McMinn County Tennessee Land for Sale. 0 Filters. 19.45 acres - Etowah, Tennessee (McMinn County) $239,900. Buy land for sale in McMinn County, TN including vacant residential properties, commercial building lots, farmland acreage, and rural homes with land for sale. Parcel Size – 101 - 200 Acres 1. Recreational 2. Ethnisch betrachtet setzte sich die Bevölkerung zusammen aus 92,72 Prozent Weißen, 4,48 Prozent Afroamerikanern, 0,27 Prozent amerikanischen Ureinwohnern, 0,70 Prozent Asiaten, 0,02 Prozent Bewohnern aus dem pazifischen Inselraum und 0,75 Prozent aus anderen ethnischen Gruppen; 1,06 Prozent stammten von zwei oder mehr Ethnien ab. Search lots and parcels of land for sale in Mcminn County, TN. Houston | Grundy | Overton | Männer hatten ein Durchschnittseinkommen von 31.051 USD, Frauen 20.524 USD. McMinn County, Tennessee Land For Sale. $19,900. Cocke | Search our database of Mcminn County Property Auctions for free! Cannon | Campbell | Custom … 10 . More. Fentress | City – Englewood 1. Looking for McMinn County, TN land for sale? McMinn County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in McMinn County, Tennessee. $82,000 321 County Road 849 Etowah TN 37331 Listed By CENTURY 21 Robinson Realty, Inc. < 1. A total of approximately 6,000 acres of land were listed for sale in McMinn County recently, representing almost $65 million in McMinn County farms, hunting land and other rural land and acreage for sale. More specifically, all land in McMinn County which is outside of incorporated municipalities and their planning regions, if any. Jefferson | Sevier | Shelby | Custom Size (Acres)-Add. Each listing has full direct contact information so you can immediately be in touch with someone to answer your questions. 147 . For each sale, get the price, acreage, land use, buyer and seller information and GIS data, and build a comparable sales report across multiple sales. Lawrence | Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 23. While our primary service area includes all of Central Texas, McMinn Land Surveying Co. is prepared to mobilize anywhere in the State of Texas to assist you with your Home, Farm and Rance, or Forensic Surveying requirements. Putnam | Tipton | This beautiful property has tons of development potential. 3.69 acres - Sweetwater, Tennessee (McMinn County) 3 beds - 1 … McMinn County TN Land. View 33 photos, read details, and contact the seller. Joseph McMinn was a milita commander during the Revoluntionary War, a member of the territorial legislature, speaker of the state senate, and eventually governor of the state of Tennessee. Advertise Here. 217.69 acres - Niota, Tennessee (McMinn County) 3 beds - 2 baths - 3,178 sqft. Obion | McMinn County Land Records are real estate documents that contain information related to property in McMinn County, Tennessee. Smith | 6 > FOR SALE. Price – $500,000 - $749,999 1. GIS stands for Geographic Information System, the field of data management that charts spatial locations. Die Bevölkerungsdichte betrug 44 Einwohner pro Quadratkilometer. Compare properties, browse amenities and find your ideal property in McMinn County, Tennessee It is mostly level to gently rolling and partially cleared. Maury | Roane | Rhea | 18 Bauwerke und Stätten des Countys sind im National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eingetragen (Stand 23. $179,000. 24,4 Prozent waren Singlehaushalte und in 10,4 Prozent lebten Personen im Alter von 65 Jahren oder darüber. Land Records are maintained by various government offices at the local McMinn County, Tennessee State, and Federal level, and they contain a wealth of information about properties and parcels in McMinn County. GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. © 2003-2021 Lands of America, a CoStar company. Homes for You Price (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Newest Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet Lot Size. Farms and Ranches 3. Lewis | Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 38 Jahre. Benton | 2+ Bedrooms 1. Anderson | McNairy | McMinn County is in East Central Tennessee. Sort. All Asset Types REO Bank Owned Foreclosure Homes Short Sales. Roane, Monroe, Blount & McMinn Smith and Sumner counties Indian lands Indian lands Giles, Bedford, Lincoln & Maury Williamson & Indian lands Indian lands Hardin County Rhea County Indian lands Tennessee County Bedford, Lincoln & Franklin Anderson & Roane Indian lands Jackson & Indian lands Humphreys & Hickman Fentress & Overton McMinn & Bradley Fentress, … text. Marion | State. Es grenzt im Uhrzeigersinn an folgende Countys: Roane County, Loudon County, Monroe County, Polk County, Bradley County und Meigs County. Find and bid on Residential Real Estate in Mcminn County, TN. Resources Land blog Support center Land budget Media … 6 > FOR SALE. Crockett | 2.97 acres lot - Lot / Land for sale; 695 days on Zillow 1 County Road 49, Athens, TN 37303. McMinn County vital records can be found at the … With our easy to use