But proof of comfrey’s effectiveness is not limited to anecdotal evidence. “Efficacy of a Comfrey Root Extract Ointment in Comparison to a Diclo-Fenac Gel in the Treatment of Ankle Distortions: Results of an Observer-Blind, Randomized, Multicenter Study.” Phytomedicine 12, no. Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) Also known as boneset or knitbone, comfrey is renowned as a healing herb. jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_922777_33').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_922777_33', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [5, 5], }); On the other end of the spectrum, horses appear to be very sensitive to PAs. After realizing that the lab testing usually entails going ridiculously overboard on dosing before the establishment labels something dangerous, I’m convinced that most things can kill you. i agree. I appreciate your attention to both sides of the debate over hepatotoxicity. Please be advised that the Prostatitis Foundation does Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2003. jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_922777_17').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_922777_17', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [5, 5], });18)Pedersen, Mark. Lay out a cloth and pour the mixture onto it. Comfrey poultices are fine to use with animals, too. Medical research confirms comfrey’s value in treating pains and injuries. I’m very happy to find this after starting my own comfrey in a container last year. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpam.2018.11.002. I believe she refers to Symphytum officinale as “wild comfrey”, and says that it has yellow blooms. It’s medicinally very similar, if not identical, and cannot reproduce by seed. Buchu, Saw Palmetto and Pipsissewa are great genito-urinary tonics and astringents that help strengthen and heal, as well as having anti-microbial actions. Accessed September 21, 2019. https://herbmentor.learningherbs.com/herb/comfrey/#marker-1080-14. *NOTE* Hot soaks are not recommended for acute infection or inflammation. 3. and encourage and support research to find the cause and a cure for prostatitis. I do the best I can to select the information I think will be most useful. It’s seeds are sterile. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpam.2018.11.002. For a hot infusion, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of comfrey and let it steep for around 10 minutes, until it is cool enough to drink. Decoction. Magically, it is associated with health, healing, protection during travel, and prosperity. It also works great when applied topically. If you want reliable info on using comfrey, please check out Susun Weed’s books, articles, website and YouTube videos. Do you have any comfrey stories or formulas you’d like to share? 4 (2018): 135–41. You should also not use comfrey with a dirty wound, for the same reason. Hi KarenBeesley. Digging up the root can actually help spread it by encouraging a new plant to grow from each root fragment that got left in the ground. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without … PAs are plant compounds which can range from harmless to deadly. 325afbbb-3f0c-4d79-a990-0a3124a44907 : Recipe for Marigold decoction 327fc55f-4bd0-45c2-984c-c6ad62dac8c2 : Treasure map XI 32ad55e4-fb31-406c-a8d0-706872ba206e : Recipe for Nighthawk potion 33f044a1-c7b1-497d-adbb-b514cb440fc5 : The Prince-Electors 3426fb05-4786-493b-a64e-6c976aaa5321 : The Peculiar Siege of Prague “Comfrey Monograph.” The Homegrown School of Botanical Medicine. And I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m down on Susan Weed. Apply the oil liberally to aches, pains, injuries, or other areas as desired. Gabriel, on this one l need translation please, Prepare decoction by boiling Behidana (Cydonia Oblonga) 3gm, Unnab Zizyphus (Jujube Linn) 5nos, Sapistan (Cordia Myxa Linn) 7nos in 1 litre water until it reduces to half. Most, if not all, of them share medicinal properties to some degree. Sit in a tub full of the hottest water you can tolerate for 15-30 minutes. Excellent article! Toxicities/Warnings: Ingestion of comfrey is controversial and may be harmful to the liver. Once it’s established, comfrey is notoriously difficult to get rid of. 1. [note]Kucera, Alexander, Milos Barna, Simona Holcova, Ondrej Horacek, Marie Hladiková, and Bertram Ottillinger. But long before comfrey was a scary plant, it was a healing plant of high esteem, used to treat a variety of ills. But they’re not nearly as bad as cactus needles. If you hit it with the tiller, you’ll have a whole village of comfrey plants coming up. Our Lawyer Wants You to Read This Big, Bad Medical Disclaimer –> The contents of this article, made available via The Grow Network (TGN), are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. And once a doctor or scientist labels something as dangerous, everyone that repeats it seems to add in their own extra safety buffer. Topical comfrey use is extremely well tolerated, even on