Na wa o! She was brought here based on another practice, which has completely stopped now. On Feb. 7, 1959, Komo was united in marriage to Mary Etta Hall in Nebraska City, Neb. This is a very gory and heartbreaking story a beg! God please, revive those communities. Sign up to the Connect Nigeria daily newsletter. Their age distributions also cut across infants, toddlers, teenagers and young adults. These migrational movements brought the people now called Bassa Nge and Bassa Komu close together in the same geographical area; otherwise, the two groups of people have nothing in common in their origin, culture or history. In fact, recently, one of us was almost sued by the government because of the matter.”. 1. They spoke the same language, share the same culture. Great news, you would say? Stevens revealed: “One Gbagi man confessed to me that his father was a twin but he could not tell what happened to his twin brother till date. The next thing was that the child fainted. While this practice is widespread among traditional worshipers around the FCT, The Nation’s investigations revealed that it is mostly practised among people of the Gbajingala clan of the Bassa Kuomo tribe. Those who claimed knowledge of it seemed to have been gagged. By a historical coincidence, the Bassa Komu migrants and Nupe migrants (namely, Bassa-Nge) had almost simultaneously migrated and settled in the same geographical area called Bassa Province. Americo-Liberians, who are descendants of free-born and formerly enslaved African Americans that arrived in Liberia from 1822 onward, make up an estimated … The Bassa-Komo has the highest population followed by Bassa-nge and Egbira koto. The Bassa-Nge people can be traced historically to the Nupe ethnic group. Simply a community in gross darkness. The Coordinator of the home, Mr Stephen Olusola, said the foundation was established following the discovery of certain cultural practices among the Bassa Komo tribe of FCT. In other instances, they are left unattended and allowed to die from hunger. Bergamo occupies the site of the ancient town of Bergomum, founded as a settlement by the Celtic tribe of Cenomani. Its headquarters are in the town of Oguma. Please educate them not to kill these innocent infants but rather give them to people who genuinely wish to adopt and raise them as their children. She's pictured circa 1990. She took the child of a woman who died. You will also die and follow me, since that child is supposed to be punished and you’re nursing him.’ Strangely, the woman died. Jesse, known to everyone as Komo, his Indian name, attended school on the reservation through the eighth grade. Traditions of Origin of the Bassa Komo. The latter method is used to exterminate babies whose mothers died during childbirth or right after they were born. And God is divine; so I won’t just do the work from the physical aspect alone. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Bassa Local Government Kogi State, Bassa has three major tribes. The Joshua Project Progress Scale is an estimate of the progress of church planting among a people group, people cluster, country or language. Middle Ages Secara percuma. What is comforting is that well-meaning people are rising up against the evil. Bassa - Komo (Democratic Republic of Congo) kamus dalam talian di Glosbe. So, my husband and I took a decision to leave the place because of their culture of killing twins.” She said. Same thing happening in America they abortion. Bassa -Komo blackmailing Nasarawa govt to get chiefdom – Group October 1, 2018 Editorial IV News 0 The Egbura Cultural Development Association has accused Bassa -Komo ethnic in Nasarawa of blackmailing the state government into creating what they called “illegal chiefdom” for them in Toto local government area through incessant attacks on Egbura communities. After two weeks of fruitless search for a real human who had managed to be alive in spite of the infanticide culture, this reporter was only too excited to meet Habiba (not real name) . They will kill a parent (or both) and are a danger to the community. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. As a result, the number of rescued children grew. God why are these people so primitive in this modern age! I have two other siblings. “My name is Habiba Haruna,” she began. The writing system was reconstructed in the early 1900s by Thomas Flo Darvin Lewis. Other articles where Bassa is discussed: Liberia: Ethnic groups and languages: Kwa-speaking peoples include the Bassa, the largest group in this category and the largest ethnic group in Monrovia; the Kru and Grebo, who were among the earliest converts to Christianity; the De; Belleh (Belle); and Krahn. This woman decided to pick and nurture the child alongside hers, but a day came when, according to her, a form appeared to her, accusing her that ‘that child is my child; it’s an evil child that killed me. How can they be so so cruel and demonic??? The Bassa-komo, Bassa-nge and Egbira koto . They number approximately 800,000 individuals. Also including the Eggan and Hausa community under Lokoja Local Government. She was the first child rescued by Stevens and brought up in the Vine Heritage Home, the home run by Stevens in Kiyi. The Linked Data Service provides access to commonly found standards and vocabularies promulgated by the Library of Congress. He explained that the home is run on the goodwill of many Nigerians and some international organisations. “I left Gurara because of my pregnancy. Your email address will not be published. Since rescuing that first child in 1996, the Stevens have rescued no less than 120 children from communities around the FCT. Some who were born and raised in these communities where this death culture still holds sway, claimed not to know anything about it. He used to come and visit us at the home when we were in Gwagwalada, and he would bring yam and other things for us.”, On the culture of killing in her community, Habiba said, “From what I heard other children say, in some communities, the masquerade (potese) will come into the house and chase away the mother, he will then cut the babies into pieces and pour them in the river. Your email address will not be published. Nov 30, 2016, 14:24 pm. He said I should not touch it, that they want to do Sadaka (sacrifice) with the yam first. Some others are rejected because they are albinos; and some because they have some form of deformity.”