Learn and experiment with all types of topwater lures. The listed running depth of the lure is 3-5 feet. The two best type of lures to use are soft plastic and suspending jerkbaits and tube jigs. It’s a killer topwater lure and is one every bass fishing angler should have in their arsenal. Jigs Having the right topwater lures tied on can give you a huge advantage, but there are also some important things you should keep when target smallmouth bass on the surface. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cast to prime smallmouth hangouts such as eddies, logs near shore, lone rocks, or limestone ledges. It comes in a variety of different color options and bait sizes. A short afternoon rain shower triggered good topwater action here. As far as colors go, you can’t go wrong with Bone, Monkey Butt & Bluegill but it’s always best to match your color based on the bass forage and fishing conditions.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',111,'0','0'])); If you are fishing topwater for smallmouth bass than the Whopper Plopper is a must have. This walking style bait offers a unique acoustic sound that will draw big fish in and deliver when it counts. Here are 10 tips that will help you catch more bass on topwater lures: So when is the best time to use topwater lures? Arguably the ultimate “go to” cold water bass lures are jerkbaits. A short afternoon rain shower triggered good topwater action here. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.”, link to 20 Kayak Fishing Tips to Make You a Better Angler. 1. Although I have seen other anglers have success with the bigger sizes as well. There are certain lures that are especially great for fall bass fishing. Smallmouth bass prefer large clear-water lakes (greater than 100 acres, more than 30 feet deep) and cool streams with clear water and gravel substrate. Don’t forget that water conditions are important as well. Best Smallmouth Bass Lures Reviewed 1. Another all-time great topwater lure for smallmouth bass is the Jitterbug by Arbogast. Best Topwater Lures for Smallmouth Bass River2Sea Whopper Plopper . Twitch it again and wait. Wisconsin Rushes Through Late-Season Wolf Hunt. Make sure to add this bait and technique to your bass fishing arsenal. Bass are focused on shad during the winter, and I prefer a suspending jerkbait for fishing around vertical structure, like main lake bluffs and bridges, this time of year. Some smallmouth bass anglers think that fishing for bronzebacks in clear water is difficult. Aaron Warner is an avid angler with over 15 years of experience. This will appear like a baitfish on the struggling on the surface and an easy meal. Our general rule of thumb for the best lure color is that on dark days, use a dark color and when the conditions are bright, use a light colored lure. Best Baits: 15 Greatest Lures for Smallmouth Bass. Cold Water Bass Fishing: Jerkbait The jerkbait is a staple of cold water fishing for smallmouth and largemouth anglers alike. Here are five can't-miss tactics for catching clear water smallmouth: VanDam: Coax them with jerkbaits. You can find both large and smallmouth bass in the same river or lake but where you find them exactly will differ significantly. 5. One of my favorite things about the buzz bait is its versatility. Start with these techniques but be prepared for other options as bass don’t read these articles. Of course lure selection should be based more on actual water temperature than the date on the calendar. Most of the California lakes in which smallmouths thrive are located in the northern part of the state. Tiltfishing.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Water Clarity determine how fish function. The Zara Spook is one of the all-time great topwater lures. Here are the 7 Best Topwater Lures for Smallmouth Bass: The River2Sea Whopper Plopper has taken the bass fishing industry by storm recently and for good reason. It offers an iconic walk-the-dog action that has proven to catch not only a ton of fish, but it catches bigger fish as well. Brown. It is #7 on the list of the best 7 river smallmouth fishing lures. Depending on the depth, 1/8 to 3/16th oz is often sufficient weight for your jig head. May 20, 2013. James and Al Lindner give a primer of clear water bass fishing. Perhaps the most exciting way to catch smallmouth bass is with topwater lures. The Whopper Plopper comes in both an original and silent version to help you to adapt to the mood of the fish. Listen, the Jitterbug has been flying under the radar recently with all of the other new popular topwater lures. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-box-4','ezslot_5',109,'0','0'])); The right size, action, style, sound and color can all play a major role in your fishing success. My favorite top water lures to use in clear water are the Zara Spook, Poppers and the Whopper Plopper. Natural colors are best in clear water. When targeting smallmouth bass with the Whopper Plopper I find the 90 and 110 sizes to be the most productive. This action often triggers a massive feeding instinct because it resembles a school of baitfish. To catch them we would actually troll in 20-40 feet of overwater depth. You will need to manipulate your rod with short, quick thrusts followed by short pauses to make it resemble the action of prey. Jerkbaits. When a bronzeback takes an interest in a jerkbait, it will attack it with a vengeance so be prepared for your fishing rod to be practically ripped out of your hand. One