broken skin. Comfrey’s healing abilities are so powerful that John Parkinson, a 17th-century herbalist, said if you boiled comfrey in a pot with pieces of flesh, the comfrey would rejoin the flesh together.1)Forêt, Rosalee de la. Accessed September 21, 2019. https://canvas.instructure.com/courses/1087997/pages/comfrey-monograph?module_item_id=11302739. Imagine how it can heal with the help of comfrey! That’s a hybrid of S. officinalie and S. uplandicum. High John Root: Carry a bit of High John in your pocket to sway a court decision your way. Or maybe it just doesn’t want to grow where it is. Fascinating that the author never tells us what part of the plant contain the most problematic Not only is comfrey great for us, but it’s also great for our gardens. The most well-known property of comfrey is its ability to help your body heal injuries. A syrup is an herbal preparation made by adding honey (or other sweetener) to an herbal decoction or infusion. Strength and breaking up negativity A decoction of the root has been used for stomach problems, bladder complaints and female... 0 likes Read more + ... one lover carries the Eve Root & the other lover carries the Adam Root… As much as I enjoy Susan, I want to be fair and to acknowledge that other opinions on comfrey do exist. If I remember, he got it to grow, but it was shrimpy and weak. “Comfrey: A Clinical Overview.” Phytotherapy Research, 2012. https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.4612. Drink copious amounts of water to help keep the system flushed. Cranberry juice has properties that dislodge bacteria from the bladder wall so that loose invading bacteria are washed away. An empty roll-on deodorant bottle makes a great applicator for using the oil without getting your hands messy. I don’t know where you live, but I think David the Good tried to grow it in Florida. You can consume comfrey by making a tea, decoction, tonics from it or apply it externally in the form of compress, creams, poultice, ointments, etc. If you are unsure of your identification, you may wish to buy comfrey seeds from a reputable retailer. And other herbs, pharmaceuticals, and lifestyle choices may also have an effect on your body’s ability to resist potential damage from PAs. Fresh leaves and roots can also be stored in the freezer. She’s an excellent herbalist with a lot of good information to share, and I would encourage anyone to go and see what she has to say! Common names get sticky, but I am also aware of a “wild comfrey” (Cynoglossum virginianum) with light blue blooms. Learn about health conditions and how herbs may be used … Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. We must also consider lifestyle choices, pharmaceutical use, and pre-existing conditions. This would indicate that multiple phytochemicals, or likely the interaction of various phytochemicals, play an important role in the effectiveness of comfrey.19)Forêt, Rosalee de la. Crush or powder the plant material and mix with water to form a paste. You can use crushed fresh leaves, chopped-up fresh roots, or powdered comfrey. Medical Herbalism the Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Rochester, VT: Healing Arts Press, 2003.p/note] Various preparation methods may impart greater or lesser levels of PAs. There are two popular ways to make comfrey oil. Dill (Anethum graveolens) Also 60 mg. of Zinc Picolinate if symptoms are present, otherwise, 30 mg. would be sufficient. It isn’t picky about sunlight, growing in full sun to full shade. Use herbs like Valerian, Crampbark, and Scullcap to help relax muscles. Its roots reach far down into the earth to pull up minerals. But I also put it in a less hospitable area. But you can also dilute it to spread the nutrients around. The author was Orly Avitzur M. D., a board certified neurologist and medical advisor to Consumers Reports. “Tolerability and Effectiveness of an Antitrauma Cream with Comfrey Herb Extract in Pediatric Use with Application on Intact and on Broken Skin.” International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 5, no. Sorry the article didn’t meet your expectations. However, some people have apparently eaten comfrey without issue. It will grow just about anywhere (although it seems partial to shady spots) and has been used in medicine for a long time. “Comfrey.” HerbMentor. “Comfrey: A Clinical Overview.”, Barna, M., A. Kucera, M. Hladíkova, and M. Kucera. Allantoin, a compound present in comfrey, also prevents inflammation, acne, and skin irritation. Comfrey’s PAs are not well absorbed by the skin. Yes, the root does contain a higher level of PAs than the leaf. Wash the turmeric root thoroughly. 