searchable database, you can tailor your search by County, acreage, price, and property type to quickly find what you are looking for. Agent listings. Sort by options. Browse land prices and land sales in McMinn County, TN on AcreValue. Find lots for sale in McMinn County, TN, save precious time and effort by finding nearby land for sale, see property details, photos and more. Hardin | The … Home. Other listings. They are maintained by various government offices in McMinn County, … McMinn County is ranked 2477th of the 3143 counties for … Bradley | LOW... 64.36 Acres : … Von den 19.721 Haushalten hatten 31,4 Prozent Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahre, die bei ihnen lebten. Haywood | McMinn County, TN Hunting Land for Sale - 1-2 of 2 Listings. It is, rather, the product of my scrutiny, page by page, of twenty-two Grand and Deed books, 1820 – 1880 and my summary of any items which might be of interest to historians and genealogists. Default; Acres: Small to Large; Acres: Large to Small; Newest; Price: Low to High; Price: High to Low; Price per Acre: Low to High; Price per Acre: High to Low; Recently Changed; MAP. County Road 717 LOT 4, Athens, TN 37303. As of December 19, 2019, has been updated. Newly Listed < 1. $325,000. [5], Liste der Countys in Tennessee Warren | Macon | Scott | Buy land for sale in McMinn County, TN including vacant residential properties, commercial building lots, farmland acreage, and rural homes with land for sale. McMinn County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in McMinn County, Tennessee. November 1819 aus Cherokee-Land gebildet. Lincoln | It is located in East Tennessee. Starr Mountain: Cherokee National Forest: History of The Hiwassee River: Little Tennessee River: Cherokee River Crossing: Hiwassee Purchase. This book is not a index to the Deed Books of McMinn County. 64.36 acres - Riceville, Tennessee (McMinn County) Keller Williams Realty - Todd Henon Properties. 11 acres - Calhoun, Tennessee (McMinn County) $2,395,000. Leave a Comment / Tennessee / TOC. Wilson, 35.42-84.62Koordinaten: 35° 25′ N, 84° 37′ W,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Browse our McMinn County, TN homesites for sale, view photos and contact an agent today! Buy land for sale in McMinn County, TN including vacant residential properties, commercial building lots, farmland acreage, and rural homes with land for sale. Page 2. Planning Staff. Blount | Buy land for sale in McMinn County, TN including vacant residential properties, commercial building lots, farmland acreage, and rural homes with land for sale. Carter | LandWatch has 3 farms and ranches for sale in McMinn County, TN. Page 2 - LandWatch has 393 land listings for sale in McMinn County, TN. McMinn County wurde am 13. 115 acres - Niota, Tennessee (McMinn County) Pevehouse Properties. Die Durchschnittshaushaltsgröße betrug 2,45 und die durchschnittliche Haushaltsgröße betrug 2,90 Personen. 10 . McMinn County TN Land. McMinn County[1] ist ein County im Bundesstaat Tennessee der Vereinigten Staaten. McMinn County Land for Sale - find the perfect McMinn County property, farm or ranch. Properties Land for sale Land auctions Land for lease Land near me. McMinn County TN Land. Browse our McMinn County, TN farms and ranches for sale, view photos and contact an agent today! 3600+ feet of I-75 frontage at Exit 42/Riceville. 7.18 acres lot - Lot / Land for sale; 1354 days on Zillow . August 1946 in einem Scharmützel zwischen den Sheriffs und ehemaligen Soldaten mündete. Looking for McMinn County, TN land for sale? Das Prokopfeinkommen betrug 16.725 USD. Of the 95 counties in the state, 432-square-mile McMinn County ranks 55th by size. Hunting 3. Franklin | Its county seat is Athens. Hardeman | McMinn County, TN Land for Sale - 51-75 of 393 Listings. Sort. McMinn County realtors are here to offer detailed information about vacant lots for sale and help you make an informed buying decision. Total acres on market: 4,406; Average days on site: 187; Average property price: $171,248; Median property price: $63,500; Average acreage per listing: 18.4 $513,713. 58,7 Prozent waren verheiratete, zusammenlebende Paare, 10,6 Prozent waren allein erziehende Mütter und 27,4 Prozent waren keine Familien. McMinn County has one of the lowest median property tax rates in the country, with only two thousand three hundred sixty five of the 3143 counties collecting a lower property tax than McMinn County. McMinn County, Tennessee, includes roughly 1,000 acres of farms for sale based on recent Lands of America data. Unicoi | Hickman | Clay | Carroll | Johnson | 36.06 acres - Etowah, Tennessee (McMinn County) $321,900. Das County liegt fast im äußersten Südosten von Tennessee, ist im Osten etwa 40 km von North Carolina, im Süden etwa 45 km von Georgia entfernt und hat eine Fläche von 1119 Quadratkilometern, wovon 5 Quadratkilometer Wasserfläche sind. Hamilton | Homes for You Price (High to Low) Price (Low to High) Newest Bedrooms Bathrooms Square Feet Lot Size.