Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate for corresponding to 20 mm maximum size and zone I of fine aggregate = 0.60 – Table 3 of IS- 10262:2009. Typically, a mix is about 10 to 15 % cement, 60 to 75 % aggregate and 15 to 20 % water. It virtually flowed during vibration but did not exhibit any segregation and bleeding. Component of Concrete . Coarse aggregate fraction = 0.558 +.01 =.568, W/c = 0.45 and water content = 197.4 kg/m3, Cement content = (197.4/0.45) = 438.7 kg/m3, = 1 – [{438.7/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] = 0.664 m3, Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.664 x 0.568 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1071.11 kg/m3, Mass of fine aggregate = 0.664 x 0.432 x 2.64 x 1000 = 757.28 kg/m3, Cement = 438.7 kg/m3Water = 197.4 kg/m3FA = 757.28 kg/m3CA = 1071.11 kg/m3. Mixing Ratio is 1:1.5:3 ( 1cement part: 1.5 sand part: 3aggregate part). Note 1: For every ±0.05 change in the water/cement ratio, the coarse aggregate proportion is to be changed by 0.01. Hope this post helped you to learn the step by step procedure for concrete mix design using IS code ( IS – 10262: 2009 and IS – 456: 2000), Concrete mix design procedure as per IS 10262:2009 & IS 456:2000, Free Surface Moisture of Coarse Aggregate, characteristic strength + 1.65 X Standard Deviation, Minimum cement content for moderate expossure condition. The different design stipulations required for the desired mix are shown in the table below: The different experiemental data required for the desiered mix are shown in the table below: Where sufficient test results for a particular grade of concrete are not available, the value of standard deviation could be taken from Table 1 of IS10262. Concrete Mix design of M5, M7.5, M10, M15, M20, M25, M30 and higher grades of concrete is calculated as below: The procedure for finding the different grades of concrete mixes are same. So,Coarse aggregate as percentage of total aggregate = 0.558 – 0.01 = 0.548, W/c = 0.55Water content will be kept constant.Cement content = (197.4/0.55) = 358.9 kg/m3So, volume of all in aggregate= 1 – [{(358.9/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] =0.688 m3Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.688 x 0.548 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1070.75 kg/m3Mass of fine aggregate = 0.688 x 0.452 x 2.64 x 1000 = 821 kg/m3, Cement = 358.9 kg/m3Water = 197.4 kg/m3FA = 821 kg/m3CA = 1070.75 kg/m3. A properly designed mixture possesses the desired workability for the fresh concrete and the required durability and strength for the hardened concrete. design a concrete for strength m30 (i.e.30 w ͽͽ ) specification of materials:- a) grade designation : m30 b) type of cement : opc 53 grade c) max nominal size of : 20mm down aggregate d) min. As we know the aggregate is saturated surface dry condition so no correction is needed. In the Concrete Mix Design process each and every ingredient of concrete is tested in laboratory. Water = 191.6 kg/m 3. The maximum water-cement ratio to design M30 grade concrete can be found from Table 5-IS456 given above. Calculate water-cement ratio from the maximum free water/cement ratio according to environmental exposure condition as per table 5 of 456-2000, this is the limitation given by Indian Standard. V. SELECTION OF WATER CONTENT The above-estimated water is suggested for … So, What is 20 MPa here ?? Desired slump value = 50-75 mmSo modifications are required in trial mix 1 to achieve desired workability. W/c = 0.5. A ratio of 0.8 makes concrete wet and fairly weak concrete. From Compressive Strength vs. c/w graph for target strength 31.6 MPa we get,W/c = 0.44water content = 197.4 kg/m3Cement content = (197.4/0.44) = 448.6 kg/m3Volume of all in aggregate= 1 – [{448.6/(3.15 x 1000)} + (197.4/1000)] = 0.660 m3A reduction of 0.05 in w/c will entail and increase of coarse aggregate fraction by 0.01. Table 1 M30 Concrete Mix Design Grade Designation M30 1 Type of Cement OPC 53 grade 2 Maximum Nominal Aggregate Size 20 mm 3 Minimum Cement Content 310 kg/m3 4 Maximum Water Cement Ratio 0.45 5 Workability 50-75 mm (Slump) 6 Exposure Condition Normal 7 Degree of Supervision Good Crushed Angular 8 … Copyright 2021 - civilmint. As we knowWater/cement ratio = 0.5Estimated water content = 191.6 kg /m3As per IS 456 Table No 5Minimum cement Content = 300 kg/m3 ( mild exposure condition )383.2 kg/m3 > 300 kg/m3, (OK)Now check for durability