She thinks Catra would center this day of fun more on herself, and that it would involve a bit more action. “Of course,” Scorpia said simply, genuinely, always. Catra and Scorpia are followed by Emily, Entrapta's robot, before finding Entrapta herself hiding in the vents. 57.3k members in the PrincessesOfPower community. She’s willing to show her friendship when she herself is feeling high, like in the Crimson Waste when she grabs her by the claw and laughs with her, but she also takes shit out on her when she’s feeling low. Adora’s got a murderous itinerary planned, even without the kids.”. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Even when they’re apart, they’re just. Scorpia was the first person to really love Catra unconditionally. “I’m happy to!” Scorpia assured sincerely, putting a wriggling Ella down so she could go play with the cool robot toys unique to Scorpia and Entrapta’s home. That hair and the holes in her leggings, WOW!!!). Here we like enjoying things, being respectful, and not telling people to kill themselves over cartoons. ;) Asks I don't want to post them because I do look at them every now and then I'm actually going to post more of that soon but its also more self indulgent stuff so I expect mixed reviews XD *cough*Bunnyadora*cough* bail out while you still can. An individual with a flair for the dramatic could use someone to rig some explosions for them, from time to time, and I AM married to the hc that they love the sound of their own voice, so with Entrapta as a demonstrably good listener I think that’d work well. When Catra’s mean, Scorpia’s still nice. Entrapta tells Catra that there is a large stash of First Ones technology under the Whispering Woods, and Catra ends up following Adora to the Beacon. What Scorpia says and does has value to Entrapta, Scorpia is heard by Entrapta! The ship also plays into, what fans believe to be, Perfuma's trend of … Scorptra is the femslash ship between Scorpia and Catra from the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fandom. Image size. Scorpia gets super glowy about how nice Catra's being and Catra decides the only way keep moving is to give Scorpia what she wants, aka: worshipping the literal ground Catra walks on and getting the fucking of her life. DT: Can I romance this one? My take is that they’re… messy. #scorptra #scorpia #scorpia and catra #catra #scorpia x catra #spiky gfs #spop #she ra #she ra netflix #shera #she ra and the princess of power. Also consider: Super Pal Duo aka Catra and Scorpia helping or hindering the budding romance between Entrapta and Hordak. Due to her feline display and ancestry, she is depicted as a young woman w… It’s one-sided. “I mean, Entrapta doesn’t mind sailing,” Scorpia hedged, rubbing at the back of her neck with the pincer that wasn’t wrapped around the woman in question. P L E A S E??!?!?!?!?! If yes, then who? “They’d maybe end it off with a nice movie and popcorn snuggled on the couch,” said Ash. Scorpia internally chuckled at how she was already twice as awake as her bleary mother. Scorpia and catra. 99x55px 147.9 KB. Scorpia laughed, but didn’t call her out on it. (Good job with Scorpia! Courtesy Netflix. In the 2018 reboot, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Catra is one of the major antagonists for the first four seasons before becoming an ally to the heroes in its final season. Unfortunately, Scorpia was the strongest person anyone knew, even throwing She-ra into the mix, and her feelings were just as insurmountable as her giant, sexy muscles. She smelled like Bright Moon and baby powder, the short fur of her neck faintly ticklish against Scorpia’s nose. And it’s not a give and take, where they stand on equal ground through contention and through friendship. Here, after all these years, she understood. Even without the militaristic schedule of the Horde, Scorpia still kept her habit of waking early every day like clockwork. There you are Scorpia! ... the Velvet Glove. Catra either helping or hindering, because she can get away with more things if Hordak is distracted, or she can get Hordak to focused more on conquering. this confidence she exudes contradicts the way her mind and heart race. “We have dinner with my dad tonight,” Mermista reminded. she wears a small smirk as she grips scorpia's arm. The drawing, in Stevenson's usual art style, features Adora, Catra, Scorpia, and Perfuma enjoying a movie night on the couch and eating popcorn. Catra confesses that she loves Adora and they kiss, officially making their relationship canon. Listen. “Now, I want the two of you to go down to workshop 3 and debrief the unit that just came back. So she was the utter and polar opposite of Catra, who showed up on her front doorstep looking half-dead, a sleeping toddler in one arm and holding the hand of her four year old in the other. And Scorpia listens to her! Scorpia wrapped her pedipalps around Catra and gently squeezed, hugging her friend careful and close. Big Damn Kiss: Adora and Catra share a kiss after declaring their love for each other. She has white hair which she wears with an undercut. She cares for Catra and believes she will have a better life here. But