witch do I use? B. Airbus X Extended, PMDG 737 NGX, PMDG 747, und PMDG MD11 exportiert werden. But now i want to fly all types of different routes. An open source file format allows simple creation of new aircraft types. PFPX comes with a large aircraft database ranging from Airbus and Boeing types to smaller airplanes like Citation and Cirrus. An aircraft profile in EFB v2 contains a number of aircraft specific parameters which can be freely altered with the included Profiles editor. I flew the tutorial flights and it was amazing fun. Out of the box, PFPX offers 'profiles' for a plethora of popular airliners such the 737 series, the A320 family, the venerable 757/767 , the 777, the 747, the E-Jets, and so many more. the other says name "PMDG 737-900W NGX Winglets" type "Boeing 737-800ERW". The SimBrief dispatch system supports numerous different aircraft types. FlightSimSoft.com homepage. Boeing 737-800 (BBJ2) CFM 56-7B26: Ariane (X2) Flight Deck Software Flight Simulator default iFly: PMDG / PMDG BBJ2 mod Project Magenta Project OpenSky: Boeing 747-400: CF6 80C2B1F P&W 4056 P&W 4062 RB211-514H: PMDG British Airways Virtual (BAV) configurations: Boeing 747-400 Freighter : CF6 80C2B1F P&W 4056 P&W 4062 RB211-514H: PMDG: Boeing 757-200: … An open source file format allows simple creation of new aircraft types. Driver170 22 Driver170 22 Member - 3,000+ Members; 22 3,570 posts; Location: Scotland; Posted April 23, 2014. PFPX beinhaltet eine grosse Flugzeug Datenbank von Airbus über Boeing bis hin zu kleineren Mustern wie Citation oder Cirrus. PMDG NGX flight planning using PFPX.Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/aussiesim737 Download. Ok i have a few questions that need answered i'm using PFPX with 737 … You'd think topcat and PFPX would both compute the same fuel. PFPX flightplans can be exported to FSX as .pln files but the file structure of EFB2 is not selectable for this location. Dec 3rd 2014 #1,401; Wieso sollte der Wind einen Einfluss auf den Verbrauch haben? Reactions Received 1,392 Posts 9,848. Nur der HSV! Is there a way around this dilema?? I must be doing something wrong. It brings into a single application all of the calculations required to plan for safe and repeatable take-offs and landings. With the iFLY's powerful SDK, the integration between FS2Crew and the iFly 737 … For use with the PMDG 737-700 NGX. Aircraft Profile : Boeing 727 Series by FlyJSim This is a two part series that profiles the Boeing 727 Series from FlyJSim. Download the preset and enjoy your experience even more in this amazing aircraft! What is the correct path and how do I change PFPX preprogrammed path? Original Professional FLight Planner X is required. Full Aircraft List Photo by Håkan Dahlström. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Download our preset and enjoy a new experience with this fantastic aircraft Download PMDG 747: FSLabs A320: PMDG 747 with the profile provides the best reflections possible! Aircraft Types ; Installation; IXEG 737-300 Paints. Happy flights. Hi all, Bit the bullet and got the PMDG 737 NGX. Thanks These aircraft profiles have been developed over many years and have been tested for compatibility with a wide range of add-ons and simulators. B. Airbus X Extended, PMDG 737 NGX, PMDG 747, und PMDG MD11 exportiert werden. The landing lights now illuminate the fuselage properly at night. Welcome! Es gibt erste Bilder von der 737 Kommt sie jetzt nur für den Xer raus? When I translated this review today – I see several mistakes that I made in this flight plan – today I would plan such a flight a little differently. Designed in close consultation with a real-world 737 Captain, this new Edition of FS2Crew brings your iFly 737NG to life by adding an interactive flight, cabin and ground crew to the aircraft! Pfpx And 737 800 Ngx. Filename: cgfac0001.zip: License: Freeware: Added: 9th July 2013, 06:32:26: Downloads: 635: Author: Manuel Jose Larrahondo Burgos: Size: 18118kb: Category: Prepar3D V1-4 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications: Gazpromavia Boeing 737 … Regular navigation database updates are available for realistic route … Using these profiles and … Menu Skip to content. PMDG Team, Will be have access to the tabular data for each airframe and engine configuration you have built this around? FSX/P3D; PMDG; Maik; Mar 24th 2012; 1 … 70; 71 Page 71 of 81; 72 … 81; Basti. I have searched thru the forum and have found many references to the weight mismatch between the FMC and PFPX. For example PFPX calculates an initial optimum level of FL 350, while the FMC calculates FL 367 while still on the ground. IXEG Paints B-C; IXEG Paints D-L; IXEG Paints M-S; IXEG Paints T-Z; Aircraft Types ***** CHANGES TO THE SITE ***** Over the last few years the popularity of this site has grown, and I’m pleased that it’s been of use to so many simmers … The web's best source for PFPX aircraft performance files. It's just a basic livery and does not have the attention to detail that I have developed in making my airline liveries, but is still a very usable BBJ livery. PFPX beinhaltet eine große Flugzeug Datenbank von Airbus über Boeing bis hin zu kleineren Mustern wie Citation oder Cirrus. IXEG 737-300 Paints. You must have the payware PMDG … Recommended Posts . Does anyone have or know where i can get all the data from to enter into pfpx for the 737 … also, PFPX has 2 templates for -900. one says template name "PMDG 737-900W NGX Winglets" and type "Boeing 737-900ERW". I noticed that with the PMDG 737-800 aircraft profile in PFPX I was getting very different fuel numbers between PFPX and Topcat. the -900 weights are the