There are many rich gold areas on the Seward Peninsula. Much of the value is arguably provided by R&D workers and most of the profits are presumably captured by management and shareholders back in Germany but in terms of production, it's also happening in the US. Trans-Alaska Pipeline, pipeline that connects the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska, U.S., with the harbour at Valdez, 800 miles (1,300 km) to the south. What were the benefits of the Acquisition of Alaska? The most important commercial fishing ports are at Kodiak and Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. The Southwest part of the state around Juneau is where most of the state’s historical lode mining occurred. Mining is another top industry in Alaska and encompasses exploration activity, development, and production. Other mined products are gold, zinc, silver, coal, crushed stone, lead, molybdenum, and sand and gravel. The State of Alaska imposes a production tax, under AS 43.55, on oil and gas produced in the state. 4. In addition to gold, the industry mines for silver, coal, copper, lead, and zinc. Alaska produced just under 30 million ounces of gold through 1965. Alaska. Number 4: California. Matanuska-Susitna Valley (/ m æ t ə ˈ n uː s k ə s uː ˈ s ɪ t n ə /) (known locally as the Mat-Su or The Valley) is an area in Southcentral Alaska south of the Alaska Range about 35 miles (56 km) north of Anchorage, Alaska. Placer mining averages around 74,360 Troy ounces annually which is close to 8% of Alaska’s total gold production. Rich gold mining districts are found in virtually all parts of the state. Alaska's fish catch is the most valuable among the 50 states. The European discovery of Alaska came in 1741, when a Russian expedition led by Danish navigator Vitus Bering sighted the Alaskan mainland. AlasKa is known for being the largest state and for being so cold! California’s unique contribution in the minerals world is boron, for which it is the only producing state in the United States.Considering that the United States and Turkey lead the world in boron production, California’s contribution is significant. Fishing. The discovery of oil on Alaska’s North Slope in 1968 spurred the creation of a safe and efficient way to bring those reserves to More cogently, all major German car makers actually have plants in the US, producing for the US market. Benjamin … It is known for the world record sized cabbages and other vegetables displayed annually in Palmer at the Alaska State Fair. The current tax rate of 35% was set in 2013 by Senate Bill 21 (commonly known as the More Alaska Production Act or “MAPA”). As of 2012, production of crude oil in Alaska accounted for 8.1% of the whole country’s oil production ranking third after Texas which produces about 30.6%, North Dakota producing about 10.2%, and California producing about 8.3%. More than half of this production was from placer operations in the Yukon and the Seward Peninsula near Nome. ownership of a mineral producing state can never go wrong. California ranks number 4 overall, up two places from 2015. Oil provides about 95 percent of Alaska's mining income. Alaska ranks 44th among the U.S. states, but is among the top states for health care quality, low poverty rates and shortest average commute times. The best known are the famous beach placers of Nome.