Naruto's durability is showcased when he survived a planetary explosion at point-blank range. All in all, Haruji sounds like your average high school best girl, right?In reality, she possesses god-like power and can reshape the universe with a thought! Sōsuke Aizen is also an ace swordsman who defeated Ichigo Kurosaki. Saiki cannot mind control goku as goku is faster than time amd can resist mind control. Are you tired of reading the word "Bobobo" yet? But truth be told, Saitama did blow away a storm by only punching it, so that's not a reason enough. Wiz: And while Saitama was stronger than base Goku, as soon as he went Super Saiyan, Saitama was a goner. His uniqueness lies in his punch, he can defeat his enemies with a single punch, hence the name One-Punch Man. Kenshiro also has a knack for turning his foe's power against them. Naruto Uzumaki is a character that hardly needs an introduction. Essentially the monster counterpart to Saitama, Boros is so much stronger than those around him, he became deadened to life, as nothing presented a threat—until he met the bald hero. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool geek who's into all sorts of comic books, video games, movies, and TV shows. But in his early years, Mr. Satan was a top-notch martial artist in his own right. 0. Saitama can defeat anyone in his universe with a single punch, but what about all of those characters that lie outside his jurisdiction? Followers. For the last few decades, this Straw Hat Pirate has kicked… In his restricted state he destroyed the South Galaxy which comprises 1/4th of the Dragon Ball Macrocosm! Saitama initially had spiky, black hair, but claims to have lost all of his hair suddenly and prematurely as a result of the toll taken on his body by his intense hero training. Luffy's creativity, determination, and grit make him a hard man to keep down. As the former Captain of Gotei 13, a division of Imperial Guards, he possesses unmatchable agility and dexterity that lets him finish his opponents in no time. The battle would be between a former martial artist and a man who punches storms, so no points for guessing. For the time being, I'm eager to gain as much experience as I can - intent on creating quality content in the process! Suzumiya might not be able to consciously beat Saitama, but she could potentially erase him from existence once she gets bored of superheroes. He's been hit with knuckles, knives, bullets, bombs, and buildings, and yet the Fist of the North Star is still standing tall. Over the years, Goku's trained ceaselessly to surpass his limits. A one-stop shop for all things video games. One day, he runs into a harem of beautiful women who teach him about the cosmos. In between the out-of-this-world usage of powers, both Saitama and Saiki K share similar passions for an ordinary life. Whilst there is no doubt about the fact that Saitama possesses absolute power, he can punch worlds and galaxies and whatnot, exaggerations like this are not unknown in anime. Characters from comedic anime tend to be among the most overpowered. Moreover, Kenshiro's just as unkillable as Saitama is, if not more so. These two may not look like very much of a fight, but the second they get serious, it's a bad time for you! Without a doubt, Saitama the Caped Baldy is one of the strongest characters in anime! She wouldn't stand a chance in raw strength against Saitama's superhuman strength such as that of jumping in and out into outer space, etc. However, for those looking for a glimpse inside of Saitama’s daily life minus the interruptions, […] However, there's nothing simple about Bobobo; he's essentially a Japanese version of Big Head from The Mask franchise who uses his nostril hairs as his primary weapon. Who’s Stronger Saiki Kusuo Or Saitiama (One Punch Man) Saiki Kusuo. About 1 hour ago . his ability to use reflexes, maneuvering and greater strength. #3. The two engaged in an epic battle, and though Boros ultimately lost, he is one of very few foes Saitama had to attack more than once (thanks to his regeneration). A fight between Saitama and Naruto would probably start off evenly enough. With this warping ability, he can nullify his opponent's willpower and actions to effectively zero. For the last few decades, this Straw Hat Pirate has kicked tons of butt and grown stronger than anyone could've imagined. reaching his full potential and ascending to godhood! If you are faster than your enemy, it tilts the battle in your favor. The young Deku/ Izuku can only use 5-20% of the full cowling i.e. His and Saitama's stories parallel, in that both of them went through a self-imposed existential crisis. 2 years ago. Tenchi, on the other hand, is revealed to be the creator of the entire Tenchi Muyo! Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. For all his strength, Saitama is a joke character through and through. For many volumes and episodes, Tenchi trains hard to hone his skills. Boros put up a good fight by unleashing his destructive energy at Saitama, but it got nearly impossible to harm the latter. Monkey D. Luffy is another member of the Shonen Big Three. Just like the Caped Baldy, Saiki is an unassuming guy who secretly possesses immense power! 4 . Tenchi Masaki is a meek and affable guy. Edit: I … He is the most powerful weapon within the Hellsing Organisation, whose mandate it is to seek out and destroy vampires as well as other supernatural forces that threaten the planet. 