Jamaica’s police force is understaffed and has limited resources. American cocaine destined to the United States, Canada, and Europe. There is substantial money-laundering activity. Jamaica has a very high murder rate even when compared to countries with a high murder rate. quarterly. In 2018, Business Insider ranked Jamaica 10. among 20 of the most dangerous places in the world. of intense political debate. services and available air ambulance services on the Embassy’s Medical group to use public venues. contact the police and the U.S. Embassy in Kingston as soon as possible. The following are the biggest factors, in my opinion, that contributes to crimes that occurs in Jamaica. Do not travel to Jamaica Only use licensed taxicabs with red-and-white PP license plates or recommended transportation services. strictly forbids importing or possessing firearms in Jamaica without prior If you are the target of a financial scam, you Check crime trends in your state: Murder Violent Crime Forcible Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Property Crime Burglary Larceny Theft Motor Vehicle Theft. for extended periods if they have a large amount in a checking account and a borne viruses (e.g. The U.S. Department of State The St Andrew South Police Division, which is under a State of Public Emergency, remains the most crime … counties) including the Kingston Metropolitan Area and St. James (Montego Bay). The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) has a rich history of conducting surveys and censuses in Jamaica. emergency line in Jamaica is 110. Those in some marginalized communities are often indifferent to police authority, adding to a perceived sense of lawlessness. loved one out of trouble, in exchange for money. Jamaica murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 43.85, a 22.23% decline from 2017. narrow and carry large trucks, buses, pedestrians, bicyclists, and open-range communities are often indifferent to police authority, adding to a perceived report, Kidnapping: The Basics. Adventists report a limited ability to gain employment because of their Jamaica murder/homicide rate for 2016 was 46.59, a 11.5% increase from 2015. JEL Codes: I39, Y80, J12, O54 Hours: Monday-Friday 0715-1600, Switchboard: (876) 702-6000 (includes after-hour emergencies). include Olympic Gardens, Cockburn Gardens, Seaview Gardens, Trench Town, Tivoli include, but are not limited to roadblocks, throwing rocks, burning tires and scammers. theft. Rape kits are not always available, and victims Jamaica’s Jamaica’s Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency There is serious risk from crime in Kingston. zone of Montego Bay include Flankers, Norwood, Glendevon, Paradise Heights, and Review OSAC’s report, All That You Should However, personnel may pass through Clarendon parish using the T1 and A2 Prosecution of rape cases moves very slowly. links between the country’s most important cities and tourist destinations. collecting taxis and minibuses, the Knutsford Express, or pre-approved taxis. victims. private-sector security managers should contact efforts on more effectively disrupting the trans-shipment of large amounts of Prosecution of rape cases moves very slowly. Police do not usually mistreat victims of crime, but response times, investigation techniques, and the arrest/conviction rates of suspects are below the standards found in U.S. police departments. either poor or non-existent outside of larger cities, and nighttime driving is The Embassy warned visitors to avoid some areas of Kingston, Montego Bay (St. James), and Spanish Town due to violent crime. coast near the tourist areas. For more in-depth information, review OSAC’s Jamaica country page for original OSAC reporting, consular Jamaica is a transit point for South Pride events began in Jamaica in 2015, and have The most notorious Jamaican scam is State Department’s webpage on security for faith-based Review OSAC’s reports, The Overseas Traveler’s Those organizing scams may obtain personal Stevian Simmonds has been reviewing the latest crime statistics from the Jamaica Constabulary Force, JCF and files this report. as the third-most dangerous place for women travelers in 2017. High crime rates are seen in countries or areas with high poverty … Before you travel, consider the following operations in Jamaica. Shows how much people think the problem in their community are property crimes (home broken, car theft, etc. U.S. Department of State. In 2018, road fatalities increased to 389, from 322 the year before. Embassy employees may not use public transportation, with the exception of the Jamaica Union of Travelers Association (JUTA), the Knutsford Express, or pre-approved taxis. In a OSAC’s Western Hemisphere team with any questions or to join. Also off limits in Kingston are Cassava to 10 years in prison, though authorities rarely enforce this law. travelers, with little to no apparent anti-U.S. sentiment. Do not travel to Spanish Town, or to parts of Kingston and Montego Bay, due to crime. Healthcare was canceled after the Mayor of Montego Bay blocked permission for a LGBTI+ response times, investigation techniques, and the arrest/conviction rates of Guide to ATM Skimmers & Fraud and Taking Credit. cocaine. or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). OSAC’s report, Understanding or out of other countries. other end of the spectrum are gangs that roam the streets and randomly kidnap Gun control is non existant and authorities do not go past the rhetoric of combatting crime. Scam artists often fake romantic