3rd Ray – Yellow Published on Dec 17, 2018 In this video, we talk about the 7 Rays of Light from a soul, vibrational perspective. Yet the seven emanations came forth from the central vortex, and as such are seven aspects of one whole and therefore interrelated. The Seven Rays were introduced to the west by Madam Blavatsky, and included in her book The Secret Doctrine. They were..., , Seminars, 20210211 It is a cycle. .large-mobile-banner-1-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:600px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_15',142,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_16',142,'0','1'])); The physical world and all of life is the manifestation of the One Infinite Mind. 2. We are, first and foremost, beings of light, created by light and reflected by the 7 rays of light. Rather than viewing everything as âone energyâ we instead divide it up into the 7 rays of light. At the core, their spirituality was highly practical. Description of the Seven Rays. When he left to travel, he realized that the major religions all had One primary god and the holy 7 helpers who accompanies the One. Growth.”, “Organisation and Ritual” or “Ceremonial organization”or “Ceremonial Magic or Order”, Diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation. In the archives this ray was called The Dispenser of Knowledge as a way of proclaiming its mission. The 7 rays are the prism of the Spiritual Sun which emanates from its core. Before January of 1991, we only had 7 rays available to us. But through its effect we can see its existence. The 4th Ray is the force that creates a sense of equilibrium and beauty in creation. Their philosophy is the human being has seven emanations in which it finds itself, or connects with the Higher Self. The energy of this Flame is the first and final synthesis, the source of all the other energies. For every one of us, it is necessary to become aware of God's presence, to accept and adore it, because in reality God is already in us and we are in Him. From Galaxies to Solar Systems, Solar Systems to Planets. Ray differences between people are related to the vehicle of consciousness that a ray is working through. When we harness them, we are harnessing the powers of light and raising our spiritual consciousness. Each ray contains a different colour which represents different levels of frequencies. Metaphysical philosopher Gurdjieff writes frequently of his “Seven Rays of Creation”. For this reason, one of the ancient names for this ray is The Seed that is the Flower. We are, first and foremost, beings of light, created by light and reflected by the 7 rays of light. “The esoteric doctrine was once known in every ancient country ever having claim to civilization.” – Blavatsky. The Second Ray conditions life with Divine Love. In our solar system the second ray of Love and Wisdom is the prevailing influence aiding all of us. They are the forces responsible for the formation of solar systems, planets, and all forms of life on Earth. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. They all believed that the “Sun” was considered to be the eternal source of life. To them, the path to enlightenment is in letting go of human desire, for desire is recognized as an anchor preventing one from upward ascent. Life is not eternal. In the mid-to-late 20th century, as the New Age movement gained in popularity, the concept and imagery of the seven rays appeared in a variety of settings. The light frequencies are perceived and recognized as color through the eyes and brain. In theosophical teachings, this One Infinite Mind is called the Logos and it is the Universal Energy of life and light of the Universe. THE BLUE RAY OF LIGHT - BLUE FLAME The Blue Ray is the first Ray of light. These are the 7 energetic patterns that We need to master thyself. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In esoteric astrology, the seven rays are considered to be split into three groups: the first two rays represent Will and Wisdom, respectively, and the remaining five rays together form the group that represents Activity. The 7 rays: 1st Ray â Red 2nd Ray â Orange 3rd Ray â Yellow 4th Ray â Green 5th Ray â Blue 6th Ray â Indigo 7th Ray â Violet In Sanskrit, the names were written down in the following order: Sushumna, Harikesa, Viswakarman, Viswatryarchas, Sannaddha, Sarvavasu, and Swaraj. These are the subdivisions of the wholeness of Christ. They are made up of frequency bands of electrical energy that are radiated from Source Energy. Scientifically precise examination of reality gives clarity to what is observed in our world. Take this quiz to find out. Enochian, Celestial Speech or Also known as, ‘The Language of Angels’. The connection of the 7 rays of light and its meaning to man has coined the term “The Seven-Fold Nature of Man” and is