West will enter you into a wagon race at Gaptooth Breach. Climb up the nearby structure and shimmy across the roof to enter through the barn's roof opening. Use this to your advantage and flee outside, where the rebels will take him out for you, ending the mission. AU for the Chapter 3 mission Blessed are the Peacemakers (spoilers) After the meeting with Colm, Dutch goes looking for Arthur. Advance forward and stop the herd, or they will be run over by a passing train. The game features 1,200 actors, 700 of whom share the game's 500,000 lines of voiced dialogue. A second wave of foes will appear, but the same strategy remains. Upon arriving at the ranch, a cutscene will play and end the mission. After spending some time with no luck, Arthur receives some crickets from Javier to try out as a bait. After the exterior enemies are eliminated, exit the roof and charge through the bank's entrance. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Seth is unarmed, so you'll have to defend while driving. Once the dangers are eliminated, move to the train's engine and depart the station. After a short cutscene, you'll become separated from Nastas and will have to scale and shimmy across the mountain on the left. Take cover behind the raft's small walls and crates to keep safe. Once the area is free of enemies, follow MacDougal to the ground level and mount the horse he provides. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of Americans at Rest Main Quest including all Gold Medals for 100% completion. Because you have no way to take cover, you may have to expend a medicine or two in order to say alive. Use it to kill as many enemies as possible, though defeating them all isn't possible. Check out this guide for a full walkthrough of the Companion Side Mission - Rob a Homestead With Javier Mission from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, and more! Ride with West to the Ridgewood Farm where you'll convince the crow that his tonic is legitimate. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Ross demands your assistance in dealing with the menace. Part way through, the engine will die and you'll need to defend the car with Ross as Fordham repairs it. Exit the vehicle and follow Agent Fordham. The Marshal and his deputies will keep the enemies quite busy. There are ten wolves total, separated into two packs of five. Javier and Arthur head to Ringneck Creek to go fishing. There is little cover, so you'll need to activate Dead Eye to avoid being killed. Next, return to where you started and locate a chest containing your lost gear. I need to do another mission to unlock the area? Quickly enter Dead Eye and execute the bear before it reaches Jack. Once all of the wagons are destroyed, the remaining soldiers will flee and the mission will end. red dead redemption 2 wanted dead or alive javier escuella. The robbers have taken hostages and are ready to execute them. Menu. Stick to a strong weapon and use Dead Eye to eliminate them safely. Pursue your enemy through the caves and up several ladders, eventually leading to a cutscene and the end of the mission. After the enemies are dealt with, Uncle will advise you to check on your family. You can't take cover or use Dead Eye with the gun, so you may need to use medicine to recover any lost health. Meet back up with the Marshal and his deputies and you'll encounter the final shoot out against a hefty amount of foes. To start this mission, go speak to Javier Escuella, who you can find in the Saloon at Valentine (marked with a Je on the minimap).. Javier will be at the … Enter Dead Eye mode and destroy all three of them at once. Uncover every location on the map in Single Player. Return to Seth and he will release Moses from the prison. When all foes are dealth with, proceed down to the basin and free the ranch hands to end the mission. The hunt for Bill Williamson serves as the impetus for the … She'll tell you that Agent Ross has taken a trip down to Mexico and is fishing just north of Chuparosa. Marshal Johnson and his men will inform you about some trouble along the roads. Eliminate the enemies in the same manner and continue following Shaky to the machine gun ammo. You'll join Jack and Rufus for more hunting. Continue following your allies to the Ridgewood Farm. He claims that this is where a stolen machine gun is and will leave you to collect it. Red Dead Redemption is the second installment in the Red Dead series, and the spiritual successor to Red Dead Revolver.The game released in 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.The game takes place in the year 1911, during the decline of the American Old West and the Mexican Revolution. Here's How, Apple Has Now Dragged Valve Into Its Fight Against Epic, By He is also a supporting character in it's prequel, Red Dead Redemption II.He is a former member of the Van der Linde gang alongside John Marston. Either solution will clear your name and end the mission. The fortress is also loaded with TNT crates; shooting these will take out several guards without the need for precise aiming.