Ismael 'El Mayo' Zambada Garcia is featured on Netflix's 'World's Most Wanted' docu-series. Her current partner is the nephew of another Sinaloa Cartel boss, Juan José Esparragoza Moreno, also known as “El Azul.”, Source: The Guardian (en), El Sol de México (sp). JULIO SCHERER INTERVIEW WITH EL MAYO ZAMBADA: By subscribing, you can support our efforts to provide a greater variety of news and stories from Mexico. Jalisco’s La Florida, a wealthy family’s 1800s vacation home, once hosted President Porfirio Díaz and was the site of Mexico’s first movies. De acuerdo con la historia del Vicentillo, su padre lo envió a vivir a Tijuana de 1987 a 1991. The Guardian story also revealed that Joaquín Guzmán had decided to retire and turn the cartel leadership over to his son Iván Archivaldo, a plan that didn’t sit well with “El Mayo” Zambada, who is said to have been running the gang while “El Chapo” Guzmán was in jail. He is the father of three sons and four daughters. When Vicente Zambada Niebla was sentenced in a Chicago courtroom last year, he was contrite and repentant for the years he spent as El Chapo's top logistics man. This has made it possible to weave an extensive protection network, in which the inhabitants of the area where it is moved often participate. But community protection would be of little use if El Mayo behaved differently than it has for decades, specialists agree. Click here to sign in or obtain access. Minus one. In his personal security, the capo has dozens of gunmen with weapons of war, as well as an effective communication system. Guzmán Ortiz says she married “El Mayo” Zambada’s son, Vicente Zambada Niebla, on the instructions of her father, but later separated. A British newspaper published a story Friday based on an interview with a woman claiming to be the daughter of drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, but her identity was challenged yesterday by Guzmán’s wife. The government is guilty,” said the 39-year-old owner of a chain of car washes, beauty salons and cafes, charging that he had been betrayed by government officials as well as his Sinaloa Cartel colleague Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada. A multiple homicide on Thursday in Guadalajara’s metropolitan area, the third in just over a week, has left five people dead. Of the Zambada Niebla sisters, three of the four have higher education. Since we erected a paywall at Mexico News Daily, subscription revenues have enabled us to increase our news coverage, offer more feature stories and give us a firm financial foundation on which to operate. Such precautions have served not only to avoid being located, but even to avoid confrontations with other cartels. Emma Coronel also said she would ask for a DNA test. While used in a few traditional dishes, these nuts mostly get turned into dips and sauces or creatively topped as between-meal treats. According to the United States Government, this has allowed him to launder money as a result of his illegal activities. He is protected by 6 women who have built a business, financial, legal, and social shield around Ismael Mario “El Mayo” Zambada García, leader of the Sinaloa or Pacific Cartel, El Universal publishes in a report. Vicente Zambada Niebla Reuters. In 1803, physician Francisco Javier de Balmis came to Mexico on a mission — to end smallpox. Guzmán Ortiz says she married “El Mayo” Zambada’s son, Vicente Zambada Niebla, on the instructions of her father, but later separated. They used to always meet in private places and my dad found it strange that he had suggested that place.”. According to the blacklisting records of the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), eight of the 10 companies that have founded the daughters of “El Mayo” Zambada García they remain in the database. Midiam Patricia and Mónica del Rosario have a degree in Business Administration from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa (UAS). According to US agencies, Zambada García also tends to act more like an entrepreneur than a drug lord. His mode of operation is money, which is used especially to buy protection from authorities … And from the mountain communities where he moves. Zambada García was born on January 1, 1948, so he is 72 years old, according to Internet data. The real case tally is at least nine times higher than the official total and could be up to 26 times higher, according to UNAM estimates. In the last five, it’s morphed into one of Playa Larga’s relaxing luxury stays. Premium content: this page is available only to subscribers. “They buy wills, they buy loyalties and in more than a few cases they are willing to give up their lives for a character of this nature, even if he dedicates himself to illicit activities,” says Jiménez Reynoso. Avenatti sweats it out in a windowless cell. Jesús Vicente Zambada Niebla [3] [4] (Culiacán, Sinaloa 24 de marzo de 1975) también conocido como «El Vicentillo», [5] es un exnarcotraficante del Cártel de Sinaloa.Fue arrestado en la Ciudad de México el 19 de marzo de 2009 [6] y extraditado a los Estados Unidos en febrero de 2010 para ser juzgado por cargos relacionados con el narcotráfico. Nor is he as fond of luxuries like El Chapo, whom the Mexican authorities managed to trace in part taking advantage of this weakness. Source:,, Allí realizaba sus estudios, y a punto de cumplir los 17 años sufrió un atentado a balazos. “Because of their inexperience they ride in luxurious vans, getting drunk on the streets or even shocking,” says Reynoso. “Those two concepts are the ones that have these types of criminals on the street, roaming around and doing business,” he tells BBC Mundo. Vicente Zambada Niebla es hijo de Ismael "Mayo" Zambada, fundador del Cártel de Sinaloa. Go beyond this magical town’s center and you’ll find family businesses where they still make bricks by hand in traditional wood-fired ovens. El Chapo's wife … Zambada pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to import more than 100 kilograms of cocaine and more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana into the U.S. from Mexico, according to … Modesta graduated as a lawyer from the Culiacán University Studies Center. López Obrador is contravening trade deals, hurting investment, damaging consumers and betraying climate change commitments all at once. Following Guzmán’s latest arrest and his conviction in the United States, Zambada became the leader of the cartel. Serafín Zambada Ortiz (born 27 May 1990) is a U.S.