harnessed through the 7 Chakras. They are also known as chohans or angels from heaven. “The esoteric doctrine was once known in every ancient country ever having claim to civilization.” – Blavatsky. According to psychic counselor Samantha Stevens, an individual can use affirmations, candles, color therapy, vibration medicines and other methods to contact “archangels,” which she defines as the “seven rays,” based on Buddhist and Christian theories: “The Rays or Divine Flames (as they are sometimes called) represent elements in the perfectly integrated human being – one whose heart is aligned with their will and inspired by the Divine Imagination.”, Light therapist and Radionics Practitioner Primrose Cooper writes that in using light as a healing modality, she finds it helpful to use the seven rays as defined in Theosophy to assist her clients in finding “psychological insight into their soul’s purpose.”. Yet, in a wider sense, the Seven Rays ⦠The 7 Rays of Light and the Initiation, Venue: On-Line Seminar The concept of the seven rays appeared in several religions and esoteric teachings since the 6th century BC in both Western culture and India. THE SEVEN RAYS are the original divine qualities of the Absolute. Certain qualities of the Rays can be also connected to the seven chakras and to the crystals and mineral kingdom. Our light body is known as the invisible layer behind the physical body – the etheric body. Emerald is the 5th Ray of the spectrum All a human has to do to use these emanations is to know basic moral law, what their body and/or psyche can and cannot handle, and listen. The “Sun” is a metaphor for the Creator/ Universal Consciousness which comes forth into the manifested universe. So we are looking at trillions of years into the making. Its role is to shatter those forms that no longer adequately express the Love of God. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Which of the Seven Rays are you? Light is a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum surrounding us. When white light hits a prism it is seen as the seven rainbow colors. The Seventh Ray is best known for bringing order out of chaos. Pt 1: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - Trinity, Creation Energy, Soul Birth, Source Expressions . 1st Ray – Red Color, Archangel and Representation. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Blue is the 1st Ray of the spectrum. Its role is to create within human consciousness the ability to discern Truth from fiction. During the last several centuries, this radiation has shaped into human awareness a yearning for the spirit within. Life is not eternal. It is why “The Present” is ever so powerful because your past and future is Today, according to the Universe’s perspective. This, however, is not part of traditional Reiki or other versions of the Reiki system. Seven great rays of the One light influence humanity on each level, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical. The function of this ray is to find balance and resolution to these warring dualities ever present within the human experience. The Third Ray relates to the expression of Divine Intelligence. It is unknowable and undefinable because we are only fragments of the One Infinite Mind. Through its influence the Manifestation of Divinity is made possible. This is the ray that brings vision and spiritual aspiration to humanity. The Seven Rays is a concept related to the Septenary Principle of manifestation of the universe. The Rays of Light are present within your chakras although the colours do not always marry with the colours of the chakras. The 7 Rays of Light help us to truely align with SOURCE. Essentially, it is this ray that provides the underlying intelligence in all of nature. Great Central Sun, Galactic Sun, Solar Sun, Source. With respect to the human kingdom, it is the force that animates human thought. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In addition, this is the ray most associated with karma, for it holds the memory of what was, as well as what is to be. The 7 rays are the prism of the Spiritual Sun which emanates from its core. Each ray is a distinct state of consciousness with distinct powers. Seven Rays in the Arrow of Light They stand for the seven great virtues of life. An individual with a Seventh Ray Soul is the true magician. We are, first and foremost, beings of light, created by light and reflected by the 7 rays of light. The Seven Rays are the most fundamental spiritual energies behind all of Creation. There is the One Infinite Mind and Consciousness. If healing is part of your life path or you are looking into it this spray should be part of your aromatherapy inventory. All life is evolving, and it is the objective of this Ray to supply the power and direction to this evolutionary movement. by: Gabriela Yasmin Szafman The 7 Rays Of Light SeriesThe Pink Ray of Light Initiation - Third Ray of Light - Archangel Chamuel From the third Ray of the Pink Flame we see the manifestation of the activities, intents, and wisdom of the first two rays: the first Blue ray and the second Yellow Ray.Here we see the qualiti For those souls upon the Third Ray, their purpose is to reveal the Mind of God by demonstrating the interconnectedness of all ideas. The 12 Rays of light are a gift to us from our Creator. 