walk the dog lure in particular that is great for smallmouth is the Gunfish. It also comes in a variety of colors and sizes to help you best match the hatch. Topwater lures are most effective in the hours that mark the transition period of dawn and dusk. Those bass are still the biggest bass I have ever seen caught. It might seem difficult because the water is clear but actually, there is an unexpected benefit because that means the bass can see your bait from a long distance and can come from 30 feet deep or 20 yards away to see what you have to offer. in natural colors like Brown and Black, trailed with a Curl Tail Grub. Bass are a versatile species. Fish topwater lures in low-light conditions and at night. The popper is a great option when fishing for bass around tight cover or out in the open on clear water flats.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',112,'0','0'])); Perhaps the most popular and affordable popper is the Rebel Pop-R. The Rover is an absolute fun topwater lure to fish. Manipulate these lures as subtle topwater offerings first. Lures for Smallmouths. Some of the best topwater bait styles for smallmouth are walk the dog lures. Throwing topwater lures for smallmouth best is one of my all-time favorite way to fish. It’s a killer topwater lure and is one every bass fishing angler should have in their arsenal.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',110,'0','0'])); The Whopper Plopper comes in both an original and silent version to help you to adapt to the mood of the fish. One of the best value and performance buzz baits out on the market is the Booyah Buzz Blade. The versatility, effectiveness and overall ability to get you some big bites makes the swim jig a must have for... 20 Kayak Fishing Tips to Make You a Better Angler. Other topwater lures like poppers and ploppers that have treble hooks are great in open water and around structures, but can easily get hung up in cover. Smallies often travel in schools and will follow baitfish around the lake or linger in an area that is a great ambush point. Various approaches can produce fish during the fall, but some of the very best offerings come from your bag of soft-plastic lures. Poppers, buzzbaits, ploppers, walking baits, wakebaits have all been proven tactics that can catch a lot of fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'tiltfishing_com-box-3','ezslot_9',106,'0','0'])); However, over the years I’ve learned the hard way that there are certain topwater lures that outperform others when fishing for smallmouth’s. June 14, 2013 By Tim Holschlag. This is my favorite choice for lakes that have clear water. One of my all-time favorite topwater lures to target smallmouth bass with is a popper. It features a tungsten ball bearing rattle that produces a unique and enticing sound. In soft plastic baits, that means natural greens and browns and shad colors; for hardbaits, starting with a shad, bluegill, frog, or crawfish-patterned lure is a … Smallmouth bass prefer cool, clear water and rocky habitat—characteristics that are hard to come by in Southern California’s warm, weedy bass lakes. As a rule, in clear water greens, browns, and translucents will be more effective than blacks, blues, and chartreuses – for all lure categories. Stock a few that specifically imitate crayfish—a prime smallmouth food. These days’ anglers have a ton of different topwater lures to choose from. For the price the Rebel Pop-R is tough to beat. The food for these bass will generally be found in these areas and it also provides them a place to hide from the sun. When smallmouth bass are milling about the flats in shallow water and feeding on shiners and minnows, but won’t come up to take a topwater lure or jerkbait, a jig tipped with a three- to five-inch twister tail is unbeatable. So which topwater lures are the best for smallmouth bass? Pitch this lure under hanging branches, boat lifts, or any other hard to reach cover. So how do you best take advantage of the opportunity? Let's look at a handful of the best types of soft lures for this time of year, examining how to rig and present each. If the water is murky, a bright lure works better. It features a double-cupped lip that creates a loud rhythmic sound that any nearby bass will have a hard time resisting. We recommend 5/8 Oz. More Gone Fishin. The best lure colors for clear water conditions are green, brown, and shad, which all commonly match the … Not only does it get a ton of bites, but it will also help you catch some giant smallmouth bass. Making it a great option to give the bass a different look. Beginners should practice the first 4 lures before moving onto the Bass Jig. Its battle tested and flat out catches both monster large and smallmouth bass. As a result, this will keep the lure in the sight of the fish longer. However, this lure is best presented by mastering the pitching and flipping tactics with your baitcaster. Clear water smallies will generally be located either at the bottom of the lakes or in the weed and rock areas. The blades on this bait creates a loud clatter that will annoy any nearby bass so much that they’ll have to smack it. You need to make sure that your lures have the correct … We had one lure that single-handily caught multiple mutant size smallmouth bass in Lake Erie when I a kid. