thickness and also some has malleability. For interior or exterior use. 0000214216 00000 n I've successfully employed standard reinforcing steel bars for years. Set time: 360 min, Working time: 15 min, Drive on time: 72 hours; Dry to walk time: 24 hours 0000052575 00000 n Can be used under Vinyl Plank Flooring (5mm or higher); VOC Free – No dangerous off gas into the living space; 4 in 1 Protection – Mold, sound, thermal and vapor barrier ALL IN ONE; Foam on dimple side makes the floors warmer and cozier under … endstream endobj 384 0 obj <>/Metadata 6 0 R/Pages 5 0 R/StructTreeRoot 8 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 385 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[9.0 9.0 801.0 621.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 386 0 obj <> endobj 387 0 obj <>stream Apply in thicknesses from 2-in down to 1/2-in. Open to foot traffic in 4 hours and vehicular traffic in 24 hours. Click here for detailed information. This item Damtite 04025 Gray Bonds-On Vinyl Concrete Patch, 25 lb. h�b``�d``�````~��01�� $AM(f`�f`�̤��������0�L�h� "��9�B�����3�a�```a�X����M2����}���,�5��y�Ic�d��������r��mpQv�*�,�6� �= Mapecem Quickpatch is a versatile, fast-setting, cementitious material used for the patching of interior/exterior concrete surfaces including concrete floors, driveways, sidewalks and concrete pads. The re-mesh strengthens the cement … Vinyl is useful, but it isn’t one of the safest substances for a few reasons. Available in 10 lb. […] Browse our collection of concrete lino flooring below. Quikrete Vinyl Concrete Patcher: If you can wait a bit longer but still want strength then the Vinyl Patch products will also work well. 0000030968 00000 n 0000001461 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000057402 00000 n Prices, Promotions, styles, and availability may vary. �R��s�T�J���"����Ծ�����vWM�S4�d��Qt�Q7��_�Aҵ�c���W�\�/�o*����]5}I��i �,B'5. You must let the concrete patch dry completely before you sand it or apply paint. h�bbbd`b``Ń3� ���ţ�A)0 �?? 0000001802 00000 n Damtite 04152 Concrete … 0000037006 00000 n 0000025594 00000 n Vinyl Concrete Patcher. <<73F1A0A569982A46A1F356EC4B96E535>]/Prev 264752/XRefStm 1461>> For medical emergency information, call 1-888-853-1758. Our local stores do not honor online pricing. 0000052185 00000 n Damtite 04025 Gray Bonds-On Vinyl Concrete Patch, 25 lb. Fast Set Patcher is a The SAKRETE 20 lb. Typically supports foot traffic in 8-12 hours, wheeled traffic in 48 hours. Suitable for interior and exterior applications from feather-edge to 2 in. 0000016836 00000 n High strength 5,000 psi. $29.99. 0000013041 00000 n For those who are looking for the best value concrete patch, they should look no further as the 113311 Vinyl Concrete Patch from SAKRETE OF NORTH AMERICA is the one to beat. %%EOF Drying time will vary with applied thickness, temperature, humidity, etc. Vinyl Flooring and VOCs. We used Quikcrete's Vinyl Concrete Patcher to fill the cracks and to smooth the floor as much as possible. Concrete vinyl flooring is a highly popular option, due to its authentic finish while being a fraction of the price of real concrete flooring. I'd like to resurface an already somewhat level but tarnished concrete floor with a self-leveling cement-based compound and to raise the floor level as little as possible; I've found compounds like … �"��ogJw"��\p���앬�(*��pv����ѥ C��:n�)ɥcZ�萾�K�*cm��/���q�¤�?-�����K��: %PDF-1.4 %���� Apply in layers from 1/2-in down to a feather edge, Use for: repairing cracks in concrete slabs, driveways and sidewalks, Can be applied with a trowel or used as a brush coat over larger areas, Covers approximately 4.5-SQ FT at 1/4-in thickness, Set time: 360 min, Working time: 15 min, Drive on time: 72 hours; Dry to walk time: 24 hours. Use from ¼” – 2” in thickness. 0000104036 00000 n Viewed 10k times 2. Made of a special blend of exterior grade vinyl … Use a hose and wet the area a little. It is intended to provide users with information about and guidelines for the proper … Covers approximately 9 sq ft at 1/4-in thickness. 0000051732 00000 n Quikrete Vinyl Concrete Patcher is available in two colors, gray and white, but also accepts latex and oil paints if you need the substance in another color. The result was a growing reputation for handling latex concrete … 0000163597 00000 n For refinishing, patching and general repairs to concrete/masonry. Delong Concrete in Lexington, Kentucky began using volumetric mixers with LMC in the early 1970s as part of bridge deck work the company handled. Quikrete Vinyl Concrete Patcher also has additives to make it really strong but does not set as fast. As for thickness, that varies considerably and the thicker the product, the more expensive it is. For applications from 1/2 In. pail (BOM #127634) and 50 lb. ���}�X�e�V��Cқ=2M�dK��I�}��ֶ�A�u�c������~�~Sw��~Sq ��z� �bl�I$M@:G�P)�o�-�Mũ$]o*"���(D�Ϝo*-�+�i��q�k'�LџPd�A8G�)Ξ~{���t�阬v~K 0000064525 00000 n EZY-Pipe Patch - A rapid setting polymer modified repair material used for patching (up to 1" in thickness). For interior or exterior use. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. �(W\Z���ֳ�h14�����+.-��8�WS{ťE8���(k�%xfq�l-�nd�Qc8����Qg�Ы�v��K����G����V��GgӉ�I�k�gF�1ϸT�`_�`2�_�6k�8��!��_�%������Q�'0�+����'�K�GG��bU\����&Ϳ�� 0000037301 00000 n Patching compounds typically are mixed with water and applied with a trowel. Spreads to 1/16 inch thickness Read more. Shop Patching Compounds - Cement, Concrete, Mortar in-store or online at 0000009734 00000 n Wide cracks in concrete are best patched and sealed with a concrete patching compound. Edward Tools Paint and Mud Mixer for drill in 1 to 5 gallon buckets - Fits all standard drills - Zinc plated steel - Reinforced weld - Hex head for non slip - Easy to clean - Paint mixer attachment 4.7 out of 5 stars 4,868. 0000001646 00000 n It has a window of 30 minutes of work time (conditions can affect it) and will be hard in 24 hours. 0000056872 00000 n Can be applied with a trowel or used as a brush coat over larger areas. Trowels to a feather edge of 1/16" (1.6 mm). Minimum recommended thickness for self-leveling concrete topping (skim coat) Ask Question Asked 3 years, 2 months ago. 0000213902 00000 n 0000237339 00000 n Concrete Patch Hydraulic Cement White Powder Waterproofer More From Damtite SunnyDry Gray Hydraulic Leak-Stop Cement SunnyDry White Powder Waterproofer SunnyDry White PLUS Latex Waterproofer Check Out Products From SunnyDry Compare with similar items. Vinyl Concrete Patcher 4.5kg QUIKRETE Vinyl Concrete Patcher is used for thin repairs to damaged concrete up to Before the vinyl concrete patch is placed onto the area it will need to be moistened a little. Do not soak it or leave any puddles of water. Active 2 years, 6 months ago. xref 0000020921 00000 n 0000051995 00000 n Sakrete Top’N Bond is a form of a patching concrete which makes it adhere to existing concrete. Just add water H��Wَ\�}��`�`�0ȣ��ؒO;���$��XF�?�;o7�]70ܚ[�S��C��Y!��q#� 0000036892 00000 n (51 mm) thick per lift. �O��_=��_�3u4&��K�|&����ᧃ���2(�`Ιa\:�,�q�-�a+r=�S���L�2� F���V�y]��fַ!eTG���!�1�����>���f�H�W5B�Hshs��5B�oshS��5����9���uťEQ�w�����,=Z�h�����K�"�cj$�D 0 �����L���S�w��^"M���R ;H���,�t�A�t߁I�G�����Mݭb��B)&��� ��a�$��T� 0000037386 00000 n VINYL CEMENT PATCH AKONAKOTE® POURABLE CONCRETE PATCH INSTANT PATCHING CEMENT PRE-MIXED CONCRETE & STUCCO PATCH USES & ADVANTAGES • Superior bond • High strength • Polymer-modified • Sets in 24 hours • Trowelable from featheredge up to ½” per layer • Patch seams, holes, and cracks • Use to prepare floors for resurfacing • Flowable/pourable • … For thin applications up to 3 mm (1/8”) thick, let dry 3 to 4 hours. It is sometimes called vinyl patch as there are added polymers. 0000104075 00000 n 0000058011 00000 n 1133) is a multi-purpose concrete repair material with strong adhesive properties. 0000037118 00000 n Apply up to 6 mm (1/4”) thick and allow to dry completely before applying adhesives or coverings. Sets in 20 minutes. Just add water. Sakrete Top‘n Bond Concrete Patcher is a polymer modified sand cement repair mortar requiring only the addition of clean potable water. We covered the floor with Home Depot's HDX 6 mil Black plastic sheet and then laid wire re-mesh sheet (also from Home Depot) over top of the plastic. 0000098440 00000 n The patcher can be spread over clean and sound chipped surfaces to a thickness of ¼ inch, and its smooth consistency makes it easy to feather out with a … Fast Set Patcher is a pre-blended, fast setting mixture that can be used for making quick repairs in concrete walks, slabs, floors, steps and driveways. Rapid repair of cracks in concrete slabs, driveways, sidewalks or steps without using forms. Pail 3.6 out of 5 stars 6. They have a texture similar to grout and can be smoothed and textured to blend with the surrounding area. 0000037231 00000 n endstream endobj 426 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[8 375]/Length 35/Size 383/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Use for: repairing cracks in concrete slabs, driveways and sidewalks. Pail. The cement glue or additives will not do the job on their own. Only 18 left in stock - order soon. 0000065331 00000 n Smaller cracks, less than 1/4 inch wide, can be repaired with a concrete caulk or liquid filler. While bridges are a significant part of their work, the company added several Cemen Tech units to augment the accuracy and precision required this type of work.