Fast Shot (+0.5)Ain't Like That Now (+0.5) The Q-35 matter modulator can fire a total of about 1,245 times using standard cells, the equivalent of 104 reloads, from full condition before breaking. AP 1 Background 2 Characteristics 3 Variants 3.1 Comparison 4 Location 5 Notes 6 Behind the scenes 7 Bugs 8 Gallery 9 Videos 10 Sounds 11 References Plasma rifles or plasma casters are high … Should be compatible with hitman's iron sight recoil animations, just overwrite when asked. Complete overhaul of the Q-35 Matter Modulator. I made everything else. perks (dam.) Poseidon data allowed the REPCONN team to rectify issues with matter inversion by using a polarized quantum spin, simultaneously solving the issues with matter conversion in the Heisenberg compensation field, enabling the creation of the first prototype of a new line of plasma weapons. crit dmg It does include several drawbacks however, such as its low critical hit damage, low item HP and its rarity, so the player character may have to rely on the Jury Rigging perk or weapon repair kits, especially if using over or max charged ammunition. Despite being considered "unsuitable for prolonged field use," it has the second highest item HP of all the rifle type energy weapons (the laser RCW having the highest), at 250 HP; more than triple the durability of a standard plasma rifle (which has 75 HP). We managed to get a stable build model. It is an incredibly unstable game on Windows 10. In extreme cases, the plasma can cause spontaneous dissolution of the target, including separation of soft tissues from hard ones or wholesale molecular destabilization that turns the target into a viscous green fluid. weight It has a very high spread for an energy rifle, limiting its usefulness at longer ranges. Come with me as I go into this this new giant mod for Fallout: New Vegas completely blind. perks (rel.) 62 I can't link to the mod since I'm on mobile but it improved my new Vegas greatly. 1 It has taken much work to fiddle with load order and compatible mods to make my installation of NV stable. projectiles Report Save. There are numerous differences between this weapon and the standard variant in terms of combat capability: As with most unique weapons, this weapon cannot receive modifications. When viewed in the first person, the plasma arcs in the ampoules on the side may not be visible, and often not in the third person when at certain angles. Today we take a look at some of the most recent updates around the Fallout: New Vegas remake mod, for the 10th anniversary of Fallout: New Vegas. Other features of the K9000 cyberdog gun are included in FIDO. A mesh improvement for the Q-35 Matter Modulator to allow a more unobstructed view when aiming down the sights. A wall terminal (100 Science to hack) next to the door can also be used and can be unlocked with the keycard in a briefcase on the third floor, near the remains of the Brotherhood of Steel paladins. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Complete overhaul of the Q-35 Matter Modulator. A. it is a glitch because I have put mods from the pip boy on a few of my weps B. editor id Dozens of new side quests of varying length and complexity, with an incredible amount of worldbuilding to help bring the experience together. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Plasma Def. Plasma rifles or plasma casters are high tech weapons firing superheated bolts of plasma, powered by either microfusion cells or heavy energy cells, which find numerous applications in military and industrial fields. Here's the big question, does the game hold up on its own or should I get some mods to improve the first time experience? Requirements Fallout: New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic action role-playing video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks.It was announced in April 2009 and released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on October 19, 2010. x2 Although its range is longer than regular hand grenades and the fuse is impact-triggered instead of timed, its ammunition is less powerful and its single-shot, break-action design makes rapid-fire impossible. value The bolts form into toroids in the plasma chamber, which are then sent down a superconducting barrel, propelled by, and in some models stabilized by, electromagnetic claws upon exiting it. dmg/attack Other This post will be linked when the recurring "suggest me some mods" question pops out every other day. The name is a reference to the fictitious "Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator" (sometimes "PU-36 Space Modulator" or "Uranium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator"), a weapon that is always unsuccessfully deployed by the Warner Brothers' cartoon character Marvin the Martian in efforts to destroy planet Earth.