Pruning trees is a dangerous job. There are some dead limbs (some 5-6" diam) and a need for minor trimming of some live branches near a house. The safety of your children is more important than the tree. Expert insight into the best time to prune an oak tree; the advantages of oak tree pruning, and how to avoid the risk of spreading disease and harming the tree. This means that waiting until December is a great idea. At first, I was surprised by the branches that were in the way. Trimming your tree is not difficult, but it helps if you follow a few ash tree pruning tips. Ash trees have an opposite branching structure. A bug, normally a beetle that does not have the ability to chew, will smell the sap and come to feed. Cut branches or twigs less than 3/4 inch in diameter with sharp hand pruners. Properly pruned trees live longer, healthier lives. Oak trees are specifically protected by name in some cities in California and Florida (e.g. The reason for this is when pruning cuts are made when the tree is not dormant, the tree bleeds sap. Pruning During Other Times of the Year. Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystic fagacearum, is a lethal disease of oaks and has been detected in 56 counties in Michigan. One way oak wilt spreads is through disease spores carried on the bodies of sap beetles as they feed from tree to tree. Most of the dead limbs are low down (15-30' from grade) and … Great question! Not do the large canopies provide plenty of shade, but these majestic trees also add a ton of curb appeal. Each cut can change the way a tree grows. Hi Angela! Evergreen trees. we have a 35-40 year old, 80-100' tall pin oak with a 20" diameter trunk. A tree, Oak or otherwise, is more susceptible to invasion by pests and diseases during the spring flush or reproductive cycle. Here is an article that contains two links, at the bottom, to other articles. I was mowing my lawn a few days ago when I noticed that I could no longer walk under the canopy of my young live oak tree. I didn't think it would matter since I'm not cutting the live part of the tree, just the dead limbs. Bugs love sap! However, if you own an oak, you’ll need to trim it once every 2-3 years. Oak trees, for example, can suffer from oak wilt. If you can delay, delay as long as the construction is progressing -- the later in the summer that you prune, the less impact you have on the tree but, if it must be done today, do it today. Springtime is when oak trees are the most prone to contracting oak wilt, so pruning should be avoided during this season if possible. Local Oak Tree Specialists. The disease can also spread from tree-to-tree through root grafts. The mild winter is not the major concern, the concern is having the tree heal over the wound before the insects that feed on the fungus become active. Trim small trees with the help of a sturdy, A-frame ladder. Evergreens seldom need pruning, although dead and diseased branches can be removed in late summer. The best timing for this form of pruning is just after the seasonal growth has reached its peak. Let me set it straight, it’s actually pretty simple. Homeowners remove dead branches to make the tree look better and grow stronger. Experienced gardeners use summer pruning to direct growth by slowing down the development of a tree or branch. Similarly, healthy trees will generally tolerate minor pruning in the summer months, for example, corrective pruning to raise hanging branches, or removing weak growth, which can be easier to assess in full leaf. rarely require pruning. The structure of the coast live oak is wider than tall creating an umbrella or domed canopy shape with large branches curving back to the ground, sprouting roots and supporting the upper parts of the tree. The USDA article recommends using pruning paint on oaks during summer. Pruning the California oak from mid-summer to late summer, during the hottest time of the year, is an option if … Beetles feed from tree-to-tree and if one of the host trees is infected with oak wilt, the pathogen can be carried from tree-to-tree as the sap beetle feeds. Trimming is a natural part of care for a live oak tree, but it has to be done right or the tree can be susceptible to tree wilt. Diagnosis by a tree expert is also critical as successful treatment depends on early diagnosis of all infected trees within an area. However, summer pruning is most often done to slow growth, and is best carried out when the early summer’s growth is complete. Pruning trees in summer isn't a popular option, but sometimes can be beneficial if performed with caution. Oak trees (Quercus spp.) If your tree is in particularly bad shape and has been really neglected, don’t do all the work in one season. Late winter is generally the best time to prune trees that are either non-blooming or summer blooming. The main issues that are important in Spring Oak pruning are sterilization or cleaning of pruning tools, and applying wound dressing to fresh cuts. And when you prune or trim your tree during this time, it can lead to over-pruning, which can result in extreme stress for the tree. In Texas, for example, oak trees should not be pruned from February through June, due to the spread of oak wilt disease. Tree trimming an oak tree at the right time is critical. The