I am currently 61, almost 62. Then add 20 points to the Elemental Resistance ability and get +15% Elemental Resistance. LaharlAndEevee 1 year ago #1. Depending on the enemy I can kill them with 3-5 heavy attacks. Overpower Abilities. Those loyal to Perikles knew his time was up. The best engravings in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Assassin's Creed Odyssey; Too much Resistance now; User Info: LaharlAndEevee. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Where To Get It. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Get your Melee Resistance & Range Resistance & Elemental Resistance to 90% & you'll be invulnerable to almost everything To Ubisoft, TY for AC Odyssey PLEASE CAN THIS HAPPEN: It's an owl. As a final teaser: provided resistance stats end up being more or less the same as they are now, and elemental damage gets fixed, you will be able to run a fully defensive build and then take the Falx engraving to make up in lost damage with almost no risk and no need to change your playstyle. What level are you at? Best AC Odyssey Build // Discussion. Unique Perk - "+30% Elemental Damage, but -30% Elemental Resistance" The Hammer of Horns lets you trade additional 30% Elemental Damage with -30% Elemental Resistance. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. I'm making a tank build and i find that Elemental Resistance stat does nothing in the game :|Melee/Ranged resistance really reduces the melee/ranged damage you take but Elemental resistance doesn't affect the burning damage you take. TU 1.1.4. PLsss tell me what do elemental buildup.I have items with +25% elmental buildup and weapon with +50% elemental buildup ith steal abuility.What and here is go this elem. buildup?PLsss id any can explane me.THX for all answer. There is no difference at all. This is useful if you are fond of elemental attacks. Additionally, it gives the usual Legendary weapon bonus of +25 percent Warrior damage and +30 percent Heavy Blunt Weapon damage. Didn't have this sort of thing with Origins. I got 41% Elemental Resistance and 50% to ignore half damage, but I still got one shot from a mercenary's fire arrow (got shot, burned two times, and I'm dead). I tried google and couldn’t find anything. Bonuses in total armor, melee resistance, health, chance to ignore half damage and elemental resistance. Accepted Answer Basically, Parry any white attacks with L1+R1 and if you catch fire, press Square and hold it down to roll and DON'T press it multiple times. Why would I want the -50% All Resistances engraving. I am confused do we want the entire map red for Sparta or blue for Athens? Was planning on getting the platinum trophy... any places i should avoid for story purposes? The AC Odyssey Greek Heroes Set offers +20 % All Resistance bonus makes it effective in the arena, Conquest Battles, & facing a variety of weapon-wielding foes. It's best to stay away from enemies with fire arrows & weapons. Please can we have a Historical Location map? Weapons/Armor: Melee Weapons, Bows, Arms, Waist. I played this way for a long time, eventually I got sick of doing such little damage that I switched to a typical crit build. Group: Uprising Category: Odyssey Quest. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Elemental Resistance Perk not working ; Already equipped Legendary item lost in New Game+ upon looting a higher level version of the same item ; Unused Ability Points missing after Title Update 1.1.4 ; Hotfix. Reward: +2% Elemental Resistance Engraving; ... Write your own epic odyssey and become a legendary Greek Hero in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, an … This can be found by going to the far east of the Kraneion Plains. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If all that pans out, sounds like become as a god build. Also Read | AC Odyssey The Monger decision: Kill in the Cave or Theatre? Didn't have this sort of thing with Origins. Complete a particular … Here you will see an area known as Sea Captain Dock. I stopped using armor and resistance buffs once I hit level 50. Check out the Greek Heroes Set details here. Any and all Elemental Buildup, no matter the weapon it is on, speeds up how fast you can poison/burn an enemy with Elemental damage over time from said elemental type be it from firing arrows or hitting people with melee attacks. In Assassin's Creed Odyssey, your character can unlock special upgrades for weapons and armor called Engravings. The reward here is - boosted Elemental Resistance. It seems that the games 're-leveling after level 50' is messed up (at least for me). Similar to the Hammer of Hephaistos, the Hammer of Horns lets players give up a considerable stat (-30 percent Elemental resistance) in order to boost their Elemental damage by +30 percent. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), Português - Brasil (Portuguese - Brazil). #Violet'sWonderland #Assassinscreedodyssey #Femalespartan #Nomeleedamage https://store.playstation.com/#!