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. In clear water though, that same jig looks unnatural and your results will suffer. This a little more expensive compared to the other topwater lures on this list, but it will not disappoint and is well worth the price. On days in which the skies are blue and the sun is shining its best to use lure that has colors such as chrome and gold or has some green color in it. Ok, for the baits to use while fishing for smallmouth bass in clear water, start with jerk baits or tubes and keep them moving as smallies will actively feed during this time of day. [VIdeo] River and Stream Hopping For Smallmouth Bass, [Video] Searching For Smallies: The River Eddy, [VIDEO] Wacky Jigging With Mike Iaconelli: Catch More Bass When The Bite Is Tough. You have to know which lure is best for the situation. Best Topwater Smallmouth Bass Lures and Tactics. Instead, try a green or brown jig that resembles a crayfish. "There's not another lure more efficient for covering ultraclear water quickly," he … Use topwater lure all-day, not just in the morning & night hours. So what are the best topwater lures for smallmouth bass? In clearer water and on bright, sunny days, a lure in a natural color resembling the forage they're feeding on will fool them into biting. You can mix up the action and colors by adding different trailers and the versatility is unbelievable. When you fish for smallmouth bass in clear water you have to be willing to vary your strategies if you plan to be successful. It’s added weight at the back makes casting it a breeze and gives it an ideal side-to-side action triggering any nearby smallie into striking. Guns. While throwing this lure over the years, I’ve been super impressed with its drawing power. If the day is overcast, use a solid color or a lure that is made of solid colors, white or a color that is in between green and blue and chartreuse is often productive. The sun will create a better reflection off the blade or bright colored smallmouth bass lure, and you’ll have an improved presentation as a result. This chunky smallmouth slammed a prop bait. However, just throwing your bait into the water will not be sufficient. Make sure to use the right lines and equipment. Having success as angler in a kayak is a... Our passion for fishing is what drives us to do everything possible to empower other anglers. Current Lake Texoma smallmouth bass fishing record: Weight: 7.06 Length: 22.75 Date Caught: Jan 29, 2006 Angler: Jay Fuller Lure… Learn how your comment data is processed. Drop shotting is similar in concept but allows the bait to stay a short distance from the bottom in the strike zone of the smallmouth bass. It will allow you to cover a lot of water and catch a lot of fish. Lures retrieved across the current go by quickly from a bass’ viewpoint. Let’s take a look. A slamming strike is likely. I’ve learned over the years that selecting the right topwater lure when targeting smallmouth bass is absolutely critical. The two best type of lures to use are soft plastic and suspending jerkbaits and tube jigs. This site is owned and operated by Aaron Warner. These transition periods are going to be the best time to throw topwater lures.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',118,'0','0'])); However, you can effectively throw topwater lures all day, especially when its cloudy or you find areas with shade. In clear water the best colors to use are natural patterns that are slightly transparent. One of my favorite ways to target bass in grass and around cover is with a swim jig. Probe deeper pools, runs, undercut … It’s an all-around solid popper that will help you catch a ton of fish. Jerkbaits have tremendous drawing power, which is why they're one of VanDam's favorites for clear water. The combination of action and sound is second to none. Recommended Top water Lures: Whopper Plopper, Zara Spook, Popper One of my favorite ways to catch bass in the spring, summer and fall is with top water lures. But you can almost always rely on these lures to produce in the cooling water temperatures of the fall. A smallmouth faces upstream in the current. The great thing about jerkbaits is that when they are in the water they create the same convulsive movements of small fish eaten by smallmouth bass and can call fish from a long distance. You can also try small versions of the same lures you use for largemouth, as well as the mini-crankbaits made by Rebel and Yo-Zuri. Whether you are brand new to fishing out of a kayak or you already an experience pro, every angler wants to catch more fish and become a better angler. However, just throwing your bait into the water will not be sufficient. The best smallmouth bass lures are all the usual suspects that you probably already have in your tacklebox, some will need to be downsized however. You're scraping ice off the windshield, as the truck sputters and grumpily tries to warm its interior. Another great option in clear water is a white or white/chartreuse spinnerbait with willow leaf blades that is burned with a 6 or 7 to 1 gear ratio baitcaster just below the surface. By David A. Cast to prime targets and twitch the lure gently, then let it rest. The Surge in Gun and Ammo Sales Has Created a Boom in Wildlife Conservation Funding . This bait has been helping anglers catch big bass for over 50 years and continues to be a major player in the topwater space. Silver blades and a 2” white, green, rootbeer or black grub work well in most rivers. Baitfish will suspend in the water column during cold weather which makes a jerkbait a perfect choice for mimicking the forage bass are keying in on. If you don’t mind spending a bit more for a premium bait than I’d highly recommend you pick up one of these poppers and give it a try, it will be well worth it.