[11]. spread item HP level 2. Alternatively, taking the stairs (near the aforementioned door) to the second floor, turning left, continuing forward and taking the next three rights leads to a Hard locked door (75 Lockpick skill to open) which allows access to the room containing the weapon through a hole in the ground. Weighs 1 pound less than the standard variant. However, the plasma bolt chamber can be hotwired in ord… Changes the plasma \\'prjectile\\' into a plasma beam, somewhat beefier stats, and completely new look. The bolts form into toroids in the plasma chamber, which are then sent down a superconducting barrel,[2][3][4] propelled by, and in some models stabilized by, electromagnetic claws upon exiting it. DPS (reload) Rapid Reload (-0.8s). reload time 2.4 (3.4) Fallout 76, the online prequel where every surviving human is a real person. [5] However, the plasma bolt chamber can be hotwired in order to accelerate the bolt formation process, effectively turbocharging the rifle. Unlike the K9000 cyberdog gun, FIDO uses .44 Magnum rounds instead of .357 Magnum rounds, resulting in higher damage and a slightly higher spread. Log in to view your list of favourite games. This isnt a modding guide, nonetheless, stability mods … DPS Some good places for mods are: 1) Dude in the gift shop inside the T-Rex statue at Novak 2) Nash's place in Primm But from what I've seen, the best place to find tons of mods is the robot merchant out front the Gun Runners building south of Freeside. This mod … So I got Fallout: New Vegas and I'm about to start my first play through. Credits for the new look go to newb47 for his THSLR textures and meshes. Bloody Mess (+2)Lord Death (+1.6)Thought You Died (+4) Plasma bolts have a much higher velocity. It has a peep sight similar to that … Per request, these are the mods I use in Fallout New Vegas. Ammo & Reloading Fallout Nv Daughters Of Ares Mod; In this event of Fallout New Vegas Mods, Sly Testimonials and Exhibits off The Daughters of Ares Race Mod.Mod - Manager New Vegas requires place in 2281, four yrs after the occasions of Results 3, thirty-nine yrs after Results 2, and one-hundred-twenty yrs after Results. 250 1. share. 6 years ago. The weapon is located on the REPCONN headquarters main floor, behind a Very Hard locked (100 Lockpick skill to open) door. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Attack statistics By Jeremy Winslow on January 17, 2021 at 11:22AM PST Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The brain case and the scope are red instead of green and the decal is changed to a bulldog. Numerous mod-developing groups have released countless hours worth of content through mods … attacks/sec Energy Weapons 25 its better, but not 'difficult' IMO. 12 This Weapon has new meshes, normal and specular maps and like in New Vegas the Weapon fires faster in … Q-35 Matter Modulator and Plasma Rifle Retexture - DELETED at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community. Fallout: New Vegas Energy Weapons skill weapons, REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; terminal, Q-35 telease notes, Fort Independence terminal entries; research terminal, research log - plasma rifle, REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; terminal, inter-office correspondence #3458503, REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; terminal, encrypted message,, For an overview of plasma rifles in the various, - Damage per attack (damage per projectile), - Durability (number of attacks before breaking). Prettymuch, I got tired of the Q-35 matter modulator being a slightly different looking, nerfed fo3 version plasma rifle, instead of a truly epic weapon that was supposed to be the cutting edge of technology that it should have been. It also has a dark red and black color scheme as opposed to the normal gray; the microfusion cells used as ammunition also follow the color scheme and appear red and black. the problem with J-sawyer is it is going to lower the level cap to 35 or something, without slowing the experience gained noticably. Perk effects [6] The primary damage mechanism of plasma rifles is thermal transfer, causing serious burns to soft targets and melting hard ones. Plasma rifleEnergy rifles (other) 7 Plasma rifles or plasma casters are high tech weapons firing superheated bolts of plasma, powered by either microfusion cells or heavy energy cells, which find numerous applications in military and industrial fields. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You must get permission to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. a scope on a shot gun Fallout: New Vegas fashion is making it the biggest fashion release for the game, adding hours of content, more than 100 weapons and moving vehicles. This mod adds the Q-35 Matter Modulator. [1], When the prototype was completed, unknown individuals conspired with REPCONN's CFO, Julia Masters, to intercept and secure the prototype while it was in transit to the Department of Defense.[10]. × shots/rel. -AER14 Laser Rifle-Q-35 Plasma Rifle-Unique multiplas rifle (added by project nevada) If I recall it is found in Jacobstown Inn in a case.-Unique tri-beam laser rifle (added by project nevada) If I recall it is found in the Van Graffs abandoned warehouse which can be accessed during their quest when you encounter the legion it can be found in the back of the … strength req. Fallout: New Vegas has seen developer-level mod support ever since it's heyday, keeping the game alive for many PC players. [7], Also known as the Q-35 matter modulator, the V.35 quantum plasma modulation matter injection rifle was created by REPCONN Aerospace engineers as part of the Quantum Plasma Modulation Matter Injection Rifle project,[1] a research program overseen by Colonel Moretti of the United States Army,[8] who was looking for a replacement for the aging plasma rifle designs, especially the Winchester P94. Plasma weapons are high-tech firearms that fire superheated bolts of plasma, powered by either microfusion cells, heavy energy cells, plasma cartridges, or plasma cores which find numerous