requiremnt from IS 456In the present scenario against mild exposure and for the case of reinforced concrete the minimum cement content is 300 kg/m3 which is less than 383.2 kg/m3.So,Cement content adopted = 383.2 kg/m3.According to IS: 456 clause cement content = 450 kg/m3. Recommended mix proportion of ingredients for grade of concrete M25: Workability of Concrete – Types and impact on Concrete strength, What is Green Concrete? Concrete Mix Design is the procedure of selecting suitable proportions of cement, sand, and aggregates for concrete to achieve the desired strength in structures. Grade Designation : M30: 2. M30 represents the concrete mixture that, after 28 days of curing, will give a resistance of 30 N / mm2. Concrete Mix Design Procedure (i) Concrete Mix Design Provision (ii) Laboratory test data of material; Procedure for Concrete Mix Design of M25 Concrete. target mean compressive strength = 30 + 1.65 X 5 = 38.25 N/mm 2. F’ck = fck + factor based on grade Mix design of M30 concrete , whichever is higher For Mix design of M30 grade concrete Factor based on grade of concrete = 6.50 Standard Deviation = 5.00 F’ck= 30 + 1.65 X 5 = 38.25 N/mm2 F’ck = 30 + 6.5 = 36.50 N/mm2. Here, standard values of different materials are assumed for mix design of M30 grade concrete. a detailed description, Stress-strain Curve for Mild Steel explained, What is Perfect, Imperfect, and Redundant Truss, Branches of Surveying Explained Completely, What is T Beam, its Advantages and Disadvantages, Darcy Weisbach Equation Derivation for Head Loss in the pipe. Mix is very cohesive, workable and had a true slump of about 60 mm. Table of Contents. The maximum water-cement ratio should be selected as per Table 5 of IS – 456: 2000. a) Grade designation : M30 b) Type of cement : OPC 53 Grade conforming IS 12269 c) Maximum nominal size of aggregate : 20mm d) Minimum cement content : 320 kg/m 3 (IS 456:2000) e) Maximum water-cement ratio : 0.45 (Table 5 of IS 456:2000) f) Workability : … E.g., M45, the quantity of cement, sand (fine aggregate), and coarse aggregate are batched in volume as per the design mix. 20 MPa is expression or Unit to show Compressive Strength of CMR (Concrete Mix Ratio). The concrete mix ratio is usually represented by the quality of various materials per cubic meter of concrete, or amount proportion of various materials. Values in this section should be based on the laboratory tests as per codebook. Standard concrete mixes ratio M30 to M45 grade concrete mix ratio is manual designed. To inhance the workability from 25 mm to 50-75 mm an increase in water content by +3% is to be made.Corrected water content = 191.6 x 1.03 = 197.4 kg. Maximum water content for 20 mm aggregate and a slump value of 25 to 50 mm = 186.00 l. But in our problem the value of slump is 100 mm, so we need to alter the water content. The selection of water content is based on Table 2 of IS:10262:2009. It will satisfy durability & economy. Normal compressive strengths when concrete is properly cured are: 0.4 w/c ratio –> 5600 psi; 0.8 w/c ratio –> 2000 psi. Step 1 – Determine Target Strength; Step 2 — Determine water / cement ratio:-Step 3 … M-30 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN As per IS 10262-2009 & MORT&H A-1 Stipulations for Proportioning 1 Grade Designation M30 2 Type of Cement OPC 53 grade confirming to IS-12269-1987 3 Maximum Nominal Aggregate Size 20 mm 4 Minimum Cement Content (MORT&H 1700-3 A) 310 kg/m3 5 Maximum Water Cement Ratio (MORT&H 1700-3 A) 0.45 6 Workability… A structural engineer’s first and foremost objective is to build an efficient and durable concrete structure that is also aesthetically pleasing. From the above table till M45 grade, … Take some time to enter the input data as per your problem and get the Complete mix design results in few seconds…. Nominal Mix specifies the proportion of the Cement, Sand, and Aggregates without making an organized effort to know their individual properties. The basic requirements for the design of concrete mix ratio are: 1, meet the strength grade of concrete design. Here comes the role of a concrete designer. Note 2: For pump able concrete or congested reinforcement the coarse aggregate proportion may be decreased up to 10%. This post will help you to have a brief idea of different parameters required and will also make you aware about the different experimental data required for conducting the mix design of concrete. It would vary considerably depending on which country or sometime which region you live in. If the designed concrete mix fails to meet the desired properties then minor adjustment is done in the water cement ratio and aggregate quantities, then again the trial mixes are prepared. 