How to dodge Scorpioness Najka's burrowing attack. Rush toward the boss and immediately attack her while she's stuck in the sand. Developed by From Software, Dark Souls 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the punishing 2011 hit Dark Souls. Regular NG Im at about 1,3m Soul memory PC Btw EDIT: Managed to kill her with Manscorpion Tark and my Alonne Greatbow! 0. Manscorpion Tark: If you have spoken to him while wearing the Ring of Whispers to receive his quest, his sign is just outside of the boss fog. Guide Home Guide Menu . Always drink responsibly. When you enter the battlefield, you'll find a half-buried woman that will attack you with powerful … Reward: Scorpioness Najka Soul. At first, Najka seems like an incredibly tough enemy, but is easily beatable once you learn her attacks. 5 comments. share. Next How to defeat a boss Royal Rat Authority Prev How to defeat a boss The Rotten. That's it, don't stand on the sand! There's a bunch of rubble in the arena, stone that she can't burrow through, so just stand on them and she can't hit you with the burrow attack. It will have 100% magic resist but it's physical block is pretty lousy. Prepare to die....again. Close. 1. If you're too close, you will take damage as she emerges. Scorpioness Najka | How to defeat a boss Dark Souls II Guide. While on your way to Scorpioness Najka, you need to unpetrify a blocked door inside the ruins. Najka is ready to fight. Anyone who has played the original Dark Souls will find Scorpioness Najka looks a wee bit familiar--she's basically a scorpion version of Chaos Witch Quelaag. Head inside and you will get the Yore Branch along … share. Those are good tips but if you have enough strength and don't want to worry about her sorceries at all go get the Rebel's Greatshield and infuse it with a fainstone. 4. save. Scorpioness Najka. Follow this guide to hear about updates. Scorpioness Najka Soul; Southern Ritual Band +2 (Bonfire Intensity 2+); NPC Summons. Posted by 6 years ago. Post Comment. Scorpioness najka summon please <3. save hide report. 0. Drops. If you linger at a distance, she uses powerful ranged magic attacks, which can be difficult to avoid. Added: Apr 7th, 2014. STAND ON THE STONE. Archived. Can someone come to Scorpioness Najka and help me? Attack her a couple of times, then back away as she bursts out of the sand. How to beat Scorpioness Najka. The following Drunkthrough is performed by a trained professional, do not try this at home. Next Page Royal Rat Authority Previous Page Old Iron King . It's always better to dodge Najka's melee attacks. Thanks for the help and tips! boss: scorpioness najka Finding scorpioness Najka involves trekking to Shaded Woods, assuming you've figured out how to get there (it's near the point where Things Betwixt and Majula meet). Najka can be found in Shaded Ruins. 12 comments. Scorpioness najka summon please <3. ; Scholar of the First Sin.