really, Catra needs this just as much as Scorpia does. This is just so hard to angle right when pinced between claws you know, : Good to see you! “I just. 185 notes. Scorpia is shown to instantly like Catra by hugging her upon … She’s willing to show her friendship when she herself is feeling high, like in the Crimson Waste when she grabs her by the claw and laughs with her, but she also takes shit out on her when she’s feeling low. Scorfuma is the femslash ship between Scorpia and Perfuma from the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fandom. When Catra’s nice, Scorpia’s nice. She cares for Catra and believes she will have a better life here. catra radiates confidence as she walks into the ball. And will they make out about it (the answer is yes)? But Catra’s always been a survivor and Scorpia’s a scorpion princess, meaning that their being exiled to a desert isn’t exactly going to be enough to do either of them in. She smiled warmly as she scooped up Ella and ushered her old friend into her home, Adam still snoozing away on Catra’s shoulder. tasty. ... Catra and Adora sharing their first kiss. Features. Where the Rebels and Horde both wanted Entrapta for her technology, for what she could do for them, Scorpia exclusively wanted Entrapta around just because she… likes her. Which side shall win? If she gives you shit, lean on Kyle. Source: cattyfabz spop super pal … But in the end, Adora and Catra use the Heart of Etheria to destroy Horde Prime. @spop-palentines day 14, Supportive Buddy, Medium answer: Yes but it’s catradora x scortrapta. “See!” She held up three horribly soppy part hats with the words ‘buddy bundle’ written in inexperienced hand writing with gold glitter pen. When Entrapta talks about her passions, Scorpia listens and remembers. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Scorpia knows loneliness, and wants to make sure Catra doesn’t feel that same pain, no matter how much she pretends it doesn’t effect her; and finally… Catra represents, in many ways, what Scorpia wishes she could be; I think Scorpia and Catra represent two sides of the same coin of dealing with loneliness and rejection. Catra wins Entrapta over to the Horde by claiming the others abandoned her and allowing her to use the Horde's resources for her research. Now GO!”. Please? ;) Asks I don't want to post them because I do look at them every now and then I'm actually going to post more of that soon but its also more self indulgent stuff so I expect mixed reviews XD *cough*Bunnyadora*cough* bail out while you still can. However, when the Filmation series came along, the Horde (from the Masters of the Universe toyline) were merged into being the main villains in the series, and Catra became one of Hordak's minions.Nevertheless, the animated version of Catra demonstrated that she only served Hordak in order to accrue mor… Horde Prime and the whole entire reason is this comic, Ya’ll are too kind and I’m glad you enjoy Catra in a suit as much as I do. 5. CAN I TOUCH HER MASSIVE BICEP AND CLAW??? I am going to pretend to be her and make her suave and sexy and kinda pitch her voice a lil lower and maybe give her a lil confident sass because WOW, Scorpia: *applauds them, is a charming dumbass*. Catra and Scorpia are followed by Emily, Entrapta's robot, before finding Entrapta herself hiding in the vents. LOVE EACH OTHER!!! Scorpia walked Catra back to the door, where Catra grumblingly protested that she’d only hugged her due to sleep fog, blushing with that shuffling pride she’d never quite gotten rid of. Just friends, though, nothing beyond that. Adora and Catra kiss in the series finale of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. As Scorpia turned, Catra wrapped her arms around her exoskeleton, and kissed her. Instead of hands she possesses scorpion-like claws, which she uses to great effect when fighting with members of The Great Rebellion. 161 Views. <3 But Catra’s always been a survivor and Scorpia’s a scorpion princess, meaning that their being exiled to a desert isn’t exactly going to be enough to do either of them in. And now, she is confronted with undeniable proof that she’s fucked up. Again, not that Catra dislikes her or genuinely doesn’t consider her a friend, because I do believe Catra cares about her in a way, its just that Scorpia’s the one putting in … “We are a tactical unit, charged with carrying out Hordak’s will through strategic and technological integration. 11: 11 "Promise" Jen … Although she got along with her best friend Adora before she left the Horde, Catra doesn't seem to be able to be friends with anyone else since the childhood. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.I only own the editing.