same as the -800s except for the DOW and cargo, is that correct? Repaint by: Manuel Jose, Contact Ground. Both Topcat and PFPX aircraft profiles had the same weights set. Moved to proper forum by Admin PMDG … PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu ; Pfpx And 737 800 Ngx Archived. PFPX performance profiles for Boeing 777-200LR/-200LRF/-300ER aircrafts. Textures in dds format for the payware PMDG 737-600/700 NGX Expansion pack model. Gruß Maik Report Content; Sascha. Professional. Maybe because PFPX is taking into consideration weather and route? After update from FSX to FSX:SE the export for routes into PMDG 737 dosen't work. 3) A list of presently available aircraft types and supported Add-On route export formats : Flight … Currently the database contains over 120 aircraft types, a full list can be viewed by clicking the button below. PMDG 777 with the 777 profile for reflection tool will provide the best possible reflections! THEY ARE NOT TEMPLATES – DO NOT PUT THEM INTO THE AircraftTemplates FOLDER. TOPCAT is an acronym for Take-Off and Landing Performance Calculation Tool It is a highly realistic, easy-to-use planning tool for all serious flight simulator enthusiasts. Version 1.2 - Boeing 737-900 Winglets performance data completely revised; Area of Operations and go around reference data added 1.2 Create an account or sign in to download this Would like to build some aircraft templates for PFPX that I would be happy to share with the community (if that is okay). Prepar3D/FSX GSX Profiles Dynamic Lighting Liveries Fictional Liveries Reflection Profiles Prepar3D v5 Scenery Compatibility Files Prepar3D Presets Airport Patches SODE VDGS Profiles Splash Screens Tools X-Plane Liveries Fictional Liveries JD GHD Repaints Scenery Tools Store Forum A300 Liveries iniVA Contact This is a fictional repaint of the payware PMDG 737-600 NGX as a Boeing Business Jet (BBJ). IXEG Paints B-C; IXEG Paints D-L; IXEG Paints M-S; IXEG Paints T-Z; Installation . PMDG 747/8 I&F variant. Also included are templates built using these profiles that have been tailored to the particulars of popular add-ons from developers like PMDG, iFly and Aerosoft. If you decide to create a new profile, please bear in mind that the automatic linking of a selected aircraft for FS-based simulators like FSX and Prepar3D to its profile is using the aircraft's *.air file name (without the Suffix .air). It was suggested I upload it for others to use. Based in GVA. Reactions Received 41 Posts 842 First Name Sascha Location EDDF/BER … I have found PFPX which looks like its a good choice to create flight plans but it seems you need to setup the plane with all the correct weights etc. As you can see, now we can use the PMDG 737-S (single class) with all the basic weights pre-populated, to work with both TopCat, and the PMDG FMC for the specific model. I only ever fly the PMDG liveried 737-800WL (I never look at the outside of the a/c except to see if ground equip is clear). Here’s how to install and get flight planning with the .per files. These .per files should be treated in exactly the same way as the .txt files bundled with PFPX. This file has been updated from the previous version. By Driver170, April 23, 2014 in PMDG 737NGX | 737NGXu. I'm sure that my ZFW and fuel settings have been entered correcly and correspond with the papers. Planned routes can be exported to various add-ons like Airbus X Extended, PMDG 737 NGX, 747, MD 11 and Captain Sim 757/767. Fictional repaint of the 737-700 BBJ in private colours, registration HB-IXL. Downloadable FMS Files SimBrief now supports over 40 different FMS and … PFPX - Professional Flight Planner X. PFPX - Full Installation (2.04) Win XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10 Installer (446.0 MB) More downloads... Manual (English) The English Manual for PFPX (3.5 MB) Manual (German) The German Manual for PFPX (3.5 MB) Aircraft Type & Add-On export list (Rev. This confirms my statement that the aircraft profiles for the 737-600 and 737-700 have not been optimized, at least not for PMDG. I believe the EFB1 allowed the user to specify the path to imported routes?? PFPX comes with a large aircraft database ranging from Airbus and Boeing types to smaller airplanes like Citation and Cirrus. Planned routes can be exported to various add-ons like Airbus X Extended, PMDG 737 NGX, 747 and MD 11. Geplante und erstellte Routen können einfach per Mausklick für die verschiedensten Add-Ons wie z. Currently a total of 129 aircraft types are available, a complete list can be found below. This was the first livery I painted using the -600/-700 paintkit. I guess the path is incorrect and PFPX dosen't seam to add SE path by auto. Geplante und erstellte Routen können einfach per Mausklick für die verschiedensten Add-Ons wie z. When creating each PFPX PMDG aircraft, make sure you populate the weights and numbers exactly as you did in TopCat, which again, were originally derived from the actual PMDG FMC. I am having problem withe the path for exporting PFPX flight plans into my new installed FSX Stream PMDG I would truly appreciate anyone help. Installation readme, customer options, and PFPX profile suggestions included. PMDG Boeing 777-200LR/-300ER. I don't believe the export path from PFPX can be changed. Regular navigation database updates are available for … PFPX changed this – since then I got PMDG 777, 737 and Jetstream and I can say that I enjoy them so much mostly thanks to PFPX that gives me the opportunity to plan my flights properly. … Multiple engine out schedules and all engine schedules, mach numbers and cost index data. IF YOU DO YOU WILL …