1.1.2. W/c Ratio Selected As 0.39. This concrete mix ratio of aggregate to sand to cement is an important factor in determining the compressive … Materials should be tested in the laboratory to find its various physical properties to use in this section. Mostly M25 and M30 always used in construction industries for … cement contnt : 320 ͭx ͽ e) water cement ratio : 0.45 f) workability : 75mm slump g) exposer condition : severe (r.c.c) h) method of concrete : … In this case water / cement ratio is reduced by 10% keeping water content constant. With this proportion, concrete is manufactured and tested for fresh concrete properties requirement which are workability, bleeding and finishing qualities. Ordinary Concrete— M10 M15 M20 Standard Concrete— M25 M30 M35 M40 M45 M50 M55 High Strength Concrete— M60 M65 M70 M75 M80 High performance concrete— M 90, M95 M100, M105, M110, M115, M120. The mix proportion as calculated in Step 6 works as trial mix1. A. Coarse aggregate = 1087.75 kg/m 3. Here are only four major components that are usually required for concrete formation. Concrete Mix Design Calculation : M20, M25, M30, M40 Grade Concrete Concrete mix design is a procedure of selecting the suitable ingredients of concrete and their relative proportions with an objective to prepare concrete of certain minimum strength, desired workability and durability as economically (value engineered) as possible. I am Mohd Suhel founder of civilmint.com. The cement content per unit volume of concrete is computed sing Table 5 of IS:456:2000: Check : 300 kg/ m3 < 438.13 kg / m3 < 450 kg/ m3 Hence O.K. Concrete mix … Mix the dry ingredients ( cement, sand, and aggregates ) and slowly add water until concrete becomes workable. For e.g., a concrete mix of proportions 1:2:4 means that cement, fine and coarse aggregate are in the ratio 1:2:4 or the mix contains one part of cement, two parts of fine aggregate and four parts of coarse aggregate. Standard Deviation = 5.00 F’ck= 30 + 1.65 X 5 = 38.25 N/mm2. Maximum Water Cement Ratio Permitted As per MORTH Clause – 1715.2: 0.40 . Following table shows the M-30 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009, hope this helps all civil engineers here . A local correction due to moisture condition of aggregate is again applied on this proportions. The proportions are Fine aggregates = 800.94 kg/m 3. ⦁ Characteristic Compressive Strength needed in the field at 28 days grade designation = M 25⦁ Maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm⦁ Workability = 55-75 mm ( slump value )⦁ Degree of quality control = Good ( as per IS 456 )⦁ Exposure type = mild⦁ Cement type = Portland Slag Cement ( IS 455 )⦁ Concrete placing method = By using pump⦁ Shape of Coarse Aggregate = Angular, ⦁ Specific gravity of cement = 3.15⦁ Specific gravity of Coarse aggregate = 2.84⦁ Specific gravity of fine aggregate = 2.64⦁ Aggregates are assumed as saturated surface dry⦁ Zone 2 Fine Aggregate – IS 383, Hinsworth costant = 1.65 ( for 5% risk factor )Standard Deviattion ( S ) = 4 ( for M25 as per IS 10262-2009 )Formula for tragert strength is, As per Table 5 of IS 456Maximum water/cement ratio for Mild exposure condition = 0.55Depend on experience, sleect water-cement ratio as<0.55, ( OK ), As per IS 10262-2009Maximum water content = 186 Kg/m3 (Nominal maximum size of aggregate – 20 mm), Estimated water content = 186+ (3/100) x 186 = 191.6 kg /m3. Maximum W/C ratio: 0.50: Table 5-IS456: G: Workability: 75mm: For RCC As per code: Table 5 Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water-Cement Ratio for Mix design of M25 grade concrete – IS456 codebook II. In this type of mix, this nominal concrete mix ratios and concrete constituent proportions are prefixed and specified. For example if the concrete mix is of M20 Grade then the compressive strength will be 20 MPa. The “M” denotes mix. Grade designation: ... σ = Standard deviation is 5.0 M30 (from table 8 of IS:456-2000) Target mean strength f’ ck = 30 + 1.65×5 = 38.25MPa. TEST DATA FOR MATERIALS. As we know that roof slab is RCC structure so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:1.5:3 for roof slab & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for roof slab. If