best time to prune trees varies between tree species. It does little good to treat only one tree. The yellowing will spread throughout the entire canopy, with the tree quickly dropping its leaves. Enjoy a beautiful oak tree for many years to come! The size of the live oak tree dictates what trimming or pruning equipment is needed. Spread the work out over 2 or 3 winters. I just want to get the dead limbs while I can tell which limbs don't have leaves. Prune in summer or winter to prevent the contamination of your oak tree by the oak wilt fungus. In addition, the tree can be attacked by diseases and pests that can be controlled by pruning. Major pruning for large or upper branches might be better left to an expert tree company or arborist, however, as those jobs require specialized equipment and experience in tree climbing. So, Andersen says that no branch should be cut without a clear reason. The coast live oak needs well drained soil so the roots aren’t soggy especially in the summer. Considering a live oak (Quercus virginiana) grows into a magnificent shade tree that is wind-, salt- and drought-tolerant, trimming it when young ensures good branch structure. Prune the oak prudently—don’t overdo and take off more than 25 percent of the tree’s branches. Pruning in the fall is even worse as it prevents the tree … At anytime of the year, with a conservative approach to pruning and specific objectives applied, there is no negative effect on a tree’s overall health and vigor to any species of tree. Pruning paint is not recommended in general on other trees, or on oaks during the dormant season, because the tree is better able to close the wound without the paint. Pruning oak trees in winter greatly reduces the risk of an oak wilt infection as the beetles and fungal mats are not present at that time of year. Bad Timing: There are good times to prune and bad times to prune; it depends on the species and condition of the tree. On the other hand, for mature oak tree, you need to remove the branches that are growing towards the center of the crown. The ideal time to prune or trim most types of trees is during their dormant period, which occurs in late fall or early winter. However, now is the optimum time to prune oak trees. If an oak tree must be pruned in spring or summer (such as after a storm), apply latex house paint to the pruning cuts to avoid attracting sap-feeding beetles to the wounds. Massive oak trees are a staple in any yard. On the other hand, trees that bloom in spring should be pruned right after blooming preferably before the summer begins. Trim off the diseased section of the branch, making the pruning cut in the healthy tissue 1/4 to 1/2 inch above a lower branch junction or trunk. This is normal. Wait for about 2-3 years before you can start shaping it. The wounds from pruning can spread diseases. Have your Certified Arborist review your trees, and help make the best educated recommendation on the optimum time to perform Oak tree pruning. Cutting Back Ash Trees. The opposing branch growth usually requires pruning to keep the tree balanced. ... How to Trim an Oak Tree … Los Angles), but in most cases, they fall under the general tree protection laws as outlined by each cities tree ordinance. Strive for branch collar cuts when pruning. Contact San Antonio Tree Surgeons if you have any questions or if you would like to set up a estimate. Is it a bad idea to prune dead oak limbs during the summer because of oak wilt? If, for safety reasons, you must do the pruning in the summer, do it. That way, you can prevent yourself from killing your oak tree. OK, So I have heard about a hundred different reasons why and when you prune an oak tree. The great English oak is possibly the best known tree in Britain, as well as the most prevalent. Trees affected by oak wilt can be pruned in the heat of summer, but should never be pruned in the spring. With that air flow can be ensured. It is not suggested for you to trim your tree to shape. Trimming can be done then and through about mid February when things start warming up again. Oak tree trimming is best left for when the tree is dormant during the colder months of the year. During summer’s heat, having to produce that ill-timed new flush of growth greatly stresses a tree. If a tree is already stressed, it should not be heavily pruned. If your city allows the removal of all trees smaller than trunk diameter 8” and your Oaktree is smaller, then you are able to remove it without a permit. These sap beetles are attracted to fresh wounds. But oaks - even mighty ones - are susceptible to a nasty disease called oak … When you create a wound on a tree, when pruning it, the wound will secrete sap. BEST TIME TO TRIM OAK TREES. If you have a very large oak tree, it is best to trim earlier than the end of February. But if your tree needs maintenance, do so when the risk of oak wilt disease is at its lowest. Oak trees can be pruned at different levels of maturity, and the simpler tasks can easily be accomplished by a home or property owner. Sap beetles are carriers of the deadly oak wilt fungus and are attracted to fresh wounds on oak trees. Timing is more particular with flowering or fruiting trees. Larger trees may require you to use a hydraulic lift or an extension pole.