0 0 1. he is the strongest man in the universe . Oh btw, comic book characters are way more inconsistent than Saitama is, so I have no clue why you think Thor exerting more AP than the entire series put together is … Sure Saitama can wipe out planets with a Punch but can he even breathe in space? Opposed to the other combatants in this article, Light Yagami seems like he'd be the easiest to beat. Saitama is very strong, but he can't create or destroy universes with a thought. The problem with measuring Saitama's combat capabilities is that no one has pushed him to his limit yet, and it seems that whenever a stronger threat emerges, Saitama simply overpowers them. In other words, Rimuru is Kirby with even greater magical power! Saitama is stronger than Goku, Goku has a limit while Saitama is using at least a low percent of power also Saitama is a parody character that makes him stronger than Goku.. However, if push comes to shove, we also imagine Saiki could scatter the Baldy's molecules like marbles. NEXT: One-Punch Man: Child Emperor Just Revealed His 'Ultimate Weapon'. Created by the same team that gave us Kill La Kill, Gurren Lagann is just as over the top and action packed. Saitama is the protagonist of One-Punch Man, best known for his physical prowess. With time, Luffy mastered a number of creative abilities that helped him trade blows with unfathomably powerful foes. For one thing, Saitama can't really defeat everyone in One-Punch Man. And in terms of speed, Goku can move Faster than light while Saitama is only Massively Hypersonic. He could beat any being with one punch, and when he is actually trying he uses his signature move (serious punch) Saitama is also powerful in his anime, he is literally the strongest in his verse. Truly, the master of the Big Dipper God Fist is a force to be reckoned with. Connect to her at As of Dragon Ball Super, Goku's even mastered God Chi! 0 + Follow - Unfollow Posted on: Feb 16, 2021 . He absorbs other objects and creatures into his body, then replicates their power. He was invulnerable (as in, Tatsumaki cant move him) to Tatsumaki's psychic powers. Much like Saitama, the titular character of this insane series is a lovable, invincible hero with more than a few screws loose. Saitama may get full marks for putting up a good fight since he undoubtedly is stronger of the two. Kusuo has a vast array of psychic abilities at his disposal: He can move objects with his brain, read other peoples' minds, and give himself new powers on the fly! NEXT: 10 Best Anime From Madhouse (According To IMDb), Bisma Fida thinks pop culture shapes human lives. There are rules to using the Death Note, and Light has to know the face and name of his target, but that wouldn't stop this mad genius. If you break the cardinal rules of Alchemy, it literally end up costing you an arm and a leg. However, Hinata's best abilities are chakra prowess and control, Byakugan, Taijutsu and medical ninjutsu. Throughout World War II, anime played host to Japanese propaganda for roughly a decade. Alucard is the main character of the series and he pulls off some insane feats throughout the series. Follow 8770. Mar 10, 2020. Saitama used to be a normal guy with a day job. 13. Show More. Saitama shows no signs of fatigue, whereas Hinata grows weary often. the skill to create and manipulate life. Well for 1, Goku. First, off Saiki, it doesn’t … They all gang up and try to take on a wanked Saitama, can they win? Unlike Saitama, Bobobo's entire world is just as crazy as he is. However, Goku matches the Caped Baldy in terms of speed, strength, and goofiness! He is just a C-Class Rank 1 professional hero of the Hero Association in One-Punch Man who fights opponents above his abilities. For a normal human, Mr. Satan is incredibly strong. Early in One Piece, Luffy could only stretch and contort his body. But if you abide by them, however, then you'll gain the ability to deconstruct and reconstruct matter on a whim. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Saitama but stronger than before inventor. Hence, it doesn't really matter how strong Saitama is because he can't fight reality warping. Sentinel said: It was said by ONE that serious Mob is on par with Tatsumaki, hence he is not that weak compared to restricted Saiki. Show Less. However, Naruto would adapt to the Caped Baldy's abilities and adjust his fighting style accordingly. It'd take far more than one punch, from anyone, to take Bobobo out. Lord Boros was eventually obliterated by Saitama in the battle popularly known as Saitama vs. Boros. Naruto ranks so highly on our list because of his exploits - this man's defeated master assassins, demons, and gods before he reached his 20's! Aside from her excellent hand-to-hand combat skills, Izumi's greatest ability is her mastery over Alchemy - perhaps one of the most strenuous, rule-based powers in the history of anime or manga. Saitama wiped out Boros by unleashing his Trump card: 'Killer Move: Serious Series, Serious Punch'. 0 The way we see it, Saitama doesn't have the tools to kill Alucard. Saitama's bored all the time because none of his opponents are on his level. She's got an upbeat demeanor, is pretty and smart, loves the paranormal, and gets easily bored. RELATED: One-Punch Man Creator Draws Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Cast. Goku is strong enough to shake reality in 2 universes and fights the strongest people in his reality, although saitama stays on earth picking on the weak.