2. Sims 2 mesh by Mila the sims 4 sims 4 custom content ts4 custom content s4cc sims 4 cc downloads sims 4 downloads shoulder jacket leather jacket 667 notes Jan 27th, 2016 Close. 38. Avec Les Sims 4™, il est enfin possible de pousser le détail un peu plus loin : le jeu vous laisse désormais choisir entre différentes versions d'un même meuble, donnant ainsi un. The cooking Overhaul mod for the Sims 4 finally got the grocery store update. I think there is a Sims 4 tumblr who converted some of her Sims 4 prehistoric stuff to Sims 3, I can't remember her name, but if you Google "Sims 4 Prehistoric" her blog and the links to the content should come up. 3 Sims; 4 Objects; 5 Careers and Majors; Religions, faith, worship, and churches. WCIF Nun/Priest CC? Father Ralph and his Nuns incl. report. These are rabbit holes so have fun! THERE'S EVEN A PASTOR!BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SUGA SQUAD: goo.gl/aU6Sf7 These custom mods honestly add so much! My CC shopping list. Apr 17, 2020 - Priest robes for men and women“A priest is a religious leader with the task of leading and supporting people with a need for guidance. . Hello, fellow Simmers, I met Brittany ( @brittpinkiesims) last year and she inspired me to mod, and helped me a lot throughout the time! Notez que les parties du corps que vous pourrez modifier dans les Sims 4 seront en surbrillance lorsque vous ferez glisser votre souris sur les Sims. The Monastery is on a 64 … This thread is archived. HAVE YOUR SIMS ATTEND A CHURCH EVENT! Monastery View File Yes, meet Father Ralph and his naughty Nuns. konansock. Discover (and save!) They stay at the Naughty Monastery, the old Abbey of Windenburg. See list at S2C for more. Best Medieval CC for Sims 4 Sims Medieval to Sims 4 Religious Outfit Conversion. You can take your sims to church with the Church Mod for The Sims 4! The Sims Resource. Apr 3, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Pannavit Senkasam. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Try the search "Sims 4 biblical cc" (no quotes), it will get you started. Sims 4 Community Lot – Edge Salon, Spa & Cafe. They look pretty high quality compared to some of Sims 4's stuff. Find Sims 4 cc in SimsDay. WCIF Nun/Priest CC? Does anyone know where I can find some good CC outfits for TS4? hide. Or even a Plague doctor, as you wish! Brittany’s Mods fixed! … 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Send it to me and I can try converting it or if you want the pet collars I am working on now, I will convert the mesh to a men version once I finish the female set. Find friends, and even find amazing artists here. Posted by. 3 comments. I'm back with over 50 custom careers for The Sims 4!!! share. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. Saved by Mikayla Hernandez. With the authority to marry, baptise or give last rites in the... .. Priest robes for men and women. 24.11.2017 - Clothing - BF Boyfriend Jeans for The Sims 4 by Spectacled-chic Download link The Sims 4 PRIEST DRESS. Edge Salon, Spa & Cafe Type: Spa Designed for: Windenburg Lot Size: 20×20 Value: $119,805 This... Sims 4 Community Lot – Brooks Birthing Center. Artists' share photos and custom contents here. Do you have any particular collar design you want for men? 3 years ago. Looking to make a vampire nun/priest couple to preside over my funerals for like.. ever. Artists' share photos and custom contents here. Hey, boo! @wongfoo2003 Yo! your own Pins on Pinterest I can start a link list if the search doesn't help. As for the Biblical times, that's when it gets messy. See more ideas about sims 4, sims 4 cc, sims. Sims 4. 47. The Sims 4 franchise comes with 8 wonderful and exciting expansion packs. You cannot imagine medieval times without religion and worship. 100% Upvoted. Hey, boo! Many modders create items based around religion and spirituality, which are easy finds under the search 'Sims 4 religion CC'. Sims 4 Community Lot – Edge Salon, Spa & Cafe. At the beginning it was only about nuns and priests, but then I got carried away. Sep 6, 2015 - Sims 4 CC Accessories: LeahLilith Crave Horns from The Sims Resource • Sims 4 Downloads. save. Jun 20, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Sherika line. Jan 16, 2020 - Official Post from ☽ Moonchild ☾: Hello, I finally finished this project. Saved from melonsloth.tumblr.com. Sep 12, 2019 - Explore madduhlynne's board "The Sims 4 CC - Clothing (Female)" on Pinterest. For around the time Jesus may have lived, the area was under Roman rule and so they likely wore more Roman-type clothing. ⭐ BECOME A CHANNEL MEMBER!!! I found the following traits which may help (still a newbie - can't link, sorry!) Priest/Bishop/Pope Hat (Adult Male): Bipsouille; Catholic Medals: sunken-woglinde at MTS; Cross necklaces: by Michelle at MTS; Star of David necklaces: xandrasama at MTS; Clothing . Archived. Aug 24, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Arneta Pratiwi Adipaty. Body Shop Content Accessories. Sims 4 Toddler Clothes Toddler Outfits Sims 4 Cas Mods Sims 4 Bedroom Sims4 Clothes Sims 4 Update Sims 4 Clothing The Sims4 Sims 4 Custom Content. That is why we present you with a beautiful conversion of the religious attire from the Sims Medieval to the Sims 4. Sims 4 Community Lot – Brooks Birthing Center. The one item I've been looking for, but can't find for Sims 4, is a Nun's Religious Habit that is floor length. Kylie Jenner Sims 4 Cc Furniture Sims 4 Cas Tattoo Set Old Video Sims 4 Custom Content Toddler Boys Sexy Dresses Disney Characters More information ... More ideas for you More information... People also love these … Aug 16, 2020 - Medieval Doctor Outfit for your medieval settings. Hey, boo! your own Pins on Pinterest Priest robes for men and women A priest is a... - Royal CC Saved by Shynia Carpenter. Discover (and save!) There Classic Paintings, Church parts like steeples. The Sims Medieval CC. your own Pins on Pinterest Find Sims 4 cc in SimsDay. Saved from thesimsresource.com. ^^”I thought this as a clerical pack because I got inspired by my own childhood, by my catholic school that back in times was an orphanage (where my mum used to liv… Sims 4 Expansion Packs: Sul Sul Simmers! Find friends, and even find amazing artists here. Household with all CC you need is in the downloadfile. Crucifixes, I'm just not sure what you are focused on? Danish Priest Skins: Sims 2 Net; Habits: Elder nun: (Elder … Each pack has unique CAS items, build items, furnitures, interactions, and much more! Though you cannot actually be religious in The Sims 4, you can add some things to your game to mimic this medieval life aspect. Sims 4 . Discover (and save!) Posts; Likes; Following; Ask me anything; Submit a post; Archive; konansock. LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT!!!