level 2. Compatibility adds an amount to Yojimbo's motivation depending on its value. "As a warrior, and as a man, I will leave my mark upon the world!" Advertisement For important details about the changes made in any previous versions of Yojimbo, please see the release notes archive.. You can access Yojimbo's online help by choosing "Yojimbo Help" from the Help menu. When first obtaining Yojimbo, his compatibility starts at 128, which works pretty well. Home » Haiti Relief Fund at Work in Haiti » yojimbo ffx how much to pay. It increases by 1 or 3 if Yojimbo uses Wakizashi against single or multiple enemies respectively and by 4 if Yojimbo uses Zanmato. Meet The Battery Medic; About; More Info. Notes. A constant or expression to compute and insert at the indicated place in the resulting table (set of rows). level 1. Of course make sure Yojimbo has overdrive, it massively increases your odds. But to increase Yojimbo affinity, use him for easy battles, and if the battles are easy don't call him back. Yojimbo's Compatibility, the fiend's Zanmato level (1-6, the lower the number, the easier to use Zanmato), Overdrive status (or lack of), and the amount of Gil paid. How To Ship a Battery 3. share. It starts at 128 and caps at 255. Thats not true, depending on his Compatibility Level / Overdrive and the enemies Zanmato Level, you can pay him even 4 Gil and his Compatibility will still go up (he even can use Zanmato for the biggest increase … With a compatibility parameter of 128, he will do so 13 percent of the time. User Info: tryv1. As explained before, compatibility is a hidden stat of Yojimbo, which can range from 0 to 255. In a VALUES list appearing at the top level of an INSERT, an expression can be replaced by DEFAULT to indicate that the destination column's default value should be inserted.DEFAULT cannot be used when VALUES appears in other contexts. If you use syncing and are upgrading from an older version, please take the time to read the Yojimbo 4.5 change notes carefully, as many things have changed. If his compatibility parameter is 255, he will attack for free 25 percent of the time. There's 5 things that determine if he'll Zanmato. Maximum compatibility is 255. Aeons' stats rise naturally with Yuna's, but also with the number of battles the party takes part in (including boss battles, and battles the party runs away from). (I'm sorry for my English if I wrote something in a bad English ^_^) User Info: Gabi_chan83 VALUES lists with very large numbers of rows should be avoided, as you might encounter out-of-memory failures or poor performance.VALUES appearing within INSERT is a special case (because the desired column types are known from the INSERT's target table, and need not be inferred by scanning the VALUES list), so it can handle larger lists than are practical in other contexts. I think to at least get him to use Zamato with the lowest amount of gil its like 1,024 but i never … Depending on several actions you take, his compatibility may increase or decrease, according to the following table: I think to at least get him to use Zamato with the lowest amount of gil its like 1,024 but i never … Depending on several actions you take, his compatibility may increase or decrease, according to the following table: by | Jan 17, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Jan 17, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments The Battery Medic. Haiti Relief Fund at Work in Haiti. I … But observe, it goes down BY HALF (that is, it decreases by a power of exponent, as in going down from 2-to-the-12th-power to 2-to-the-11th-power - from 4096 to 2048). This works on all Dark Aeons. It increases by 1 or 3 if Yojimbo uses Wakizashi against single or multiple enemies respectively and by 4 if Yojimbo … Marguilus. Notes. VALUES lists with very large numbers of rows should be avoided, as you might encounter out-of-memory failures or poor performance.VALUES appearing within INSERT is a special case (because the desired column types are known from the INSERT's target table, and need not be inferred by scanning the VALUES list), so it can handle larger lists than are practical in other contexts. Don't let him die, give him like 1 gil for basic attacks. tryv1 5 years ago #2. Would it be faster to increase my compatibility with Yojimbo and have him Zanmato Jumbo Flan, Greater Sphere, and Earth Eater? Don't let him die, give him like 1 gil for basic attacks. This update to Yojimbo consists exclusively of changes to address reported issues. Keep in mind that he starts off with 128 compatibility when you get him in the cave, but can go down to 0. Make sure you maximize the compatibility between Yuna and Yojimbo. Just pay him one of the values I mentioned until he does it. This will help you to increase his motivation and compatibility with Yuna and will give you more chance to get a Zanmato. This page documents all feature additions and modifications included in the Yojimbo 4.5 release. So i just need to know how much gil i should pay him for normal fiends and mosnter arena fiends to get his trust up - better yet using Zanmato. The compatibility parameter of Yojimbo to Yuna. Compatibility and a full OD gauge only account for 10 motivation. Fixes. Yojimbo's Zanmato is one summon (and a lot of gil) away, especially if you treat Yojimbo right (increased compatibility). I was trying to get my yojimbo to like me by calling him for every fight in besaid and giving him a constant 1024 Gil. Or would that take just as long and cost an insane amount of gil? It starts at 128 and caps at 255. expression. When first obtaining Yojimbo, his compatibility starts at 128, which works pretty well. These things all culminate into his "motivation" stat. Yojimbo 4.5 introduced significant changes to syncing. Go to this guide to learn everything you need to know about the compatibility system and how to get Yojimbo to like you more. You need 80 to Zanmato. Toggle menu visibility. It starts at 128 and caps at 255. yojimbo ffx how much to pay. Of course, raising compatibility does slightly increase his chances as well, but that isn't worth it. It is recommended to increase your compatibility with Yojimbo (i.e. BBEdit 13.1 Release Notes. The compatibility parameter (CP) of Yojimbo to Yuna. Select Page. As explained before, compatibility is a hidden stat of Yojimbo, which can range from 0 to 255. does anything happen when Yojimbo gets overdrive? The calculation made for his free attack is much simpler, which is Yojimbo's compatibility parameter divided by 4 plus a random factor from 0 to 63. im having trouble with yojimbo . Report Save. Comment Report abuse. i mean does he like get an increased chance ... the chance of Zanmoto does increase, though not by a huge amount. yojimbo ffx how much to pay. fight random battles with him and have him perform Wakizashi and Zanmato as often as possible, and Daigoro as little as possible; never have him die, never give him 0 gil) until he uses it very regularly. man VALUES howto config documentation configuration postgresql-8.2.10-1PGDG.rhel5.i386.rpm The more compatible you are, the higher chance for zanmato. Dark Aeons are meant as postgame bosses so come back after leveling up a lot and reaching the area inside Sin and beating Omega Weapon in the Omega Dungeon. But to increase Yojimbo affinity, use him for easy battles, and if the battles are easy don't call him back. Lol, if those are your stats you're not nearly good enough to beat the dark aeons (unless you abuse the Zanmato). Well what I did was train with yojimbo in the calm lands until he would attack for free and then I would raise about 25,000 Gil and go after dark shiva and dark valefor. BBEdit 13.1 is a feature update, which includes notable new features, visible changes to existing features, and fixes for reported issues. Compatibility, if he has a full od gauge, how much you pay him, the enemies "zanmato level" and a random # that is determined during the algorithm. Yojimbo 4.5 Release Notes. 6 years ago. If c = compatibility and m = motivation, then the equation for the compatibility factor is (c / 30 = m).