1. It is everywhere, it is alive, it is nature. The FIRST RAY is WISDOM Wisdom does not necessarily mean superior knowledge. Pisces Season Will Help The Zodiac Signs Get In Touch With... Do Animals Have A Deeper Spiritual Mission On Earth? The fundamental beliefs were at the heart of every ancient systems who knew not of the other. Add to cart. What has been written thus concerning the duality of light must also apply to the seven divine emanations, now known even in the West as the Seven Rays. In primeval language, this ray was often called The Negator of Desire. The 7 rays: 1st Ray â Red 2nd Ray â Orange 3rd Ray â Yellow 4th Ray â Green 5th Ray â Blue 6th Ray â Indigo From Planets to Organisms on the planets, etc…. The Fifth Ray is the ray that Clarifies Divinity through the pursuit of correct knowledge. As the New Age movement of the mid-to-late 20th century developed, the seven rays concept appeared as an element of metaphysical healing methods such as Reiki and other modalities,and in esoteric astrology. For every 311,040,000,000,000 years, the Universe will be absorbed into the One Infinite Mind and then total darkness for 4,320 million years, according to the “Secret Doctrine.”. .medrectangle-4-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:100px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'consciousreminder_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',137,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[320,50],'consciousreminder_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',137,'0','1'])); The ancients had advanced scientists who were multi-knowledgeable in astrology, mathematics, geometry, alchemy, medicine, architecture, harmonics, geology, etc. What Does it Mean to Live with the Seven Rays of Light. One day = 4,320 million years. At the core, their spirituality was highly practical. Each levels of frequencies are a different form of energy. The 12 Rays of Light. It is why “The Present” is ever so powerful because your past and future is Today, according to the Universe’s perspective. The fundamental beliefs were at the heart of every ancient systems who knew not of the other. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The first Ray contains all things (THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE) and all things obey the laws inherent in the First Ray. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. God is everything. The seven rays is an occult concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies, since at least the 6th century BCE, of the Aryan peoples in both Western culture and in India. Part 2: Soul Origins & the 7 Rays of Light | Abe Delmar 12/18/2018 01:16:00 AM - Abe Delmar, Spirituality, Vibrations. Pt 2: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - 'Image of God', Soul Memory Vibrations, Keepers of the Rays . 7 Helpers = wavelengths of visible light. The 7 Rays of Light⢠Room & Fabric Spray Invoke the Archangels Mist. So we are looking at trillions of years into the making. It is a Divine Principle, it is Life itself. Within the manifested universe, all existence is perceived dualistically. All which means the same thing… .banner-1-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:600px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',139,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',139,'0','1'])); From here the ancients used the Principle of Correspondence to unlock the spiritual power of the human soul, the nature of reality, and our deeper psychology. In recent years, there was the creation of a secretive group named “The Keepers of the Seven Rays”. Made with Gem Infused Essential Oils. He or she is naturally able create positive change in the world. The seven rays represent the vibration and energy of the Creatorâs radiant light which arcs into rays like the rainbow. The ancients had advanced scientists who were multi-knowledgeable in astrology, mathematics, geometry, alchemy, medicine, architecture, harmonics, geology, etc. One of the ancient names for this divine radiation is The Cosmic Magnet, for it attracts all unto itself. The connection of the 7 rays of light and its meaning to man has coined the term “The Seven-Fold Nature of Man” and is harnessed through the 7 Chakras. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Each of the Rays have a very specific working style and perspective. Each Ray embodies an Archangelic realm. The knowledge of the Seven Rays gives us the ability to achieve harmony despite our differences. In other teachings, it is known as the 7 Hierarchies of Dhyan Chohans, the 7 Planetary Hierarchies, the 7 Sacred Planets, the 7 Gods, the 7 Dhyani Buddhas, the 7 Kumaras, the 7 Holy Immortals or the Amesha Spentas, Buddha’s 7 Treasures, the 7 Archangels, and the 7 Elohim. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You have entered an incorrect email address! Blavatsky, There are 2 things one must understand to grasp the “Sun.”. Planets are further placed in "zones" to discern their Rays according to this method and read esotericaly. Connects you with the energy of Saint Germain and the light within. Each individual human soul is an essential part of one of the Seven Rays, and through a succession of lifetimes the qualities of that Ray are developed and refined, to further the ⦠“The ‘Central Sun’ is simply the center of Universal life – Electricity” – H.P. The 7 Fold of Creation is found in all the parts of life and it is where you can awaken your powers within. Its purpose is to reveal the Mind of God within the consciousness of humanity, as well as to give spiritual understanding to all human activity. The Beauty of Divinity is what is sought, for when harmony is achieved beauty emerges. These emanations reach out like arms and grasp onto the knowledge(of all types) needed for the full development of the individual into his/her Higher Potential. It is therefore not surprising that the ancient name for this ray is The Keeper of the Magical Word. You are welcome to share any insights on your work with the 7 Rays or add valuable information! Each country, city, town, village, community, family, business, school and person on the Earth anchors a certain Ray of Light to support their existence, purpose and expression of the Creator. Description. The seven rays are the first differentiation of this divine triplicity: from three major rays, four minor rays unfold to reveal the sevenfold nature of divinity. To begin, it is important to know that, though brief, each of the Seven Rays (noted below) is descriptive of a soul type. Chinese Astrology: Year of the Yin Fire Rooster 2017, Immediate Action Required: Mars in Aries (28 January to 9 March, 2017). People whose souls reside upon the Sixth Ray tend to devote their lives to ideals that have the power to lift humanity into the realm of Spirit. Cosmic Energy and Difference between Healing Methods, Benefits of the Courses for your Spiritual & Personal Development, Prana – Cosmic Energy or the Universal Life Force, 7 Rays and the Vibrational Healing of the Energy, Vibration of the energy in the human body through Chakra’s, Best way of body position for racing your energy, Power of the Cosmic Energy expressed in the body as Kundalini, Human Being – expression of the Cosmic Energy, About Cosmic Energy or Higher Dimensional Healing. In The Secret Doctrine, the seven rays refer to the seven Primordial beings that appear on the highest plane of manifestation, in whom are the seeds for everything in the universe. Members: 55 Souls that originate straight from Source. By answering some short multiple choice questions, you can quickly determine which Ray you belong to. Everything we know about the Seven Rays is based on the ⦠7 Rays of Light as crystalline grids of creation, or vibrational "vortexes" of creation. It has a beginning and end with a definite time period. In truth, the Seven Rays condition all levels of human existence, including the various aspects of one’s personality (lower-self). The “Sun” is a metaphor for the Creator/ Universal Consciousness which comes forth into the manifested universe. It has lifted our eyes to upwardly gaze, and to know that something much greater than life (as we know it) awaits those who aspire toward the light within. What are the 7 rays of light, aka, understanding the Angelic Rays. Each ray is a distinct state of consciousness with distinct powers. They all believed that the “Sun” was considered to be the eternal source of life. Nonetheless, for the purpose of introducing the Seven Rays, describing them from the perspective of the soul seems most fitting. The Bridge to Freedom, The Summit Lighthouse, The Temple of The Presence (1995) and various other such organizations promulgating what are called the Ascended Master Teachings, a group of religious teachings based on Theosophy. It is therefore a proposal to call these reactions of Space to the stimulation of the Seven Rays as ⦠The Universe have 7 invisible forces that makes up Life. To apply the 7 rays of light, you need 3 things to harness your natural power: Love, Wisdom, and Compassion. Its role is to reveal the unity that underlies all apparent diversity within