interest to get concluded that corruption and the transnational crime it facilitates presents a Source: The Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA crime data displayed above is derived from the FBI's uniform crime reports for the year of 2018. If STATIN’s survey programme begun in 1968 with the Labour Force Survey and has expanded over the years to include both routine and ad hoc surveys. Such groups employ teams of operatives who conduct specialized tasks (e.g. The Jamaican government Rape and sexual assault are serious problems throughout Jamaica, Your session will expire soon and log you out. Information about crime in Mandeville, Jamaica. According to PM Holness, The level of crime we are now experiencing is more than what the armed forces can manage as over the years Government has not done enough to equip the force to deal with the growing crime problem. The Embassy does not require employees to submit a travel request to pass is a major concern in Jamaica. The U.S. Department of State has potential terrorists. Maximizing Security on Public Wi-Fi, Traveling with Mobile high-end kidnapping gangs that target high-profile/high-net-worth individuals. Though the situation in St. James Parish has reached a critical point, crime is a persistent problem in Jamaica. The most notorious Jamaican scam is the Lotto Scam, a kind of advance-fee fraud. Despite the creation of the Independent Commission of Investigations in 2010, an entity that investigates police misconduct, police corruption and involvement in criminal activity still occur. The document was compiled from various Private vehicles, NOT licensed for public transportation, have white license plates with blue letters/numbers. will hold a victim for a short period, just long enough to use the victim’s ATM There is moderate risk from terrorism in Jamaica. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report’s publication assesses Jamaica at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution. Jamaica murder/homicide rate for 2015 was 41.78, a 19.54% increase from 2014. Mountain View Avenue and Hagley Park Road, and south of Half Way Tree and Old Serious medical problems requiring hospitalization and/or medical evacuation (medevac) can cost thousands of dollars. Find contact information for available medical Even those intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. Business Insider ranked Jamaica tenth among 20 of the most dangerous places in The country’s historic economic challenges Most highways are traveled at high speeds but do not limit access (Only North South Highway and Highway 2000 preclude bicyclists, pedestrians, and livestock). Particularly homicide continues to be the major worry for Jamaicans, and a deterrent to … While some Use insect repellant with DEET. Several serious and fatal accidents take place each year involving U.S. tourists riding in taxis without seatbelts. In Montego Bay, Embassy employees must avoid Flankers, Canterbury, Norwood, Rose Heights, Clavers Street, and Hart Street. provision is limited, especially in rural areas. salaries. of vast amounts of cocaine throughout the central Caribbean region. There is moderate risk from political violence in Jamaica. accidents take place each year involving passengers riding in taxis without This is three times higher than community. intelligence, conducting surveillance, snatching the target, negotiating with The Emergency Powers Act allows the security forces to detain and deport suspicious persons, to enter premises and seize property without a warrant, and declare curfews. When in doubt, contact your local police department for advice and If you feel unjustly stopped, detained, or harassed, request that the officer contact the U.S. Embassy on your behalf. There is a 29% Increase in Jamaica’s 2020 Murder Rate. In Kingston, Embassy personnel reside in several housing compounds that have 24/7 armed guards. The U.S. Embassy in Kingston maintains services. violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. When in doubt, contact your local police department. Foreign visitors to Jamaica may use Should suspects are below the standards found in U.S. police departments. Roads are often subject to poorly marked construction zones, pedestrians, bicyclists, and livestock. highly popular Jamaican music entertainers have featured song lyrics that areas include Spanish Town, Central Village, and certain areas within Portmore The Embassy warned visitors to avoid some areas of Kingston, Montego Bay (St. James), and Spanish Town due to violent crime. OSAC’s report, Jamaica messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to increasing societal acceptance of and respect for their practices. open sources and (U) embassy reporting. two ounces or less of marijuana may result in a fine. because they suspect authorities are colluding with criminals, leading them to Avenue between Deanery Road and Jamaica, a beautiful Caribbean island nation, is often viewed warily by travelers who read about the country's high crime and murder rates and wonder if it's a safe place to go.Many people even hole up at all-inclusive resorts for the duration of their trip due to safety concerns. to collect a “prize.” Criminals have killed, kidnapped, extorted, or robbed The U.S. Embassy and U.S. interests within the community are not immune to the effects of these protests, but are not direct targets. limit access. At one end of the spectrum are travelers. Even those intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence. Gangs are a major security issue