-born Mexican convicted drug trafficker and high-ranking member of the Sinaloa Cartel, a criminal group based in Sinaloa.He is the son of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, one of the top leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel.He is married to Karime Ellameli Torres Acosta, the daughter of the late Manuel Torres Félix, another Sinaloa Cartel leader. “My dad is not a criminal. The president is facing severe backlash after using a colloquial phrase to silence criticism of his defense of a candidate accused of rape. The military was directly involved in the disappearance of 43 teaching students in Iguala, Guerrero, in 2014, according to a witness. На нашем сайте собрано огромное количество музыкальных композиций, которые можно как послушать, так и скачать. María Teresa is known for her vocation as an educator at the head of children’s rooms. More On: joaquin guzman. Los Tucanes De TijuanaEl Árbol℗ 2017 Tucanes LLCReleased on: 2017-10-02Auto-generated by YouTube. These young people include those who are detained or who die clashes with authorities and other organizations. Until now, El Mayo has survived all of them. “These types of people as they get older get more experience,” he explains. Would you be more inclined to travel after being vaccinated against Covid-19. En 1995 la violencia terminó con la vida de Vicente Zambada García en Cancún, Quintana Roo, uno de los puntos de entrada del Caribe de la cocaína colombiana. Наш сайт специально создан для любителей онлайн музыки. Mexico’s widely beloved 17th-century nun, intellectual and feminist avatar didn’t let societal gender norms limit her thirst for knowledge. His son is infamous drug lord Vicente Zambada Niebla. He hardly ever sleeps twice in the same place . They even tend to become patrons and protectors of marginalized communities. Financial network [edit | edit source] His wife Rosario Niebla Cardoza, brother Jesús, sons Vicente, Serafín, and Ismael, as well as his four daughters, María Teresa, Midiam Patricia, Mónica del Rosario and Modesta play an active role on narcotics' distribution and money laundering. Zambada is one of the most veteran drug traffickers in Mexico and has not stepped in jail in his 40 years as a drug trafficker. According to Spanish naming customs, it appears that he has four daughters and a … Puerta Paraíso was bought 25 years ago as a family retreat. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Guzmán Ortiz claimed that the two had arranged to meet at a hotel in Mazatlán in February 2014. It is a part of the explanation. Zambada said he paid out $1 million a month in bribes to Mexican officials — among them Humberto Eduardo Antimo Miranda, who led the Defense Ministry under President Felipe Calderon and who Zambada said his father had "in his pocket," and Marco Antonio de Leon Adams, chief bodyguard for President Vicente Fox. n some marginalized regions, especially in the mountainous area of ​​Sinaloa, his group offers employment, security, health and other services that are not covered by local authorities. Joaquín Archivaldo “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera was for years the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, and his main partner and even co-leader was Zambada, his compadre as well. It is in constant motion , especially in the mountainous region shared by the states of Durango, Sinaloa and Chihuahua. Their daughter was born in Zapopan in November 1976, according to the report. May 30, 2019, 2:29 PM Vicente Zambada Niebla, the son of one of Mexico ’s most powerful drug lords, was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Thursday morning, but could be … Unlike other leaders, such as Joaquín Guzmán Loera, Ismael Zambada rarely uses violence to open markets. Unlike Guzmán (captured three times, with two escapes), Zambada has never been detained. El Chapo's wife makes eye-popping reality TV debut aboard sleek yacht. You have entered an incorrect email address! Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Vicente Zambada Niebla anzeigen. Слушать Vicente Zambada онлайн, Скачать Vicente Zambada THE STORY: He confessed to the journalist Julio Scherer that he “never” comes down from the mountains. His story could inform today’s vaccine campaigns. The researcher from the University of Guadalajara, Francisco Jiménez Reynoso, summarizes it in two words: corruption and impunity . The Guardian said verification of some details, along with the hunt and recapture of Guzmán, had delayed publication of the story until last week. Woman claiming to be Guzmán's daughter gives wide-ranging interview. The Guardian quoted Rosa Isela Guzmán Ortiz as saying during a three-hour interview last July that her father was not a criminal, but a businessman who had built a successful business with the approval of the Mexican government. The federal Attorney General’s Office has offered protection to 10 witnesses who testified against former