applications in military and industrial fields. That data we received from Xuan did the trick. crit % mult ". The bolts form into toroids in the plasma chamber, which are then sent down a superconducting barrel, propelled by, and in some models stabilized by, electromagnetic claws upon exiting it. ". ammo cap. dmg/proj. The cowboy repeater is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. ️ Q-35 matter modulator is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands. There's a mod called fallout new Vegas which is INI files which optimizes the game based on the amount of cores you have, its a pain to install though. When compared to its variant, Elijah's advanced LAER, the standard model could be viewed as the more practical … DLC content Fallout: The Frontier requires the base game and the four official DLCs. A massive Fallout: New Vegas mod that brings a fleet of drivable vehicles to the game has also added over 35 hours of content to the highly popular RPG. All rights reserved. I made everything else. Its projectile velocity is similar to that of its standard variant with the magnetic accelerator modification. Fallout Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Causes 7 less damage per shot but 15 more critical damage. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What's so good about the Q-35 Matter Modulator? 28 40 (47.6) I'm not familiar with what mods there are for New Vegas so I don't know what to do. However, the plasma bolt chamber can be hotwired in ord… But yeah, I use project nevada with J-sawyer instead of the rebalance tweaks of nevada. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account. Find the best weapon for you. well scratch that, its not difficult once you get past the start point of the game and are suitably armed and funded. WeapNVPlasmaRifleUnique Scope mod. A spin-off of the Fallout series, the game is set in a post-apocalyptic open world environment that encompasses a … Fallout: New Vegas weapon I will change my mods over time and update this document when I … Fallout: New Vegas was a unanimously agreed upon hit when it came out in 2010, and still reigns supreme as the best Fallout game of the franchise. Microfusion cell I don't think this weapon is ready for mass production yet, but it should show that we have a working prototype. The quantum plasma modulation matter injection rifle, version 351 (or simply Q-35 matter modulator) is a prototype and unique version of the plasma rifle in Fallout: New Vegas. Credits for the new look go to newb47 for his THSLR mod. repair Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. [7][9], The prototype was created by a team of engineers under the leadership of Senior Staff Engineer Xuan Duong, using design specifications stolen from Poseidon Energy for the canceled plasma rifle project Semele, in conjunction with designs from their own plasma engine, the failed quantum matter modulator of the Z43-521P rocket. This causes the cells to appear similar to electron charge packs. perks (att.) The grenade rifle launches 40mm grenadesover a respectable distance. Fallout: The Frontier is a massive mod for New Vegas that takes you to Portland, Oregon's snowy wastes. This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points. [8], With the data from the SEMELE project, REPCONN was finally able to create a functional prototype after thirty-four failures. We should be able to get these issues resolved in a later build. 000E6064 The Q-35 matter modulator, (Quantum plasma modulation matter injection rifle version 35)[1] is a unique version of the plasma rifle in Fallout: New Vegas. Initially, the weapon was a bulky, industrial plasma caster, manufactured by Winchester Arms; while it performed admirably, it was expensive and required specialized training to use. 1 Characteristics 1.1 Modifications 2 Variant 2.1 Comparison 3 Locations 4 Notes 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs 7 Gallery 8 Sounds 9 References Cowboy repeater expanded The cowboy repeater is a lever-action rifle firing small-caliber .357 magnum round or .38 special rounds. form id 12 When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. GRA or NOT? skill ammo/shot This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. 40 (47.6) 60 (98.1) 96 (159.9) While prototype materials make it unsuitable for prolonged field use, the Q-35 has a longer refire rate on average, but a more consistent delay between shots, an increase in active bolt charge time, increased accuracy and a 30% increase in bolt energy. Huge Fallout: New Vegas The Frontier PC Mod Now Live Fallout: New Vegas's latest The Frontier mod adds new weapons, quests, and more. 2 3 (2.3) ammo type Changes the plasma \"prjectile\" into a plasma beam, somewhat beefier stats, and completely new look. 3000 Q-35 matter modulator The LAER is a decent all around energy rifle. It could be that you can only put 1 mod but if you dont have any it must be a glitch unless you are trying to use a mod for a gun that cant be used on that gun i.e. 1 0.2 Work together, or not, to survive. However, later developments for the United States Army would lead to a more compact design that was cheaper to produce and easier to train for, perfectly suited for urban warfare. This is my personal list of playtested and must have mods i warmly suggest to anyone wanting to mod our favorite game and especially now with the latest Fallout 76 delusion lets see what good ol' New Vegas has to offer..