In the interests of helping them succeed, I offer a generic These stump speeches were long comic oratories that made fun of real issues and were intended to amuse. A sample campaign speech may serve as a guide to all people who plan to participate elections, no matter whether those are the student elections or the governmental ones. However, many would find examples of minstrel stump speeches to be particularly abhorrent given their strong sexist and racist overtones. Sample Stump Speech; Related Trainings. Today, the stump is used metaphorically in expressions such as "stump speech" (a campaign speech) or "on the stump" (on the campaign trail).] Mostly, the process of speech preparation is a challenge for individuals who cannot tell something that will flow naturally without having additional training. A.Word.A.Day--stump speech. Erin has served as a leadership development consultant for a range of clients, including the Yahoo! On the stump means to take part in political campaigning. The idiom on the stump comes from the habit of early American politicians traveling the countryside to make campaign speeches. Learn.. Students should begin by learning about what makes a great stump speech using the following resource.Next students should answer the guiding questions found here.Students select (or are assigned from a list) at least three core political issues such as climate change, immigration, systematic racism, or renewable energy to research and then develop their own specific opinion. A political stump speech is a standard speech used by a politician running for office.Typically a candidate who schedules many appearances prepares a short standardized stump speech that is repeated verbatim to each audience, before opening to questions. ... establishing the largest national political training program readying women for public office and civic life, training over 15,000 women. “Political Wire is a great, great site.” — Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” “Taegan Goddard has a knack for digging out political gems that too often get passed over by the mainstream press, and for delivering the latest electoral developments in a sharp, no frills style that makes his Political Wire an addictive blog habit you don’t want to kick.” But just like a persuasive speech , you must be able to get your message … There aren’t many books on writing stump speeches; it’s not something that is taught in school. [Originally, campaigning politicians often stood on tree stumps when addressing voters. Campaign Speech Examples When you think of campaign speeches, the first thing that pops out of your mind is election period– be it a presidential election or a school-associated election. I’m not a political analyst, and I don’t know if Swaim and Nussbaum wrote the perfect political stump speech or not. Instead, we have to use real ones given by political candidates (often ones without a Communications staff). For the most part, though, candidates deliver the same stump speech at every campaign stop, giving the audience time at the end to ask questions. Learn from real stump speech examples to improve your own speech. stump speech (stump speech) noun A political speech, delivered on a campaign tour. The speech might change slightly depending on the audience – for example, the candidate might add a few words to the speech to mention local politicians, or to refer to a local specialty. (30 minutes) A stump speech typically does not give specific information about a candidate's political plans.