Ultimate sessions up a notch with this Special Edition Super Smash Bros. (plus the slight transparent design and the smash logo make it much more appealing as well). A great quality Wii U controller that is a favorite for many on a budget. It also includes a charging cable (USB-C to USB-A) for additional gaming fun. Splatoon 2 Edition . PowerLead . Many memes and lots of teary-eyed victories alike have been created through the effort of some of the best pro smash players in the world. The Pro Controller also simply feels good to hold. Super Smash Bros. I’m not a pro but just a gamer who plays a ton of smash bros. Ultimate logo. I you don't have a Pro Controller, I would get one in General because it's awesome for so many games, infinitely better than the Joycons on the Nintendo Grip. BaconNEggs: 13: 12/14 5:42PM: Feels good to see Sephiroth in Smash. The GameCube controller for Switch can often be found cheaper, which makes it stand out as the best. Under the “Controllers” menu, select “Pairing New Controllers,” and the Nintendo Switch will begin searching for a compatible Nintendo Switch controller. Which is better largely depends on personal preference. Administrator. Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. felt similarly good with the Pro Controller, with both games responding accurately to my control inputs. The sticks have a wide range of motion but aren't as comfortable to rest your thumbs on for extended periods of time. I love the Gamecube controller don't get me wrong, but once you find a good control layout on the Pro Controller, it's hard to go back to the Gamecube controller. Both controllers are good. I didn't notice the … There are a ton of GameCube controller options for the Nintendo Switch now that SSBU has released. You’ll be prompted to select the L and R Trigger buttons on the GameCube controller, just like you would normally do with the Nintendo Switch Joy-Cons, and that’s all there is to it. Ultimate. Don’t think it won just by process of elimination, though–Nintendo’s official controller is great in its own right. Joined Apr 2, 2015 Messages 399 Location Pine Bush, New York NNID KipShades 3DS FC 5241-1937-7022 Dec 21, 2019 #17 Sean² said: It makes me wonder if there will ever be a good "big name" 3rd party controller. If you're not playing Smash, either option could work as a good Pro Controller replacement for other games, though. It carries a hefty price tag, but Nintendo's Pro Controller is still the best traditional gamepad for playing Switch games like Splatoon 2 or Super Smash Bros. As in any sport, there must be a number one, and that number one for Super Smash Bros. Wii U is "ZeRo" a player from Tempo Storm, and these are his best controller settings! This controller includes many of the great features found in the Joy-Con Controllers: motion controls, HD rumble, built-in amiibo functionality and more. Make your game sessions more intense with the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller adorned with the special Super Smash Bros. Even though it's been a good few years since the Pro Controller released, however, it can be hard to find a notable deal for them, even in the midst of the Black Friday hype. They have higher tension and are better for pulling off some moves. This controller includes many of the great features found in the Joy-Con Controllers: motion controls, HD rumble, built-in amiibo functionality and more. Monster Hunter Rise Edition. Analog sticks can be inaccurate. Is the Pro controller good for smash? Ultimate Pro Controller. It feels fine. You can also use the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. The Nintendo Switch's small Joy-Con controllers are good for simple multiplayer games (drift issues aside), but the bigger Nintendo Switch Pro controller is … https://twinfinite.net/2018/12/smash-bros-ultimate-best-controller-what-is Smash 7 or Smash Ultimate 2: OnlyTheTruth: 12: 12/16 2:24PM: is smash any good these days? Image Credit: Shacknews. Super Smash Bros. Comfortable to hold and features a classic controller layout. However, the Pro Controller is a perfectly good product in itself. They not only make for a good Joy-Con replacement at ... 12 Ralthy Wireless Pro Controller For Switch/Switch Lite. I've got a Power-A pro controller. I have used it as my primary Smash controller from Melee through Smash 4, but on the days when the already-sticky A button feels stickier than usual, I go with the Pro controller. The Super Smash Bros. Writing Team. When I first tried to use the Pro controller, I kept hitting the wrong buttons and self-destructing (even more than usual). It's also pretty good for Smash, much MUCH better than the Wii U Controller was for Smash. Tight inputs are consistent. Pro Controller. In terms of the top three, the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and GameCube Controller beat out the joy-cons by far. Attack, jump, and your Special are mapped to the face buttons. Kick your game sessions up a notch with the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller adorned with a special Super Smash Bros. Aside from that the controller is overall good, but anybody that doesn’t mind the price and someone that is serious about top quality gameplay should definitely go with this pro controller instead. The buttons feel good and the triggers feel good too, even if not as smooth as the official pro controller's. Help/Question. It will include the previously announced steelbook housing the game, and a Super Smash Bros. themed Switch Pro Controller. Enter then the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, a perfect match for the PS4’s DualShock 4 and the Xbox One’s pad, too. This Special Edition Super Smash Bros. Nintendo Switch Pro Controller features the Super Smash Bros. logo for the main façade. I’m used to the layout more than that of the gamecube layout so that seems like a plus. Price: $37.99. Good battery life that allows for hours of game time. Ultimate Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. Ultimate logo. Wireless Controller Gamepad . Significantly reduced my deaths due to DI. Pros . Check Price Bottom Line . If you’re able to get ahold of this controller, you should get it as soon as possible! Posted by. Pro smash players (specifically Melee, but othera as well) prefer the newer Gamecube controllers with a type 2 or 3 stick. Connects wirelessly to the Wii U. Cons . Includes motion controls, HD Rumble feature, built-in amiibo functionality*, and more. Scribe Sing, sing for ourselves alone. Ultimate Edition The Nintendo Switch Pro-Controller is a premium product boasting premium grips and a semi-transparent casing. Ultimate has three controller settings for these three options, and below you'll find an overview of each control layout in Super Smash Bros. Take your Super Smash Bros. The Best Switch Controller For Smash Bros Is Discounted Right Now There are a ton of fantastic Switch controllers, especially if you're looking for a GameCube-style one to play Super Smash … Pro Controller/ Dual Joy-Con. Close. The 3DS version of Smash was the reason I started using the Pro Controller on Wii U as well, as I had to find a good layout to play comfortably on 3DS. About the Product Nintendo Switch Pro Controller Super Smash Bros. The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller is the gold standard for the system. Which game would you buy for Switch 2? Ultimate Pro Controller includes cool features, such as motion controls, an HD Rumble feature, built-in amiibo functionality and more (games and amiibo are sold separately). 1 month ago. Oh, Smash Bros. Nintendo's iconic, chaotic brawler has given us a lot of good memories over the years, and the latest addition to the series looks … That’s not a trifle if you’re going to sit down and play a deep, involving game for a few hours at a time. I main sephiroth lately and the control I get with this controller and it’s sticks is fantastic. Release Date: 7th December 2018 Payment on Dispatch. Ultimate with maximum precision. Compared to the actual pro controller, I'd say the Power-A has more firm, clicky-clacky buttons, whereas the regular pro controller buttons feels "softer". Pikachu . Is the Pro controller good for smash? Whether playing with friends or alone, this accessory can make the experience even more entertaining. Help/Question. Included is a 3-level vibration feature, 3 adjustable turbo speeds, motion control, and rechargeable batteries with 8-10 hours of battery life. The history of Super Smash Bros. e-Sports is a long and hilarious one. For a tepid $37.99, this controller packs quite a few bells and whistles. The programmable back buttons are a plus though, especially for programming moves in Smash. 6. I can aim my recovery special with exact precision 95% of the time now where as before I’d mess up a good 1/3 of the time.