#fanvidfeed #shera #catra #scorpia #amv She doesn’t understand a ton of it because Entrapta’s expertise is a little out of Scorpia’s league, but she listens to her! Shenanigans galore. She picked up one of the hats and put it on her head and looked in the mirror. Scorpia likes hanging around Catra a lot and really desires to become her best friend, despite Catra being very resistant towards the idea. Shenanigans galore. They’re also, just, like, friends?? Adora almost dies in the process, but Catra saves her, and at long last, they acknowledge their love for one another. Her love for Catra is so heartwarming and their odd couple status makes me root for them even more. Language: English Words: 1,844 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 7 Kudos: 62 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 659; … Hats.” She hissed out the words. She woke easily, no lingering sluggishness, and happily attended to her morning routine with bright eyes (thought not a bushy tail, since hers was distinctly chitinous). “Any time.”. It’s one-sided. Scorpia helping, because she’s a sap. And, if you’ll note, on Beast Island, when Bow and Adora were squished into the big robot with Entrapta, they try and get her onto the same page as them. “No. Wanna see more? Size and Materials: All of my stickers are between 2-3. “Wh– Never? 101% I know I swore I wouldn’t go over 100 but listen. "You're such a good kitty, Catra," She-Ra murmured against Catra… The two, if you pay attention (which I do) only very rarely look each other directly in the eye. hey if you're still taking flag requests, can you do either catra or scorpia with the lesbian flag? Decorate and personalize laptops, windows, and more; Removable, kiss-cut vinyl stickers Catra messes around with it and gets infected, and while Entrapta looks for a cure, Scorpia has to deal with a very playful and affectionate Catra. “I liked the ‘buddy bundle’. give it a like and follow me so you won't miss anything my dear gem. She’d do anything for Catra, jeopardizing the Horde and any moral standing for her, something that Adora and Shadow Weaver, the only other people who had ever shown Catra any affection, never did. Actually I should probably read the fic that it’s based off of. Just as a boulder would sift down into dust beneath the desert sands, so too could a crush crumble beneath the sands of time. Shop high-quality unique Catra And Scorpia T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. <3 It was a very, very needed thing, when Scorpia told Catra she’s a bad friend and left her. "You were so good," She-Ra whispered. How could I not??? Scorpia. Scorpia and catra by … But they do, eventually. Meanwhile Catra is in Adora's room with Scorpia getting dressed too. She left the Horde. Scorpia and catra. This is my little drabble for the tenth day prompt of the SPOP Palentine’s month - Trios - organized by the good people at @spop-palentines. and the idea of shipping a hypo-empathetic character with a hyper-empathetic character is…. You did :D). “Tomorrow!” Sea Hawk amended without any lost momentum. Sorry to make you wait, I’ve been locked up in my lab, (Your Catra looks incredible!! Catra’s mean to her. You’ve always got my back.”. she misses catra sleeping at the bottom of her bed, sparring together with smiles on their faces, holding each other close when they were hurting. Her moans were muffled slightly by Scorpia's mouth. She’s fucked up. Home Initially, when the Princess of Power line was devised, Catra was She-Ra's main nemesis. She checked the ceiling to make sure Imp wasn’t lurking around. Enjoy! Scorpia helping, because she’s a sap. Scorpia is the cutest most adorable cinnamon bun that has ever crossed my sight. Perfuma then wraps Scorpia in a hug, alongside Catra. Soon, she slumped against Scorpia's body as She-Ra carefully pulled her fingers out of Catra. “Adventure awaits!”, (bicep, shoulder, hair, lower bodice, upper top), Y’all KNOW I cannot refuse turn down or ignore an opportunity to pay attention to my girl. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works “Thanks again–” Catra yawned, “–for babysitting. At first Scorpia didn't register what happened, but when the shock wore off she kissed her Wildcat back with equal passion, wrapping her claws around her partner. Entrapta upgrades the virus disc so that it now works on organic beings, not just First Ones tech. In a show that declares that love can change the world, a kiss between two girls ends up being just the thing that saves the world. ”Antis” don’t interact. Add a photo to this gallery. However, when I got your ask, my brain asked itself, “Under what conditions would we be willing to write scortra, though?” and the answer was, “if they’re both happily married and all four of them want to bang,” so you get the four of them happily married in their respective pairings, and still banging. And then she just sat there. Behold, the Scorpia I have been crocheting ❤️❤️. Chaotic Neutral x Chaotic Neutral is…. She looks at the mirror with Scorpia looking all excited. We revisit my Mermista-Catra-DT mean girls AU. Scorpia: We have something very important to tell you, Catra. Catra and Scorpia are feeling super content and bonding in the Crimson Waste (before shit goes sideways). she despises the distance; how things are always tense and different between the two. Catra barred her teeth. As they kiss, the Heart's magic manifests this power, rejuvenating the planet and destroying Horde Prime once and for all. Scorpia gets super glowy about how nice Catra's being and Catra decides the only way keep moving is to give Scorpia what she wants, aka: worshipping the