Nayarit governor Roberto Sandoval. Very different from El Chapo Guzmán himself and, above all, from young people who enter into drug trafficking. Vaccination brigades begin inoculating seniors in remote, rural communities. Said the woman claiming to be his daughter: “He had already retired, it was just a question of smoothing it with El Mayo, but it seems the old man didn’t much like the idea,” she said. He is married to Rosario Niebla Cardoza and has eight known children, although not all were with his wife. Vicente Zambada served as a high-ranking leader in the cartel. The official death toll from the cold snap in northern Mexico has risen to 20 after two states reported six more deaths.,, Mexico peso and stocks stumble due to pandemic rebound and gloomy IMF projections, Mazatlan’s International Day for Sexual Diversity to be Celebrated Online, Deputies approved that all films that are released in theaters in Mexico will have subtitles, even those that come in Spanish, Mazatlan prepares for the ‘Governor’s Cup’ 2021 fishing tournament. Guzmán Ortiz showed the newspaper private family photographs of her father and letters he had sent from jail as well as several pieces of identification, including her birth certificate. “We’re completely sure El Mayo betrayed him. Six journalists have spoken out against the plan to dismantle the transparency watchdog, warning it would pose a threat to their profession. His wife, Rosario Niebla Cardoza, and their daughters Midiam Patricia, María Teresa, Modesta and Mónica del Rosario, as well as their daughter-in-law Zynthia Borboa Zazueta, wife of Jesús Vicente Zambada, “Vicentillo”, are founders of at least a dozen companies in various sectors, in livestock and agriculture, real estate, motor transport, fuel distribution, education and childcare, architectural design and the sale of art. “Obviously, these businesses are not done alone, but in many cases have the approval or participation of authorities .”. But Mexican authorities showed up instead and arrested Guzmán. “The blows that life gives them leads them to behave with a very low profile in our society.”. The leader of the Sinaloa Cartel avoids using the telephone and even his employees cannot mention his name} The new Netflix series, World`s Most Wanted, whose first chapter is dedicated to the Mexican drug trafficker Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, has revealed details of how the authorities have persecuted the leader of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel. But his best ally is the discreet profile in his life , something gained from experience says the researcher from the University of Guadalajara. CHICAGO – Jesús Vicente Zambada Niebla, "El Vicentillo", uno de los líderes del cártel de Sinaloa, se declaró culpable desde hace un año por conspirar para Her ex-husband is now in a U.S. prison after he was arrested in Mexico in 2009 and subsequently extradited. Of the old guard leaders and founders of Mexico drug cartels, they have all been arrested at some time. Another sentence, this one for life in prison, for ‘Monsters of…, Blackouts extended to 29 states; gas control center issues alert over shortage, Zihuatanejo boutique hotel offers variations on the art of leisure, An 1800s mansion once for Mexico’s elites now endures time’s ravages, Wyndham Hotels invests US $11 million in Tulum hotel, Vaccination brigades begin inoculating seniors in remote, rural communities. His other son, Vicente Zambada Niebla, was arrested by the Mexican Army on March 18, 2009. SEE FULL FEATURE: One of his daughters owned a nursery, and his wife a milk distributor. Most eco-friendly alternatives to disposable products aren’t cheap, especially when Covid-19 has done a number on many people’s income. The area is known as the Golden Triangle, for its abundant production of poppy and marijuana. 66sharesThe National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) has covered up crimes against migrants including murder, torture, mass kidnappings and rape, according  FULL STORY. Writer Sarah DeVries hopes Mexico and the U.S. can keep migrants’ humanity in mind, yet also not create an open invitation at the border. She also claimed that her father visited her twice at her home in California after he escaped from the Altiplano prison in 2014. Sign up for The Whole Enchilada, our free daily digest of the latest Mexico news. As well, a church minister in Badiraguato, Sinaloa, the cartel boss’ hometown, confirmed the daughter’s identity. Yesterday, however, Joaquín Guzmán’s wife released a letter saying that neither she, Guzmán or other members of his family knew Guzmán Ortiz and rejected the claim that she was the drug lord’s daughter. Until a few years ago, for example, Zambada García sponsored the Christmas festivities in El Álamo, the ranchería where he was born. Guzmán Ortiz’ said her mother was a teacher in Guadalajara in the mid-1970s when she met Joaquín Guzmán, who was then working for the Guadalajara Cartel. The border will remain closed to nonessential travel at least until March 21, the one-year anniversary of the travel ban’s first declaration. Another secret for the survival of leaders like El Mayo is that they do not attack the civilian population , says Martín Barrón, a researcher at the National Institute of Criminal Sciences (Inacipe). Former Sinaloa cartel insider Vicente Zambada continued to testify about the inner workings of the drug ring. Homicides decreased 5.5% in January compared to the same month of 2020 but increased 7.7% with respect to December. Vicente Zambada Niebla confesó que un general del Ejército mexicano, que trabajaba como funcionario en la Sedena, ganaba USD 50,000 de parte de la organización criminal