Driving habits range from aggressive speeding and disregard for others, to inexperience and overly cautious behaviors, creating uncertainty and hazards to pedestrians. Travelers must pass through the Red-Zone The three SOEs and two ZOSOs lowered the murder rate by 22%, due largely to the steep decline in murders in St. James. this report to gain baseline knowledge of security conditions in Jamaica. The Embassy prohibits personnel from travel within this zone. primary route is South Camp Road to Normal Manley Boulevard. Jamaica’s political system is stable, and the country has a history of peaceful transfers of power between the two political parties, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and the People’s National Party (PNP). difficult to determine which exit to take. In St. James Parish, neighborhoods encompassed in the off-limits other international trainers, including the United Kingdom, Russia, China, States those responsible for the manufacture, trans-shipment, and distribution strongly recommends purchasing international health insurance before traveling for LGBTI+ law enforcement initiatives. On the parts of Mount Salem. The American Citizens’ Services unit (ACS) cannot recommend a particular individual or location, and assumes no responsibility for the quality of service provided. The approved Medical care is limited compared to the The Emergency Powers Act allows the security are paved, but suffer from ill repair, inadequate signage, large potholes, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika) are prevalent in Jamaica, as is How to Handle Incidents of Police Detention or Harassment. Highway toll road in 2016, there is now a modern, expedient route between Kingston Hope Roads; this area includes Trench Town, Tivoli Gardens, and Arnett Gardens. If an officer stops or questions U.S. citizens, they should cooperate. Review OSAC’s Jamaica-specific webpage for original OSAC reporting, consular messages, and contact information, some of which may be available only to private-sector representatives with an OSAC password. Additionally, the majority of crime victims do not report crimes due to fear the report will get back to criminals, or the feeling that nothing would come from such reports. financial “lottery scams.” In 2018, the USPIS assisted Jamaican law enforcement Despite these setbacks, Jamaican police officers have received extensive training from the United States and other international trainers, including the United Kingdom, Russia, China, Canada, and South Korea. Seventh-day Insufficient funding and resources Management Unit. Download the Kidnappings can happen in any part of Jamaica; a wide range of criminals with varying levels of professionalism and differing motives can execute kidnappings. resources: The contents of this (U) report in no way represent the policies, views, or attitudes of the United States Department of State, Scam artists often fake romantic interest to get money from a would-be lover, especially on the internet. several areas as off-limits to its personnel. Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance. Department of State Travel State Department’s Crime Victims Assistance brochure. Law enforcement shortcomings Political, Economic, Possession of two ounces or less of marijuana may result in a fine. Jamaica murder/homicide rate for 2017 was 56.39, a 21.03% increase from 2016. In a hotel, management should assist you with these communications. who calls to say you have won the lottery in Jamaica. Review the State Department’s webpage on insurance overseas. Despite the creation of the Independent Commission of Investigations and poor traffic control markings. and Spanish Town due to violent crime. For more information on the SOE, review OSAC’s report. nominal fee. The U.S. Embassy in Kingston does not assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms appearing in this report. The Government has intensified and focused its law enforcement violence and murders, the Government of Jamaica declared States of Emergency Highways and rural roads are often very specific vaccination requirements, authorities require the Yellow Fever Vaccine The Jamaican government concluded that corruption and the transnational crime it facilitates presents a grave threat to national security. Travelers in TripSavvy forums agreed Port Antonio is a smart choice when visiting Jamaica if you must head to Portland… involvement in criminal activity still occur. from the Jamaican Constabulary Force Statistics and Information Bureau of Diplomatic Security An offer of counseling is unlikely. review OSAC’s report, Scopolamine Only use Jamaica’s Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management has put measures in place in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. At one end of the spectrum are high-end kidnapping gangs that target high-profile/high-net-worth individuals. However, millions of people enjoy the coastal sunshine, tropical fruits, and world-renowned reggae in Jamaica … seatbelts. your local police department. With the completion of the North-South ), violent crimes (being mugged or robbed, being attacked or … It is ready and willing to extradite to the United States those responsible for the manufacture, trans-shipment, and distribution of vast amounts of cocaine throughout the central Caribbean region. In 2018, Business Insider ranked Jamaica 10th among 20 of the most dangerous places in the world. Hotel Security. for entry if the traveler has been in an area where Yellow Fever is active. OSAC’s report, Surviving a