creation. You simply lead a life of awareness and harmlessness with the motivation to help others. Indeed, all experiences can be seen in opposite ways. According to Gurdjieff, the Seven Rays of Creation are the seven manifestations of Energy in our Universe. In the ancient Esoteric Philosophy, these divisions of divine light are referred to as the Seven Rays, and every human soul is found upon one of them. Beginning in the late 19th century, the seven rays appeared in a modified and elaborated form in the teachings of Theosophy, first presented by H. P. Blavatsky. This is achieved through the power of the spoken or written word, and the ability to build outer forms that can anchor profound spiritual principles. The 7 Rays of Light and the Initiation, Venue: On-Line Seminar The concept of the seven rays appeared in several religions and esoteric teachings since the 6th century BC in both Western culture and India. 2 Comments. Such a person understands the magical power of speech as an instrument for creating new forms through which divinity can be express. It is important to know that, though brief, each is a description of a soul type. If you look at a prism, you’ll find that white light is the combination of the 7 visible light spectrum. But not the physical Sun, it is the spiritual Sun or the Universal Sun. The “I AM” Activity. In theosophical teachings, this One Infinite Mind is called the Logos and it is the Universal Energy of life and light of the Universe. It is everywhere, it is alive, it is nature. The 7 Rays of Light and the Initiation, Venue: IIS, Carpi (MO) - ITALY The concept of the seven rays appeared in several religions and esoteric teachings since the 6th century BC in both Western culture and India. Prayers for the7 Archangels and days in Week, Archangels or High – Vibration of the Creation Energy, Angels – high energy vibration of a Cosmic Energy, Guardian angel and how to ask them for help, Beauty or Harmony or “Harmony through Conflict”, “Uniformity of Color” or “Experience. You simply lead a life of awareness and harmlessness with the motivation to help others. Ray means the radiating light from the Centered Sun. The human body has seven main chakras, or energy vortexes that vibrate harmoniously with these ⦠When we harness them, we are harnessing the powers of light and raising our spiritual consciousness. Each levels of frequencies are a different form of energy. 6th Ray – Indigo Souls that originate from 3rd Ray of Light vs. They make up all the energy in both the physical and non-physical universe. .leader-1-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:600px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',141,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',141,'0','1']));Each ray contains a different color which represents different levels of frequencies. It is a Divine Principle, it is Life itself. For according to ancient record, it is this ray that governs the life of our entire solar system. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Above this is our spiritual essence or Monad, which does not function through the Seven Rays but only through the three Primary Rays. Soul origins, what happens when a soul is birthed and when an incarnation dies. His/her spiritual purpose is to demonstrate that knowledge adds understanding to the nature of the Spirit underlying all that we witness in creation. People governed by the Fourth Ray tend to immediately see both sides of opposing perspectives and will persistently seek to harmonize them. When he left to travel, he realized that the major religions all had One primary god and the holy 7 helpers who accompanies the One. Every human being needs the love of God. Yet, for another person that same ray may instead condition the mental body of his/her personality. 1. An individual would need an above ⦠The Theosophical concept of the seven rays was further developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the writings of the Theosophists C. W. Leadbeater, and by other authors such as Alice Bailey, Manly P. Hall, and others, including notably the teachings of Benjamin Creme and his group Share International; and in the philosophies of organizations such as Temple of the People. The one whose soul is upon the Fifth Ray will often dedicate his/her life to finding solutions (truth) to the problems facing humanity. For every 311,040,000,000,000 years, the Universe will be absorbed into the One Infinite Mind and then total darkness for 4,320 million years, according to the “Secret Doctrine.”. For this reason the primeval name used to identify this ray was The Keeper of the Recorders. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_17',143,'0','0']));report this ad. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Blue Ray, Archangel ⦠As this is a rather complex endeavor it is strongly suggested to consult a professional astrologer who specializes in the 7 Rays OR to refer to Ms. Ludlamâs book (ISBN 0-86690-003-9). But not the physical Sun, it is the spiritual Sun or the Universal Sun. It is the ray of inclusivity, and relates all things to each other by revealing the love that underlies outer events. When the Bible speaks of the 7 Days of Creation, it was not speaking “Days” according to human time. The Universe have 7 invisible forces that makes up Life. If you look at a prism, you’ll find that white light is the combination of the 7 visible light spectrum. For example, a particular ray may condition an individual’s emotional nature. In the ancient records, this great ray was called The Lightning which Annihilates, for it liberates Divine Life from outworn modes of outer expression. Just as light divides into seven colors when it travels through a prism, the Source divides into Seven Rays when it travels through the prism of separation and down into the fourth, and then the third, dimensions. From the “Sun” radiates the 7 rays of light from the centred core. Therefore, the function of the First Ray Soul is to express the power of divine purpose through loving strength and one-pointed vision. Put into simple terms, the angelic rays are everything. It has a beginning and end with a definite time period. “The ‘Central Sun’ is simply the center of Universal life – Electricity” – H.P. Pythagoreas was the first Greek in late 6th century B.C. The Seven Rays of Light Within the Source, all is One and there is no separation. Please note that each person has a combination of various rays ⦠7 Rays of Light Spray $ 18.00. But through its effect we can see its existence. Its action is to seal, strengthen and protect. When applied the Principle of Correspondence, the ancient scientists discovered that we reflect the 7 rays of light in our body and applied the principles to harness them. One day = 4,320 million years. In India, the concept has been part of Hindu religious philosophy and scripture since at least the Vishnu Purana, dating from the post-Vedic era. They permeate every plane of the cosmos, including ⦠And, by so doing, frees Life so that it may seek new forms through which to express itself more radiantly. In the west, it can be seen in early western mystery traditions such as Gnosticism and the Roman Mithraic Mysteries; and in texts and iconic art of the Catholic Church as early as the Byzantine era. It is a cycle. .large-leaderboard-2-multi{display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:600px;text-align:center !important;}eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',140,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'consciousreminder_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',140,'0','1'])); From the “Sun” radiates the 7 rays of light from the centered core. Its purpose is to provide the energy needed to translate spiritual ideas into tangible realities. The Universe we know is a cycle of beginnings and ends. The key for the second level is known as the key of “oneness” and is attained by passing through each of the seven rays. The intention of this Ray is to reveal the Purpose of Divinity within the human kingdom. We are, first and foremost, beings of light, created by light and reflected by the 7 rays of light. The seven rays is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies in both Western culture and in India since at least the sixth century BCE. Amongst her variety of teachings on the ancient wisdom was the concept of the Seven Rays, the divine energy responsible for the evolution of all life. Blavatsky. These cookies do not store any personal information. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Then a new evolution begins again and has been done so for eternity. Our light body is known as the invisible layer behind the physical body â the etheric body. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Ray means the radiating light from the Centered Sun. They help us to cleanse, tranmsute, heal, empower, fill our lives with joy and LOVE. The 7 Fold of Creation is found in all the parts of life and it is where you can awaken your powers within. to introduce the word “Philosophy”Light. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 5th Ray – Blue Our light body is known as the invisible layer behind the physical body â the etheric body. This ray influences humanity to outwardly create according to divine intention. When we think of the Mystery School, we think of gurus and mystics. To apply the 7 rays of light, you need 3 things to harness your natural power: Love, Wisdom, and Compassion. Pt 3: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - 'In-Between' Place, Crystalline Grids, Great Central Sun These are the 7 energetic patterns that we need to master thyself.