literal ground Catra walks on and getting the fucking of her life. A lot of times, Entrapta’s busy with a project, or they’re both looking at a screen or piece of machinery or something. Again, not that Catra dislikes her or genuinely doesn’t consider her a friend, because I do believe Catra cares about her in a way, its just that Scorpia’s the one putting in all the effort. There’s a moment in the season when Scorpia tries to ask out Catra on a date (ok, it’s “technically” a friend date but we all know it’s actually a date date). Catra is a fairly teasing, lazy, irritable, cynical, disrespectful, impulsive and provocative girl. : Horde Prime screams this as She-Ra exorcises him from Hordak's body, destroying him for good. 13 Favourites. They deserve it. Here are 10 reasons why Catra is the best character, and 5 it's Scorpia. Entrapta: On the bright side, I think she loves you too. Since I absolutely enjoyed your Scortrapta fic, may I request a lemon of Scortra? An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Scorpia deserves the world! She has angular features, such as a pointed chin, straight nose and slanted almond-shaped, hetero-chromatic eyes in the shades pale yellow (Left) and turquoise (Right). THEY!!!! Buy 'Catra and Scorpia' by SpaztasticNerd as a Sticker. 1 Canon 1.1 Season 1 1.2 Season 2 1.3 Season 3 1.4 Season 4 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Gallery 5 Videos 6 Trivia 7 Navigation This section is in need of major improvement. She turned Catra's head so the two could kiss. Adora has a final vision of herself in a She-Ra-like dress, all prepared for Scorpia’s first ball. Scorpia is crushed by this and sinks to her knees in a heartbroken way. Read Aunt Scorpia from the story The Catradora Family by Viper214 (Jay) with 2,707 reads. Her impression of her in s4 was adorable and hilarious, but also pretty on-point.

Once Scorpia leaves the Horde and seeks help from the princesses, most of them aren't eager to help her out. She’d had many years to get over Catra, but over Catra she was not. She features freckles on her cheeks, soft curving eyebrows, and a thin fiendish smile with fanged teeth. “It’s alliterative.”. Because Scorpia invented giving seventh chances, and Scorpia’s patience has run out. And we know this is something relevant to Entrapta, because in her conversations with Hordak she DOES clarify (No no no, I”m listening, I’m listening!). Enjoy. Scorpia leaned down, as Catra reached forward, lifting the veil from her new wife's face. Catra broke off the kiss to look into her sparkling eyes. In the wake of the final season, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power showrunner Noelle Stevenson and actors A.J. (Scorpia x Catra)?❤, Scorpia/Entrapta? *Something more fun and cute this time because I'm all out of tears for the moment. When Catra offers to be Scorpia's plus one for Princess Prom, the latter blushes as she shows off her dress to Catra. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works 4. Once Catra finds out that she's not going to hold back on information, she begins to coax her into thinking that the others aren't coming back to rescue her, because … The ship gained in popularity after the release of Season 4, when Scorpia and Perfuma first truly interacted. Scorpia’s love is very genuine, straightforward, and freely given, And Catra just… doesn’t feel the same. She knew her way to the nursery and settled Adam into the crib, dropping the day bag on the floor near the door. Every season I am fed with loving content between them, even the ones where they barely have any time to interact. I ship it =] (i dont like ship for catra x adora >=[ ok??) Mermista would be something of the straight man to DT’s quips and jokes, and they could both revel in chaos and destruction together. Catra is a fictional character in the toyline, and animated television series, She-Ra: Princess of Power (1985–86), which is part of the Masters of the Universe franchise. Image : Netflix More shows and films are embracing queer characters and relationships, especially in animation. The guilt of not protecting Entrapta was a contributing factor into how protective Scorpia was of Emily (do you even eat? See if you can get anything useful from Lonnie. Until then she’d only really shown any sign of actually listening to them in the form of lowering her face guard when Bow brought up Hordak, but it was SCORPIA that brought everything to a grinding halt. Sorry that it's so short but I seem to be out of inspiration after that long Catra video (Catradora video is coming but it's just gonna take me a while.)Retweet? Catra and Scorpia need time apart from each other, but once they’re more settled into themselves and have learned and grown as women, I truly do believe that they can be friends again. Please help improve this article by editing it. “But I made buddy hats,” Scorpia pleaded. Scorpia is a very caring character, and she values the friendship that she has with Entrapta and Catra, even though it didn't really seem like a friendship. Bow would continuously try to convince DT to become a better person, to learn the lessons of love and camaraderie, to improve, while DT would be relentless in their attempts to corrupt Bow and seduce him to the dark side. 1 Canon 2 Fanon 3 Fandom 4 Trivia 5 Gallery 5.1 Screenshots 6 Navigation Once Scorpia defects from the Horde she travels to Bright Moon to seek out the aid of the Princess Alliance to rescue Entrapta from Beast Island. In the resulting time/space collapse, Catra and Adora fight, Catra telling Adora all the while how it was her presence that caused all this. Follow. Plus, they’d totally enable each other’s chaotic tendencies. Entrapta’s had a crush on her since sometime mid-s2 but knew Scorpia had a crush on Catra and has resolved to never ever bring it up bc her friendship means far, far too much to her to risk making it awkward. They’re both DRAMATIC and PETTY and KINDA MEAN. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Catra grunted as she walked past, a greeting and acknowledgement both. goodbye kiss; Scorpia is a Sweetheart; I Wrote This To Help Deal With The Pain Of Season 2; it didn't work; I'm still suffering; Summary. Home she remembers her first kiss … You may now kiss the bride, Catra." In addition to Catra and Adora’s love story, season 5 gave us so many other amazing queer moments. Catra and Scorpia find Entrapta hiding in the air vents, alive and well. Big "NO!" Instead of wearing her usual black prom tux, she decides to shake it up a bit and puts on an all white suit with a gold shirt inside. They don't bring me tears unlike Catra and Adora do. ty!! Cute vinyl sticker of Catra and Scorpia This artwork is of Catra and Scorpia inspired by the 2018 She Ra. During "Princess Prom", Scorpia styled her hair slicked back and wore a black dress. Decorate and personalize laptops, windows, and more; Removable, kiss-cut vinyl stickers Entrapta: This may come as a bit of a shock but you need to know. Buy 'Catra and Scorpia' by SpaztasticNerd as a Sticker. She-Ra settled on her knees in front of Catra while Scorpia sat next to the Horde Force Captain. RELATED: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Redeems Mara of Etheria We are not a” -she did air quotes with her claws- “buddy bundle.”, “awwww,” Entrapta complained. They like each other. In the resulting time/space collapse, Catra and Adora fight, Catra telling Adora all the while how it was her presence that caused all this. One of the best things about She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power is its extremely well-rounded characters. Scorpia didn't waste any time bringing the fingers into her mouth and groaning at the taste of Catra's slick. Also, while I’m on the subject, Entrapta specifically hid the fact that she’d already gotten the first one’s tech in the northern reach because she didn’t want to go back to the Horde yet, because she was having so much fun! After her life being spared but losing her position of power, Catra deliberates her worth and confides to a concerned and supportive Scorpia. And through it all, she just expects Scorpia to handle all of it, to do the paper pushing and be there for her and deal with her problems and never ask for anything back. Is there anyone other than Catra you ship DT with? I really like how her tail came out. Seeing Catra soaking in these moments of empathy and understanding, while acknowledging Scorpia's feelings, is a big move forward, especially as she recognizes these are pseudo-dates disguised as side missions. 1.8k votes, 30 comments. adora, mia, catra. Scorpia leaving was, in a lot of ways, the trigger that showed Catra that this IS her fault. Catra and Adora kiss. She placed herself in front of the other princesses, who she knew had no reason to help or trust her, FOR ENTRAPTA. When Entrapta’s excited, Scorpia gets excited! Jun 9, 2019 - As soon as I saw these two together I knew I had to draw this. Sure Catra was part of it, but she just genuinely likes hanging out with her friends! Additionally, Scorpia's often very physically affectionate towards Catra. And Catra, after Scorpia leaves her, breaks DOWN. (I don't ship them but I just love your take on she ra ships and this one is your otp, if I'm not mistaken ). Staring straight ahead. Scorpia is a fictional character in the animated television series She-Ra: Princess of Power and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. They fling themselves into each other’s arms and start dancing within a DAY of officially meeting each other (while still technically being on opposite sides), they eat tiny cupcakes and hold hands on the couch, they make tiny hot cocoa, they work on projects together, they laugh and they get into each other’s personal space and they just. Because even though Scorpia still cares from her, even asks Glimmer not to hurt her, she decides that Entrapta, Emily, and her own self, are more important than the love she feels. Gotta go with my good good karaoke trio for this one. … ♥️Wanna see my other she ra videos? Dermot Kennedy - LostFandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of PowerColoring: MineWatermark: MineProgram: Sony Vegas 14_________________________________Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for \"fair use\" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.