. Did I just read that? It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide The tribes include Bamum, Tikar and other people of the Western highlands. 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Share this on WhatsApp. Her response revealed a broken lady who believed that by getting herself pregnant, she had lost out on the opportunity to make anything out of life. Valentine: The Love We Need Now By Melie Onyejepu It is another season of love. The Bassa speak the Basaa language as a mother tongue. the Ethiopian Dassanech tribe to highlight the interplay between taboos, rituals and myths. I learnt that up to three sets of twins died. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. “They said they perform the sacrifice so that the twins will not be taking their things. The power of the gospel can change the situation.”. We also have a triplet and an albino.”. “I was brought up in Vine Heritage Home. and has about … Historical records indicate that the further movement of the Bassa Nge people was brought about as a result of the persistent Massaba raids, popularly referred to as “Eku Anupe” (literally, “Nupe Wars”) of the early 1840s, which was occasioned by the inability of the fleeing migrants to pay tributes to Bida, the current capital of the ancient Nupe Kingdom. While the Nupe migrants (Bassa-Nge people) were living at Mount Patti in present-day Lokoja, this hunter, Eshida, used to cross the River Niger to hunt for game in the forests on the river banks. Periodical article: Title: Notes on the Bassa-Komo Tribe in the Igala Division Unfortunately, with the coincidence of these two distinct ethnic … ... culture or history. Wonderfull nice brown patina. 5663. Among the Bassa Komo tribe in Nigeria, the killing of twins and triplets is still practice. Only God knows how many lil souls they have terminated because of one stupid culture or tradition! He tweets at @jeremiahaluwong. I told him that I will dash him one. The Bassa-Komo has the highest population followed by Egbira koto; the traditional title holder of The Bassa-Komos is the "AGUMA" of Bassa, a 1st class chief, The " Etsu " of Bassa-Nge a 1st class chief and the "OHIOGBA" of Mozum is the traditional chief of the … An important hub on the military road between Friuli and Raetia, it was destroyed by Attila in the 5th century. I’m not just a humanitarian person, I’m first and foremost a missionary trying to save lives according to the instruction I received from God. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation Gboloko is the kingdom headquarter of the Bassa-Nge Kingdom. My wife and I are the only parents they know.”. Many people tend to forget that it’s a spiritual work and it must be approached that way. Ogugu subgroup of the Igala, Gwari, Kakanda, Oworo people (A Yoruba Group), Ogori, Bassa komo, and Magongo. Stevens is of the opinion that the efforts of missionaries who leave their home states to come to the interiors of the FCT to preach the gospel, have contributed in no small way to reducing the killings. Featured Image Source: @anlelechannel – Instagram, Did you find this article useful? The source said the first and second sets of twins they had were boys, but her husband sacrificed them all. It was gathered that suspected mercenaries hired from Agatu, Tiv and Buzu tribes from the neighbouring states by one of the aggrieved communities and stationed in Ketechi village, five kilometres south east of Mozum, … Basa, disambiguated as Basa-Benue, and also called Abacha, Abatsa, Bassa-Komo, Bassa-Kwomu, Rubasa, Rubassa, is a Kainji language spoken in central Nigeria, in the vicinity of Bassa, Ankpa, Nasarawa, and Kwali Local Government Areas and of the city of Makurdi. World class bars and dining | State of the art function facilities | Stunning beachside location The stories, as The Nation’s investigations revealed, are as varied as they are stunning. Massaba, Emir of Bida, marched down with an invading army and encamped on the site of the present-day city of Lokoja from where the Nupe migrants (Bassa Nge people) abandoned the territory for another settlement on the eastern bank of the River Niger, their present abode, Bassa-Nge land. Speaking to The Nation about the infanticide, missionary and endangered infant-rescuer, Pastor Olusola Stevens, noted that “many people seem to be concentrating on the twins’ story,” whereas it goes beyond that. Um,… Can The Igbo And Yoruba Tribes Ever Unite? Beolingus Deutsch-Englisch OpenThesaurus ist ein freies deutsches Wörterbuch für Synonyme, bei … It was later shortened to ‘bassa-nge’ which presently stands as the name of their variety of the Nupe language. The Bassa people are originally from Kogi State, but are found in almost every part of the north, including Nasarawa, Benue and the FCT. For fear of a backlash from her husband, Faith decided to do her husband’s bidding, and one of the twins was killed, using local herbs. During the Great Fulani Jihad by Usman Dan Fodio, while most of them accepted the Islamic faith, the rest of them, fled to the Middle Belt, towards South-West Nigeria to the present Kwara State Ilorin where they settled. 91 talking about this. The name Bassa Nge was acquired from the white colonial officials who referred to all the tribes living within the then Bassa Province as Bassa people. The Bassa-Komo has the highest population followed by Bassa-nge and Egbira koto. Its northern border is the Benue River and its western border is the Niger River. Ritual Sacrifice of Twins (Bassa-Komo People, Nigeria) A lady missionary working with me was the first to have that experience; on the second occasion, it was my sister that had a similar experience. 2. They were now afraid that I want twins. Too many people didn’t seem to know anything about the culture, even those supposedly born and bred in Abuja municipality. But the information came with a warning: “It’s happening in Kwali Area Council. TACOMA, Wash. – Tacoma Fire says a child is dead following a fire at a home in the 2000 block of E. Columbia Avenue Wednesday afternoon. There are times that a child you just rescued would just go for hours, and we’d have to start praying for the child to be revived.