/tid=CUSA12042_00 100+% Melee Resistance, 88.75% (77.5%) Ranged Resistance and 92.5% (85%) Elemental Resistance The % in brackets are the actual value but we also have 100% Chance to Ignore Half Damage so I did 100-85=15 15/2=7.5 and 85+7.5=92.5 You take the same burning damage with any % of Elemental Resistance. Use the progress tracker to get 100%! The head piece is 20% CRIT Chance while full health, the arms/waist are both 30% melee resistance, torso is 20% elemental and legs can be 30% damage with spears. © Valve Corporation. I am unable to use abilities/abilities greyed out since last update? I get one whack from them and I'm desynced, so I'm sorta out of completing the game until something gets fixed. I do think you probably want the 20% resistance though. The Resistance Assassin's Creed Odyssey Quest. All rights reserved. We were not the first sentient beings on this planet. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Stadium Love, Bridging the Gap riddle solutions and where to find the Thebes Leader's House, Cursed Lands of Oedipus tablets … You'll go from need 5 to 8 attacks to … The Demigod Set is John Wick avenging his dog. Here is a list of all the attributes to the Greek Hero Set. Find legendary weapons, orichalcum, anigmata ostraka solutions & more! +11 Warrior Damage and +6% Elemental Resistance. Reward: +2% elemental resistance engraving. The second puzzle which is also in this location is Sea Captain Dock Tablet. Once you’ve unlocked that weapon, you also unlock that perk to put on other weapons. Does this increase both fire and poison resistance? I get one whack from them and I'm desynced, so I'm sorta out of completing the game until something gets fixed. Kleon revealed that he and the Cult were responsible for Perikles's death and that a ship was sailing to Mytilene to quell a rebellion against his rule. 2. Second question: my tank build with the Greek Heroes Set hits 105% Melee Resistance, 105% Ranged Resistance, and 85% Elemental Resistance. Each legendary weapon automatically comes equipped with a specific Legendary Engraving. You'll receive boosts to your Warrior, Heavy Blunt, & Elemental Damage stats but beware of its -30% Elemental Resistance. Return to the questline hub on The Goddesses' Legendary Engravings in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey are primarily just perks for your character. Unintended decrease of Assassin build stats post TU 1.1.4. The map will always indicate when there is a clue to be found in the corresponding fort or other guarded structure, but the hard bit is solving each of the riddles. Again take the explosive arrows and compare the damage received. you would think they would have tested and played it some. These can be purchased at any blacksmith Remember – if you have trouble completing any of the other riddles, our Ainigmata Ostraka locations & solutions guide will help you find and solve them all, so you can get all of those fancy engravings and ensure 100% completion. Battlecry of Ares and other skills with i-frames, along with -25% cooldown made it pretty hard to take any damage, including elemental effects. The Erymanthian Boar is a hunt quest in The Goddesses' Hunt questline in Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Interactive Map of all Assassin's Creed Odyssey locations. AC Odyssey: What exactly is Poison Damage and Poison Weakening Effect Assassin's Creed Odyssey PlayStation 4 . You can purchase the Swift Slayer from the Helix store for 250 Helix credits. As said earlier, you can have that and still have 30% armor on the waist. You do take damage but it takes longer to kill. And forget bosses like the Minator. I'm a level 59 and get two-whacked by a level 52 Spartan Commander. From what I can you have a ton of Resistance against melee attacks, arrows and elementals. Take explosive arrows and shoot near you taking fire damage. Elemental resistance +10%: These perks are the best of the bunch, but take a lot of work to find the location of each one. Demigod Set (Best for all-around damage) Ikaros couldn't resist a photo opportunity with the game's very best armor set. Does this elemental resistance do nothing, or did stats got bugged again? I have on the 30% resistance gear, and my melee resistance mastery levels are maxes out. I never really bothered with this. I just unlocked legendary legs Atalanta Sandals. Just want to know if this will be a piece of armor I want to use going forward. Hammer With Little Stat Improvement 1. The same situation is with Elemental Resistance - apparently doesn't work either. Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Procrastinate Now, Stubborn Mule riddle solutions and where to find the Naxos Quarry, Cave of Mount Zas tablets How to find and solve the Ainigmata Ostraka. This is why optimised elemental builds are so overpowered as you are literally stacking a s*** ton of extra damage on top of the standard physical attacks you are doing. Assassin's Creed Odyssey Best Weapons (AC Odyssey Best Weapons) Assassins Creed Odyssey tips (AC Odyssey tips)Like the video? Help! I'm experimenting with the 30% resistance, 60% armor engravings, 100% damage Spear, 30% damage with Spears, health and all damage engravings. So I can destroy everything with 87% crit chance and 660% crit damage but man those archers totally wreck me if I’m not careful, hopefully I can mastery level my way to some ranged resistance. Although I am doing fine with physical defenses, the elemental resistance … Know the right choice here