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tiltfishing_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_11',115,'0','0'])); Another fantastic topwater lure designed and created by River2Sea is the Rover. The right lure has the ability to pull in and draw strikes from big smallmouth and are a blast to fish. Conditions can change throughout the fishing day. Clean out your tackle box and stock these 15 winners instead. If you are looking for an all-around great walking the dog style topwater bait than the River2Sea Rover is an excellent choice and I would highly recommend adding it to your topwater box. This lure has been around for decades and straight up catches fish. If that doesn’t produce, reel back slow and steady. Breathing in exhaust fumes as cold chills pulse down your spine as you hook the trailer to the hitch. Smallmouth bass are attracted to lures which resemble small fish or crawdads so you will need to use the lures which have color and create quick movements similar to their usual meals. Only use high quality hooks.Go with natural colored baits in clear water. Everything Smallmouth - Smallmouth Fishing Tips, Articles and Videos Everyday. Conditions can change throughout the fishing day. They can do whatever they want on any given day! If you haven’t had a chance to throw this lure yet, then I would highly recommend giving this bait a try the next time you are craving that topwater bite.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'tiltfishing_com-leader-3','ezslot_14',117,'0','0'])); When I’m fishing areas that have grass or heavy cover, my favorite topwater option is the buzz bait. You need to make sure that your lures have the correct colors for the day and the fishing line is the correct weight. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Booyah Buzz Blade is an all-around great buzz bait and is ideal for targeting smallmouth bass in grass and around heavey cover. Tubes are typically hopped along the bottom mimicking crayfish or baitfish. If these techniques don’t work for you, there is nothing wrong with changing things up completely and throwing a wacky rigged Senko and allow it to sink and twitch while sitting on the bottom of the lake. These are great in deep clear water. They are all smallmouth topwater winners and will help you catch a ton of fish. If you have clear water you may want to consider a natural lure. While you might be tempted to skimp on some things, you shouldn’t skimp on lures. After dragging your lure on the bottom quickly raise the line approximately five to ten feet above the lake bottom. Make sure to check out My Recommended Bass Fishing Gear and Tackle Guide to ensure you have the right gear for your next fishing adventure. (It’s also so much fun to fish)eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])); This legendary walking bait was first introduced in 1939 and has caught bass all over the country ever since. Some smallmouth bass fishermen claim that certain colors work better when the water levels are high and other colors work well when the water levels are low. Latest. 1. A 1/4 ounce Beetlespin spinner bait is an extremely effective lure for smallmouth bass and other species. Using ten pound test flourocarbon will allow the jerkbait to create better action and reducing the chances of the line scaring off wary smallies. Natural-looking lures, such as jigs, senkos, craws, or baitfish-like swimbaits, should be your first choice when fishing for largemouth bass in clear water. However, walking the aisles of your local sporting goods or fishing store can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you are new to bass fishing. Zoom Ultravibe Craw (Best Overall Smallmouth Lure) 2. It’s a must have bait.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tiltfishing_com-leader-2','ezslot_13',114,'0','0'])); The Megabass PopMax is a premium popper that will not only help you catch a ton of fish, but will also help you land some of the biggest smallmouth of the year. I would highly recommend checking out the baits and lures we have covered in this article. They are very well known for their effectiveness in early spring and late fall. The PopMax has a lateral weight system where the weight moves right to left allowing the bait to move back and forth creating a unique walking action. Guns . Fishing for smallies in clear water doesn’t have to be frustrating. These days, there are a ton of different topwater lures out on the market, but not all are equally effective for smallmouth bass. There is nothing quite like it. Every bass fishing angler that throws topwater lures needs to have the Zara Spook in their arsenal. Line selection can improve your chances of success. The best bass lures will not only help you become a better angler, but you’ll enjoy fishing more as well. The second lure one can use is the tube jig or a drop shot with any variety of soft plastic minnow, worms or tubes. In clear water, the smallmouth bass can see your lures clearly so these freshwater game fish who feed on crayfish, insects and baitfish must be tricked into hitting your offering. Smallmouth in rivers will hit any lure being an aggressive fish. [Video] Why Are Smallies Waiting In Line To Eat A Jerkbait? More specifically, hard suspending jerkbaits like a Rapala X-Rap and soft jerkbaits like a Zoom Superfluke.