Ask Jordan Peterson. 6. When his book got into the religious stuff I had a hard time continuing. Instagram | | Apart from that, Gödel did not prove that there is "no proof without axiom". search. Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher and he is not a scientist in the humanities or social science. First of all, Jordan Peterson has not published any academic work in philosophy that follows the appropriate standards. Not OP but I've also been wondering about Peterson's work and reputation. Please see this post for more details. Jordan Peterson is AT LEAST as RP as most of the sidebar material, if not more. Website | /r/askphilosophy aims to provide serious, well-researched answers to philosophical questions. I think so. His claims are often inflammatory for the sake of being inflammatory (as if he wanted to parrot Nietzsche's "I am dynamite" without using allegory, which is intentionally misleading). Answers must portray an accurate picture of the issue and the philosophical literature. Jordan Peterson, again with a bit of reason number 1, spreads completely false pseudo-scientific claims such as that black people are genetically inferior to white people and therefore dumber than white people (Warning: Nazi Youtube channel, will poison your Youtube recommendations forever). This isn't a challenge, I am genuinely curious. 14.9k. Most of the things he says which sound "philosophical" are in the field of analytical psychology (Jungian psychology). Post memes at r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes. Classical IQ Test | Keep comments and submissions civil . Free speech, despite risking offense, is necessary to conduct civil discourse between opposing ideologies. Sorters.Club. Provide source material for screenshots. HumanProgress, Subreddit Close. Instead, contact the moderators with questions or comments. In other words, it's clear he's just making stuff up. Thank you for taking the time to present your argument so thoroughly. For example, in Jungian psychology the political right and left are the representation of equal forces in the collective unconscious. I‘m also curious why you think Peterson misinterpreted Gödel. What terms did he use that have a different meaning and how is that difference significant? He is the acclaimed author of 12 Rules: An Antidote to Chaos, reaching global fame as a clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Jordan Peterson avait pourtant déjà fait l'objet de controverses, par exemple lorsqu'une assistante de recherche à l'université Wilfrid-Laurier avait projeté l'extrait d’une vidéo YouTube de Peterson, qu'un étudiant avait porté plainte et qu'elle avait été convoquée par la direction [41]. Surveys | Tragedy vs Evil Ask me anything! He puts things imprecisely and sometimes downright wrong - his interpretation of Heidegger in the Introduction to 12 Rules, for example, is highly contentious and I can't imagine many Heidegger scholars would recognises it as close to correct. 12 Rules: An Antidote to Chaoshas garnered a fierce following comprised of people who have enjoyed positive changes in their lives due to the teachings detailed in the book. Generally speaking, his talks or writings can be described as interdisciplinary. r/JordanPeterson 161k subscribers Welcome to the discourse! | Comments which are rude, snarky, etc. It turns out that chaos is the feminine trait, so the antidote Peterson is guaranteeing us is an antidote to being feminine. Great Books | An example of that would be some of the broader points he was trying to get across when he was on Sam Harris' podcast, like a rejection contemporary notions of truth and knowledge in favor of perspectivism. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Gödel's theorem only applies to recursively axiomatizable formal systems of 1st order logic based on a formal language, which fulfill certain criteria. thinkspot | For example, Peterson contrasts between order and chaos in the preface: Order is where the people around you act according to well-understood social norms, and remain predictable and cooperative. (Obviously, it's his work.) I guess I just don't know how, and I'm not super familiar with the last 500 years of philosophers so just causally mentioning those doesn't really help me. But could they be otherwise? Order is the white, masculine serpent; Chaos, its black, feminine counterpart. It’s no bloody joke, seriously. may be removed, particularly if they consist of personal attacks. Land of Meaning | Comments which blatantly do not contribute to the discussion may be removed. 3. r/JordanPeterson is an open forum where controversial topics can be discussed in good faith. FAQ | I have posted several hundred lectures on psychological, religious and (less willingly) political matters on YouTube, where they have attracted hundreds of millions of views and no little controversy. IPIP-NEO | It seems like he often fails to grasp the complexity of a subject and relies on superficial knowledge or straight-up misconceptions. Also: Even though, Jungian psychology is the foundation of his work, he never went through a Jungian therapy or has an education in Jungian psychology. Writing has been clinically demonstrated to improve productivity. Well, that and falling into the pervasive trap of trying to use Darwin's evolutionary theory to frame sociological hypotheses... That post is not designed to answer this q. I've read that post and several of the comments. Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher and he is not a scientist in the humanities or social science. | Please post messages in the general forum. But then, he would be uncovered as a quacksalver, too. Develop arguments and rhetorical techniques for challenges you may encounter. Again with the chaotic femininity stuff! Peterson est né le 12 juin 1962 et a grandi à Fairview, Alberta, une petite ville au nord-ouest de sa ville de naissance Edmonton, au Canada. Lecture Series — Bible Hub. With the exception of 'The Rational Male', none of the books on the sidebar are actually 100% RP either. Expect comment threads that break our rules to be removed. It's obvious that he often reads a short summary and misunderstands it or relies on terrible sources, such as Stephen Hicks' "Understanding Postmodernism". List of Studies From James Damore's Google Memo, Resources Jordan Peterson has, not unexpectedly, found his moment in this political context.