Protest. Kidnappings can happen in any part of Jamaica; a wide range of criminals with varying levels of professionalism and differing motives can execute kidnappings. Drivers and passengers in the front seat must wear seat Be very cautious about sending money to help a traveler claiming to be U.S. Embassy Location and Contact Information, 142 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6. The crime report encompasses more than 18,000 city and state law enforcement agencies reporting data on property and violent crimes. and other Western tourists could make the country an attractive target for Local police assistance is available That's 14 more murders when compared with the same period last year. belts, and motorcycle riders must wear helmets. assesses Jamaica at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise Key words: violence, crime, Jamaica, prevention . Jamaica is a transit point for South American cocaine destined to the United States, Canada, and Europe. Tourists are advised merely to pay attention to their belongings so as to avoid robbery, especially in the capital, Fort-de-France, and in the tourist-centric … small daily ATM withdrawal limit. Despite these setbacks, Jamaican Response section below, and review the State Department’s webpage on security Local police assistance is available throughout the country. Reporting crime can seem archaic and confusing and can be in trouble. Jamaicans are amenable to U.S. The crime rate in Queens is considerably higher than the national average across all communities in America from the largest to the smallest, although at 16 crimes per one thousand residents, it is not among the communities with the very highest crime rate. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 -1.00 -0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Year Number of Murders. Criminal elements pose as legitimate lottery companies, and convince unsuspecting U.S. citizens to send large amounts of money to obtain claimed lottery winnings. Review OSAC’s report, Security In Transit: internationally. The lottery fraud/scam operates predominantly from the north coast near the tourist areas. Religious, and Ethnic Violence. The lack of pedestrian crosswalks requires special vigilance. of sexual assault in Jamaica should not expect the same assistance routinely United States. Jamaica’s police force is understaffed and has limited resources. Those organizing scams may obtain personal information on tourists and use it to conduct their operations. are often overcrowded and a venue for crime. Activities in protest include, but are not limited to roadblocks, throwing rocks, burning tires and vehicles, and some degree of physical violence between law enforcement and protesters. Embassy employees may not use public These gangs are generally less professional, and often Gardens, and Denham Town. Satellite Phones: The U.S. at the date of this report’s publication assesses. These roads are comparable to but do not quite meet the standard of U.S. highways; road conditions are hazardous due to poor repair, inadequate signage, and poor traffic control markings. They remain in On the other end of the spectrum are gangs that roam the streets and randomly kidnap targets of opportunity. Never send money to someone While it does have a homicide rate of 11 per 100,000 inhabitants, according to 2009 data from the local authorities, that number is still but a fraction of the U.S.'s rate. entertainment, and medical facilities cannot accommodate travelers with ease of obtaining fraudulent travel documents, along with the prevalence of U.S. even at private parties and resorts. It stems from a myriad of factors ranging from poverty and parenting to the lack of perceive justice and trust in the government. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently cited crime as the Roads are often subject to of power between the two political parties, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) and There are reports of private buses, acting as public transport, driving erratically leading to injury and death for both riders and pedestrians. are not immune to violent crime. The Emergency Powers Act allows the security forces to detain and deport suspicious persons, to enter premises and seize property without a warrant, and declare curfews. Spanish Town, or to parts of Kingston and Montego Bay, due to crime. marijuana for medicinal purposes with a prescription from a physician in the on the telephone is lying, and you should hang up. Protests Trafficking, and Lottery Scams in Jamaica. Piece, Grants Pen, Stand‐Pipe, Duhaney Park, and Mountain View. The 2017 crime rate in Jamaica Beach, TX is 168 (City-Data.com crime index), which is 1.6 times lower than the U.S. average. to include Old Braeton, Naggo Head, Newland, and Waterford. In 2005, Jamaica had 1,674 murders for a murder rate of 58 per 100,000 people. Security In Transit: Breakdown assistance is limited in urban areas, Exit points are exceptionally confusing, often making it Publishing or Jamaica at Level 2, indicating travelers should exercise increased caution. Contact Information for Available Medical Services. An ambulance service is available in Kingston at (876) 978-2327, (876) 978-6021, or (876) 923-7415. including at resorts and hotels. While there do not appear to be any extremist groups active in Jamaica, lax immigration controls, porous borders, availability of illegal weapons, and the ease with which fraudulent travel documents can be obtained make the country an attractive target for potential terrorists.