Land acknowledgments don't do much — reparations to Indigenous people would. We write this from the land of the Piscataway and Nacotchtank people. We make this acknowledgement to honor Indigenous peoples and to disrupt our complacency as participants in and beneficiaries of colonial systems. The Nacotchtank and the Manahoac are extinct in part, as a result of diseases contracted from European colonists, for which they had no immunity. UMBC was established upon the land of the Piscataway and Susquehannock peoples. Land Acknowledgement The Accokeek Foundation is located in Piscataway Park, within the traditional ancestral homelands of Piscataway People both past and present. GUIDE TO INDIGENOUS LAND AND TERRITORIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS. The District of Columbia shares borders with Maryland and Virginia, and connects with lands along the Anacostia and Potomac Rivers. ... and neighbors the ancestral lands of the Piscataway and Pamunkey peoples. Land Acknowledgment Land Acknowledgment. Land Acknowledgement . We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land and waterways, and the people who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. Every community owes its existence and strength to the generations before them, around the world, who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy into making the history that led to this moment. As an institution dedicated to our Jesuit values, Georgetown University recognizes that the land we currently occupy was and still is the homeland of the Nacotchtank and their descendants, the Piscataway Conoy people. ... territorial acknowledgment, confession: ... was built on Piscataway Conoy land. Land Acknowledgment. The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI), in collaboration with the Inclusion Council, formally acknowledges the land of Indigenous peoples on which UMBC is located and encourages all in our community to share the following statement. Land acknowledgement . Share Tweet Email. This land was stolen from the Piscataway People through the direct and indirect violence of settler societies, colonialism, and genocide – historical processes of dispossession which are ongoing. This is Piscataway land. We hail from the land of the Powatan and Manahoac. ... We pay respects to Piscataway elders and ancestors. Land Acknowledgement Statement. Land Acknowledgment. The Guide to Indigenous Land and Territorial Acknowledgements for Cultural Institutions is a comprehensive guide for institutions such as museums, archives, libraries, and universities to recognize and respect Indigenous homelands, inherent sovereignty, and … A land acknowledgement is an optional statement, often given at the beginning of organized events, celebrations and activities, or published in printed materials. A shortened land acknowledgement can also be used for email signatures. Land Acknowledgement. ... We pay respects to Piscataway elders and ancestors. Our work takes place on unceded, stolen land, taken from Indigenous people and shaped by the enslaved labor of Black people. To show a lasting acknowledgement of the land, the new Courtyard will display a plaque stating: “The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing respectfully acknowledges and give thanks to the Piscataway Tribe—the Indigenous people who are traditional owners of the lands of the Chesapeake Bay region. The purpose of a land acknowledgement is to recognize, respect and affirm the ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the land. Land Acknowledgement. Every community owes its existence and strength to the generations before them, around the world, who contributed their hopes, dreams, and energy into making the history that led to this moment.