you are searching for detailed step by step procedure for concrete mix design of M30 grade using IS – 10262:2009 and IS – 456:2000…. So , it has achieved desired workability by satisfying the requirement of 50-75 mm slump value . What Is Concrete Mix Ratio? $$V=\left[W+\left(C / S_{c}\right)+(1 / P) \cdot\left(f_{a} / S_{f a}\right)\right] \times(1 / 1000)$$, $$C_{a}=1- P / P \times f_{a} \times S_{ca}/ S_{fa}$$, Cement : Coarse Aggregate : Fine Aggregate. Minimum … For casting trial -4, mass of ingredients needed will be calculated for 4 no’s cube assuming 25% wastage. F’ck = 30 + 6.5 = 36.50 N/mm2. Type of Cement: OPC 53 grade confirming to IS-12269-1987: 3. Thus,Volume of Coarse Aggregate ( CA ) per unit volume of total aggregate = 0.62 x 90% = 0.558Volume of Fine Aggregate ( FA ) = 1 – 0.558 = 0.442, a) Volume of concrete = 1 m3b) Volume of cement = (Mass of cement / Specific gravity of cement) x (1/100)= (383.2/3.15) x (1/1000) = 0.122 m3c) Volume of water = (Mass of water / Specific gravity of water) x (1/1000)= (191.6/1) x (1/1000) = 0.1916 m3d) Volume of total Aggregates = a – (b + c ) = 1 – (0.122 + 0.1916) = 0.6864 m3e) Mass of Coarse Aggregates = 0.6864 x 0.558 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1087.75 kg/m3f) Mass of Fine Aggregates = 0.6864 x 0.442 x 2.64 x 1000 = 800.94 kg/m3, Cement = 383.2 kg/m3Water = 191.6 kg/m3Fine Aggregates = 800.94 kg/m3Coarse Aggregate = 1087.75 kg/m3Water/cement ratio = 0.5, It will satisfy both durability & economy.For casting trial -1, mass of ingredients needed will be calculated for 4 no’s cube assuming 25% wastage.Vol of Concrete needed for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3Cement = (383.2 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.47 kgWater = (191.6 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.23 kgCoarse Aggregate = (1087.75 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.36 kgFine Aggregates = (800.94 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.52 kg. An increase of 0.05 in the water/cement ratio will entail a reduction in the coarse aggregate fraction by 0.01. A: Cement Used: OPC … M-30 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN . When the aim is to build a concrete structure that is efficient and durable, this demands to follow the concrete mix design steps as per IS codes (IS- 10262:2009 and IS- 456:2000). With constant research and development in the field of cement technology and its manufacturing process ,a M20 mix of “1:1.5:3″(by volume) would be too rich,over engineered and uneconomical (~7.5 bags of cement per cum) and will ultimately result into a M30 concrete and above, the reason being latest generation of 53 grade OPC cement is ultimately giving a strength of 65 to … Option to set your own size and rate of premix bags. What is Standard MixThis is an old technique for mixing concrete in a manner like 1 cement: 2 sand : 3 aggregates by their volume. The Builder/site engineer prepares the mixes based on the ratio that has been prescribed. Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate, and water with a suitable proportion of water.. All of these components are mixed according to batching or Concrete grade table, Maybe M10, M20, M25, M30, etc. mix design m30 1. q.no. M12 grade real nominal maximum size of aggregate is 20 mm; its specific gravity is 3.25 while the specific gravity of fine aggregate and the specific gravity of coarse … The concrete mix ratio refers to the proportion of the components in the concrete. It has a volumetric batching. TEST DATA FOR MATERIALS . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Calculate the weight of ingredients required for preparing the calculated volume of concrete. Before reading this post just go and check “Concrete mix design procedure as per IS 10262:2009 & IS 456:2000” . Concrete mix ratio for beams 1:1.5:3 (m20) is concrete mix ratio used for roof slab. Stipulations for Proportioning: 1. He may also indicate the type and size of aggregate to be used. Used for construction of slabs,beams,columns,etc. Table 1 shows the M30 concrete mix design. Hence higher value of F’ck = 38.25 N/mm2 is to be used for design calculations. Concrete Mix proportions for Trial Mix 1 . As per Table 3 of IS 10262- 2009,Nominal maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm,Fine Aggregate = Zone IIWater/cement = 0.5Volume of coarse aggregate per unit volume of total aggregate = 0.62. Used as Reinforced Cement Concrete(RCC). Mix is stable, cohesive, and workable and had a true slump of about 75 mm. For the maximum size of aggregate used the air content is estimated. As per IS 10262-2009 & MORT&H . 