1 inch turmeric root or 1 teaspoon turmeric powder; 1 glass milk; What You Have To Do. If you’re having trouble keeping the poultice in place, try spraying the area with comfrey tea using a spray bottle. Herbs, their properties, dosages, etc. Yup. For more detailed information on this, see the Precautions and Contraindications section below. not warrant, support, sponsor, endorse, recommend or accept responsibility for any health care provider or any treatment or protocol performed by any heath care provider. That’s why I mostly avoided this topic. Relax and try to reduce stress. When Scott is not teaching foraging classes, testing out theories in the garden, or grazing in the forest, he can be found at his Facebook page, “A Forager’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.”. Comfrey oil can be store at room temperature, but will last much longer in refrigeration. Begin a daily regimen of vitamin and mineral supplements that include antioxidants, vitamins A,C, E, Beta-carotene and Selenium. However, you can still propagate it by root cuttings. The mission of the Prostatitis Foundation is to educate the public about the prevalence of prostatitis “Tolerability and Effectiveness of an Antitrauma Cream with Comfrey Herb Extract in Pediatric Use with Application on Intact and on Broken Skin.” International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 5, no. Comfrey is native to Europe and Asia, but has been cultivated in (and subsequently escaped from) much of the temperate world. Comfrey is a powerful healing plant that is sometimes called the king of the vulneraries (healing plants). For example, in a double-blind study, researchers found comfrey to be approximately four times as effective at treating osteoarthritis of the knee as was the placebo.20)Grube, B., J. Grünwald, L. Krug, and C. Staiger. They share a similar shape and texture with comfrey and are medicinally very similar. Place this flat in your freezer. Dietary Supplements--Check the research 5-12-11. (species with purplish flowers, NOT other colors); the parts to use (fresh leaves primarily), and how to use them. Take 1 tablet 3X/day. i pot it up and give it away. One comment she made was, "Selling supplements might yield a handsome profit to some doctors. ... Other skincare tinctures, such as burdock root and red clover, are normally recommended to be taken internally. And some, like Susan Weed, have been taking and recommending nourishing herbal infusions of comfrey for years with no apparent ill effects. It didn’t occur to my mind, that I could have fallen, it was february with ice and snow on streets. But thank God I didn’t fall. Must get it to my garden, it is growing abundantly here around near Helsinki, Finland. Comfrey, , Herbs, Old Blog Format. Drink this up to three times a day.30)Hoffmann, David. I’m glad your comfrey is working out so well for you. Another option would be to use the tea in a sitz bath. plant in chicken runs. Comfrey can help minimize scaring, and may even be useful for fading established scars.17)Hoffmann, David. Also recommended are hot and cold packs applied to the prostate area (between the scrotum and anus), the hot to cold ratio should be 4:1, 2-3X/day. . Comfrey’s PAs are not well absorbed by the skin. Use a spray bottle to cover a desired area several times a day. At 1st Chinese Herbs you will find a large selection of medicinal herbs for a variety of health concerns as well as herbs for healthful living at affordable prices. Echinacea has been used successfully as an herbal treatment for pressure ulcers thanks to its anti-fungal, anti-viral properties. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine seeks to apply scientific rigor to the study of complementary and alternative medicine, emphasizing on health outcome, while documenting biological mechanisms of action. Comfrey is also an excellent herb for reducing pain. Mullein, Comfrey, Cherrybark, Pleurisy Root, Elecampane, Horehound, Chickweed. Cover this with another cloth and slide it into a zipper-lock bag. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpam.2018.11.002. Go ahead and try to dig it all up. Adam & Eve Root: Principally used by lovers; one lover carries the Eve Root & the other lover carries the Adam Root. Panic spreads much faster than prudence or careful research, and soon comfrey had fallen out of favor. Comfrey poultices are excellent for wounds, sores, bruises, bites, pain, arthritis, and even broken bones. 1 (2007): 2–10. Our free, Homemade Fertilizers—15 Simple and Inexpensive Options, Making your own simple and inexpensive homemade fertilizers can be…, How to Germinate Peach Pits (and Why You Should), Discover how to germinate peach pits and save money by…, 12 Uses for Rose Petals — From the Kitchen to the…, Explore the wondrous powers of the rose—from relieving sore throats…, 10 Medicinal Uses for Comfrey: Wound Healer, Muscle Relaxer, Ulcer Treatment, Eyewash, and More. It’s anti-inflammatory, demulcent, and astringent attributes combine to reduce swelling, soothe, protect, and tone inured, angry tissues.23)Pedersen, Mark. But I’m only human. I would suggest obtaining a root division from a knowledgable and reliable grower instead of attempting to grow from seed. Peel it and chew on it the first thing in the morning. It’s still up for debate. Common sense seems to be less and less common these days! “The Safe Ways To Use Comfrey Oil.” Mercola.com.