Tomorrow is the last day I can return the laptop if I really really have to. I want to be clear that I am not denigrating Apple, I am simply answering the question honestly. While any Mac user can play with GarageBand and iMovie for free, it has been quite expensive if you wanted to move to pro apps — especially if you’re a student. Or you can install the apps for free on Aptoide. You can only exchange unredeemed codes. And since you're buying the licenses from Apple, the software is yours to keep after you graduate. or I must have american apple id or ukrainian apple id and american credit/debit card or american apple id and american credit/debit card? I didn't ask for it but wasn't going to say no. I guess I might as well also try to talk to AppleCare and explain the whole situation all over again. So it sounded like I was back at square one, but after putting me on hold for a few minutes, they said they went ahead and refunded the original Pro Apps bundle purchase and I should see the money back on my card in a few days... at which point I'll just turn around and order the app bundle as a standalone order. When you make an account, you’ll need an email address ending with .edu. As far as I am aware, after you purchase the software online with the education discount you are sent codes via email which you then redeem in the App Store. I’ll make sure it gets updated. So again, I'm wondering if anyone has advice on how to move forward. The store then very kindly gave me the next model up that they did have in stock (better CPU, better GPU, 512 GB out of the box) and adjusted the price down so I wouldn't have to leave empty-handed. Learn how to set up app bundles and effectively market them on your product page. Press J to jump to the feed. Then the conversation continued on the topic of the Pro Apps bundle as discussed in the OP. After you purchase the Bundle, you receive email with redeemable content codes for each app. Exchange codes for managed distribution apps Apple is offering a brand new educational bundle for students and teachers. Surface Pro 7 and Pro Type Cover Bundle The 12.3" touchscreen 2-in-1 laptop that’s ultra-light and versatile — Surface Pro 7 is your endlessly adaptable partner now with faster processing and more connections — plus all-day battery life. Learn how your comment data is processed. So: I am going to try calling that person again today once they're in the office. This was added to my order and I was told that then that I'd be able to pick it up last Wednesday and I'd get an email when it's ready for pickup. So, an update... Something I hadn't mentioned in the OP was that at the end of my very first interaction with AppleCare on this matter (the lady who called Tim Cook "Tom"), I was offered a free Apple TV for my troubles. App bundles make it easy for customers to buy up to 10 of your apps or games in a single purchase. They contact their support people. Apple Pro Apps for Education offers Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, and more for only $200, a savings of $430 over the retail price. Well, by yesterday I had not received that email, so I brought that up as well during my call with AppleCare yesterday. Q&A related to Apple hardware, software, and services. Last Saturday, I go back to the store since I'm in the area and explain the situation to new people. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The apps, worth US$430 separately, are bundled for $199 and include Logic Pro X, Final Cut Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4 and Main Stage 3. Between the time I posted this and now, I've been on the phone with Apple and they're still giving me the runaround. The first AppleCare person I spoke to today confirmed that it's offered as a standalone purchase. Mac. I'd start with whomever you can reach and just demand to keep being escalated up the chain of support techs. ‎Download apps by I CAN DO APPS, LLC, including Language and Vocabulary, Associations from I Can Do Apps, Sequencing from I Can Do Apps, and many more. * Apples Pro Apps For Education are Final Cut, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor and Mainstage. It depends, but Apple products for video production and post are no longer considered “pro” products. There's Plenty to Watch on Apple TV+, But Hardly Anyone is Paying For it. Pro Tools, Education Pricing or Academic 9 or later. Can I buy the Pro Apps Bundle for Education even if I don't have a US address? Apple Pro Apps Bundle for Education Purchased individually, the … A senior advisor can only do so much and it usually has to resolve some sort of technical issue or else it will get kicked back. Apple Pro Apps Bundle Get Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3 together at a discounted price of just A$299 with Apple’s new Pro Apps Bundle for Education. Eventually you'll hopefully be able to reach someone who can actually do something. That was Wednesday. Apple’s site mentions nothing about Unidays. It depends, but Apple products for video production and post are no longer considered “pro” products. This deal requires that you are eligible for Apple's education discount. Education bundle price: $199 USD / $259 CAD. I've already emailed them, asking to call me when they can. Bravo, thank you for these wonderful products. Can I buy “pro apps education bundle” with Ukrainian apple id? I’m absolutely impressed with … I called back a minute later but couldn't reach them. Called the Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you get Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, … Apple just released a software bundle that includes all of their Pro software. Read this on other Apple sites and there is no reference to UNiDAYS on any of them. Clearly there was a clerical error when the laptop exchange took place on day one, it happens, whatever. I call customer service and they say I need to return the laptop and place a new order. Since you got the better computer out of it, I personally wouldn't take it back. A total saving of A$727. It looks like the frontline folks understandably have steps they need to go through to vet a call before handing it off to CR but after telling my whole story to this person, it took 45 minutes but I did make it to someone with the CR group who is now handling the case. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I'm not sure who's doing something wrong but feel like something so trivial should and could have been resolved within a couple of business days. Apple has priced the Pro Apps Bundle for Education at $199.99. So at that point I lost it, called them back and asked to speak with Customer Relations. Also I have Ukrainian debit card. If I buy the Pro Apps Bundle for Education, will I be able to install non-current versions of apps that will run with macOS Mojave? Legal questions EXPLAINED! Emotions apps. You can get all five professional applications for video and music at a special price — including Final Cut Pro, Motion, and Compressor, along with Logic Pro and MainStage with the Pro Apps Bundle for qualifying college students, teachers, and educational institutions. Total price without discount: $859 CAD. Remember this was supposed to be a freebie. I ordered a base model 15" MBP with additional storage (512 instead of 256) with the Pro Apps for Education bundle (this bit is important for later), … Your college or university also needs to partner with UNiDAYS. But it's unimaginable to me that they couldn't tie the purchase of the Pro Apps bundle (an item only available digitally!) If you’re majoring or teaching a class around these subjects, this app bundle is great for you. This laptop with those specs wasn't in stock in any store near me so I ordered it online to have it sent to my local store so I could pick it up in person. Verification requires an account on UNiDAYS, a savings program for college kids. + ad_rnd + '"><\/sc' + 'ript>'); After you purchase the bundle, Apple will send codes that can be redeemed on the Mac App Store. Language and Vocabulary 2. Afterward, I called the store and asked to speak with the person who handled the sale/exchange the weekend prior. Learn how to set up app bundles and effectively market them on your product page. But my email to the help desk was answered immediately, we are both trying to figure out how to fix this. If that doesn't pan out then I'll keep Customer Relations in mind. After launching a new Pro Apps Bundle earlier this month that includes Final Cut Pro, Logic Pro X, and Apple’s other pro apps at a discounted price for … Even with this problem, I am looking to buy more from this excellent company. This is a great idea by Apple. The Pro Apps Bundle includes Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3 for just $199.99. Apple is now offering a Pro Apps bundle to the education market. Available at Apple online A couple more days pass, nothing. Apple has announced that its new Pro Apps Bundle for Education which includes Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3 is now available in 35 countries. to the new laptop and have an App Store redemption code sent to my email, but in two weeks and despite speaking with a dozen people or so in person, over email and over the phone, they haven't managed to do that. ,, Jane Fonda Joins Cast of Apple TV+ Animation ‘Luck’, Plex is Beta Testing an Expansion of its Apple TV App, Drama ‘The Mosquito Coast‘ Arriving on Apple TV+ April 30, Mp3tag for Mac Launches With Powerful Metadata Tools, Apple TV+ Reveals Dramedy ‘Physical’ Starring Rose Byrne, How to Check and Change Privacy and Security Settings on Mac, Find Your Apple Music Replay 2021 Playlist Here, Students Can Get Apple Music Free For Six Months, How to Deauthorize Twitter Apps From Your Account, Shazam Dolly Parton's '5 to 9' Squarespace Super Bowl Advert For Five Free Months of Apple Music, Apple Product Categories Integrate Hardware, Software, Services. I ordered a base model 15" MBP with additional storage (512 instead of 256) with the Pro Apps for Education bundle (this bit is important for later), which can only be bought with a laptop (this is also important). People wanting to take advantage of Apple's heavily-discounted Pro Apps Bundle for Education can now do so in over 30 more countries around the … They can do almost anything that needs to be done, including issuing redemption keys for the individual apps themselves. Even Apple’s site doesnt mention it. Welcome to r/AppleHelp! “To buy products at Apple’s education discount, you simply go to the Apple Education Pricing store, pick your gear (there’s a limit on how much you can buy a year), and check out. Apple is offering a brand new educational bundle for students and teachers. What documentation is available for Final Cut Pro? The $199 bundle includes Mac App Store download codes for Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3. I ordered a base model 15" MBP with additional storage (512 instead of 256) with the Pro Apps for Education bundle (this bit is important for later), which can only be bought with a laptop (this is also important). In this tutorial video I`ll show you how to get them cheap! I have all the receipts and the $199+tax charge for the bundle posted to my credit card the week before I even picked up the laptop. Have a tech question? I love it, I was able to to edit this video and add my own music from Logic to this video. Apple has today taken the wraps off its Pro Apps Bundle for Education, which offers Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3 for just $199.99. These are full versions of the apps, so once they have been downloaded they are linked with your Apple ID and work the same as if you'd bought them for the full retail price. They tell me they'll sort it out. But thanks to Apple's latest move of introducing a Pro Apps Bundle for Education, you can grab yourself a handful of Apple's Pro apps … Apple today introduced a Pro Apps Bundle for Education that includes Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X, Motion 5, Compressor 4, and MainStage 3 … Apple is offering students a massive discount on a bundle of pro apps that includes Final Cut Pro X, Logic Pro X and more. A couple more days pass, nothing. Thanks for reading! I made a mistake; the source I used for this article had mentioned UNiDAYS, and I published it without enough research. AppleInsider: After purchasing the $199.99 Pro Apps Bundle, users receive an email with content codes that can be redeemed on the Mac App Store. In the meantime I did also figure out that you can just buy the stupid Pro Apps bundle by itself, which nobody had been able to tell me all this time. You can create app bundles for paid apps or free apps that offer an auto-renewable subscription to access all apps in the bundle. A week later, I go pick it up, they fetch it from the store room, and clearly it's been dropped on a corner. Feeling like I'm being given the runaround and I'm not going to sort this out with the frontline people, I email the senior analyst again and ask what to do. Call AppleCare and ask to be sent to Customer Relations. var ad_rnd = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000000); Then I get a generic email from Apple (not from the upper-tier person -- whose direct email and phone number I have) saying I need to contact Apple to sort this out. They said I just needed to contact AppleCare per the email I received on Wednesday.