2.1.3 Designed Mixes In these mixes the performance of the concrete is specified by the designer but the mix proportions are … Cement = 383.2 kg/m 3. target mean compressive strength =characteristic strength + 1.65 X Standard Deviation. A reduction of 0.05 in w/c will entail and increase of coarse aggregate fraction by 0.01. A-1. For trial -1 casting of concrete in lab, to check its properties. The proportion of ingredients is as follows for the concrete mix M30 (In liters): – CEMENT – 35 It. I STIPULATIONS FOR PROPORTIONING. Calculate the number of premix bags required for your project. As mentioned earlier to adjust fresh concrete properties the water cement ratio will not be altered.ThusCement Content = (197.4/0.5) = 394.8 kg/m3. For example, if the water-cement ratio is 0.50 for concrete and cement is added is about 50 kg (weight of 1 bag of cement) Water required for concrete will be, Hence higher value of F’ck = 38.25 N/mm2 is to be used for design calculations Concrete Mix Design for M20, M25, M30, and higher grades of concrete can be calculated from the example given below. Step 7: Correction due to moist aggregate:-. Maximum Nominal Aggregate Size: 20 mm: 4. Step by step detailed procedure for concrete mix design of M30 grade as per IS – 10262:2009 and IS- 456:2000 Step 1: Calculate the target mean compressive strength at 28 days . The concrete shall be in grades designated Group Grade designation Characteristics compressive strength of 150 mm cube at 28 days, N/mm2. Standard grades of concrete a. M25 Grade Mixing Ratio is 1:1:2 ( 1cement part: 1 sand part:2aggregate part). Concrete Trial Mix 3: In case of trial mix 3 water cement ratio is varied by +10% keeping water content constant. Vol of concrete nedded for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3, Cement = (358.9 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.06 kg, Water = (197.4 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.33 kg, Coarse aggregate = (1070.75 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.07 kg, Fine aggregates = (821 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.85 kg. If the coarse aggregate is not angular, the volume of coarse aggregate may be required to be increased suitably, based on experience. Here standard values of different materials are assumed for the mix … If the water/cement ratio is more than 0.5, the volume of coarse aggregate is to be reduced to enhance the fine aggregate content. For casting trial -3, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube assuming 25% wastage. 3000 psi concrete mix ratio To produce a 3000 psi cubic yard of concrete (27 cubic feet) the concrete mixture ratio is: 517 pounds of cement or (234kg) 1560 pounds of sand or (707kg) In order to check the efficiency of the designed concrete mix we shall prepare different trial mixes and the same are tested to check the strength and workability of designed concrete mix. of ingredients of a concrete mix is in the terms of parts or ratios of cement, fine and coarse aggregates. The below mentioned method can be applied to any grade of concrete … This concrete mixture may need to be changed based on the aggregate used to provide workable concrete. Characteristics compressive strenght of concrete in 28day (maximum) WATER-RATIO/50KG 7days 28 days CUBE TEST(N/mm^2) CYLINDER TEST(N/mm^2) RATIO (C:FA:CA) CEMENT strength strength M5 C4 (1 : 5 : 10) 60 Lit 5 M7.5 C6 (1 : 4 : 8) 45 Lit 7.5 Nominal mix normal M10 C8 (1 : 3 : 6) 34 Lit 7 10 M15 C12 (1 : 2 :4 ) 32 Lit 10 15 M20 C16 (1 : 1.5 : 3) 30 Lit 13.5 20 M25 C20 (1 : 1 : 2) 17 25 M30 … In this emerging world of modern design of structures, Concrete acts as the backbone of civil engineering. Which also satisfies required durability . I suggest calling up your closest ready mix plant to enquire about the cost. With corrected proportions three concrete cubes are cast and tested for 28 days compressive strength. prescribes a standard concrete mix ratio that he thinks will produce the required concrete. If the water/cement ratio is less than 0.5 (standard value), the volume of coarse aggregate is needed to be increased to decrease the fine aggregate content. Volume of concrete needed for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3, Cement = (438.7 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 7.4 kg, Coarse aggregate = (1071.11 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.07 kg, Fine aggregates = (757.28 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 12.78 kg. It will you a fair idea on how much it costs. At my site, for building construction, the M30 is being used. Selection of Water Cement Ratio for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix design. It contains a mix ratio is 1:3:6.1 cement .3 sand and six aggregate.M-15 M represents the mix, while 15 N/mm2 is the characteristic compressive strength of the concrete cube for 29 days. Concrete Mix is cohesive, workable and had a true slump of approx 25 mm and it is free from segregation and bleeding. Concrete mix ratio for roof slab. Selection of Water for M30 Grade of Concrete Mix Design Water Content as per Table 2, of IS: 10262:2009 for 20 mm maximum size of aggregate IS: 186 litres. F’ck = fck + factor based on grade of concrete , whichever is higher For M30 grade concrete Factor based on grade of concrete = 6.50. Thus, it has achieved desired workability by satisfying the requirement of 50-75 mm slump value . In the present case water cement ratio is raised to 0.55 from 0.5. Now , we need to go for trial mix-3 . In trial -1 casting of concrete in the lab, to check its properties. In this scenario,Slump value = 60 mmCompaction Factor = 0.852So, from slump test we can say. Limitation chart for w-c ratio shows the maximum value of the w-c ratio as per IS 456: 2000 which can be adopted during mix design. Table 5 Minimum Cement Content, Maximum water-cement Ratio for mix design of M30 grade concrete – IS456 codebook II. Volume of all in aggregate= 1 – [{394.8/(3.15×1000)} + {197.4/(1 x 1000)}] = 0.6773 m3, Mass of coarse aggregate ( CA ) = 0.6773 x 0.558 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1073.33 kg/m3, Mass of fine aggregate ( FA ) = 0.6773 x 0.442 x 2.64 x 1000 = 790.3 kg/m3, Cement = 384.8 kg/m3Water = 197.4 kg/m3Fine aggregate =790.3 kg/m3Coarse aggregate = 1073.33 kg/m3For casting trial -2, mass of ingredients required will be calculated for 4 no’s cube assuming 25 % wastage.Vol of concrete nedeed for 4 cubes = 4 x (0.153 x1.25) = 0.016878 m3Cement = (384.8 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 6.66 kgWater = (197.4 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =3.33 kgCoarse aggregate = (1073.33 x 0.016878) kg/m3 =18.11 kgFine aggregates = (790.3 x 0.016878) kg/m3 = 13.34 kg. Calculate cement, sand and aggregate quantity in concrete. The Mix Design process is normally implemented for the structure that needs higher grades of concrete like M25, M30, etc, and where consumption of Concrete is high.Concrete Mix Design for M20, M25, M30, and higher grades of concrete can be calculated from the example given below. Calculate the volume of concrete required for slabs, walls, footings and columns. High Strength Concrete Mix Ratio; Different Grades of Concrete denotes its strength for required construction. Concrete Mix Design Stipulation. Its compressive strength is 20 MPa. In this case, water cement ratio is varied by +10% keeping water content constant. Volume of fine aggregate = 1 – 0.568 = 0.432, Mass of coarse aggregate = 0.660 x 0.568 x 2.84 x 1000 = 1064.65 kg/m3, Mass of fine aggregate = 0.660 x 0.432 x 2.64 x 1000 = 752.71 kg/m3. Howdy! You can reduce the water-cement ratio for M30 grade concrete based on your requirements, but remember that Water-cement ratio directly affects the strength of the concrete. Step 2 — Selection of water / cement ratio— Based on experience, water-cement ratio required for the target mean strength of 38.25 MPa is 0.40. all right reserved, Workability of Concrete - Types and impact on…, Nano Concrete and its advantages over Conventional Concrete, Self Healing Concrete - Solution of Concrete Cracks, Creep in Concrete and Its Factor Affecting Concrete, Concrete Cracks and types of Concrete Cracks, What is Polymer Concrete and Types of Polymer Concrete, Procedure for Concrete Mix Design of M25 Concrete, Step 2 — Determine water / cement ratio:-, Step 5: Determination of Coarse Aggregate proportion:-, Table for correction in the estimation of the coarse aggregate proportion. I made this blog to provide free education in various Engineering disciplines such as Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. Maximum water-cement ratio for Mild exposure condition = 0.45 …